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IAF violated Pakistan air space| Forced to return

very interesting analysis ! in the indo-pak scenario's there is no such thing as a "Limited Strike" IMO. its all or nothing! and that is why the saner minds are prevailing over the right-wingers on both sides.

actually you are right if you think in teh broader context of fatalism. and that has been the case so far in our combined histories. but i think the things are different in this case. I can explain but then we may end up in deviation from the topic. but what i reiterate is that GoP and GoI , both may gain from limited strikes if IAF is given the go ahead. I am sure both sides have plenty of hawks, but there are more doves now who want peace, and a limited strike may just be ignored if its solely against terrorist infrastructure. My basis for the same is that since there is element of fundamentalism in the rural sector of Pakistan, the probability of soldiers not acting against their own "bretheren" is high, and as such GoP is saved from the situation of ordering troops against this infrastructure, whose existence today is a threat to Pakistani Society itself and is endangering the Country as a whole.
actually you are right if you think in teh broader context of fatalism. and that has been the case so far in our combined histories. but i think the things are different in this case. I can explain but then we may end up in deviation from the topic. but what i reiterate is that GoP and GoI , both may gain from limited strikes if IAF is given the go ahead. I am sure both sides have plenty of hawks, but there are more doves now who want peace, and a limited strike may just be ignored if its solely against terrorist infrastructure. My basis for the same is that since there is element of fundamentalism in the rural sector of Pakistan, the probability of soldiers not acting against their own "bretheren" is high, and as such GoP is saved from the situation of ordering troops against this infrastructure, whose existence today is a threat to Pakistani Society itself and is endangering the Country as a whole.

bro GoP can never allow limited strikes to be carried out by India. that will be a political suicide for them. they are already struggling by allowin drone attacks. and if india does that and pak doesnt respond there will be civil war within pakistan forcing military to take over. GoP accepting such strikes might be a fantacy for u but a nightmare for pakistani politicians. also these doves which u r on about they ll turn into hawks if this happens. believe me u need to understand the mindset of us pakistanis. its a matter of life or death. and stop being so nice in suggestin that pak will benefit from such strikes. one cant be more hypocrate than that. there is no such internal threat to pakistan. if u stop supporting such elements in pak, which is y u have got 18 counsaltes along pak afghan border, things will calm down in pakistan. and stop using these words lik fundamentalism to market ur idea. u think people fighting in afghanistan against US is fundamentalism bec their country was invaded and was bombed to stone age? u think people from pak goin to afghanistan to support afghanis in their Just fight against US is fundamentalism? u think ppl who are fightin in kashmir against occupation of indian army is fundamentalism bec they were never given their right for voting in last six dacades by the so called world's biggest democracy? or do u think involvement of ur army official, who is now a candidate of BJP, in malegon and samjhota express incident is fundamentalism? or do u think indians voting for a person, who is now a CM and was involved in gujrat riots, is fundamentalism?
the only major threat to pakistan is US and indian presence in afghanistan who are busy in making situation for pak from bad to worst. and this term of 'rouge elements' which guys use, only rouge elements in pak are its leaders and not its army and the ISI. army and ISI does wat is in the interest of our nation and for muslims every where.
Somethings need to be made very clear.
What even makes think that "two" jets allegedly loaded with ammunition, flying in a perfect formation, in broad day light, waiting to be picked up by radars.. would have been ordered to go in for a strike??. Guys, We are not playing on a PS3..

This story is totally untrue, and has been confirmed by independent sources.
One of the many grandma tales you have made up..like someone picking up the phone here in india and calling the "president" of your country...and even threatning him of war??? LOL..can you like fill me on how your president takes calls??does he use a phone booth to talk to foreign delegates??
Somethings need to be made very clear.
What even makes think that "two" jets allegedly loaded with ammunition, flying in a perfect formation, in broad day light, waiting to be picked up by radars.. would have been ordered to go in for a strike??. Guys, We are not playing on a PS3..

This story is totally untrue, and has been confirmed by independent sources.
One of the many grandma tales you have made up..like someone picking up the phone here in india and calling the "president" of your country...and even threatning him of war??? LOL..can you like fill me on how your president takes calls??does he use a phone booth to talk to foreign delegates??

That someone was calling from your defence ministry it was confirmed. No call is transferred without due verification. You can fill on yourself on how it seems more like a scenario where Indian top officials might use phone booths to talk to foreign delegates.

It was another matter that after beating war drums Parnab has to go back on Indian words and denied any call from India.
Ohh... grow up guys.
Generally no countries protocol allows a minister to call the other countries premiere about such issues. And added to this 'threatening'?
Almost never.

