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IAF violated Pakistan air space| Forced to return

Indian fighter jets entering upto 7km into Pakistan in Lahore and Kashmir get a lousy response from the PPP govt. This response will only serve to invite further incursions into our territory and to confirm the Govts "Pakistan Last" policy.

My personal opinion is that they were testing our defences and reaction times and they should have received a befitting reply while on our territory! This land which has been irrigated by the pure blood and brave sacrifies of our parents and grandparents deserves to be protected.

All this while more evidence is evolving of Indian state involvement in the Mumbai Bombings. There is now evidence that one of the alleged Mumbai bombers Ajmal Kasab was kidnapped from Nepal in 2006 by Indian agencies with the help of the Nepalese with the intention of being used at a later date to implicate Pakistan in terrorist acts.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't these types of incidences rather common? I mean I've seen MuradK's posts about how they'd fly over Indian areas and get the forward bases to mobilize their interceptors. I have very little doubt the IAF conducts similar kinds of probing missions.

My guess is that its how each side attains information on the latest interception protocols (which I assume are changed from time to time for security purposes).

If the IAF is on standby to strike targets in east Pakistan then I'm assuming that something like this would have to be done on occasion.

The answer lies in the TIMINGS of the incursion…

You are right that PAF and IAF had been playing these teasing games for last 60 years just to check each others response or may be just for the heck of it….

Day before yesterday, there was news all over here that a Russian Bear entered northern UKs airspace and Tornados scrambled to intercept it, same thing happened few weeks back as well, and Eurofighter were sent to check on the Bear…such things happens all over the world and in many airforces…Look what Turks and Greeks do with each other as well…

But in present time and space, while the stakes are already too high, there are news all over that IAF is planning strikes, both airforces are on high alert, standing CAPs are deployed and emotions are high, any small little incursion can have a big Fallout…The situation right now is anything but Usual….If IAF took the incursions as normal, then I must say that it was a pretty stupid move by them…What if things turned into an actual engagement? Or someone was shot down in the heat of moment? :tsk:

I am sure that in few months time once the things are back to normal, the IAF and PAF will resume to their normal operations ….BUT right now any small little incursion can turn into a big time fiasco….Its all about TIMINGS….:coffee:

Having secured the UN Security Council ban on the Pakistan-based 'non-state actors', India appears to have decided to launch what is called surgical air strikes against their suspected training camps. The first move in that direction was made last Saturday when the Indian air force flew two missions - one in Azad Kashmir and other in Lahore sector.

But the missions did not succeed as timely counter-action by the Pakistan Air Force jets forced the intruding warplanes to turn back. Initially somewhat confusing information emanated from both New Delhi and Islamabad as to what had happened, but by now, that is 48 hours later, India says there was no violation of Pakistan airspace and Islamabad insists there was the airspace violation though it was a "technical mistake".

Meanwhile, the Pakistani public is extremely furious over the Indian action and wants Pakistan to 'teach a lesson' to India, and media reports say that some of the PAF airbases have been placed on high alert.

However, the truth of the matter could be close to a report aired by the CNN: Citing sources in the Pentagon it says Indian air force has begun "preliminary preparations" for a possible attack against Pakistan as India would like to be "quickly in a position to launch air strikes against suspected terrorist camps and targets".

Initially, Information Minister Sherry Rehman had learnt from the Indian air force that the violation was "inadvertent" as "we don't want to escalate the situation". President Zardari was equally forgiving: at the joint press conference with the British Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, he played it down, philosophising that flying at such a height as the jets do a few miles intrusion cannot be ruled out.

"The matter was taken up with the Indian authorities and they were apologetic on the technical mistake", he added. Prime Minister Gilani was no less condescending, but not without the usual bombast that 'adventure would not be tolerated, though this was a technical mistake'.

India has denied point-blank any intrusion "as alleged" by Pakistan. Simply put, Indian warplanes did violate the Pakistani airspace but our government wants us to believe that it was just an innocent mistake on the part of India - a déjà vu of the initial phase of US aerial attacks inside Pakistani territory, which we owned up as our job.

