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IAEA, Hypocrisy and Israeli Nukes.

Iraq violated its commitment not to develop nuclear weapons under its participation in the NPT. Israel never gave any such commitment.

Furthermore, Saddam used WMD against his own people and against the Iranians in Iran-Iraq War. He occupied Kuwait and threatened all his other neighbours, Mainly Saudi Arabia. Saddam's regime was a cause of instability in the region.

Israel never used WMD or nuclear weapons or threatened to use them against its neighbours, Israel did not occupy any country, and it is willing to negotiate on peace agreements with all its neighbours.

If you do not see the difference between rogue and dictatorial regimes which pose a threat to international stability and democratic responsible one (like Israel), then you have a fundamental problem to understand contemporary world affairs.
Iraq violated its commitment not to develop nuclear weapons under its participation in the NPT. Israel never gave any such commitment.

Furthermore, Saddam used WMD against his own people and against the Iranians in Iran-Iraq War. He occupied Kuwait and threatened all his other neighbours, Mainly Saudi Arabia. Saddam's regime was a cause of instability in the region.

Israel never used WMD or nuclear weapons or threatened to use them against its neighbours, Israel did not occupy any country, and it is willing to negotiate on peace agreements with all its neighbours.

If you do not see the difference between rogue and dictatorial regimes which pose a threat to international stability and democratic responsible one (like Israel), then you have a fundamental problem to understand contemporary world affairs.

Israel has been threatening to use the nukes in case of a military defeat. On many occasions they have indicated the nuclear option. The israeli submarines armed with nukes patrolling the Iranian coast is a clear indication of that threat.
The USA can accept that Israel has nuclear weapons because the USA trusts that Israel will only use such weapons to preserve its existence. The USA agrees that the existence of Israel should be preserved by any means necessary, including the threat of nuclear retaliation against anyone who would destroy Israel. The USA does not beieve that Iran will use nuclear weapons only in self-defense. Therefore the USA cannot accept an Iranian nuclear weapon.
The USA can accept that Israel has nuclear weapons because the USA trusts that Israel will only use such weapons to preserve its existence. The USA agrees that the existence of Israel should be preserved by any means necessary, including the threat of nuclear retaliation against anyone who would destroy Israel. The USA does not beieve that Iran will use nuclear weapons only in self-defense. Therefore the USA cannot accept an Iranian nuclear weapon.

And like many Iran does not believe that the US will use its nukes only to defend its territory. That's why most countries do not accept a rogue country like the US possessing nukes!
Israel has been threatening to use the nukes in case of a military defeat. On many occasions they have indicated the nuclear option. The israeli submarines armed with nukes patrolling the Iranian coast is a clear indication of that threat.

You are misleading with your arguments.

Israel never threatened to use nuclear weapons against any country, and explicitly declared it would not be the first to bring nuclear weapons to the ME.

Your information about Israeli submarines with nuclear weapons patrolling the Iranian coast is a creation of your imagination.

According to the publications about Israel's nuclear programme it exist since the 1950's and no Muslim country was ever threatened by it. Thus, Iran and any other Arab country cannot use Israel's so-called nuclear weapons as an excuse for developing nuclear weapons.

Israel never threatened Iran, has no conflict with Iran. Iran is the one who threatened to destroy Israel and support terror organisations.
You are misleading with your arguments.

Israel never threatened to use nuclear weapons against any country, and explicitly declared it would not be the first to bring nuclear weapons to the ME.

Your information about Israeli submarines with nuclear weapons patrolling the Iranian coast is a creation of your imagination.

According to the publications about Israel's nuclear programme it exist since the 1950's and no Muslim country was ever threatened by it. Thus, Iran and any other Arab country cannot use Israel's so-called nuclear weapons as an excuse for developing nuclear weapons.

Israel never threatened Iran, has no conflict with Iran. Iran is the one who threatened to destroy Israel and support terror organisations.

That's the israeli version of the truth which is acceptable to only a handful of countries like the US, UK and india. The truth is, sending a submarine with nuclear tipped cruise missiles to the coastal waters of Iran, is an open threat to Iran by isreal and this is the truth acceptable to all the countries except israel and its allies. Do you want to laern more about the truth? Watch this:

That's the israeli version of the truth which is acceptable to only a handful of countries like the US, UK and india. The truth is, sending a submarine with nuclear tipped cruise missiles to the coastal waters of Iran, is an open threat to Iran by isreal and this is the truth acceptable to all the countries except israel and its allies. Do you want to laern more about the truth? Watch this:

If Israel can do this to a young Jewish American, imagine what Palestinians face every day - Watch Videos Online

If everybody repeat a lie it does not become truth, and large part of the world does not have a problem to lie. Until you provide any proof to your arguments (and a video from Jerusalem is not a proof for nuclear submarines), they are still just fantasies.

BTW, I always "enjoy" to receive lectures about human rights violations from people from all sort of countries which are considered as "superpowers" in this field, like Bangladesh.
If everybody repeat a lie it does not become truth, and large part of the world does not have a problem to lie. Until you provide any proof to your arguments (and a video from Jerusalem is not a proof for nuclear submarines), they are still just fantasies.

BTW, I always "enjoy" to receive lectures about human rights violations from people from all sort of countries which are considered as "superpowers" in this field, like Bangladesh.

That's right, no matter how many times israelis like you repeat their lies they won't become truth. BTW compared with israel and the US, almost any country is a superpower in the area of human rights.

That's right, no matter how many times israelis like you repeat their lies they won't become truth. BTW compared with israel and the US, almost any country is a superpower in the area of human rights.

You still did not present any proof for your nuclear submarine tale, so I can only assume that you intentionally lied about it.

You are another pathetic representative of a failed country of the third world and you are consumed with envy regarding Israel's success story to become one of the most advanced nations in the world. There are a lot of your kind, but quality and not quantity makes the different!
You still did not present any proof for your nuclear submarine tale, so I can only assume that you intentionally lied about it.

You are another pathetic representative of a failed country of the third world and you are consumed with envy regarding Israel's success story to become one of the most advanced nations in the world. There are a lot of your kind, but quality and not quantity makes the different!

You still did not provide the israeli naval documents that say israel has never sent its submarines to the Iranian coast.
You still did not provide the israeli naval documents that say israel has never sent its submarines to the Iranian coast.

That is a good joke: you are having hallucinations and I am obliged to disprove them? By somehow getting hold on military papers?

Let's make a deal: I have this thought with no proof that Bangladesh has nuclear weapons, now you are obliged to publish confidential documents of Bangladesh that will refute my assumption. Otherwise, you should agree that Bangladesh is a nuclear weapons state.

Or even better - I strongly believe that you are an alien from the planet Zorg. Until you do not present any proof to the contrary that is the absolute truth.
That is a good joke: you are having hallucinations and I am obliged to disprove them? By somehow getting hold on military papers?

Let's make a deal: I have this thought with no proof that Bangladesh has nuclear weapons, now you are obliged to publish confidential documents of Bangladesh that will refute my assumption. Otherwise, you should agree that Bangladesh is a nuclear weapons state.

Or even better - I strongly believe that you are an alien from the planet Zorg. Until you do not present any proof to the contrary that is the absolute truth.

Well, your friend bush with your advice started this tradition, "guilty until proven innocent" so why complain now? Prove that you have not done what I say you have done.

A rogue state like israel has the right to have nukes, chemical weapons, biological weapons and even thermo-nuclear weapons to defend itself but Iran can have only 100 lb bombs to defend itself, if one talks of evil, this is the height of it. America is rightly hated by its enemies!
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