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History of the looting of the Indian army in the war of liberation , and reasons of helping us (Bangladesh)

It's same here in Bangladesh. People honestly do not have time to talk about Pakistan. We have other important things to do.

It's partly correct. However such people exist in pakistan too.

Some of you always come here uninvited and start trolling.

Some of you say that you do not care about Bangladesh, but can never stop posting in this sub forum, even can not stop trolling in such a very important thread.

In Bangladesh we also have such jobless people who day and night name pakistan and spread hate. They are actually low paid raw moles in Bangladesh.

I m on Pakistani forum and have right to discuss topics here, also live close to huge bangali population who came to Pakistan after 1974, if BD was that great then why 1 million bangalis came to Pakistan after 1974 and still they dont want to go back.
. . . . .
After reading 21 pages i am stunned!! It looks like a absolutely BOGUS BS PROPAGANDA ARTICLE aimed to instigate hatred against India using peoples emotion. A poor unnecessary attempt. I see @magra , @Baibars_1260 and @MilSpec is keeping their head cool, arguing patiently with logic.

But seeing our few Bangladeshi members just dragging the thread to 21 pages without any solid evidence is disappointing and irritating. Instead you guys are bringing more BS allegations, diverting to different topics, throwing slightly racial remarks about Hindu-Atheist and ending up derailing the thread with rants and mud-slinging often.

No offence to you guys but after going through 21 pages, your actions and responses seemed totally STUPID and RIDICULOUS. Specially @Atlas seems to have lost his mind completely, saying whatever coming in his mind. It seems like you took this article written by a random facebook user as the ultimate truth and just went with it. This is a serious allegations you are making in an international forum which is no different than accusing a country for genocide/ethnic cleansing/war crimes.

So when you say something like this, you have to bring solid evidence to make the allegation at least credible somehow. It looks like the original writer of this article didn't even bother do proper research and write the things properly. Few things in the article raises eyebrows and in short it basically saying only two things/points.
  • Accusing Indian military for looting us within two and half months which is not proven yet. Not elaborating properly then moving to the second point below.
  • Blaming India for harming/affecting our various sectors but not saying what WE did to prevent those and not saying that if we had any fault or not in damaging those sectors.
Both points seem ridiculous. This should not be even considered as an article. Just a mere small blog to achieve certain agenda. Looks like the Bangladeshi member who shared the article here just believed it because of the reference of a "freedom fighter" and didn't bother to verify it's authenticity. The other Bangladeshi members doesn't look prepared to respond here logically. Surprised that no one actually reported the thread as propaganda. Even the facebook group where this was posted, deleted the writing cause the link shared here doesn't work anymore.

My father also talked about this loot before but i haven't seen any single evidence to back the claim. And guess what? my father is a hardcore BNP supporter. Originated from a post in facebook group , the post uses only three books as references. It also says it used articles on liberation war from various websites but doesn't actually specify which page of those books and which articles from websites are being used as references.

One of the writer is a freedom fighter. In another PDF thread it looks like that this Joynal Abedin guy is controversial and he had connection with Pakistan. Question is did he actually saw any looting? If he did or even knew about anything then why didn't he do anything back then? Furthermore the article doesn't give any specific details about which area, mill/factories were looted.

More importantly why wasn't there a single complain/protest/photo/video/ news paper article in mainstream media if they stole those things? Did the entire Bangladeshi population suddenly became dumb and impotent just after independence? There were numerous patriot freedom fighters and foreign journalist present in BD that time, AP was even recording lots of clip. But they didn't hear or report anything about the alleged looting either.

It's true that India would benefit in long term by defeating and splitting Pakistan in half. Any person who has even simple knowledge in India-Pakistan's rivalry and history since British period can realize that. Even the article says it. Denying that and India's help in 1971 is utter stupidity.

India saw the chance to isolate and liberate East Pakistan from the West Pakistan and took. Anybody who wouldn't take the chance is a STUPID. If i have chance to regain the Seven Sisters and West Bengal or the Arakan to establish the Greater Bengal/Bangladesh i will do it. Missing that opportunity would be like USA not breaking Soviet Union when it had the chance.

But no need to think that it's solely India's fault that West Pakistan lost East Pakistan. West Pakistan has it's own part too in this matter. Yes, India is bad with us in some sectors but it also plays a part in bilateral business and regional connectivity.

And Pakistanis who are jumping out of joy, talking about this loot, two nation theory and Muslim Chummah feeling, you guys should be last people on earth to criticize Indians and troll Bangladeshis here. If you care so much about Indian military looting us after independence then you should start paying us the Tk18,000 crore you owe us.

The article also says that the money earned from East Pakistan's export used for the development of West Pakistan.

পূর্ব পাকিস্তানের আয় (বিশেষত পূর্ব পাকিস্তানের পাট, চা, চামড়া, নিউজপ্রিন্ট ও আরো অন্যান্য পন্য রপ্তানী বাবত বিপুল বৈদেশিক মূদ্রা অর্জন ) দিয়েই পশ্চিম পাকিস্তানের অর্থনৈতিক উন্নয়ন বা অর্থনীতির চাকা সচল রাখা হত।

That's also called looting. If you agree that India looted us then technically you also agree that you looted us. Not only that, you were even looting right before leaving us at the end of liberation war.

However, the job of the Indian and Russian fleets did not end after the war. There were two reasons. One, a few hours before Pakistan surrendered, the Pakistan Navy had dumped into the sea a huge quantity of looted gold and silver jewellery and six large trunks of gold taken from the National Bank. Bangladesh, the new country which emerged out of the ruins of the war, now wanted to recover this treasure.

With most of the mines out of the way, Bangladesh requested the Indians and Russians to salvage the treasure lying at the bottom of the sea. Diving operations commenced in October 1972. However, the tides had probably dispersed much of the dumped treasure. Plus, visibility in the waters was not good. Under the circumstances, the total recovery of 52.75 tolas of gold, 70.05 kg of silver and coins worth almost Rs 2.2 million, wasn’t bad at all.

So Pakistanis who are criticizing here kinda remind me of that Bengali proverb, "চোরের মার বড় গলা" (Rogues supplant justice)

"The huge quantity of arms and ammunition left behind by 93,000 Pakistani soldiers - valued at Rs 26,000 crore at the time - was looted from Bangladesh by the Indian Army in 15 large ships."

Why would the stuff be brought by ships since we have a land border?

Good question. Mongla and CTG port was non-operational because of mines and ship-wrecks. So where did these 15 ships dock? Who saw those ships and why there isn't any photos of those ships? How did Indian move heavy machineries from mill, factories? They completed their withdrawal on March 12, 1972. So how did they managed to steal 1 billion dollar worth equipments/things including those machineries in such short amount of time?

Very similar post from a blog says that it's hard to find how much assets India looted from BD but then throws random figures. It also says that the loot happened because there was limited scope to import foreign products for India. Both point seem ridiculous.

১৯৭১ সালের মুক্তিযুদ্ধে বীর মুক্তি বাহিনী যখন দেশের ৯৫-৯৯ শতাংশ অঞ্চল মুক্ত করে ফেলেছিল
কেন আমরা ৯০ভাগ অঞ্চল মুক্ত করার পর ভারত ডিসেম্বরের ৩ তারিখ আক্রমণ করল?
Since 90% - 95 % war was already won by freedom fighters
We already won the war , So why did India come then ?
We almost won the war before India won.

Which one is it really? Is it 95-99% Or is it just 90%? Or is it 90-95%? Did we almost win the war or did we WIN it already? Make up your mind first. The Pakistan military didn't surrender to any single party until India officially joined the fight in December so how did you determine that you won the war? The first district which was liberated by the joint forces is Jessore. So what's the logic behind such claim?

৩রা ডিসেম্বর ভারতীয় সেনাবাহিনী লুটপাট করার জন্য বাংলাদেশে প্রবেশ করে।
কেন আমরা ৯০ভাগ অঞ্চল মুক্ত করার পর ভারত ডিসেম্বরের ৩ তারিখ আক্রমণ করল?

He already said it at the beginning of the article but again asking why did India enter Bangladesh at 3rd December. :cuckoo: Must be smocking some good stuff. :drag:

লুটতরাজ সহজতর করার জন্য তারা আমাদের শহর, শিল্প স্থাপনা, বন্দর, সেনানিবাস, বাণিজ্যিক কেন্দ্র এমনকি আবাসিক এলাকায় কারফিউ জারি করে।

I thought only local authority can issue curfew. How did Indian Military issue curfew? 🤨

আপনাদের মনে আছে জর্জ হ্যারিসনের “কনসার্ট ফর বাংলাদেশ” এই ধরনের অনুষ্ঠান গুলো থেকে প্রাপ্ত অর্থ সহ বিশাল পরিমাণ ফান্ডের টাকা গুলো কোথায় গেল? ভারত কি হিসেব দিয়েছিল?

The concert was organised by George Harrison and Ravi Shankar. The money raised and earned from the concert, album, film, DVD was administered and distributed by the UNICEF through George Harrison Fund.

$243,418.50 raised from two shows were given to UNICEF to administer on 12 August 1971. $2 million were sent via UNICEF to Bangladesh in 1972. Rest of the money was held in an Internal Revenue Service escrow account for more than ten years because Harrison's manager Allen Klein failed to register the event as a UNICEF benefit so it didn't tax-exempt status by the US govt.

