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IAF, Army engage in war drill along India-China border

Every problem is an opportunity. Yea Tibetans speak Chinese because they are forced to. Plz media reports have shown how you guys send them to education camps....As much as you point out problems in India, India doesn;t resort to sch tactics which is why you may see a few incidents here and there. As for the UN, it is inevitable such an organization is loosing sway, before long your power in it won;t mean much. India is already being swayed to join NATO....now that is something to think about....Sure you and the Pakistanis here can spin it and point oh you guys are slaves to American masters but India will tread a differetn path, a path it will lead..unlike others.

oh we force people in Xizang talking and studying Chinese? How ignorant are you! Our folks at Xizang can study at institutions of higher learning with a strong retention of their own culture. It is on their own volition to study Chinese because it is the language of their future! They can have presence in our professional basketball teams, army, dance troupes, tv actresses, great folk singers ...!

Don't glorify your own policy when the internal affairs of your country are next to shambles.
You can dream of that you can strike deep enough into Chinese defense line to cut our supply line?...we chinese has done once in 1962 to cross Indian defense and strike into the deep land before unilatrally move out...but you have never done that...tell me how realistically you expect us evil chinese to believe that you are capable of doing so?

Tell me how you think of our blogger wrote:Balkanizing, India, Chinese Way...I think we just have similar idea


Times have changed and you exposed a tactic that is hard for you to use again, which is the element of Surprise. INdia never had any intention to attack China as we have shared a long history but I guess your Re education camps missed that point. See the moment you mention such a move about breaking up India, it actually works in favor of India....it has created an unity and bonding that I have not seen before. Within the domestic population, ppl are interested in learning about each other as gain mobility and exposure. Sure, there are some bad incidents but there are many good examples that go unseen and unpublicized. Thank you China..you did what we could not fathom in a short period of time. Again thanks..
You can dream of that you can strike deep enough into Chinese defense line to cut our supply line?...we chinese has done once in 1962 to cross Indian defense and strike into the deep land before unilatrally move out...but you have never done that...tell me how realistically you expect us evil chinese to believe that you are capable of doing so?

Tell me how you think of our blogger wrote:Balkanizing, India, Chinese Way...I think we just have similar idea


indian population base is pretty close to tibet.... chinese population base and industrial base is pretty far... you have only one rail link.. and few road links from where you can send deployments.. supplies to your troops... on the other hand mass population bases is pretty near to border which ensures solid supply lines for continued battle operations on indian side.. our cruise missiles with supersonic speeds will dig 10 meter holes in road and rail links which chinese have at every next km or so.. .... rest terrain will ensure that no other natural way is thr to pass through... then we will start killing your streched soldier at our will ... taking Tibet in our hands... Game OVER chinese fan boy... now again stop brain farting .. its not 62' nehru is not thr. our army strength is not limited to 100000 by govt.. air force will be used this time.. your china will become 7 warring states again.. :) will take back tibet and give freedom to east turkmenistan.. and manchuria and divide china into 7 warring states again :)
indian population base is pretty close to tibet.... chinese population base and industrial base is pretty far... you have only one rail link.. and few road links from where you can send deployments.. supplies to your troops... on the other hand mass population bases is pretty near to border which ensures solid supply lines from continued battle operations.. our cruise missiles with supersonic speeds will dig 10 meter holes in road and rail links which chinese have rest terrain will ensure that no other natural way is thr to pass through... then we will start killing your streched soldier at our will ... taking Tibet in our hands... Game OVER chinese fan boy... now again stop brain farting .. its not 62' nehru is not thr. our army strength is not limited to 100000 by govt.. air force will be used this time.. your china will become 7 warring states again.. :) will take back tibet and give freedom to east turkmenistan.. and manchuria and divide china into 7 warring states again :)

Yes sir, China is doomed before the mighty India. ;) We Chinese are no match.
First of all, they are not the term you are using at all. They are all Pakistani. I suggest you read up history, India being a civilization of great wealth historically brought much ppl from all over, friend or foe. As a result, you see a wonderful mixing pot. Its funny how Chinese and Pakistani think Light or white skin is pretty which proves that you have been mentally ensalved by your Western White masters. As a result, you loathe your the different colors that make up each country beautiful. India always such a problem, but its being challeneged, I personally find darker women gorgeous as well as white. Maybe it has to do with my exposure to the world...

