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IAEA, Hypocrisy and Israeli Nukes.

Well, your friend bush with your advice started this tradition, "guilty until proven innocent" so why complain now? Prove that you have not done what I say you have done.

You condemn Bush for his so-called attitude and yet you adopt it yourself. Former US President Bush is not the issue of this thread.

Israel, like Pakistan, did not sign the NPT - Does Pakistan is ready to give up its nukes? Of course not, not until India do the same (and prbably not even then...).

Iran did signed the NPT, and as a result received nuclear assistance from IAEA and from other countries, including building its nuclear reactor in Busher. Without this assistance, Iran was unable to develop nuclear programme.

However, although Iran promised not to develop nuclear weapons, it aspire to do so, and for more than a century constructed a clandestine nuclear programme and violated all its commitments. This is the difference between Israel (and Pakistan and India) and Iran (and North Korea until 2003).

Unlike Pakistan which is not ready to commit not to use nuclear weapons against India, Israel declared it will not be the first to introduce nuclear weapons in the ME, and until today kept its promise. Furthermore, Israel has no conflict with Iran, and until the Islamic revolution enjoyed good relations with Tehran. Unlike Israel, Iran declared its commitment to the elimination of Israel and helps terror organisations (Hizbulla and Hamas) to launch terror attacks against it. Furthermore Iran, support any Arab faction who is willing to continue with the struggle against Israel until its destruction. Just read the reports about Iranian assistance to Asad in Syria to slaughter his people.

Moreover, Iran has regional and global aspirations. As a nuclear country, it will obtain a better position to destabilise the Gulf states and bring them under its influence. The current Iranian regime believe that if it controls the oil reserves in the Gulf (including Saudi Arabia) it would be powerful enough to challenge the West and the US.

This is why Iran should be prevented from developing nuclear weapons, including with military means.
You condemn Bush for his so-called attitude and yet you adopt it yourself. Former US President Bush is not the issue of this thread.
Israel declared it will not be the first to introduce nuclear weapons in the ME, and until today kept its promise. Furthermore, Israel has no conflict with Iran

Of course, bush is not the issue, he's here for reference. BTW by possessing WMD israel has introduced nuclear weapons into this region, so what you say is a blatant lie. Besides, israel not only occupies Palestine and uses terrorism to crush their legitimate rights, but it also has conflict with all its neighbours and that's why israel must not be allowed to possess WMDs.

Of course, bush is not the issue, he's here for reference. BTW by possessing WMD israel has introduced nuclear weapons into this region, so what you say is a blatant lie. Besides, israel not only occupies Palestine and uses terrorism to crush their legitimate rights, but it also has conflict with all its neighbours and that's why israel must not be allowed to possess WMDs.

I do not know what Israel possess or do not possess, and as far as I know no one (including the dissident scientist Vanunu) ever testified that he actually saw any WMD developed by Israel. So, nor just I did not lie, even if I wanted to lie I cannot do that: I have no evidence that Israel indeed developed nuclear weapons (although it seems it is capable of doing that). Read carefully what I wrote.

Israel never used or threatened to use WMD against the Palestinians or its neighbours. Israel has no conflict with its Arab neighbours, they have a conflict with Israel. The Palestinians who are Israeli citizens have more rights than the people of Bangladesh, the others are under the PA control.

Iran crushes the legitimate right of its people and use terrorism against them (and against people in other countries), but you are in favour of Iran as nuclear weapons state. Other nuclear countries behaves appallingly towards their people: Pakistan is crushing the legitimate rights of its people from time to time, China does it on a regular bases, not to mention North Korea - but the only country you have a problem with is Israel, although it is an advanced liberal democracy, far better than the above mentioned states. Fight for designating China and Pakistan as a NWFZ and then talk about Israel.
I do not know what Israel possess or do not possess, and as far as I know no one (including the dissident scientist Vanunu) ever testified that he actually saw any WMD developed by Israel. So, nor just I did not lie, even if I wanted to lie I cannot do that: I have no evidence that Israel indeed developed nuclear weapons (although it seems it is capable of doing that). Read carefully what I wrote.

