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IAF sees China, Pakistan as challenges, not threats

Funny how these well known facts aren't found in any international publications

I'd personally would start with the summary of the brooks bhgat report in maxwells complete history or the CIAs declassified polo documents. Still amazes me the amount trouble will go to to delude themselves
Alright pepole don't make this another bs thread for GOD's sake.
Just some info for those who are unaware. J-10B is expected to be roughly equivalent to F-16 Block 60. It's superior to Block 52+. The reason why PAF wants F-16s is because J-10B is still a few years away, and PAF already has infrastructure for F-16s.

FC-20 is expected to be even better than J-10B.
And why talk about 3rd gen fighters? Within 5-8 years J-20 will already be mass produced while PAK-FA is still undergoing tests and because Russia will likely keep the first batch to themselves, India may get them in 2020.
And why talk about 3rd gen fighters? Within 5-8 years J-20 will already be mass produced while PAK-FA is still undergoing tests and because Russia will likely keep the first batch to themselves, India may get them in 2020.

J20 wilt also take the same time frame.
Did this post make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside? I bet it did.


Get it?
What happened to you? NVM.....
Looking for consolation in history! guys PAF, PLAAF, IAF all know one another very well, their capabilities, weaknesses, numbers, tactics. If their be any war in NEAR future, it wil be decided by by one factor; which nation is ready to withstand maxmum beating yet can stand. think of it before going to war.
Not guns, not tanks but it is strength of heart that will decide out comes of war.
Funny how these well known facts aren't found in any international publications

I'd personally would start with the summary of the brooks bhgat report in maxwells complete history or the CIAs declassified polo documents. Still amazes me the amount trouble will go to to delude themselves

The report is still classified. So the summary, which I believe would be an assumption of what is considered to be a critique of the military operations would hold as much water as a deflated balloon.

Delusion - drawing conclusions from the 'summary' of what is still a classified report.

About the Polo report, re-read the first para of the first of the 3 papers. Enuff said.
And why talk about 3rd gen fighters? Within 5-8 years J-20 will already be mass produced while PAK-FA is still undergoing tests and because Russia will likely keep the first batch to themselves, India may get them in 2020.

Why not within 10-16 years J-40 will be ready.. and then J-60 in another 15 - 24 years..
THINK AGAIN J 10 = F/16 block 52...Pakistan plans to buy more F-16s | Newspaper | DAWN.COM

words of inspiration:rofl::pop:

Yes we love F-16...And yes as of now JF-17 is nt on par with F-16 Blk 52+ tht PAF uses.

But reguarding Jf-17 vs mig 29 or mirage...... think again my frnd and browse this thread to correct urself.
No wonder Russians themselves r scared of JF-17 (against mig-29) and r tryin to spread misinformation abt JF-17....... Right now it competes with ur mig-29,mirage 2000-5,F-16(older blk),basic version of Gripen(not NG).

JFT is "Extremely close" to MIG-29: Mikhail Pogosyan
Same goes for mirage.
While J-10A is on par with F-16 as the chinese put it................ While PAF is getting FC-20 n even working on it will incorporate an AESA,design changes,avionics etc.
thats why all the PAF fighters were hovering all over Lahore when there was a talk of a surgical strike.
Its better to acknowledge what I earlier said... PAF is no match to IAF both Q & Q at present.

Pakistan plans to buy more F-16s | Newspaper | DAWN.COM

Boasting on chiniese junks can be fatal... world knows the quality Chinese products.

kid, when a country threatens surgical strikes, do you not expect to see their air force on alert, very retarded i must say....

PAF is no match for IAF? PAF in IAF territory can't do much.... BUT IAF in PAF territory can't do much either it's not just fighter jets, take awacs support into account, SAM systems!!

''''Chinese Junks'''' come on now! the JF-17 is as good as any other 4th gen fighter!
and please know that cost-effective does not mean cheap or junk!

overall i'd say that was a pathetic troll attempt and i think your time here is very limited!

With due respect, as you are very much senior, I beg to differ with you.
J 10 and JF17 are new indeed, but they are copy of mig 21 and F16 respectively. F16 in Pak inventory is the most superior fighter , better than IAF Mig29 and Mirage.
But to compare the J10 with F16 Block 52 is foolishness.

JF 17 of PAF may be suprior to IAF Bisons, but its no match to Mig29 and Mirage. J10 is at par with Mig 29 and Mirage. But IAF Mig and Mirage are under heavily upgradation which will make it superior to J10.

ok listen i know your FRESH but please try to go through airforce related threads, threads about the JF-17 and the J-10B/FC-20.

Tell me how you think that the JFT is a copy of Mig-21, please provide me some sort of argument for that....and it's not enough that they both can fly and have wheels, same goes for the J-10; the J-10 and F-16 look nothing alike!!!

J-10A and JF-17 are both capable to any 4th gen fighters out there!!! and in case you didn't know... J-10B/FC-20 the variant for Pakistan will be a 4.5gen fighter so i urge you to re-consider your argument.

These J-10s are getting DSI, AESA radar, a more powerful ECM/EW suite... and i have heard that they may be getting TVC and RAM coating

So do us all a favour, learn about something before you talk about it!

Hey kid, CALM YOUR A$$ DOWN ! This forum is a good training center for Indians like you ..O.K !
You Genius don't even know that Kargil wasn't a PAF vs IAF clash..Now please..these things have been discussed to death before.Come out of your "Fanboy Dream" and taste the REAL world ! I have NO hesitation in accepting that IAF is stronger than PAF right now. . And then here my Indian friends get upset when we Pakistanis say that Indians are suffering from Inferiority complex.....You are yet again proving that Indians (Like yourself) ARE infact suffering from some kind of inferiority complex.Why bringing surgical strike issue here? Did your "hyper" IAF dared to do a surgical strike? LOL Now please end your trolls....PAF was doing CAP missions which was quite normal thing under the given circumstances.

And yes , PAF is using Chinese Junk..I think PAF should go for Super Indian Fighter..LCA :smitten::cheers:

wake up, Myth buster
do some reality check

find ur answer here :


[and awesome thing is that the Author is not some f**in famous : Z** h** ]
Not really they were not upgraded......Even if u do upgrade em they r still old(expect mig-29)

While JFT nd J-10 are brand new babies and are superior n equal to these jets... JFT =mig-29 n mirage.... J-10=F-16 block 52+

The JF 17 is not even close to India's upgraded mirages or Mig 29s. You guys can delude yoursleves all you want.
Yes we love F-16...And yes as of now JF-17 is nt on par with F-16 Blk 52+ tht PAF uses.

But reguarding Jf-17 vs mig 29 or mirage...... think again my frnd and browse this thread to correct urself.
No wonder Russians themselves r scared of JF-17 (against mig-29) and r tryin to spread misinformation abt JF-17....... Right now it competes with ur mig-29,mirage 2000-5,F-16(older blk),basic version of Gripen(not NG).

JFT is "Extremely close" to MIG-29: Mikhail Pogosyan
Same goes for mirage.
While J-10A is on par with F-16 as the chinese put it................ While PAF is getting FC-20 n even working on it will incorporate an AESA,design changes,avionics etc.
i will tell you to read a post made by a very senior pakistani member about mig 29 and jf 17 it will help you to clear your doubt it was made by irfan baloch not sure though but will find it and post it here

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