The fact is that the government's reaction is too dubious to be acceptable. It offends commonsense, as it militates against the reality on the ground and commonly held public perceptions. For instance, how could it be that two airspace violations took place on the same day, and that too in Lahore sector which covers the Jamaat-ud-Dawa centre at Muridkay and in the Azad Kashmir sector where another Dawa institution is located?

Then, why were the Indian planes flying so close to the border with Pakistan when under an agreement the air forces of the two countries should avoid flying within 15 miles of the common border during peacetime? And, what was this technical mistake when the modern warplanes are fully equipped with latest technology and other sophisticated instrumentation and there was no reason for them to go astray from the chartered route?

Also, it was a clear day that had further reduced chances of a mistaken intrusion. So, no one is willing to buy the explanation that the intrusions were a technical mistake. Given the deteriorating security situation in the region, the Indian intrusion is believed to be well planned, to serve some definite objectives.

For one, India seems to be testing Pakistan's preparedness against any surgical strikes. Two, India may be raising pressure on Pakistan government to hand over the alleged terrorists and extremists. It may well be a move also to defuse public and media pressures on the Manmohan Singh government to retaliate against the Mumbai terror strikes.

As for now, challenged by the PAF planes which were in the sky on combat air patrol (CAP) the Indian warplanes had turned back. But who knows the next time a 'technical mistake' like this may take the Indian warplanes far deeper into Pakistani territory? This is a serious development that the government should not take lightly.

All political and diplomatic channels should be activated to sharpen the international focus on India's threat to widen the conflict. As a first step, it would be quite appropriate that the Indian High Commissioner is summoned to the foreign office to receive Pakistan's protest over these airspace violations.
The answer lies in the TIMINGS of the incursion…

You are right that PAF and IAF had been playing these teasing games for last 60 years just to check each others response or may be just for the heck of it….

Day before yesterday, there was news all over here that a Russian Bear entered northern UKs airspace and Tornados scrambled to intercept it, same thing happened few weeks back as well, and Eurofighter were sent to check on the Bear…such things happens all over the world and in many airforces…Look what Turks and Greeks do with each other as well…

But in present time and space, while the stakes are already too high, there are news all over that IAF is planning strikes, both airforces are on high alert, standing CAPs are deployed and emotions are high, any small little incursion can have a big Fallout…The situation right now is anything but Usual….If IAF took the incursions as normal, then I must say that it was a pretty stupid move by them…What if things turned into an actual engagement? Or someone was shot down in the heat of moment? :tsk:

I am sure that in few months time once the things are back to normal, the IAF and PAF will resume to their normal operations ….BUT right now any small little incursion can turn into a big time fiasco….Its all about TIMINGS….:coffee:
The IAF is poised to carry out attacks on parts of Eastern Pakistan if so ordered by the government, no doubt about it; which explains why they would want to know the PAF's response protocol.
Pakistani government should realize that "kutte ki dum kabhi sidhi nahi hoti".. therefore must remain cautious and ready.

You could have been more civil... and if you really WANT TO DO THIS WHY STOP SHORT OF GOING ALL THE WAY,have some courage and explain what you are talking about:tdown:
You could have been more civil... and if you really WANT TO DO THIS WHY STOP SHORT OF GOING ALL THE WAY,have some courage and explain what you are talking about:tdown:

i am shore you never see indian tv news if you see in dian mediea then i think webby will write nothing BS from indian mediea is 1000 times more then this.which bad worg they never use for pakistan ??????????????????.

indians lose right of respect from 26\11 :tsk:
The interceptions especially at Aegean sea has become a routine day matter for Turks and Greeks,its very interesting to see both well equipped airforces fighting with each other almost every day...but they hardly end up in a kill....

But if these type of things become a part of our life(Indo-Pak scenario), iam sure things can change in seconds and a violation leading to dogfight can indulge both countries in a war...with excessive use of conventional weapons and for sure un conventional weapons from our side....God forbade if its the last card to play.
IAF jets deployed around Delhi, nuclear plants are no-fly zones

By Iftikhar Gilani

NEW DELHI: The Indian Air Force (IAF) may not be ready to launch airstrikes, but it has deployed fighter jets to prevent any air assault aimed at the national capital.

However, officials deny the IAF deployed its MiG-29 fighter jets at the Hindon Airbase near Delhi amidst tensions four days ago.