So it is only reasonable that Pranab never called.
That someone was calling from your defence ministry it was confirmed. No call is transferred without due verification. You can fill on yourself on how it seems more like a scenario where Indian top officials might use phone booths to talk to foreign delegates.

It was another matter that after beating war drums Parnab has to go back on Indian words and denied any call from India.

Hello, normal protocol doesn't allow for a Foreign minister to talk to the President of other countries, it should be either Prime minister or President. Seriously, your government made a mistake of taking that call and making it public. It is an embarrassment to your govt.
That someone was calling from your defence ministry it was confirmed. No call is transferred without due verification. You can fill on yourself on how it seems more like a scenario where Indian top officials might use phone booths to talk to foreign delegates.

It was another matter that after beating war drums Parnab has to go back on Indian words and denied any call from India.

Ok so a foreign minister can make a call from the defence ministry to the president of another country and threaten him of war...New thing I learned from this forum..
One of the zillion illusion pakistanis live in..like one I read on this forum itself..
"Pakistan will reduce India to the size of Sri lanka"..LOL..brilliant..thats precisely the reason why we dont have pollywood...

OWn it up guys, your government is face saving now...

Had Pranab Mukherjee actually made that call..the event wouldnt have died down in one day..even in your media..the one whos already gone to war..

By the way, did you hear?? Your ex-primeminister called your country a "failed state"...or has it been censored like the sting operation carried out by geo tv??

Grow up guys..
Ok so a foreign minister can make a call from the defence ministry to the president of another country and threaten him of war...New thing I learned from this forum..
One of the zillion illusion pakistanis live in..like one I read on this forum itself..
"Pakistan will reduce India to the size of Sri lanka"..LOL..brilliant..thats precisely the reason why we dont have pollywood...

OWn it up guys, your government is face saving now...

Had Pranab Mukherjee actually made that call..the event wouldnt have died down in one day..even in your media..the one whos already gone to war..

By the way, did you hear?? Your ex-primeminister called your country a "failed state"...or has it been censored like the sting operation carried out by geo tv??

Grow up guys..
You telling us Pakistanis to grow up?
How about you and your fellow countrymates grow up and stop crying for war.
The only thing you want confirmed is that Pakistan is at Indias mercy at any time, and that Pakistan is a failed state, which Pakistan is not.
Pakistan has survived quite alot of things in the past, endured sanctions aswell.
Hell, where Pakistan stands today, i'm proud to say that we've done damn well.
Ofcourse, alot of things could've been done better, but that's just the way things go.
Pollywood? You must mean bollywood ofcourse, have you seen the media coverages over the Mumbai bombings? Your Media and Bollywood are like brothers and sisters.
Our media on war? LOL, gotta love the hypocricy.
The Indian media directly went on a rampage with their conspiracy theories and fingerpointing at Pakistan.
Our government is faced saving now...? What do you mean by that?
We're saved? Save against what? Indian pressure? Indian threats? Indian retaliation?
Wake up, first of all, there are no zillion Pakistanis, now we can't say that about the Indians can we now..? ;)
Second, Pakistanis do not live in illusions, it's rather the Indian people who think India is on the right side and India will overpower Pakistan by military force.
It's not that simple, but hey, you can't help it either.
Grow up guys..

Why does India just Shut up and put their money (here really means gun) where their mouth is... OK... End of story...

You wanna fight, try it... no amount of ranting and raving and bitching and moaning on a forum is going to change the outcome of an armed conflict... you think that its that easy and solution then just SHUT UP AND TRY... its just that simple!

Send a letter to Purnab "Mukar"-jee and tell him to "JUST DO IT"... :rofl:
You know if Pakistan had violated India's Airspace the Western Media would have gone all out in condemning Pakistan. When India violates Pakistan airspace very little word of it was mentioned in the West...

Does this tell you anything???
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"Our government is faced saving now...? What do you mean by that?
We're saved? Save against what? Indian pressure? Indian threats? Indian retaliation?"

Read my post again loud, maybe something will get into your boned head
I said face saving not faced saving...the two are completely different and the latter does not even make sense..But then this is you talking..

"Wake up, first of all, there are no zillion Pakistanis, now we can't say that about the Indians can we now..? ;)"
You dont understand English do you?
I said zillion illusions pakistanis live in and not a zillion pakistanis..Sorry for a punch in the gut but half of your post is sensless..

Hell, where Pakistan stands today, i'm proud to say that we've done damn well

You mean you are proud of the fact that your country is a terrorist state.