No you are wrong. I never use the word "white is beautiful" but it just happens the Pakistanese in the pix embedded do have fair skins.

The colour of skin is not a concern to me either. I think you indians are grand masters of "white" worshippers. True?
Every problem is an opportunity. Yea Tibetans speak Chinese because they are forced to. Plz media reports have shown how you guys send them to education camps....As much as you point out problems in India, India doesn;t resort to sch tactics which is why you may see a few incidents here and there. As for the UN, it is inevitable such an organization is loosing sway, before long your power in it won;t mean much. India is already being swayed to join NATO....now that is something to think about....Sure you and the Pakistanis here can spin it and point oh you guys are slaves to American masters but India will tread a differetn path, a path it will lead..unlike others.

you can say what ever you want about Tibetan, education camp...bottom line we got what we want that count...

Before you want to cry on Uncle Sam's shoulder now Nato?? it seems that you guys are so lonely :lol:
oh we force people in Xizang talking and studying Chinese? How ignorant are you! Our folks at Xizang can study at institutions of higher learning with a strong retention of their own culture. It is on their own volition to study Chinese because it is the language of their future! They can have presence in our professional basketball teams, army, dance troupes, tv actresses, great folk singers ...!

Don't glorify your own policy when the internal affairs of your country is next to shambles.

They dont have a choice my friend....many things are restricted....its funny how only the CHinese are so oblivious to the plight of your own ppl. Well, I guess that is the problem they are not your ppl , they are Tibetan. Listen, and remember this forever, the internal affairs of India you see today is the fault of successive weak gov;ts; put a strong gov;t in place and you will be mesmerized. Plz, even dogs have to eat scraps. When you force ppl to live a restricted lifestyle, they wil take any opportunity that comes their way. Don;t glorify their ambition as a sign of China's progress. Its a false truth. At least i am more than willing to admit such faults, yet you defend to the point of looking very dumb

---------- Post added at 09:50 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:48 PM ----------

you can say what ever you want about Tibetan, education camp...bottom line we got what we want that count...

Before you want to cry on Uncle Sam's shoulder now Nato?? it seems that you guys are so lonely :lol:

We were lonely, as China started bullying and giving Pakistan numerous weapons packages. Everybody has seen the Chinese charade and called your bluff. Thats why China has stopped saber rattling....while your allies fail

The bottom line is you right, you got what you wanted. INDia will also but our methods are much more different and complicated though to the naked eye it seems simple. Remember, we were giving your Imperial travellers knowledge to take back to your king to enlighten you. Never forget that my friend. Without any interference, such internl issues will resolve itself amicably. Ask yourself without support for such activities from outsiders (you know who), there is only progress. People see our challenges as opportunities.
No you are wrong. I never use the word "white is beautiful" but it just happens the Pakistanese in the pix embedded do have fair skins.

The colour of skin is not a concern to me either. I think you indians are grand masters of "white" worshippers. True?

For some Indians it may be an issue not all. FoR example, I am quite comfortable in my skin. All the pic posted are of "Light" chicks, which is quite false if you ever visited Pakistan. And as for grand worshippers of white skin....plz I suggest you ask the women of you country. In fact, you can see many in the company of white men, black men, even Indian men. I know of Chinese friends who used to get scrubbed by their grandmothers to get the "dirt" off LMAO...
For some Indians it may be an issue not all. FoR example, I am quite comfortable in my skin. All the pic posted are of "Light" chicks, which is quite false if you ever visited Pakistan. And as for grand worshippers of white skin....plz I suggest you ask the women of you country. In fact, you can see many in the company of white men, black men, even Indian men. I know of Chinese friends who used to get scrubbed by their grandmothers to get the "dirt" off LMAO...

LMAO..... I have never seen that.