Israel never used or threatened to use WMD against the Palestinians or its neighbours. Israel has no conflict with its Arab neighbours, they have a conflict with Israel. The Palestinians who are Israeli citizens have more rights than the people of Bangladesh, the others are under the PA control.

Iran crushes the legitimate right of its people and use terrorism against them (and against people in other countries), but you are in favour of Iran as nuclear weapons state. Other nuclear countries behaves appallingly towards their people: Pakistan is crushing the legitimate rights of its people from time to time, China does it on a regular bases, not to mention North Korea - but the only country you have a problem with is Israel, although it is an advanced liberal democracy, far better than the above mentioned states. Fight for designating China and Pakistan as a NWFZ and then talk about Israel.

Even if you repeat your lies million times they will remain lies, so go bark somewhere else. The point is israel is a terrorist state and its nukes pose the greatest threat to world peace and stability.

Even if you repeat your lies million times they will remain lies, so go bark somewhere else. The point is israel is a terrorist state and its nukes pose the greatest threat to world peace and stability.

Can't face reality, ha? Can't refute my arguments and say something which is not a phantom, ha? Well, you are not the first from the impoverished country of Bangladesh that reacted in such a manner to my comments, I am starting to think that this is part of the explanation why we would never discuss a thread about Bangladesh nuclear programme. It is not that you do not want nukes, it is just beyond your intellectual capacity.

And you wisely chose the most suitable nickname to describe yourself. At least you know what you really are, and now so do I.
Can't face reality, ha? Can't refute my arguments and say something which is not a phantom, ha? Well, you are not the first from the impoverished country of Bangladesh that reacted in such a manner to my comments, I am starting to think that this is part of the explanation why we would never discuss a thread about Bangladesh nuclear programme. It is not that you do not want nukes, it is just beyond your intellectual capacity.

And you wisely chose the most suitable nickname to describe yourself. At least you know what you really are, and now so do I.

I face reality like evrybody else but israelis face it by spreading lies and deceit and I don't blame them, this is the ony way the crooks survive, that's the saddest reality!

I face reality like evrybody else but israelis face it by spreading lies and deceit and I don't blame them, this is the ony way the crooks survive, that's the saddest reality!

Well, I dare you to prove me wrong.

You are the one who invented the nuclear submarine business, not me! So, who is the crook?

I argued that if your parameters for which country is entitled to have nuclear weapons is its human rights record, you should pick other nuclear countries such as Pakistan, North Korea and China.

Do you want to argue that these countries are better than Israel? That would be foolish even for you because its a lie and I can prove it.

Do you want to argue that any country is entitle to develop nukes? Then, what is your problem with Israel?

You are tangled up in your own web and your last resort is to dam all and blame me in deception, although I discussed this issue in a frank and direct approach.
Well, I dare you to prove me wrong.

You are the one who invented the nuclear submarine business, not me! I argued that if your parameters for which country is entitled to have nuclear weapons is its human rights record, you should pick to other nuclear countries such as Pakistan, North Korea and China.

Do you want to argue that these countries are better than Israel? That would be foolish even for you because its a lie and I can prove it.

Do you want to argue that any country is entitle to develop nukes? Then, what is your problem with Israel?

You are tangled up in your own web.

If every country is entitled to develop nukes what is your problem with Iran?

If every country is entitled to develop nukes what is your problem with Iran?

It is not what I argued, all you need is to read what I wrote. I clearly explained why Iran (and other rogue states) should be prevented from developing WMD.

I am still puzzled what is your argument, except that Israel is not entitled to have WMD because it called Israel and it is a Jewish state.

Show me that North Korea Pakistan and China have better human rights record than Israel and I will join you in your just cause to dismantle Israel from its allegedly WMD.
It is not what I argued, all you need is to read what I wrote. I clearly explained why Iran (and other rogue states) should be prevented from developing WMD.

I am still puzzled what is your argument, except that Israel is not entitled to have WMD because it called Israel and it is a Jewish state.

Show me that North Korea Pakistan and China have better human rights record than Israel and I will join you in your just cause to dismantle Israel from its allegedly WMD.