The fact that policies it pursued earlier is actually the reason why today world is facing terrorism, and muslims are facing hate crimes??
The word "P-A-K-I" today is a disgraceful thing to be said in the entire world second only to the N-word..

Great..go ahead ...BE PROUD..

Why does India just Shut up and put their money (here really means gun) where their mouth is... OK... End of story...

India is a state with an army..Pakistan is army with a state..
We don't fear war, we fear the fact that our neighbouring friends are gonna get slaughtered, for a cause that had been pursued by a few in their office and not the people ..
We don't do kargils...India is a mighty power and they know they can annihillate pakistan.. but they are much more responsible than Pakistan Army..history says that...
You know if Pakistan had violated India's Airspace the Western Media would have gone all out in condemning Pakistan. When India violates Pakistan airspace very little word of it was mentioned in the West...

Does this tell you anything???

The world is not alarmed at the prospect of Pakistani borders being breached.

Blame it on a global conspiracy or simply the result of recent events. That's your prerogative.
The world is not alarmed at the prospect of Pakistani borders being breached.

Blame it on a global conspiracy or simply the result of recent events. That's your prerogative.

I expected some Hindu Indian to say this. The fact remains little word was mentioned about this major casus belli in the West understand!
You mean you are proud of the fact that your country is a terrorist state.

The fact that policies it pursued earlier is actually the reason why today world is facing terrorism, and muslims are facing hate crimes??
The word "P-A-K-I" today is a disgraceful thing to be said in the entire world second only to the N-word..

Great..go ahead ...BE PROUD..

India is a state with an army..Pakistan is army with a state..
We don't fear war, we fear the fact that our neighbouring friends are gonna get slaughtered, for a cause that had been pursued by a few in their office and not the people ..
We don't do kargils...India is a mighty power and they know they can annihillate pakistan.. but they are much more responsible than Pakistan Army..history says that...

btw can u also tell how did policies of indian gov not help terrorism.
ur fuding to LTTE, ur funding to mukti bhani, ur killing of kashmiris, u ppl electing leaders who were involved in gujrat massicre, ur involvement in bangladesh's internal matters, ur armies involvement in bomb blasts, ur killing of christians, ur counslates on our western border, ur support for unrest in tibet area of china, ur drama in maldieves........
if we look at all these i would rather say india is more of a terror state than pakistan. look into ur own colar before pointin fingures at us....
now lookin at the international level. just tell where was all this terrorism before 9/11. what do u want muslims to do. sit in their houses even after their countries have been invaded and bombed on the pretext of WMDs.

and u mighty power first get ur own house in order. how can u annihillate pakistan when our flag flies in ur own cities. remember Assam and IoK????
also u guys couldnt even stop a trawler from enterin ur water and ppl in it taking control of ur financial capital for 3 days and now u talk about annihillating pakistan.

im not sayin pakistan doesnt have problems but im tryin to tell u to first clean ur own courtyard before tellin us to do so. urs is much more dirtier than ours...

proud to be a pakistani :pakistan:
You dont understand English do you?
I said zillion illusions pakistanis live in and not a zillion pakistanis..Sorry for a punch in the gut but half of your post is sensless..

Ah my bad, I usually skim useless posts really fast, thats why I probably didn't read yours carefully.
It still doesn't matter, Pakistanis do NOT live in an illusion, I can't understand why you keep saying that, almost every Pakistani on this board, and across the country knows that it's no use to go to war with India, why?
We both would have nothing to gain, that's the real truth, we do NOT want this situation to further escalate, Indias government on the other hand, with its utterly stupid moves by violating Pakistans airspace, threatening with attacks, mobilising it's airforce is not doing the smart thing, it's playing a very dangerous game, and you Indians seem to love it, you get a boner of the fact that your country might try and push Pakistan to the limits so that war is inevitable.
You seem to think that India will crush Pakistan to a humiliating defeat, that's your wild dream, you want to see Pakistan destabilized, you WANT Pakistan to be labeled as a terrorist state, and I cannot blame you, as these thoughts are not only shared by you, but also by hundreds of millions of Indians.

Read my post again loud, maybe something will get into your boned head
I said face saving not faced saving...the two are completely different and the latter does not even make sense..But then this is you talking..
Pakistan needs to save its image? Its face? I do believe it is the Indian government which needs some face saving, especially after their failed efforts of protecting their own citizens and preventing the Mumbai death attacks which led to atleast 150+ deaths and over 300 wounded.
Even after receiving warnings.
Your "powerfull" country cannot even protect itself from these threats, let alone threats from the PA.

You mean you are proud of the fact that your country is a terrorist state.