So why is this RAM CHAGOL holding India accountable for this concert when it wasn't even involved? :cuckoo:😑

বাংলাদেশের পাট ও চা শিল্প আরো অনেক আগেই ধ্বংশ হয়ে এখন এই বাজার একচেটিয়া ভারতের দখলে চলে গেছে, বাংলাদেশের গার্মেন্টস শিল্প এবং জনশক্তি রপ্তানী খাতও ভারতের তীব্র প্রতিযোগিতা ও ষড়যন্ত্রের শিকারে পরিনত হয়েছে।

Oh yes!! Of course!! Everything is India's fault. 😂 You are gonna do mismanagement, corruption, frequent power cut-off, lower import duty on Indian tea, not backing-up the industry, won't pay enough timely and treat your workers well but at the end of the day it's India's fault that your industries got ruined. The sugar must be India's next target as i see similar cases happening there too.

After nationalization in 1972, the Adamjee Jute Mill started suffering from problems like overstaffing, lack of work discipline, absenteeism and unionism. The new management failed to ensure product quality and the output of the mill could no more meet the specifications of overseas buyers. The situation gradually got worse and the mill started incurring losses, a trend which could never be reversed. Because of continuous losses incurred by the mill every year, the government closed it on 30 June 2002.

Tazrin Garment, Rana Plaza incidents, numerous protest for wages, payment before Eid must be orchestrated by RAW, right? :cuckoo:🙂 Vietnam must be getting huge support from India in RMG sector. Italian ফাষ্টফুড/পাসপুর্টধারী unskilled/illiterate KAMLAS going abroad illegally and acting like uncivilized ape inside Biman, Hajj camp and other places must be the conspiracy of India. 🙂 How about we look at ourselves in mirror and talk about our own loot in 50 years before pointing our fingers towards others? 🙂

কেন ভারত আমাদের ২৬ শে মার্চ এর পর পরই সাহায্য করল না, যদি সত্যই তারা আমাদের সাহায্য করতে চাইত?

Because it was Pakistan's internal problem till then and didn't affect India. The refugee crisis may have but it wasn't enough reason to attack Pakistan. Just like BD, Malaysia or any other countries won't attack Myanmar because of Rohingya and other ethnic cleansing. If India intervened militarily right after 26th March Pakistan sure would've blamed India for trying to annex East Pakistan.

Then the excuse of eradicating "Indian agents" would've worked and as most of the people inside and outside the country who were still unaware of what's happening, they would've supported Pakistan. India would've lost internal, international and UN support then. So India waited, showed world what's going on in East Pakistan and worked diplomatically to gain international support until Pakistan dragged them into the fight officially on 3rd December which left no obstacle for them to directly intervene.

So attacking with a military is not the only thing you can call help. India giving shelter, training and weapon, cross border artillery support, closing air space and putting naval blockade for Pakistani military, diplomatic effort are also part of 9 months help. Just like what US and EU did about Myanmar's oppression on minorities or Iran, Russia, N.Korea etc. You don't fight your enemies with muscle only but with your brain too.

কেন রাশিয়ার দেয়া অস্ত্র গুলো ভারত নিজেদের দেয়া বলে চালিয়ে নিয়েছিল?

When did Russia give us weapon? 🤨 Except the arms we got from Pakistan military all the weapons came from India. There was no Russian arm in our liberation war. There was Chinese variant of Russian SKS (Type 56) and Ak-47 (Chinese/Type 56 SMG).

"The Daily Star made a list of the weapons used by the freedom fighters: Smith & Wesson Model 10 Revolver, SKS Rifle or Chinese Rifle, Indian SLR Rifle, Sterling Sub-machinegun, Chinese Light Machinegun, AK-47 Rifle or 'Chinese SMG', Lee Enfield .303 Rifle, British Sten Gun, HE-36 Grenade, MG 42 Machinegun, 105mm Howitzer, Bren gun or British .303 Light Machinegun, Mortar, 120mm Heavy Mortar, ZB 53 Machinegun or 'Czechoslovakian Machinegun', G3 Rifle, Type 53 Machinegun, Chinese Rocket Launcher, M40 recoilless Rifle, ENERGA Anti-Tank Rifle Grenade, M18 Recoilless Rifle, Tula Tokarev 33 Pistol, Italian 9mm 3842 Beretta Model 38 (Sub Machinegun), SA 44 Rifle."


শৌচাগারের বদনাগুলোও বাদ দেয়নি ভারতীয় লুটেরার দল।

A common dialogue used by BNP-Jamati supporters. 😂 Made me angry when i was a teenager but now i see how these words play with our emotion.

রেসকোর্স ময়দানে আমাদের জেনারেল আতাউল গনি ওসমানী সাহেব ছিলেন না কেন? তাকে কি আসতে বাঁধা দেয়া হয়েছিল?
Yes video footage can be created very easily. However why Osmani was not there when Niazi surrendered?

Yep AP is a paid Indian/RAW agent who had lots of leisure time to create more than 35 footage. 😂 :rofl:Osmani's absence during the surrender is a popular tool for propaganda and conspiracy theory. None of them are proven. Not even Osmani blame India and he explained why he wasn't there. From several reports it looks like the main reason of Osmani's absence were:-
  • Helicopter shot-down
  • Protocol
  • Osmani's stubbornness and unawareness of the surrender.
I gonna share those statements here. Most of it in Bengali. Sorry!! the reply alone is HUGE and i can't translate the whole thing word by word cause it's time consuming. Please kindly use google translation below of each Bengali writings if you want some sense of it.

  • Why was the commander-in-chief of Bangladesh army, General MAG Osmani, absent at the ceremony?

    Jacob: There is a lot of propaganda about it. The fact is, he was in Sylhet. He was in a helicopter that was shot at by the Pakistan army. I had ordered everyone on the Bangladesh side to stay in Kolkata. But he rode the chopper, got shot and couldn't attend the ceremony. It's not our fault. He should have been there. We wanted him there. Khandker (deputy commander-in-chief AK Khandker) attended in his absence.
এ প্রসঙ্গে মুক্তিবাহিনীর উপপ্রধান সেনাপতি এয়ার ভাইস মার্শাল (অব.) একে খন্দকারের বিবরণ:

‘‘ভারতীয় সামরিক বাহিনীর লিয়াজোঁ অফিসার কর্নেল পি এস দাস অস্থায়ী সরকারের প্রধানমন্ত্রীকে তাঁর ব্যক্তিগত সচিব ফারুক আজিজ খানের মাধ্যমে ১৬ ডিসেম্বর বিকেলে অনুষ্ঠেয় পাকিস্তানি বাহিনীর আত্মসমপর্ণের খবর জানান। প্রধানমন্ত্রী বাংলাদেশ বাহিনীর প্রধান সেনাপতি কর্নেল এম এ জি ওসমানীর খোঁজ করতে গিয়ে জানতে পারেন যে কর্নেল ওসমানী, ব্রিগেডিয়ার উজ্জ্বল গুপ্ত (ভারতীয় বাহিনী) এবং লেফট্যানেন্ট কর্নেল আব্দুর রব মুক্ত এলাকা পরিদর্শনে সিলেট গেছেন। কর্নেল ওসমানী ১৩ ডিসেম্বর সিলেটের মুক্তাঞ্চল পরিদর্শনের পরিকল্পনা করেন। যাত্রার আগে তাঁকে আমি বলেছিলাম, স্যার আপনার এখন কোথাও যাওয়া ঠিক হবে না। দ্রুতগতিতে যুদ্ধ চূড়ান্ত পরিণতির দিকে এগিয়ে যাচ্ছে। যেকোনো সময় যেকোনো পরিস্থিতির উদ্ভব হতে পারে।’ কর্নেল ওসমানী তার পরিকল্পনা পরিবর্তন না করে সিলেটের উদ্দেশ্যে রওনা হয়ে যান।’’

(Translation:- In this context, the Deputy Commander of the Liberation Army, Air Vice Marshal (Retd.) A.K Khandaker's description:

"The liaison officer of the Indian Army, Colonel PS Das, informed the caretaker Prime Minister through his personal secretary, Farooq Aziz Khan, about the surrender of the Pakistani forces on the afternoon of December 16. While searching for Col. M. A. G. Osmani, the Commander-in-Chief of the Bangladesh Army, the Prime Minister learned that Col.

Osmani, Brigadier Ujjwal Gupta (Indian Forces) and Lieutenant Colonel Abdur Rob had gone to Sylhet to inspect the open area. Colonel Osmani planned to visit the liberated areas of Sylhet on 13 December. Before the journey I told him, Sir, it would not be right for you to go anywhere now. Rapidly the war is moving towards the final outcome. Any situation could arise at any time. "Colonel Osmani left for Sylhet without changing his plan.")