And I explained why israel should be forced to dismantle its nukes!

And I explained why israel should be forced to dismantle its nukes!

No, you did not.

You said it because Israel "terrorise" the Palestinians, but you did not explain why you do not criticise other nuclear countries (Pakistan, North Korea and China) which terrorise their people or why you support Iran's right for nuclear weapons although it regularly crushes its people.

You singled out Israel and your explanations for it could only be considered as double standard. You should explain why Israel is worse than the above countries.

In order for you not to be confused again: I am explaining to you your own opinion. My opinion is that there is no connection between human rights and developing nuclear programmes (BTW, Israel has no severe record of human rights violation than other developed countries, and it showed moderate and reasonable approach to the Palestinians but that is not the issue). I am against nuclear Iran from different reasons which were specified earlier.

Your evasive actions from simple explanations to simple questions portray you as either as a challenged person with limited intellectual capacity or as a hypocrite and a deceiver who has no respect to the value of truth, but like your kind of degenerates have no moral problem to complain about 'crooks' and 'lies'.
No, you did not.

You said it because Israel "terrorise" the Palestinians, but you did not explain why you do not criticise other nuclear countries (Pakistan, North Korea and China) which terrorise their people or why you support Iran's right for nuclear weapons although it regularly crushes its people.

You singled out Israel and your explanations for it could only be considered as double standard. You should explain why Israel is worse than the above countries.

In order for you not to be confused again: I am explaining to you your own opinion. My opinion is that there is no connection between human rights and developing nuclear programmes (BTW, Israel has no severe record of human rights violation than other developed countries, and it showed moderate and reasonable approach to the Palestinians but that is not the issue). I am against nuclear Iran from different reasons which were specified earlier.

Your evasive actions from simple explanations to simple questions portray you as either as a challenged person with limited intellectual capacity or as a hypocrite and a deceiver who has no respect to the value of truth, but like your kind of degenerates have no moral problem to complain about 'crooks' and 'lies'.

When the US talks about Iran or Pakistan does it focus on israel? So, why should I focus on 'others' while I'm talking about the israeli WMD?

When the US talks about Iran or Pakistan does it focus on israel? So, why should I focus on 'others' while I'm talking about the israeli WMD?

You manoeuvring is almost pathetic.

The US focus on Iran and Pakistan from very specific reasons which are not relevant to Israel, you focus on Israel because as you said it "terrorises" the Palestinians. So you should explain why Israel is such a unique case and far worst than the human rights violations of other nuclear countries, such as Pakistan, China and North Korea. You should explain why you are against Israel's allegedly WMD but support Iran's efforts to develop nuclear weapons.
here we are trying to make the midle east a nuclear free zone, but no OHHH.... israel has to step up and say "we are threatened from every corner and we will use nukes if we are under threat"!

this is a silly argument posted by a israeli i dont remember here in the forum a while back!

why should you have it? we dont want nukes in the area, i dont want it, nobody wants it. except israelis who are afraid of arabs they have crushed every time they went to war with them!
here we are trying to make the midle east a nuclear free zone, but no OHHH.... israel has to step up and say "we are threatened from every corner and we will use nukes if we are under threat"!

this is a silly argument posted by a israeli i dont remember here in the forum a while back!

why should you have it? we dont want nukes in the area, i dont want it, nobody wants it. except israelis who are afraid of arabs they have crushed every time they went to war with them!

First, stop your hypocrisy and call for all nuclear weapons countries to dismantle, including Pakistan, India and North Korea.

Second, if you do not want a nuclear weapons in the ME, support the international pressure on Iran to stop its nuclear weapons development, including the military option, if necessary.

Third, I have a surprise for you: Israel supports NWFZ in the ME. Yes, that's right. Israel is ready for that after there would be a lasting peace between it and all the countries in ME, including Iran.

Until these desired times, divert your attention to much more urgent nuclear problems around the world (mainly Pakistan and North Korea). Israel never used or threatened to use nukes against of its kind and considerate Arab neighbours. Israel is a responsible country that aspires for peace and stability in the Middle East.
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