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IAF, Army engage in war drill along India-China border

Im sure they did, and there is nothing you can do about it. Launch an attack on India, and see what devastation the dam would cause as it collapses... perhaps a River Tsunami LMAO

correct again from the mind of workforce from 30% nasa, 40% microsoft, 50% intel, 60% xerox, 70% dell, 80% fed, 90% treasury, 100% whitehouse
haha :rofl:

Agni shower on Chinese cities.. and couple of hits on every single big dam in china... and that wud make chinese .. THE FORBIDDEN KINGDOM...

as the name already warn you " the FORBIDDEN city" just a blow of hot indian air, the counter attack mode will be on and your male soldiers will experience the identical pains that you have been inflicting on your burning and acid-disfigured women during your atrocious history
We are developing tech to desalinate salt water.....as time goes by.....this tech will be more cost effective..

I encourage you Indians to to desalinate salt water :lol:

poor chinese high IQ fanboys.. after telling u every freakin fact ur back on square one.. haha ... better brain fart on some others face,, we indians gonnaa. gang bang you everywhere ..:)

that's the best you got....LMAO...try harder
you Just assume too much about your Naval superiority, just because you have few western tech will make think you gonna be the winner at sea? we chinese didn't revail new toys yet...with high tech fight such gulf war...it will be very short intensive and decisive fight...everything will be decided in matter of weeks.

Don't come up with BS like this and waste time. Our navy is not Tibet. we will hit back.

You Indians always believe that brahmputra is the only river that we control...as I mention earlier...3 tributaries rivers that flown from Tibet accros Nepal to your sacred Ganga rivers, if we decide to divert it...let say 1 to 5% of water drop...will be good enough to set panick to those who use this river...without saying that the head water source of Ganges in just happen to be near our border...decide yourself how vulnerable if we want to set dirty hand on it...and figure out yourself...how many users for that river...according to what I found in internet...more that +400 millions if I'm not wrong.

I'm wondering myself If you will have the will to take our Three gorges dam...if you find out that your massive population is suffering from dehydration...

You try blocking rivers, it will affect only 5-10% of the volume but then we will block your merchant navy 100% the same minute. Tit for Tat... ab bol!!!
correct again from the mind of workforce from 30% nasa, 40% microsoft, 50% intel, 60% xerox, 70% dell, 80% fed, 90% treasury, 100% whitehouse

The % prove what exactly? If you are assuming the folks who work in such places in such places, then you are wrong, They are Indian Americans. Secondly, the numbers are what some Pakistani made up pretending to be an indian poster....

---------- Post added at 08:59 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:56 PM ----------

I encourage you Indians to to desalinate salt water :lol:

that's the best you got....LMAO...try harder

Its inevitable as the water table decrease....dont know what is do funny. Once, Tibet gains Independence we will see how you drink their piss and feces. Watch, China will give Tibet autonomy. The UN will put pressure on you guys in the future....
The % prove what exactly? If you are assuming the folks who work in such places in such places, then you are wrong, They are Indian Americans. Secondly, the numbers are what some Pakistani made up pretending to be an indian poster....


I am wrong to direct you into a frantic unstoppable hysteria. I have missed out big on the information dispatched ..workforce of JANITORS or 7/11 KEEPERS who are working inside or in the vicinity of @ 30% ...40%...blah blah. Get it! Now calm down and stop jumping around!

Beautiful Pakistanese
haha :rofl:

Agni shower on Chinese cities.. and couple of hits on every single big dam in china... and that wud make chinese .. THE FORBIDDEN KINGDOM...