আত্মসমর্পণ অনুষ্ঠানে মুক্তিবাহিনীর প্রধান জেনারেল এম এ জি ওসমানীর উপস্থিত না থাকা প্রসঙ্গে কে এম সফিউল্লাহ বলেন, জেনারেল ওসমানী তখন মৌলভীবাজারে ছিলেন। এ ছাড়া ভারতীয় সেনাবাহিনীর প্রধান স্যাম মানেকশ সেখানে ছিলেন না, ছিলেন তাঁর দ্বিতীয় ব্যক্তি জেনারেল জগজিৎ সিং অরোরা। তাই মুক্তিবাহিনীরও দ্বিতীয় ব্যক্তি এ কে খন্দকার আত্মসমর্পণের সময় উপস্থিত ছিলেন।

(Translation:- Regarding the absence of Mukti Bahini Chief General MAG Osmani at the surrender ceremony, KM Safiullah said that General Osmani was in Moulvibazar at that time. Besides, Indian Army Chief Sam Manekshaw was not there, his second man was General Jagjit Singh Aurora. So AK Khandaker, the second man of the freedom fighters was also present at the time of surrender.)

But the best statement/witness comes from Nozrul Islam's book "একাত্তরের রণাঙ্গন অকথিত কিছু কথা" :-

মুক্তিযুদ্ধকালীন বাংলাদেশ সরকারের অধীনে মুক্তিবাহিনীর সদরদফতরে তৎকালীন প্রতিরক্ষা মন্ত্রণালয়ের জনসংযোগ কর্মকর্তার দায়িত্বে ছিলেন নজরুল ইসলাম। মুক্তিযুদ্ধ নিয়ে পরবর্তীতে ‘একাত্তরের রণাঙ্গন অকথিত কিছু কথা’ নামে একটি বই লিখেছেন তিনি। অনুপম প্রকাশনী থেকে প্রকাশিত এই বইয়ে পাকিস্তানি বাহিনীর আত্মসমর্পণ অনুষ্ঠানে কেন এমএজি ওসমানী ছিলেন না, সে বিষয়ে বিস্তারিত তথ্য তুলে ধরা হয়েছে।

বইটির ২৪১ পৃষ্ঠায় নজরুল ইসলাম লিখেছেন, ‘পাকিস্তানি সেনাবাহিনীর আত্মসমর্পণ পর্ব শেষ হওয়ার দুদিন পর জেনারেল ওসমানী বিক্ষুব্ধ-উত্তপ্ত মুজিবনগর সরকারের সদর দফতরে ফিরে আসেন। ঢাকায় পাকিস্তানি সৈন্যদের আত্মসমর্পণ অনুষ্ঠানে তার অনুপস্থিতিকে কেন্দ্র করে এক অনাকাঙ্ক্ষিত ক্ষোভ ও বিভ্রান্তির সৃষ্টির হয়, যা মুজিবনগর সরকারের জন্য অস্বস্তির কারণ হয়ে উঠেছিল। পাকিস্তানি সেনাবাহিনীর আত্মসমর্পণের এই অতিগুরুত্বপূর্ণ সময়ে মুজিবনগরে জেনারেল ওসমানীর অনুপস্থিতিতে স্বাধীন বাংলা সরকারের নেতারাও তার ওপরে কিছুটা ক্ষুব্ধ হয়েছিলেন। স্বাধীন বাংলা সরকারের সদর দফতরে পা রেখে জেনারেল ওসমানী উত্তাপ কিছুটা টের পেয়েছিলেন।’

‘... জেনারেল ওসমানীর এডিসি সবিস্তারে জেনারেল সাহেবের অনুপস্থিতিতে তাকে ঘিরে কে কী মন্তব্য করেছেন, সব কথা তাকে রিপোর্ট করেন। পরিস্থিতি সম্পর্কে আরও অবহিত হওয়ার জন্য জেনারেল সাহেব আমাকে তার কক্ষে ডাকেন। খুব ধীরস্থির হয়ে বসে জেনারেল ওসমানীকে জানালাম, পাকিস্তান সেনাবাহিনীর আত্মসমর্পণ অনুষ্ঠানে আপনার অনুপস্থিতি নিয়ে এখানে রাজনৈতিক মহলে বিরূপ সমালোচনা হয়েছে।’

নজরুল ইসলাম আরও লিখেছেন, ‘জেনারেল ওসমানী কিছুটা কর্কশ কণ্ঠে বললেন, ‘দেখুন, আমরা স্বাধীনতা অর্জন করতে যাচ্ছি। কিন্তু দুঃখ হলো স্বাধীন জাতি হিসেবে আমাদের মধ্যে আত্মমর্যাদাবোধ সম্পর্কে কোনও চেতনা এখনও জন্ম হয়নি।আমাকে নিয়ে রিউমার ছড়ানোর সুযোগটা কোথায়? কোনও সুযোগ নেই। তার অনেক কারণ রয়েছে। নাম্বার ওয়ান- পাকিস্তানি সেনাবাহিনী কবে আত্মসমর্পণ করবে, আমি জানতাম না। আমি কলকাতা ছেড়ে চলে যাওয়ার পর তাদের আত্মসমর্পণের প্রস্তাব এসেছে।’

জেনারেল ওসমানী বলেন, ‘নাম্বার টু- ঢাকায় আত্মসমর্পণ অনুষ্ঠানে আমার যাওয়ার প্রশ্নই ওঠে না। কারণ, এই সশস্ত্র যুদ্ধ ভারত-বাংলাদেশের যৌথ কমান্ডের অধীনে হলেও যুদ্ধের অপারেটিং পার্টের পুরো কমান্ডে ছিলেন ভারতীয় সেনাপ্রধান লেফটেন্যান্ট জেনারেল শ্যাম মানেকশ। সত্যি কথা আমি আন্তর্জাতিকভাবে স্বীকৃত কোনও নিয়মিত সেনাবাহিনীর সেনাপ্রধানও নই। আন্তর্জাতিক রীতিনীতি অনুযায়ী পাকিস্তান সেনাবাহিনী আমার কাছে আত্মসমর্পণ করতে পারে না।

কারণ, বাংলাদেশ জেনেভা কনভেনশনে স্বাক্ষরকারী কোনও দেশ নয়। আত্মসমর্পণ অনুষ্ঠানে জেনারেল মানেকশকে রিপ্রেজেন্ট করেন লেফটেন্যান্ট জেনারেল অরোরা। জেনারেল মানেকশ গেলে তার সঙ্গে আমার যাওয়ার প্রশ্ন উঠতো। সার্বভৌম সমতার ভিত্তিতে আমার অবস্থান জেনারেল মানেকশের সমান। সেখানে জেনারেল মানেকশের অধীনস্থ আঞ্চলিক বাহিনীর প্রধান জেনারেল অরোরার সফরসঙ্গী আমি হতে পারি না। এটা দেমাগের কথা নয়, এটা প্রটোকলের ব্যাপার।

ওসমানী বলেন, ‘আমি দুঃখিত, আমাকে অবমূল্যায়ন করা হয়েছে। আমাদের মধ্যে আত্মমর্যাদাবোধের বড় অভাব। ঢাকায় ভারতীয় বাহিনী আমার কমান্ডে নয়। জেনারেল মানেকশের পক্ষে জেনারেল অরোরার কমান্ডের অধীনে ঢাকায় ভারতীয় সেনাবাহিনী। পাকিস্তানি সেনাবাহিনী আত্মসমর্পণ করবে যৌথ কমান্ডের অধীনে ভারতীয় বাহিনীর কাছে। আমি সেখানে (ঢাকায়) যাবো কি জেনারেল অরোরার পাশে দাঁড়িয়ে তামাশা দেখার জন্য? হাও ক্যান আই?’

বইয়ের বর্ণনা অনুযায়ী ওসমানী তখন নজরুল ইসলামকে বলেন, ‘আত্মসমর্পণের দলিলে স্বাক্ষর করবেন জেনারেল মানেকশের পক্ষে জেনারেল জগজিৎ সিং অরোরা আর পাকিস্তানী বাহিনীর পক্ষে জেনারেল নিয়াজী। সেখানে আমার ভূমিকা কী? খামোখা আমাকে নিয়ে টানা-হ্যাঁচড়া করা হচ্ছে।’

জেনারেল ওসমানী বলেন, ‘প্রটোকল সম্পর্কে আমাদের লোকদের কোনও ধারণা নেই, তাই এত ভুল বোঝাবুঝি সৃষ্টি। লোকজনকে বুঝিয়ে বলুন।’

একইসঙ্গে মুক্তিবাহিনীর পরিবর্তে কেন পাকিস্তানি সেনাবাহিনী মিত্রবাহিনীর কাছে আত্মসমর্পণ করেছে, সে বিষয়টিও উঠে এসেছে এই বইটিতে। বইয়ের ২৪৪ পৃষ্ঠায় লেখক নজরুল ইসলাম জানান, ‘জেনারেল ওসমানীকে জানিয়েছিলাম যে, পাকিস্তানি বাহিনী মুক্তিবাহিনীর পরিবর্তে ভারতীয় সেনাবাহিনীর কাছে কেন আত্মসমর্পণ করেছে, তা নিয়েও প্রশ্ন ও বিতর্ক সৃষ্টি হয়েছে।

এ সময় সিলেটের আওয়ামী লীগ নেতা দেওয়ান ফরিদ গাজী জেনারেল সাহেবের ঘরে গিয়ে ঢুকলেন। দেওয়ান গাজী আমার (নজরুল ইসলাম) কথা শুনতে পেয়ে বললেন, পিআরও (নজরুল ইসলাম) সাহেব ঠিকই কইছুন। মানুষ চায় পাকিস্তানি সৈন্যরা মুক্তিবাহিনীর কাছে আত্মসমর্পণ করুক।’

