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IAF sees China, Pakistan as challenges, not threats

who said that? the singh regime?

LCA is a light fighter never seen in real airforces around the world, does the USAF operate such crap? russia airforce? Chinese airfoce?

time to wake up, LCA is already dead.

Time to wake up sir, I know LCA worries you and possible a threat to the export of JF17 also. Its time for China to produce some quality things not junks.
Do some better R & D and then come up with something good. Good luck.
what irfan baloch was doing is ''constructive criticism'' , however most of the points were cleared up in the successive discussion

even i have taken part in many of those discussion and jf 17 is not as good or is at par with mig 29 or f 16
Time to wake up sir, I know LCA worries you and possible a threat to the export of JF17 also. Its time for China to produce some quality things not junks.
Do some better R & D and then come up with something good. Good luck.

jf-17 is not that far behind - tejas.

infect in certain areas its a better option.

the best part about tejas is - it can carry most european instruments too , reason : - no european sanction problems

but jf-17 is already under production and is way cheaper.

chinese can provide - full package of aviation. so no looking around.

jf-17 although not as flexible as tejas , is still a better option for import by smaller countries.
PAF is no match to IAF, both quantitatively and qualitatively.

PLAF is bigger in numeric, but qualitatively poor than IAF, but a match and possible threate to IAF.

I heard from somewhere that pakistan is seeking used F16 (1980 model) from other countries to match in number with IAF.. :tup:

I think u don't have information about IAF fighter plans....how rapidly every year they are falling...during normal test flights.....what they will do in war.....

Just compare the number of jet fighters dropping every year in India, China and Pakistan.

This thing prove the quality, who capable ur Engineers are and How good technology you have....
As much Quantity is concerned.....Then Remember the
Example of MM Alam Pakistani Fighter Pilot who made world record against India by dropping its fighter jets.
I think u don't have information about IAF fighter plans....how rapidly every year they are falling...during normal test flights.....what they will do in war.....

Just compare the number of jet fighters dropping every year in India, China and Pakistan.

This thing prove the quality, who capable ur Engineers are and How good technology you have....
As much Quantity is concerned.....Then Remember the
Example of MM Alam Pakistani Fighter Pilot who made world record against India by dropping its fighter jets.

This was dumb do you even know what fighters are crashing mig 21 mig 27 2 mki crashed one was because of foreign element went inside its engine second one i dont know why these were the only 2 mki crashed in 10 years how many 29 crashed how many 2000 are crashing get a life dude
Nothing more to say...but chinese toys maintain a very bad reputation in Indian market.:yahoo:

:woot: what Chinese MILITARY equipment has India used???

unlike the the toys you are talking about, these are pleanes, with tons of money gone into R & D and testing so I'll have you know, Chinese planes are quite good...
Products are made for different markets.

Indians are poor, so if we sell high quality stuff there, no one will buy. Americans are dumb so we sell garbage to them too since they'll still buy it. Our high quality goods are reserved for inside and for countries with smart, non-poverty level populations.
Products are made for different markets.

Indians are poor, so if we sell high quality stuff there, no one will buy. Americans are dumb so we sell garbage to them too since they'll still buy it. Our high quality goods are reserved for inside and for countries with smart, non-poverty level populations.

You are mad there was boom to buy chinese ga¥ cell phone but once there quality came out people dumped it in huge number now they use cell phone sold by videocon nokia spice g5 etc so dont say we buy any thing once quality is out that good is also out
Products are made for different markets.

Indians are poor, so if we sell high quality stuff there, no one will buy. Americans are dumb so we sell garbage to them too since they'll still buy it. Our high quality goods are reserved for inside and for countries with smart, non-poverty level populations.

wahahahahahaha i wish you write the same thing 5years backs that china got high standard stuff... :lol:
don't showup mate ,its the same poor equipment which found the water on moon couples of year back...
Chinese products are crapy lets take an example of Dell made in China and made in USA ... Chinese models are cheap bt lack in quality like in battery backup,etc etc ... My company now replaced it with HP and HCL ...
Chinese products are crapy lets take an example of Dell made in China and made in USA ... Chinese models are cheap bt lack in quality like in battery backup,etc etc ... My company now replaced it with HP and HCL ...

Not only that even my yonex racquets if it is writen made in china i dont even look at it i use a nano speed 9000 which costs around about 12000 made in japan & 9000 msde in china by just looking at them you can make out the difference
from where the hell did japan came in the picture,

indian manufacturing sector is under lots of pressure from chinese. they buy the raw material from india and sell the product back to india at almost half the price with usable quality. if its so bad why people are buying Chinese stuff ??????

chinese have a way better quality of - airforce forming up in future. right now india have a upper hand in technology because of its imports.

but numbers will kill that gap.

its grave challange for IAF , unless they pull up their socks and indian govt really try to help them out and get out of rubbish.
Products are made for different markets.

Indians are poor, so if we sell high quality stuff there, no one will buy. Americans are dumb so we sell garbage to them too since they'll still buy it. Our high quality goods are reserved for inside and for countries with smart, non-poverty level populations.

So what quality of products China is selling to Pakistan...is quite clear by what u are saying.
So what quality of products China is selling to Pakistan...is quite clear by what u are saying.

Didn't Pakistan cancelled an large order of F-16 because of the lack of funds. But its surprising that Pakistan, with such as small economy, bring such a grief to India. Maybe its because even though India has more money, there is also more waste, technical leadership and strategic foresight.
I think u don't have information about IAF fighter plans....how rapidly every year they are falling...during normal test flights.....what they will do in war.....

Just compare the number of jet fighters dropping every year in India, China and Pakistan.

This thing prove the quality, who capable ur Engineers are and How good technology you have....
As much Quantity is concerned.....Then Remember the
Example of MM Alam Pakistani Fighter Pilot who made world record against India by dropping its fighter jets.

Good point; since you raised it, the IAF will no doubt do more or less what it has in 71, with some changes because of all the hard work they've put in; the PAF will also presumably perform at that level, which is quite fine. I suggest you read accounts of those encounters in books of Pakistani authorship to get a fair idea of what I mean. If you like, I can extract these.

For MM Alam, you need to read Nosy Haider's contemptuous dismissal of claims of magic and supermagic; nothing could be clearer about Alam's claims than Haider's remarks in his book. Please comment only after reading Haider's book.
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