China is a open minded and secular country. Interracial couples are tolerated, unlike India where even inter-caste marriages warrant death penalty by the barbaric mobs.
indian population base is pretty close to tibet.... chinese population base and industrial base is pretty far... you have only one rail link.. and few road links from where you can send deployments.. supplies to your troops... on the other hand mass population bases is pretty near to border which ensures solid supply lines for continued battle operations on indian side.. our cruise missiles with supersonic speeds will dig 10 meter holes in road and rail links which chinese have at every next km or so.. .... rest terrain will ensure that no other natural way is thr to pass through... then we will start killing your streched soldier at our will ... taking Tibet in our hands... Game OVER chinese fan boy... now again stop brain farting .. its not 62' nehru is not thr. our army strength is not limited to 100000 by govt.. air force will be used this time.. your china will become 7 warring states again.. :) will take back tibet and give freedom to east turkmenistan.. and manchuria and divide china into 7 warring states again :)

your tactic is epic fail, what's the point to have massive population near Indian border...even our rail road got bomb, we still have air transport..as I said before, we will bring as much soldiers and weapons to offset any of your advantage...most likely we will march into New Delhli flawlessly..you're checkmate.

If my brain still farting..I would say that you guys didn't get over with 1962's sickness yet...LMAO, we can just balkanize India as per the article written by an insignificant chinese blogger
They dont have a choice my friend....many things are restricted....its funny how only the CHinese are so oblivious to the plight of your own ppl. Well, I guess that is the problem they are not your ppl , they are Tibetan. Listen, and remember this forever, the internal affairs of India you see today is the fault of successive weak gov;ts; put a strong gov;t in place and you will be mesmerized. Plz, even dogs have to eat scraps. When you force ppl to live a restricted lifestyle, they wil take any opportunity that comes their way. Don;t glorify their ambition as a sign of China's progress. Its a false truth. At least i am more than willing to admit such faults, yet you defend to the point of looking very dumb

We were lonely, as China started bullying and giving Pakistan numerous weapons packages. Everybody has seen the Chinese charade and called your bluff. Thats why China has stopped saber rattling....while your allies fail

The bottom line is you right, you got what you wanted. INDia will always but our methods are much more different and complicated. Without any interference, it will resolve itself amicably. People see our challenges as opportunities.

You are seriously doped by your own and western media. Our folks living in Xizang are enjoying a much improved lives credit to our economic booms. Just to name one single area out of many that we rein supremacy over you: the treatment of women. And you should know much better than I do how badly that women are oppressed in india. that's the "charisma" of your great culture!:sick:
your tactic is epic fail, what's the point to have massive population near Indian border...even our rail road got bomb, we still have air transport..as I said before, we will bring as much soldiers and weapons to offset any of your advantage...most likely we will march into New Delhli flawlessly..you're checkmate.

If my brain still farting..I would say that you guys didn't get over with 1962's sickness yet...LMAO, we can just balkanize India as per the article written by an insignificant chinese blogger

haha neither your quantity is that great to offset indian defensive positions nor you have much quality... we will cripple your supply lines you wont move an inch that is granted... air transport are you joking ...you wont be able to establish air dominance over tibet sky's let alone indian ones...

kid delhi is not a noodle soup that you can sip easy.. your whole china will be turned into flooded wasted lands before you think you can take New Delhi...
You are seriously doped by your own and western media. Our folks living in Xizang are enjoying a much improved lives credit to our economic booms. Just to name one single area out of many that we rein supremacy over you: the treatment of women. And you should know much better than I do how badly that women are oppressed in india. that's the "charisma" of your great culture!:sick:

He is not really doped by the media. He just wants to talk trash about China, like 99.9999% of all Indians.
He is not really doped by the media. He just wants to talk trash about China, like 99.9999% of all Indians.

99.9999% of all Indians do not want to talk trash about china.
infact 99.9999% of all Indians remember china every day in one way or another.

you guys have got an important part in our lives.
i can post a few examples if you want to!
haha neither your quantity is that great to offset indian defensive positions nor you have much quality... we will cripple your supply lines you wont move an inch that is granted... air transport are you joking ...you wont be able to establish air dominance over tibet sky's let alone indian ones...

kid delhi is not a noodle soup that you can sip easy.. your whole china will be turned into flooded wasted lands before you think you can take New Delhi...

How are you so sure that our quantity and quality is not good enough to offset Indians force? our economy is four time larger than your and our military budget is even greater than your...as for Indians force, I'm wondering if you guys will receive enought of import shelfs, munitions and spare parts for your weapons...LMAO

and..you talk like you Indians army or airforce will be at offensive dominant position vis-a-vis Chinese counterparts to talk about cripling our supply lines...most likely it's the other way around.

As matter of fact, we almost reach New delhi in 1962 without any harm to Tibet..let alone China...what make you think that we can't repeat?
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