জেনারেল ওসমানী দেওয়ান গাজীর ওপর তির্যক দৃষ্টি নিক্ষেপ করে বলেন, ‘তোমরা লোকজনকে অন্ধকারে রেখেছো। দুনিয়ার রীতিনীতি সম্পর্কে মানুষকে কিছু জানতে দাও।’ ওসমানী বলেন, ‘যুদ্ধ-বিগ্রহ, জয়-পরাজয়, আত্মসমর্পণ সম্পর্কে জেনেভা কনভেনশনের আন্তর্জাতিক নীতিমালা আছে। জেনেভা কনভেনশনে স্বাক্ষরকারী দেশগুলো যুদ্ধ-বিগ্রহ, জয়-পরাজয়, আত্মসমর্পণ ইত্যাদির ব্যাপারে এ নীতিমালা মানতে বাধ্য। আমরা মানে বাংলাদেশ জেনেভা কনভেনশনে স্বাক্ষরকারী দেশ নই। এই কনভেনশনের স্বাক্ষরকারী দেশ হিসেবে পাকিস্তানি সেনাবাহিনী আমাদের কাছে আত্মসমর্পণ করতে রাজি হবে না।

কারণ, তাদের (পাক বাহিনী) ধারণা, আমাদের কাছে আত্মসমর্পণ করলে আমরা তাদের সঙ্গে জেনেভা কনভেনশনে বর্নিত নীতিমালা অনুযায়ী আচরণ করবো না। যেহেতু আমরা জেনেভা কনভেনশনের আওতায় পড়ি না, তাই জেনেভা কনভেনশনের নীতিমালা মানতে আমরা বাধ্যও নই। আমাদের মুক্তিযোদ্ধারা তাদের হত্যা করে ফেলবে। কিন্তু জেনেভা কনভেশন অনুযায়ী পরাজিত আত্মসমর্পণকারী সৈন্যদের হত্যা করা বা কোনও রূপ নির্যাতন করা যায় না।

তাদের নিরাপত্তায় আইনি প্রটেকশন দিতে হয়। সামরিক রীতিনীতি অনুযায়ী তাদের সঙ্গে আচরণ করতে হয়। উন্নত খাবার, নানান সুযোগ-সুবিধা দিতে হয়। বন্দিকালীন সময়ে নিরস্ত্র অবস্থায় এক্সারসাইজ, খেলাধুলা ইত্যাদির সুযোগ-সুবিধা দিতে হয়। কিন্তু আমরা তো এখনও ভারতের মাটিতেই রয়ে গেছি। বাংলাদেশই তো আমাদের নিয়ন্ত্রণে নেই। আমাদের সিভিল অ্যাডমিনিস্ট্রেশন প্রতিষ্ঠিত হয়নি। কোনও নিয়মিত সুশৃঙ্খল সেনাবাহিনী নেই। এমনকি পুলিশ বাহিনীও নেই। এ অবস্থায় ৯০ হাজার পাকিস্তানি সৈন্য আমাদের কাছে আত্মসমর্পণ করলে, আমরা তাদের রাখবো কোথায়? তাদের প্রটেকশন দেবো কিভাবে? ৯০ হাজার সৈন্যকে তিন বেলা উন্নত খাবার দেবো কোথা থেকে। দেশে গিয়ে তো আমরাই খাবার পাবো না।’

(Translation:- Nazrul Islam was the Public Relations Officer of the then Ministry of Defense at the headquarters of the Liberation Army under the Government of Bangladesh during the War of Liberation. He later wrote a book on the War of Liberation entitled 'The Battlefield of 1971'. The book, published by Anupam Prakashani, details why MAG Osmani was not present at the surrender ceremony of the Pakistani forces.

On page 241 of the book, Nazrul Islam writes, "Two days after the surrender of the Pakistani army, General Osmani returned to the headquarters of the agitated Mujibnagar government. His absence from the surrender ceremony of the Pakistani troops in Dhaka created an unexpected outrage and confusion, which caused uneasiness for the Mujibnagar government.

At this crucial time of the surrender of the Pakistani army, in the absence of General Osmani at Mujibnagar, the leaders of the independent Bengal government were also somewhat angry with him. General Osmani got a sense of warmth when he set foot in the headquarters of the independent Bengal government. '

‘... General Osmani’s ADC reported to him in detail who had commented on him in the absence of General Saheb. The General called me to his room to find out more about the situation. I sat down very quietly and informed General Osmani that your absence from the surrender ceremony of the Pakistan Army has been criticized in the political arena. '

Nazrul Islam further wrote, ‘General Osmani said in a somewhat hoarse voice,‘ Look, we are going to achieve independence. But sadly, as an independent nation, we have not yet developed a sense of self-worth. Where is the opportunity to spread rumors about me? There is no chance. There are many reasons for this. Number one - I did not know when the Pakistani army would surrender. After I left Kolkata, they offered to surrender. '

General Osmani said, "There is no question of me going to the surrender ceremony in Number Two Dhaka. Because, although this armed war was under the joint command of India and Bangladesh, the entire command of the operating part of the war was under the command of Indian Army Lieutenant General Shyam Manekshaw. Honestly, I am not the army chief of any internationally recognized regular army. According to international norms, the Pakistan army cannot surrender to me.

Because Bangladesh is not a signatory to the Geneva Conventions. Lieutenant General Aurora represented General Manekshaw at the surrender ceremony. When General Manekshaw went, the question of my going with him would arise. My position on the basis of sovereign equality is equal to that of General Manekshaw. I cannot accompany General Aurora, the head of the regional forces under General Manekshaw. It's not a matter of mind, it's a matter of protocol.

Osmani said, ‘I am sorry, I have been underestimated. We have a great lack of self-esteem. The Indian forces in Dhaka are not under my command. The Indian Army in Dhaka under the command of General Aurora on behalf of General Manekshaw. The Pakistani army will surrender to the Indian forces under the joint command. Will I go there (in Dhaka) to stand next to General Aurora and watch the joke? How can I? '

According to the book, Osmani then told Nazrul Islam, "General Jagjit Singh Aurora on behalf of General Manekshaw and General Niazi on behalf of the Pakistani forces will sign the surrender document." What is my role there? I am being dragged and dragged. '

General Osmani said, ‘Our people have no idea about the protocol, so there is so much misunderstanding. Explain to the people. '

At the same time, the book also explains why the Pakistani army surrendered to the Allies instead of the Liberation Army. On page 244 of the book, author Nazrul Islam said, "I told General Osmani that there was a question and debate as to why the Pakistani army had surrendered to the Indian army instead of the Mukti Bahini." At that time, Awami League leader of Sylhet Dewan Farid Gazi entered the house of General Saheb. Dewan Gazi heard me (Nazrul Islam) and said, Mr. PRO (Nazrul Islam) is right. People want Pakistani soldiers to surrender to the freedom fighters. '

General Osmani looked down on Dewan Ghazi and said, "You have kept the people in the dark. Let people know something about the customs of the world. 'Osmani said,' The Geneva Conventions have international principles on war, victory and defeat, surrender. The signatories to the Geneva Conventions are obliged to adhere to the principles of war, victory, defeat, surrender, and so on. We mean Bangladesh is not a signatory to the Geneva Conventions. The Pakistan Army will not agree to surrender to us as a signatory to this Convention.

Because, their (Pak army) idea, if they surrender to us, we will not treat them according to the principles stated in the Geneva Convention. Since we are not covered by the Geneva Conventions, we are not bound by the principles of the Geneva Conventions. Our freedom fighters will kill them. But according to the Geneva Convention, defeated surrendered soldiers cannot be killed or tortured in any form. They have to give legal protection for their safety.

They have to be treated according to military custom. Improved food, various facilities have to be given. Exercise, sports, etc. have to be provided while unarmed while in captivity. But we are still on Indian soil. Bangladesh is not under our control. Our civil administration has not been established. There is no regular disciplined army. Not even the police force. If 90,000 Pakistani soldiers surrender to us in this situation, where will we keep them? How to protect them? Where will I give 90,000 soldiers better food in three days? We will not get food in the country. ')

পূর্ব পাকিস্তানকে পাকিস্তানের কাছ থেকে বিচ্ছিন্ন করা গেলে সামরিক দিক দিয়েও লাভবান হবে ভারত, ভারতকে আর তার পূর্রাঞ্চলে (ইস্টার্ন সেক্টরে) সামরিক শক্তি মোতায়েন রাখতে হবেনা, পুরো সামরিক শক্তিই তখন ভারতের পশ্চিমাঞ্চলে (ওয়েস্টার্ন সেক্টরে) পাকিস্তানের বিপরীতে প্রস্তুত রাখা যাবে।

Oh yes, no need to worry about 10 divisions of Bangladesh army. Genius!! :rofl:

India showed tank ,but if you study the geography of Bangladesh, tanks are useless in most of places.

Our soil is soft and not good for large scale tank battle.