Defence Minister AK Antony on Tuesday ruled out military action against Pakistan but said bilateral relations would not be normal until Islamabad took action against terrorists operating from its soil.

IAF jets were a regular deployment at Hindon until about a decade ago when they were moved to Ambala in Haryana.

Other officials said the urgency to re-deploy the fighter planes near Delhi arose because it would take them at least 15 minutes to arrive over the capital from Ambala in case of an emergency.

Meanwhile, the Indian government declared the airspace over all nuclear power installations as no-fly zones to prevent any attack. Indian Civil Aviation Director General Nasim Zaid issued an order directing no person shall fly or assist in flying an aircraft up to the height of 10,000 feet over the area included within a 10-kilometre radius of the nuclear installations.

Until the fresh order by Zaid, Tarapur Atomic Station in Maharashtra was the only no-fly zone in India. However, nuclear power plants like Kalpakkam near Chennai, Rawatbhata near Kota, Narora in UP, Kakrapar near Surat, Kaiga in Karnataka and Kudankulam in Tamil Nadu will now be included in the no-fly zones.

Only the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre (BARC) was left out as it comes in the flight path of the Mumbai airport’s runway
I think Indian and Pakistani officials will just remain out of sight, try and cool things off, then deal with the problem undercover behind the general public.
Afterall, both parties rule out the use of any military action.
Diplomacy would be the way, so no war (thank god), perhaps some ongoing media propaganda, and a few big words/talk from both sides, and after a while, it will calm down..atleast I hope
By the way, the deployment of fighterjets around Delhi and nuclear facilities in India does mean that the Indians are indeed worried and cautious of any possible Pakistani attack, which will most likely not occur if India keeps its mouth shut and stops threatening with cowardly airstrikes.
They're asking for it, if they hadn't threatened Pakistan with retaliation, then these security measurements wouldn't be needed. :undecided:
The IAF is poised to carry out attacks on parts of Eastern Pakistan if so ordered by the government, no doubt about it; which explains why they would want to know the PAF's response protocol.

OK....so IAF has checked the response now....Whats next ? :coffee:
Pakistan protests airspace intrusion by Indian jets

Updated : Thursday December 18 , 2008 1:28:24 PM

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan summoned Indian Deputy High Commissioner in Islamabad, Manpreet Vohra here Thursday and registered its formal protest over recent airspace violations by Indian air force.

Foreign Office summoned India’s envoy after receiving Pakistan Air Force’s report on the incident, in which the Indian fighter jets crossed into Pakistani airspace over Kashmir and over Punjab province last Saturday.

Government said its own fighter jets were scrambled to chase off the intruders, but it also played down the incident by describing the violations as "technical" and "inadvertent".

India's deputy high commissioner, Manpreet Vohra, was given a written protest against the intrusions, saying they contravened a 1991 agreement aimed at preventing such incidents, the foreign ministry spokesman said.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf (PTI) spokesperson on Foreign Relations Dr Shireen Mazari on Tuesday said the intrusion of Indian warplanes into the Pakistan airspace was simply one more deliberate and provocative step on its part in the face of a constantly appeasing Pakistan government.

“The fact that the planes were fully equipped with weapon systems reveals the hostile Indian intent and the choice of Lahore and the AJK shows the dangerous game of brinkmanship India is now prepared to play against Pakistan, having acquired the US support behind its orchestrated move,” she said in her reaction to the incident.

Dr Mazari observed that the Indian Air Force’s hostile act was not simply ‘inadvertent’ as has been claimed by the Indian government. Rather, she said, it was a mean of testing Pakistan’s response and seriousness of intent at the military level.

She pointed out that this could only be regarded as the first warlike step by the Government of Pakistan and a brazen and irresponsible act by a nuclear power against a nuclear neighbour.

“Our state of military preparedness has not been found wanting but our government’s political lack of resoluteness despite support for strong and decisive action by the recently-called APC is a source of concern for the nation,” the PTI spokesperson lamented.

Under these circumstances, she said, the appeasement policy of the government was only a source of further Indian hostility and aggression. “Till India is prepared to act as a responsible nuclear neighbour, Pakistan should suspend the dialogue process with India and the land transit trade access, which could become a security risk for Pakistan,” Dr Mazari added.

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