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IAF, Army engage in war drill along India-China border

How are you so sure that our quantity and quality is not good enough to offset Indians force? our economy is four time larger than your and our military budget is even greater than your...as for Indians force, I'm wondering if you guys will receive enought of import shelfs, munitions and spare parts for your weapons...LMAO

and..you talk like you Indians army or airforce will be at offensive dominant position vis-a-vis Chinese counterparts to talk about cripling our supply lines...most likely it's the other way around.

As matter of fact, we almost reach New delhi in 1962 without any harm to Tibet..let alone China...what make you think that we can't repeat?

You mean the results of 62!!! India retains Arunachal Pradesh, PRC retains some parts of Kashmir namely Aksai Chin?
LMAO..... I have never seen that.

China is a open minded and secular country. Interracial couples are tolerated, unlike India where even inter-caste marriages warrant death penalty by the barbaric mobs.

I suggest you search Youtube Chinese interracial relationship......you will realie your view is not the view perceived by the majority in the world. Also, I can show babrbaric acts commited in China as well....stoning with cinder blocks...woman getting stabbed in public and nobody helping, etc. CHina is not open minded and secular, otherwise you would not have to force anyone to re education camps. Let me ask, you do know such camps exist right?

---------- Post added at 11:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:17 PM ----------

He is not really doped by the media. He just wants to talk trash about China, like 99.9999% of all Indians.

I am not duped. At least I have the freedom to surf any where on the net, unlike you. Then why does China have internet censors? Answer that
You mean the results of 62!!! India retains Arunachal Pradesh, PRC retains some parts of Kashmir namely Aksai Chin?

I mean the result of 62, we gained Aksai Chin from flawless victory but we didn't grab Arunachal Pradesh after marching into Tawang without resistance.
I mean the result of 62, we gained Aksai Chin from flawless victory but we didn't grab Arunachal Pradesh after marching into Tawang without resistance.

And we gained Sikkim without having to lift a finger. now that is a flawless vistory....without any resistance. Think about that
And we gained Sikkim without having to lift a finger. now that is a flawless vistory....without any resistance. Think about that

Sure dude, you know better than me..what 1962 meant for Indian and for China :lol: if you said so then it's must be true that you gain Sikkim flawlessly
Don't come up with BS like this and waste time. Our navy is not Tibet. we will hit back.

You try blocking rivers, it will affect only 5-10% of the volume but then we will block your merchant navy 100% the same minute. Tit for Tat... ab bol!!!

have you understand the consequence of 5-10% water represent to India's population and India's economy?
there again...you just assume the you can hit our merchant ship and yours ships are safe to sail...only in bollywood movie then you can sketch a scenario that nothing will happen to your merchants and warships :lol:
That's a great map. Both the Ganges and the Brahmaputra empty into the Bay of Bengal. The indians are trying to kill Bangladesh by diverting flow from the two rivers. The only way to save Bangladesh is for China to take back our Southern Tibet, cut off the rest of the Brahmaputra basin from india by occupying the "chicken neck" at Siligori Gorge and link up with Bangladesh. In other words, the purple area should either be a part of China or independent countries like Assam, Manipur and Tripura.

Mark my words....China population is concentrated in the East like you said...400 million of ours die....think how mny of yours shall perish...don;t be foolish with your words...tit for tat....your underground bunker/tunnel has already been identified and is being mapped out.....China tred bullying India then we started a dialogue with the US:azn:...waht you are seeing around is the transformation of your backyard.....A lot of your neighbors are tired of your antics.....they are all becoming US satelites....Spheres of Influence...all the money you pour into them wont; matter the way you are rubbing them... As for Nepal...don;t make up stuff....the Indian govt neglected Nepal....now your meddling has made India notice....Nepal was a Hindu Kingdom till very recently.....don;t forget....No matter how much BS you spew you cannot shake that bridge.
LOL keep deluding yourself. USA is not going to protect you against China. They just want to use you as cannon fodder. :lol:
Yes there was....Under Ashoka...and don;t ever forget it....
Ashoka is just an indian myth. You might as well pray to Lord Ram to protect you from China.

is the bigger loser... and after seeing posts from BD members here .. i have no sympathy for them...
so go ahead n do your thing.. but dont ever think that BD will ever cross its limits.. but India will sure block sea lanes close to indian land mass and indian island.. and you must know where andman islands are situated you.. build dams on brahmputra we have reason to block sea lanes for chinese ships... we will make you pay for gulf oil 10 times more... oil for water :)... chinese industries will be squeezed as oil cost rises.. that wud be fun..WIN WIN for india... and if you dare cross arunachal border again.. just a reminder.. 3 mountain divisions stationed thr + Su - 30 MKI + brahmos and defensive position on continous construction since 1962.. it wud be fun annihilating PLA :)
LOL at indian self-delusion. india can't even fly its Mig-21 without crashing. indian ships are sinking like little toys in the ocean. The last time indian boasted about their "elite" army PLA artillery shelled them into fleshy bits.