Where did you get that idea? How large are you talking about? It may be true for today's heavy modern tank but not for light tank. But @Michael Corleone might even disagree with that. The PT-76, M24 Chaffee, T-55 and Sherman were lighter than 40 tons. Battle of Garibpur, Battle of Kushtia saw large scale tank battle. But the largest was in the Battle of Shiromoni which is taught in military defence colleges in 35 countries including the Deradun Army Academy of India and Britain’s Sandhurst Army Academy. Sorry couldn't find the PDF file on "Battle of Shiromoni" i actually wanted to share.

https://roar.media/bangla/main/history/tank-battle-shiromoni (Bengali Version)

From Pakistani perspective:-


Aircraft carrier later came but that was not necessary. It was show off! Indian naval blockade wasn't necessary to win our warfare.

So how do you plan to destroy Pakistani military establishments and ships near the coastal areas on both Pakistan and deter Pakistani supply line and USN, RN fleet and carry out amphibious landing without IN, Soviet navy's support?

Listen carefully. In 14 December India killed all our patriotic intellectuals.

Because in 14 December already fleeing Pakistan army can't kill these intellectuals.

Evidence is , now almost all intellectuals of Bangladesh are Indian stooge, and is is didn't kill them.

Another BS!! So now we gotta take your words instead of the relatives of the deceased intellectuals who actually identified the peoples who took these intellectuals on 14 December? How many intellectuals did you identify as Indian stooge?

I posted the thread based on an article and there have reference from a writer who was a freedom fighter!

And that makes it believable? If being a freedom fighter makes people this much trust-worthy then i guess Zia, Mujib's murderers, Maya Chowdhury and other freedom fighters wouldn't have turned out to be bad. Should we take Sarmila Bose's book seriously then from now on if that's the case?

Let other Bangladeshi posters answer/ encounter this question. I already tagged 3 Bangladeshi who hold the same point of view . They are more qualified than I am!

Why?! Why can't you answer/encounter his question? You are the one who opened this shitty thread!! Why didn't you research properly before making this allegation?! Why do you drag others in your own mess?! If they are more qualified than you then why did you keep talking and make more BS allegations?

And now present days intellectuals who were Indian moles now only alive and serving Indian purpose. They are fifth columnists . Now we have no patriot intellectuals. I said it that you misunderstood.

Quite rich coming from the guy who wants to see the grave of democracy, military backed autocracy and shut people mouth brutally. The govt you want to be backed my military is also a Indian stooge so all of you anti-Indian statements are contradictory.

No thank you . We just want Indian influence finished once and for all. And the process has been started. Just wait and see!

LOL!! How do you presume? What process has started? Momen kagu seems so happy about Modi's upcoming visit, didn't he say we have hubby-wife relation with India? Constant visit by Indian delegation, Sonadia deep-sea project, the recent vaccine diplomacy, transit do i need to go on? Keep dreaming about finishing Indian influence while me and you are ok with BAL ruling the country. 😂

Here is a thread discussing the looting by Indian Army from commoners.

Indian Army looting money from Bangladeshis in 1971 war (video)

Another propaganda!! They edited AP's clip and just added a caption. Fake and original, none of them shows anything about the looting. Even the fake one provides link to original clip/footage.

To demonstrate this in an overt way, here is how most millennial Bangladeshi women dress nowadays - practicing modest Islamic fashion trends.
Of course there are non-Hijabi Bangladeshi Muslim women, but nowadays, one can easily tell among Bangladeshi women who is Hindu and who is Muslim. Twenty years ago, aping Hindu traditions were more prevalent and you could not tell women apart like this.

How do you know most women dress like that? Any evidence/stat to support your claim? Looks like you are judging people based on their appearance. Kinda racist it seems.

This Baibars guy is a false flagger Indian, we all know this. Apparently you don't.
Is that all you have? Jamati? Terrorist? :lol:

Try to argue logically rather than calling people personal names.

You should listen your own advice. Why do you get upset if people treat you the same way you treat them? This usual trick of your doesn't work everywhere and makes it annoying and ridiculous.

Just read up on adamjee jute mill, haque industries to name a few... all their machineries were taken to India.

All of it?! :eek: And not a single evidence/witness/complaint? Don't know about Haque but how did Admajee start running so soon after the nationalization? Seems like a preposterous claim.

Bs govt represent people?