Talking about your Agni...when we move our weapons Amada into Tibet, we can virtually hit your city with anything we got: rockets, artilleries, fighter/attack plane...you can only hit one or to objectif of our city with high cost Agni if it will ever pass our sky...but any and every valuable in India are at our mercy and achievable even with our cheap unguide bombs.
Talking about your Agni...when we move our weapons Amada into Tibet, we can virtually hit your city with anything we got: rockets, artilleries, fighter/attack plane...you can only hit one or to objectif of our city with high cost Agni if it will ever pass our sky...but any and every valuable in India are at our mercy and achievable even with our cheap unguide bombs.

we will break every single supply line from chinese mainland to tibet platue... you wont be able to move an inch in tibet... then we gonna slowly start killing your each n every soldier.. after that making tibet part of Arunachal pradesh.. and will give East Turkmenistan independence ... and your chinese people will kill every single one of your communist bosses... :P .. ur 50 cent business over :tdown:
Its inevitable as the water table decrease....dont know what is do funny. Once, Tibet gains Independence we will see how you drink their piss and feces. Watch, China will give Tibet autonomy. The UN will put pressure on you guys in the future....

It's funny because I just love your idea of desalinate salt water you can get salt and water at the same time..

As for Tibet you can alway make your daylight dream of it Independance...we Chinese is majority in tibet...most Tibetans spoke better Chinese than their own native language...it's most likely that you Indian will drink unclean and poluted water from us when we setup industrial base there and flush our used water into the river...you seem to forget who has the permanent seat in UN and veto power...LMAO
we will break every single supply line from chinese mainland to tibet platue... you wont be able to move an inch in tibet... then we gonna slowly start killing your each n every soldier.. after that making tibet part of Arunachal pradesh.. and will give East Turkmenistan independence ... and your chinese people will kill every single one of your communist bosses... :P .. ur 50 cent business over :tdown:

you can't do these with your billion dollar weapon, 0.01 dollar army who feed on 0.0001 dollar worth of food!:D
I am wrong to direct you into a frantic unstoppable hysteria. I have missed out big on the information dispatched ..workforce of JANITORS or 7/11 KEEPERS who are working inside or in the vicinity of @ 30% ...40%...blah blah. Get it! Now calm down and stop jumping around!

Beautiful Pakistanese

Whats your point they are Indian chicks...no Chinese thats nasty
It's funny because I just love your idea of desalinate salt water you can get salt and water at the same time..

As for Tibet you can alway make your daylight dream of it Independance...we Chinese is majority in tibet...most Tibetans spoke better Chinese than their own native language...it's most likely that you Indian will drink unclean and poluted water from us when we setup industrial base there and flush our used water into the river...you seem to forget who has the permanent seat in UN and veto power...LMAO

Every problem is an opportunity. Yea Tibetans speak Chinese because they are forced to. Plz media reports have shown how you guys send them to education camps....As much as you point out problems in India, India doesn;t resort to sch tactics which is why you may see a few incidents here and there. As for the UN, it is inevitable such an organization is loosing sway, before long your power in it won;t mean much. India is already being swayed to join NATO....now that is something to think about....Sure you and the Pakistanis here can spin it and point oh you guys are slaves to American masters but India will tread a differetn path, a path it will lead..unlike others.
we will break every single supply line from chinese mainland to tibet platue... you wont be able to move an inch in tibet... then we gonna slowly start killing your each n every soldier.. after that making tibet part of Arunachal pradesh.. and will give East Turkmenistan independence ... and your chinese people will kill every single one of your communist bosses... :P .. ur 50 cent business over :tdown:

You can dream of that you can strike deep enough into Chinese defense line to cut our supply line?...we chinese has done once in 1962 to cross Indian defense and strike into the deep land before unilatrally move out...but you have never done that...tell me how realistically you expect us evil chinese to believe that you are capable of doing so?

Tell me how you think of our blogger wrote:Balkanizing, India, Chinese Way...I think we just have similar idea

Congratulations when are indians appear as beautiful as the Pakistanese? That's blowing me off!

First of all, they are not the term you are using at all. They are all Pakistani. I suggest you read up history, India being a civilization of great wealth historically brought much ppl from all over, friend or foe. As a result, you see a wonderful mixing pot. Its funny how Chinese and Pakistani think Light or white skin is pretty which proves that you have been mentally ensalved by your Western White masters. As a result, you loathe your the different colors that make up each country beautiful. India always such a problem, but its being challeneged, I personally find darker women gorgeous as well as white. Maybe it has to do with my exposure to the world...

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