Your Agni missiles? All your Agni tests are fake because the missile goes up, but never comes down -- they disappear into the indian ocean. When DRDO hands the missiles over to the military and they test it themselves -- it fails every time -- that's what happened to Agni 2.


I would offer a different option, blowing up all the banks along the Ganges, Yamura etc with our precision missiles and let the flood immerse their capital with the foulest water. And guess what kind of organisms will grow and mutate in an environment like their dreamed heaven: 40 degrees and plenty of wastes to feed on
Ganges water is full of bacteria from corpses and touching that stuff would kill an ordinary human being. Even indians who are slightly more used to their country's low sanitation standards are scared of it.

poor chinese high IQ fanboys.. after telling u every freakin fact ur back on square one.. haha ... better brain fart on some others face,, we indians gonnaa. gang bang you everywhere ..:)
LMAO india still butthurt from 1962.
Check any map. :azn:

The vast majority of our population lives in the Eastern half of China. The Western half of China is mostly unpopulated.

On the other hand... the Indian capital New Delhi is right next to the Tibetan border. As well as the Indian population centers along the Ganges river, again which is right next to the Tibetan border.

Given China's track record, their army is damn professional in killing innocent unarmed civilians.
Ashoka is just an indian myth. You might as well pray to Lord Ram to protect you from China.
You ought to be an idiot to even doubt that!! Unfortunately since there is a dearth of real intelligent (read non fanbois) Chinese posters in this forum, you and your ilk dont make it easier to stereotype Chinese posters. Almost all of you bots derail and flamebait the forum threads with your absurdity and neo-nationalism - you brainwashed idiots!

To my compatriots, learn to ignore these bots - their posts and their threads. Reply if and ONLY IF, its really worth it. Lets mhelp make this forum more serious.
haha neither your quantity is that great to offset indian defensive positions nor you have much quality... we will cripple your supply lines you wont move an inch that is granted... air transport are you joking ...you wont be able to establish air dominance over tibet sky's let alone indian ones...

kid delhi is not a noodle soup that you can sip easy.. your whole china will be turned into flooded wasted lands before you think you can take New Delhi...
When the time comes to finish off india, China will level New Delhi completely with air strikes from our airbases in Tibet. Once New Delhi is burning, most of the indian states will declare independence.

China will then deploy heavy armor to the subcontinent plains via railways we are building to Lahore and Kathmandu and roll over what remains of republic of india in our tanks. Pakistani Army and PLA will occupy most of india, including New Delhi, and make her people our subservient to perform menial labor, and we will call indians "low caste" and call ourselves "high caste"......
When the time comes to finish off india, China will level New Delhi completely with air strikes from our airbases in Tibet. Once New Delhi is burning, most of the indian states will declare independence.

China will then deploy heavy armor to the subcontinent plains via railways we are building to Lahore and Kathmandu and roll over what remains of republic of india in our tanks. Pakistani Army and PLA will occupy most of india, including New Delhi, and make her people our subservient to perform menial labor, and we will call indians "low caste" and call ourselves "high caste"......

How high are you?
That's a great map. Both the Ganges and the Brahmaputra empty into the Bay of Bengal. The indians are trying to kill Bangladesh by diverting flow from the two rivers. The only way to save Bangladesh is for China to take back our Southern Tibet, cut off the rest of the Brahmaputra basin from india by occupying the "chicken neck" at Siligori Gorge and link up with Bangladesh. In other words, the purple area should either be a part of China or independent countries like Assam, Manipur and Tripura.

LOL keep deluding yourself. USA is not going to protect you against China. They just want to use you as cannon fodder. :lol:

Strange. No comment on stoping water and de-hydrating 40 million Indian. WOW. I guess my Map shown its effect.
When the time comes to finish off india, China will level New Delhi completely with air strikes from our airbases in Tibet. Once New Delhi is burning, most of the indian states will declare independence.

China will then deploy heavy armor to the subcontinent plains via railways we are building to Lahore and Kathmandu and roll over what remains of republic of india in our tanks. Pakistani Army and PLA will occupy most of india, including New Delhi, and make her people our subservient to perform menial labor, and we will call indians "low caste" and call ourselves "high caste"......

Hahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaahaahahahahahaa ...i ve never seen so much of bull crap in my entire life :woot: and Chinese here speak of having higher IQ....:lol: What a fail are these "China Strong" fan boys. :rofl:
Sure dude, you know better than me..what 1962 meant for Indian and for China :lol: if you said so then it's must be true that you gain Sikkim flawlessly

Sorry to burst you bubble dude. Its a fact India gaind Sikkim without lifting a finger. You do know that China has Re-education camps right? Your comrade did not reply to it? 1962 is not a big deal for us really. YOu guys hype it up more than it is. YOu guys sneak attacked, so it was kind of expected to be in your favor. The surprise is how could not advance much more and pulled back when the odds were changing in our favor. Anyhow, you did not accomplish much.
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