How are they BS govt? They were elected by the people back then. Mujib and BAL was the center for people's movement and fight back then.
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১৯৭১ সালের মুক্তিযুদ্ধে বীর মুক্তি বাহিনী যখন দেশের ৯৫-৯৯ শতাংশ অঞ্চল মুক্ত করে ফেলেছিল, ঠিক তখন ৩রা ডিসেম্বর ভারতীয় সেনাবাহিনী লুটপাট করার জন্য বাংলাদেশে প্রবেশ করে। তারা ১৬ ডিসেম্বরের পর বাংলাদেশ জুড়ে নজির বিহীন লুটপাট চালিয়েছিলো। ৯৩ হাজার পাকিস্তানী সৈন্যদের ফেলে যাওয়া বিপুল পরিমাণ অস্ত্রশস্ত্র ও গোলাবারুদ- যার মূল্য ওই সময় ছিলো ২৭ হাজার কোটি টাকা, তার সবই ভারতীয় সেনাবাহিনী ১৫টি বিশাল জাহাজে করে বাংলাদেশ থেকে লুট করে নিয়ে যায়। অথচ সেই অস্ত্রের মালিকানা ছিলো পুরোপুরি বাংলাদেশের।
শুধু তাই নয়, বাংলাদেশের শত শত মিল কারখানার যন্ত্রপাতি, ব্যাংক, স্কুল, কলেজ, বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়, ঘর-বাড়ির গৃহস্থালী জিনিসপত্র পর্যন্ত বাদ যায়নি লোভী ভারতীয় লুটেরাদের হাত থেকে। এসব সম্পদ ও দ্রব্যাদির তখনকার মূল্য ছিলো আনুমানিক ৯০ হাজার কোটি টাকা। শৌচাগারের বদনাগুলোও বাদ দেয়নি ভারতীয় লুটেরার দল। এছাড়াও যুদ্ধকালীন ও যুদ্ধ পরবর্তীকালীন সময়ে বিভিন্ন আন্তর্জাতিক সংস্থার প্রদত্ত বিপুল পরিমাণ অর্থ ও অন্যান্য সাহায্যও লুট করে নিয়ে যায় আমাদের পরম মিত্র (!!!) ভারত।
বাংলাদেশে ভারতীয় সেনাবাহিনীর লুন্ঠনের ব্যাপারে আজিজুল করিম ‘হোয়াই সাচ এন্টি-ইন্ডিয়ান ফিলিংস এমং বাংলাদেশী?’ শিরোনামে এক নিবন্ধে ১৯৭৪ সালের ডিসেম্বরে প্রকাশিত ভারতীয় মাসিক ‘অনিক’-এর রিপোর্টের উদ্ধৃতি দিয়ে লিখেছেন, “ভারতীয় সৈন্যদের লুণ্ঠিত মালামালের মূল্য ছিল প্রায় ১শ’ কোটি মার্কিন ডলার।”
বাংলাদেশে ভারতীয় সেনাবাহিনীর লুণ্ঠনের ব্যাপারে ‘বাংলাদেশ পাস্ট এন্ড প্রেজেন্ট’ পুস্তকে সালাহউদ্দিন আহমদ লিখেছেন, “যুদ্ধ শেষ হয়ে যাবার পর ভারতীয় সৈন্যরা পার্বত্য চট্টগ্রামে অধিক সময় অবস্থান করতে থাকায় ভারত সমালোচিত হতে থাকে। অভিযোগ করা হয় যে, ভারতীয় সেনাবাহিনী ট্রাক বহরে করে বাংলাদেশ থেকে বিপুল পরিমাণ অস্ত্রশস্ত্র ও সাজসরঞ্জাম সরিয়ে নিয়ে যায়। ফলে ভারত বাংলাদেশকে আত্মমর্যাদাশালী রাষ্ট্রের পরিবর্তে একটি তাঁবেদার রাষ্ট্রে পরিণত করতে চায় এমন একটি আশঙ্কা থেকে বাংলাদেশের প্রতি ভারতীয় নীতির বিরুদ্ধে উত্তেজনা ও সংশয় সৃষ্টি হয়।”
মুক্তিযোদ্ধা ও লেখক জয়নাল আবেদীনের ‘র এন্ড বাংলাদেশ’ শিরোনামে লেখা একটি বইয়েও বাংলাদেশে ভারতীয় সেনাবাহিনীর লুন্ঠনের বর্ণনা দেয়া হয়েছে। বইটিতে তিনি লিখেছেন, “পাকিস্তানি সৈন্যদের আত্মসমর্পণের পর ভারতীয় সৈন্যদের ব্যাপক লুটতরাজ দেখতে পেয়ে ভারতের প্রকৃত চেহারা আমার কাছে নগ্নভাবে ফুটে উঠে। ভারতীয় সৈন্যরা যা কিছু দেখতে পেতো তার উপর হুমড়ি খেয়ে পড়তো এবং সেগুলো ভারতে বহন করে নিয়ে যেতো। লুটতরাজ সহজতর করার জন্য তারা আমাদের শহর, শিল্প স্থাপনা, বন্দর, সেনানিবাস, বাণিজ্যিক কেন্দ্র এমনকি আবাসিক এলাকায় কারফিউ জারি করে। তারা সিলিং ফ্যান থেকে শুরু করে সামরিক সাজসরঞ্জাম, তৈজষপত্র ও পানির ট্যাপ পর্যন্ত উঠিয়ে নিয়ে যায়। লুণ্ঠিত মালামাল ভারতে পরিবহনের জন্য হাজার হাজার সামরিক যান ব্যবহার করা হয়।”
বইটির আরেকটি অংশে তিনি লিখেছেন, “বাংলাদেশের মুক্তিযুদ্ধের মধ্য দিয়ে ভারত অর্থনৈতিক, সামরিক, কৌশলগত ও আন্তর্জাতিকভাবে ব্যাপক লাভবান হয়েছে। এ কারণে দেশটি তার নিজের স্বার্থে আমাদের মুক্তিযুদ্ধে সম্পৃক্ত হয়, আমাদের স্বার্থে নয়।”
বাংলাদেশে ভারতীয় সেনাবাহিনীর লুণ্ঠনের ব্যাপারে “বাংলাদেশ পাস্ট এন্ড প্রেজেন্ট” পুস্তকে সালাহউদ্দিন আহমদ লিখেছেন, “যুদ্ধ শেষ হয়ে যাবার পর ভারতীয় সৈন্যরা পার্বত্য চট্টগ্রামে অধিক সময় অবস্থান করতে থাকায় ভারত সমালোচিত হতে থাকে। অভিযোগ করা হয় যে, ভারতীয় সেনাবাহিনী ট্রাক বহরে করে বাংলাদেশ থেকে বিপুল পরিমাণ অস্ত্রশস্ত্র ও সাজসরঞ্জাম সরিয়ে নিয়ে যায়। ফলে ভারত বাংলাদেশকে আত্মমর্যাদাশালী রাষ্ট্রের পরিবর্তে একটি তাঁবেদার রাষ্ট্রে পরিণত করতে চায় এমন একটি আশঙ্কা থেকে বাংলাদেশের প্রতি ভারতীয় নীতির বিরুদ্ধে উত্তেজনা ও সংশয় সৃষ্টি হয়।”
এবার আসুন দেখি মুক্তিযুদ্ধে “তথাকথিত” সাহায্যের কারণ এবং বর্তমানের লুটপাট।
১. পাকিস্তানকে অর্থনৈতিকভাবে দূর্বল করার লক্ষ্যে দুই টুকরো করতে পারলে ভারতের দীর্ঘদিনের স্বপ্ন বাস্তবায়িত করা, ভারতও ভালভাবেই জানত পূর্ব পাকিস্তানের আয় (বিশেষত পূর্ব পাকিস্তানের পাট, চা, চামড়া, নিউজপ্রিন্ট ও আরো অন্যান্য পন্য রপ্তানী বাবত বিপুল বৈদেশিক মূদ্রা অর্জন ) দিয়েই পশ্চিম পাকিস্তানের অর্থনৈতিক উন্নয়ন বা অর্থনীতির চাকা সচল রাখা হত।
২. পূর্ব পাকিস্তানকে পাকিস্তানের কাছ থেকে বিচ্ছিন্ন করা গেলে সামরিক দিক দিয়েও লাভবান হবে ভারত, ভারতকে আর তার পূর্রাঞ্চলে (ইস্টার্ন সেক্টরে) সামরিক শক্তি মোতায়েন রাখতে হবেনা, পুরো সামরিক শক্তিই তখন ভারতের পশ্চিমাঞ্চলে (ওয়েস্টার্ন সেক্টরে) পাকিস্তানের বিপরীতে প্রস্তুত রাখা যাবে। আরেকটা ব্যাপার ছিল ৬৫ সালের পাক-ভারত পুর্ব পাকিস্তানী(বাংলাদেশী) সৈন্য দের ব্যাপক বীরোচিত আক্রমন।
৩. ভারত বাংলাদেশের অর্থনীতিকে ধীরে ধীরে এমনভাবে ভারত নির্ভরশীল করে তুলবে এবং বাংলাদেশের নিজস্ব অর্থনীতি ও অর্থনীতির মূল শক্তিগুলোকে এমনভাবে ধ্বংশ করে দিবে যাতে বাংলাদেশ অনেকাংশে ভারতের উপর নির্ভর শীল হয়ে থাকে। বাংলাদেশের পাট ও চা শিল্প আরো অনেক আগেই ধ্বংশ হয়ে এখন এই বাজার একচেটিয়া ভারতের দখলে চলে গেছে, বাংলাদেশের গার্মেন্টস শিল্প এবং জনশক্তি রপ্তানী খাতও ভারতের তীব্র প্রতিযোগিতা ও ষড়যন্ত্রের শিকারে পরিনত হয়েছে।
আর উজানে বিভিন্ন নদীতে বাঁধ দিয়ে বাংলাদেশের নদ-নদীকে মরুভূমি বানিয়ে বাংলাদেশের কৃষি, জলবায়ূ ও প্রকৃতিকে ইতমধ্যেই ধ্বংশের শেষ সীমায় ঠেলে দেওয়া হয়েছে। অর্থাৎ বাংলাদেশ স্বাধীন হলেও ভারতের জন্য কোন হুমকী হবেনা, বরং ভারতের লাভই হবে এবং কার্যত ভারতই বাংলাদেশের জন্য হুমকী হয়ে থাকতে পারবে। এসব হিসাব-নিকাশ সঠিকভাবে করেই ভারত ১৯৭১ সালে পূর্ব পাকিস্তানকে পাকিস্তান থেকে পৃথক তথা স্বাধীন বাংলাদেশ হতে সাহায্য করেছিল।

যে কারনে বাঙ্গালীদের মনে এতো প্রশ্ন ভারতের সেই তথাকথিত সাহায্যের জন্য।
কেন ভারত আমাদের ২৬ শে মার্চ এর পর পরই সাহায্য করল না, যদি সত্যই তারা আমাদের সাহায্য করতে চাইত?
রেসকোর্স ময়দানে আমাদের জেনারেল আতাউল গনি ওসমানী সাহেব ছিলেন না কেন? তাকে কি আসতে বাঁধা দেয়া হয়েছিল?
কেন আমরা ৯০ভাগ অঞ্চল মুক্ত করার পর ভারত ডিসেম্বরের ৩ তারিখ আক্রমণ করল?
আপনাদের মনে আছে জর্জ হ্যারিসনের “কনসার্ট ফর বাংলাদেশ” এই ধরনের অনুষ্ঠান গুলো থেকে প্রাপ্ত অর্থ সহ বিশাল পরিমাণ ফান্ডের টাকা গুলো কোথায় গেল? ভারত কি হিসেব দিয়েছিল?
কেন রাশিয়ার দেয়া অস্ত্র গুলো ভারত নিজেদের দেয়া বলে চালিয়ে নিয়েছিল?
‘ইটস মিলিনিয়াম ইয়ার অপরচুনিটি টু ডিভাইড পাকিস্থান ইন্টু টু পিস’ – এই কথাটি কে বলেছিল?
বস্তুত বাংলাদেশের মুক্তিযুদ্ধের মধ্য দিয়ে ভারত অর্থনৈতিক, সামরিক, কৌশলগত ও আন্তর্জাতিকভাবে ব্যাপক লাভবান হয়েছে। এ কারণে দেশটি তার নিজের স্বার্থে আমাদের মুক্তিযুদ্ধে সম্পৃক্ত হয়, আমাদের স্বার্থে নয়।” আজ এরাই গলা লম্বা করে বলে তারা নাকি বাংলাদেশকে সাহায্যে না করলে দেশ স্বাধীন হতনা!!! এই জন্যই বলে চোরের মার বড় গলা !

Google translation -

In the war of liberation of 1971, when the heroic liberation forces had liberated 95-99 percent of the country, on December 3, the Indian army entered Bangladesh to loot. They carried out unprecedented looting across Bangladesh after 16 December. The huge quantity of arms and ammunition left behind by 93,000 Pakistani soldiers - valued at Rs 26,000 crore at the time - was looted from Bangladesh by the Indian Army in 15 large ships. But that weapon was completely owned by Bangladesh.

Not only that, the equipment of hundreds of mills in Bangladesh, banks, schools, colleges, universities, even household items were not spared from the hands of greedy Indian looters. The value of these assets and commodities at that time was approximately 90 thousand crore rupees. The Indian looters did not leave out the toilet bowls either. India, our absolute ally (!!!), also looted huge sums of money and other aid provided by various international organizations during and after the war.
Azizul Karim, in an article titled 'Why Such Anti-Indian Feelings and Bangladeshis?' . ”

Salahuddin Ahmed wrote in his book 'Bangladesh Past and Present' about the plunder of Indian army in Bangladesh, It is alleged that the Indian Army removed a large quantity of arms and equipment from Bangladesh by truck. As a result, the fear that India wants to turn Bangladesh into a tyrannical state instead of a self-respecting state creates tension and suspicion against Indian policy towards Bangladesh.