The fact that policies it pursued earlier is actually the reason why today world is facing terrorism, and muslims are facing hate crimes??

I am proud of the fact that my fellow Pakistani brothers and sisters are realistic, peace loving, and only want to solve this matter.
And this is true, have you seen any Pakistani say that they want to invade India or attack India? No, everyone has taken a defensive stance.
We simply don't have the capability and size to invade India, our people are realistic on that.
However, it's hard to manage peace and stability when our neighbour tries to flex its muscles and doesn't really add anything usefull to this case by providing evidence for example to the GoP?

Which policies did Pakistan pursue earlier? Please do elaborate.
Pakistan is the reason the world is facing terrorism today? I thought Iraq was the epicentre of terrorism and WMD? Or perhaps Afghanistan? Or wait! Maybe Iran?
Oh I guess it's Pakistan now, you're just one of the same narrow-minded people who don't even know what a real terrorist is, and just blindly follow American-fed propaganda.
Even your media is based upon and copies American way of broadcasting news. (Seen the Mumbai attacks coverage on Indian news stations)?
As I said earlier, you'd LOVE to see Pakistan be labeled as a terrorist state, just like you'd want to see any other muslim nation be labeled as a terrorist state aswell.

The word "P-A-K-I" today is a disgraceful thing to be said in the entire world second only to the N-word..

Great..go ahead ...BE PROUD..
Can you verify this?
Let me educate you a little on the "P-A-K-I" word.
First of all, it is only seen as an insult in Britan, now if you account Britain as "the entire world", then I assume you are also an Indian who always says "The whole world is against Pakistan and believes Pakistan is a terrorist state" or "The entire world supports India and believes India is on the right track".
2nd, "P-A-K-I" is seen by SOME as an insult, because people see it as racial slur, however, that would mean that the word "Brit" is a racial slur aswell right? But it's not.
However, SOME Pakistanis are rather called Pakistani instead of "P-A-K-I", and I can understand that, it shows a sign of respect when you fully prenounce anothers nationality.
The views in Britain, where alot of south-east asian people live are different about this, so your claims about the word are as baseless as your statements about Pakistan.
3rd, yes i'm proud to be a "P-A-K-I"-stani ;).

India is a state with an army..Pakistan is army with a state..
We don't fear war, we fear the fact that our neighbouring friends are gonna get slaughtered, for a cause that had been pursued by a few in their office and not the people ..
We don't do kargils...India is a mighty power and they know they can annihillate pakistan.. but they are much more responsible than Pakistan Army..history says that...

Are you trying to say that India is a real Democracy? I don't think so.
Pakistan is indeed a sovereign nation with a government that needs time to settle. However, Pakistan has always been protected, and at times when it was needed, led by the Army itself, and that was needed because of our aggressive neighbour.
Ofcourse you don't fear war, you've been living in an "illusion" all this time.
No, Pakistan is not gonna get slaughtered, India will not be able to do whatever it likes.
Yes ofcourse India is a mighty power, that's why it hasn't managed to touch Pakistan since their existance.
Indian army responsible? I must say I am truly amazed and shocked at the same time by your ignorant and foolish posts about Pakistans downfall.
If the Indian army was responsible, they wouldn't have sent their fighters to Pakistani airspace at a time where tensions were already at a high level.
Where was the responsibility at that time?
History says Pakistan has done well holding off its so called "peace-seeking" neighbour.

Please get one thing straight, a country goes to WAR with another country if that country can AFFORD war, meaning their ECONOMY, their MILITARY and their PEOPLE are ready for WAR.
The fact that India is threatening Pakistan and trying to put the blame entirely towards Pakistan, without looking at its own faults and problems in the Mumbai attacks, means they are trying to cover up their own mistakes.
If India was that powerfull, Pakistan would've lost quite some territory, perhaps even lost the Pakistani side of Kashmir, or even be controlled entirely by Indians.
But the fact is, it just didn't turn out that way,
And why? Because it's all threats and no action from the Indian side, they will not RISK war simply because they cannot AFFORD it.
Pakistan will retaliate with full force, as the PA will always defend it's own borders, and India is in no position at all to attack Pakistan and get away with it.
If your government was convinced that Pakistan is a pushover, they would've invaded it a long time ago, the fact that they didn't actually says it all.
India will not attack Pakistan, they do not have the guts nor do they have the power to do so without being severely attacked themselves.
So please wake up and smell the coffee, as it is not Pakistan that is the agressor, but India.
Your wet hindu dreams of conquering Pakistan will never see daylight.
Believe it, your country can't harm Pakistan, and neither can Pakistan harm yours.

I welcome you to reality.

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