A book by freedom fighter and writer Joynal Abedin titled 'R&D Bangladesh' also describes the plunder of the Indian Army in Bangladesh. In the book, he writes, "After the surrender of the Pakistani soldiers, seeing the massive looting of the Indian soldiers, the true face of India came to my notice. Indian soldiers stumbled upon whatever they saw and carried it to India. To facilitate looting, they imposed curfews in our cities, industrial establishments, ports, cantonments, commercial centers and even in residential areas. They carry everything from ceiling fans to military equipment, utensils and water taps. Thousands of military vehicles are used to transport looted goods to India. ”

In another part of the book, he writes, “India has benefited immensely economically, militarily, strategically and internationally through the liberation war of Bangladesh. That is why the country is involved in our liberation war in its own interest, not in our interest. ”

Salahuddin Ahmed wrote in his book "Bangladesh Past and Present" about the plunder of Indian army in Bangladesh, "After the end of the war, India was criticized for keeping Indian troops in the Chittagong Hill Tracts for a long time. It is alleged that the Indian Army removed a large quantity of arms and equipment from Bangladesh by truck. As a result, the fear that India wants to turn Bangladesh into a tyrannical state instead of a self-respecting state has created tension and suspicion against Indian policy towards Bangladesh. ”

Now let's look at the reasons for the "so-called" help in the liberation war and the current looting.

1. Realizing India's long-held dream of tearing Pakistan apart economically, India was well aware of East Pakistan's economic development (especially its huge foreign exchange earnings from East Pakistan's jute, tea, leather, newsprint and other exports). The wheel was kept in motion.

2. Separating East Pakistan from Pakistan would also benefit India militarily. India does not have to deploy military force in its eastern sector, the entire military force can be kept ready in the western sector of India as opposed to Pakistan. Another issue was the massive heroic attack of the Pak-India East Pakistani (Bangladeshi) troops in 1965.

3. India will gradually make Bangladesh's economy dependent on India and destroy Bangladesh's own economy and the key forces of the economy in such a way that Bangladesh becomes largely dependent on India. Bangladesh's jute and tea industries have long since collapsed and the market is now monopolized by India, and Bangladesh's garment industry and manpower export sector have also fallen victim to India's fierce competition and conspiracy.

And by building dams on various rivers upstream and turning the rivers of Bangladesh into deserts, the agriculture, climate and nature of Bangladesh have already been pushed to the brink of destruction. In other words, even if Bangladesh becomes independent, there will be no threat to India, but India will benefit and in practice India will be a threat to Bangladesh. By doing these calculations properly, India helped East Pakistan in 1971 to become an independent Bangladesh.

That is why there are so many questions in the minds of Bengalis for the so-called help of India.

Why didn't India help us after March 26, if they really wanted to help us?

Why was our General Ataul Gani Osmani not on the racecourse ground? Was he prevented from coming?
Why did India invade on 3rd December after we liberated 90% of the territory?

Do you remember where the huge amount of money including the money from George Harrison's "Concert for Bangladesh" went? What did India calculate?
Why did India continue to claim the weapons given by Russia as its own?
‘It’s Millennium Year Opportunity to Divide Pakistan Into Peace’ - who said that?

In fact, through the liberation war of Bangladesh, India has benefited immensely economically, militarily, strategically and internationally. That is why the country is involved in our liberation war in its own interest, not in our interest. ” Today they are the ones who say that the country would not be independent if they did not help Bangladesh !!! This is why the thief's throat is big!

Source - https://www.facebook.com/groups/503322647322989/permalink/505446543777266/
(Defresca group)

This needs to be taught in schools and publicised globally.
After reading 21 pages i am stunned!! It looks like a absolutely BOGUS BS PROPAGANDA ARTICLE aimed to instigate hatred against India using peoples emotion. A poor unnecessary attempt. I see @magra , @Baibars_1260 and @MilSpec is keeping their head cool, arguing patiently with logic.

But seeing our few Bangladeshi members just dragging the thread to 21 pages without any solid evidence is disappointing and irritating. Instead you guys are bringing more BS allegations, diverting to different topics, throwing slightly racial remarks about Hindu-Atheist and ending up derailing the thread with rants and mud-slinging often.

No offence to you guys but after going through 21 pages, your actions and responses seemed totally STUPID and RIDICULOUS. Specially @Atlas seems to have lost his mind completely, saying whatever coming in his mind. It seems like you took this article written by a random facebook user as the ultimate truth and just went with it. This is a serious allegations you are making in an international forum which is no different than accusing a country for genocide/ethnic cleansing/war crimes.

So when you say something like this, you have to bring solid evidence to make the allegation at least credible somehow. It looks like the original writer of this article didn't even bother do proper research and write the things properly. Few things in the article raises eyebrows and in short it basically saying only two things/points.
  • Accusing Indian military for looting us within two and half months which is not proven yet. Not elaborating properly then moving to the second point below.
  • Blaming India for harming/affecting our various sectors but not saying what WE did to prevent those and not saying that if we had any fault or not in damaging those sectors.
Both points seem ridiculous. This should not be even considered as an article. Just a mere small blog to achieve certain agenda. Looks like the Bangladeshi member who shared the article here just believed it because of the reference of a "freedom fighter" and didn't bother to verify it's authenticity. The other Bangladeshi members doesn't look prepared to respond here logically. Surprised that no one actually reported the thread as propaganda. Even the facebook group where this was posted, deleted the writing cause the link shared here doesn't work anymore.

My father also talked about this loot before but i haven't seen any single evidence to back the claim. And guess what? my father is a hardcore BNP supporter. Originated from a post in facebook group , the post uses only three books as references. It also says it used articles on liberation war from various websites but doesn't actually specify which page of those books and which articles from websites are being used as references.

One of the writer is a freedom fighter. In another PDF thread it looks like that this Joynal Abedin guy is controversial and he had connection with Pakistan. Question is did he actually saw any looting? If he did or even knew about anything then why didn't he do anything back then? Furthermore the article doesn't give any specific details about which area, mill/factories were looted.

More importantly why wasn't there a single complain/protest/photo/video/ news paper article in mainstream media if they stole those things? Did the entire Bangladeshi population suddenly became dumb and impotent just after independence? There were numerous patriot freedom fighters and foreign journalist present in BD that time, AP was even recording lots of clip. But they didn't hear or report anything about the alleged looting either.

It's true that India would benefit in long term by defeating and splitting Pakistan in half. Any person who has even simple knowledge in India-Pakistan's rivalry and history since British period can realize that. Even the article says it. Denying that and India's help in 1971 is utter stupidity.

India saw the chance to isolate and liberate East Pakistan from the West Pakistan and took. Anybody who wouldn't take the chance is a STUPID. If i have chance to regain the Seven Sisters and West Bengal or the Arakan to establish the Greater Bengal/Bangladesh i will do it. Missing that opportunity would be like USA not breaking Soviet Union when it had the chance.

But no need to think that it's solely India's fault that West Pakistan lost East Pakistan. West Pakistan has it's own part too in this matter. Yes, India is bad with us in some sectors but it also plays a part in bilateral business and regional connectivity.

And Pakistanis who are jumping out of joy, talking about this loot, two nation theory and Muslim Chummah feeling, you guys should be last people on earth to criticize Indians and troll Bangladeshis here. If you care so much about Indian military looting us after independence then you should start paying us the Tk18,000 crore you owe us.

The article also says that the money earned from East Pakistan's export used for the development of West Pakistan.

That's also called looting. If you agree that India looted us then technically you also agree that you looted us. Not only that, you were even looting right before leaving us at the end of liberation war.

So Pakistanis who are criticizing here kinda remind me of that Bengali proverb, "চোরের মার বড় গলা" (Rogues supplant justice)

Good question. Mongla and CTG port was non-operational because of mines and ship-wrecks. So where did these 15 ships dock? Who saw those ships and why there isn't any photos of those ships? How did Indian move heavy machineries from mill, factories? They completed their withdrawal on March 12, 1972. So how did they managed to steal 1 billion dollar worth equipments/things including those machineries in such short amount of time?

Very similar post from a blog says that it's hard to find how much assets India looted from BD but then throws random figures. It also says that the loot happened because there was limited scope to import foreign products for India. Both point seem ridiculous.

Which one is it really? Is it 95-99% Or is it just 90%? Or is it 90-95%? Did we almost win the war or did we WIN it already? Make up your mind first. The Pakistan military didn't surrender to any single party until India officially joined the fight in December so how did you determine that you won the war? The first district which was liberated by the joint forces is Jessore. So what's the logic behind such claim?

He already said it at the beginning of the article but again asking why did India enter Bangladesh at 3rd December. :cuckoo: Must be smocking some good stuff. :drag:

I thought only local authority can issue curfew. How did Indian Military issue curfew? 🤨

The concert was organised by George Harrison and Ravi Shankar. The money raised and earned from the concert, album, film, DVD was administered and distributed by the UNICEF through George Harrison Fund.

$243,418.50 raised from two shows were given to UNICEF to administer on 12 August 1971. $2 million were sent via UNICEF to Bangladesh in 1972. Rest of the money was held in an Internal Revenue Service escrow account for more than ten years because Harrison's manager Allen Klein failed to register the event as a UNICEF benefit so it didn't tax-exempt status by the US govt.

So why is this RAM CHAGOL holding India accountable for this concert when it wasn't even involved? :cuckoo:😑

Oh yes!! Of course!! Everything is India's fault. 😂 You are gonna do mismanagement, corruption, frequent power cut-off, lower import duty on Indian tea, not backing-up the industry, won't pay enough timely and treat your workers well but at the end of the day it's India's fault that your industries got ruined. The sugar must be India's next target as i see similar cases happening there too.

After nationalization in 1972, the Adamjee Jute Mill started suffering from problems like overstaffing, lack of work discipline, absenteeism and unionism. The new management failed to ensure product quality and the output of the mill could no more meet the specifications of overseas buyers. The situation gradually got worse and the mill started incurring losses, a trend which could never be reversed. Because of continuous losses incurred by the mill every year, the government closed it on 30 June 2002.

Tazrin Garment, Rana Plaza incidents, numerous protest for wages, payment before Eid must be orchestrated by RAW, right? :cuckoo:🙂 Vietnam must be getting huge support from India in RMG sector. Italian ফাষ্টফুড/পাসপুর্টধারী unskilled/illiterate KAMLAS going abroad illegally and acting like uncivilized ape inside Biman, Hajj camp and other places must be the conspiracy of India. 🙂 How about we look at ourselves in mirror and talk about our own loot in 50 years before pointing our fingers towards others? 🙂

Because it was Pakistan's internal problem till then and didn't affect India. The refugee crisis may have but it wasn't enough reason to attack Pakistan. Just like BD, Malaysia or any other countries won't attack Myanmar because of Rohingya and other ethnic cleansing. If India intervened militarily right after 26th March Pakistan sure would've blamed India for trying to annex East Pakistan.

Then the excuse of eradicating "Indian agents" would've worked and as most of the people inside and outside the country who were still unaware of what's happening, they would've supported Pakistan. India would've lost internal, international and UN support then. So India waited, showed world what's going on in East Pakistan and worked diplomatically to gain international support until Pakistan dragged them into the fight officially on 3rd December which left no obstacle for them to directly intervene.

So attacking with a military is not the only thing you can call help. India giving shelter, training and weapon, cross border artillery support, closing air space and putting naval blockade for Pakistani military, diplomatic effort are also part of 9 months help. Just like what US and EU did about Myanmar's oppression on minorities or Iran, Russia, N.Korea etc. You don't fight your enemies with muscle only but with your brain too.

When did Russia give us weapon? 🤨 Except the arms we got from Pakistan military all the weapons came from India. There was no Russian arm in our liberation war. There was Chinese variant of Russian SKS (Type 56) and Ak-47 (Chinese/Type 56 SMG).

"The Daily Star made a list of the weapons used by the freedom fighters: Smith & Wesson Model 10 Revolver, SKS Rifle or Chinese Rifle, Indian SLR Rifle, Sterling Sub-machinegun, Chinese Light Machinegun, AK-47 Rifle or 'Chinese SMG', Lee Enfield .303 Rifle, British Sten Gun, HE-36 Grenade, MG 42 Machinegun, 105mm Howitzer, Bren gun or British .303 Light Machinegun, Mortar, 120mm Heavy Mortar, ZB 53 Machinegun or 'Czechoslovakian Machinegun', G3 Rifle, Type 53 Machinegun, Chinese Rocket Launcher, M40 recoilless Rifle, ENERGA Anti-Tank Rifle Grenade, M18 Recoilless Rifle, Tula Tokarev 33 Pistol, Italian 9mm 3842 Beretta Model 38 (Sub Machinegun), SA 44 Rifle."


A common dialogue used by BNP-Jamati supporters. 😂 Made me angry when i was a teenager but now i see how these words play with our emotion.

Yep AP is a paid Indian/RAW agent who had lots of leisure time to create more than 35 footage. 😂 :rofl:Osmani's absence during the surrender is a popular tool for propaganda and conspiracy theory. None of them are proven. Not even Osmani blame India and he explained why he wasn't there. From several reports it looks like the main reason of Osmani's absence were:-
  • Helicopter shot-down
  • Protocol
  • Osmani's stubbornness and unawareness of the surrender.
I gonna share those statements here. Most of it in Bengali. Sorry!! the reply alone is HUGE and i can't translate the whole thing word by word cause it's time consuming. Please kindly use google translation below of each Bengali writings if you want some sense of it.

  • Why was the commander-in-chief of Bangladesh army, General MAG Osmani, absent at the ceremony?

    Jacob: There is a lot of propaganda about it. The fact is, he was in Sylhet. He was in a helicopter that was shot at by the Pakistan army. I had ordered everyone on the Bangladesh side to stay in Kolkata. But he rode the chopper, got shot and couldn't attend the ceremony. It's not our fault. He should have been there. We wanted him there. Khandker (deputy commander-in-chief AK Khandker) attended in his absence.
এ প্রসঙ্গে মুক্তিবাহিনীর উপপ্রধান সেনাপতি এয়ার ভাইস মার্শাল (অব.) একে খন্দকারের বিবরণ:

‘‘ভারতীয় সামরিক বাহিনীর লিয়াজোঁ অফিসার কর্নেল পি এস দাস অস্থায়ী সরকারের প্রধানমন্ত্রীকে তাঁর ব্যক্তিগত সচিব ফারুক আজিজ খানের মাধ্যমে ১৬ ডিসেম্বর বিকেলে অনুষ্ঠেয় পাকিস্তানি বাহিনীর আত্মসমপর্ণের খবর জানান। প্রধানমন্ত্রী বাংলাদেশ বাহিনীর প্রধান সেনাপতি কর্নেল এম এ জি ওসমানীর খোঁজ করতে গিয়ে জানতে পারেন যে কর্নেল ওসমানী, ব্রিগেডিয়ার উজ্জ্বল গুপ্ত (ভারতীয় বাহিনী) এবং লেফট্যানেন্ট কর্নেল আব্দুর রব মুক্ত এলাকা পরিদর্শনে সিলেট গেছেন। কর্নেল ওসমানী ১৩ ডিসেম্বর সিলেটের মুক্তাঞ্চল পরিদর্শনের পরিকল্পনা করেন। যাত্রার আগে তাঁকে আমি বলেছিলাম, স্যার আপনার এখন কোথাও যাওয়া ঠিক হবে না। দ্রুতগতিতে যুদ্ধ চূড়ান্ত পরিণতির দিকে এগিয়ে যাচ্ছে। যেকোনো সময় যেকোনো পরিস্থিতির উদ্ভব হতে পারে।’ কর্নেল ওসমানী তার পরিকল্পনা পরিবর্তন না করে সিলেটের উদ্দেশ্যে রওনা হয়ে যান।’’

(Translation:- In this context, the Deputy Commander of the Liberation Army, Air Vice Marshal (Retd.) A.K Khandaker's description:

"The liaison officer of the Indian Army, Colonel PS Das, informed the caretaker Prime Minister through his personal secretary, Farooq Aziz Khan, about the surrender of the Pakistani forces on the afternoon of December 16. While searching for Col. M. A. G. Osmani, the Commander-in-Chief of the Bangladesh Army, the Prime Minister learned that Col.

Osmani, Brigadier Ujjwal Gupta (Indian Forces) and Lieutenant Colonel Abdur Rob had gone to Sylhet to inspect the open area. Colonel Osmani planned to visit the liberated areas of Sylhet on 13 December. Before the journey I told him, Sir, it would not be right for you to go anywhere now. Rapidly the war is moving towards the final outcome. Any situation could arise at any time. "Colonel Osmani left for Sylhet without changing his plan.")

আত্মসমর্পণ অনুষ্ঠানে মুক্তিবাহিনীর প্রধান জেনারেল এম এ জি ওসমানীর উপস্থিত না থাকা প্রসঙ্গে কে এম সফিউল্লাহ বলেন, জেনারেল ওসমানী তখন মৌলভীবাজারে ছিলেন। এ ছাড়া ভারতীয় সেনাবাহিনীর প্রধান স্যাম মানেকশ সেখানে ছিলেন না, ছিলেন তাঁর দ্বিতীয় ব্যক্তি জেনারেল জগজিৎ সিং অরোরা। তাই মুক্তিবাহিনীরও দ্বিতীয় ব্যক্তি এ কে খন্দকার আত্মসমর্পণের সময় উপস্থিত ছিলেন।

(Translation:- Regarding the absence of Mukti Bahini Chief General MAG Osmani at the surrender ceremony, KM Safiullah said that General Osmani was in Moulvibazar at that time. Besides, Indian Army Chief Sam Manekshaw was not there, his second man was General Jagjit Singh Aurora. So AK Khandaker, the second man of the freedom fighters was also present at the time of surrender.)

But the best statement/witness comes from Nozrul Islam's book "একাত্তরের রণাঙ্গন অকথিত কিছু কথা" :-

মুক্তিযুদ্ধকালীন বাংলাদেশ সরকারের অধীনে মুক্তিবাহিনীর সদরদফতরে তৎকালীন প্রতিরক্ষা মন্ত্রণালয়ের জনসংযোগ কর্মকর্তার দায়িত্বে ছিলেন নজরুল ইসলাম। মুক্তিযুদ্ধ নিয়ে পরবর্তীতে ‘একাত্তরের রণাঙ্গন অকথিত কিছু কথা’ নামে একটি বই লিখেছেন তিনি। অনুপম প্রকাশনী থেকে প্রকাশিত এই বইয়ে পাকিস্তানি বাহিনীর আত্মসমর্পণ অনুষ্ঠানে কেন এমএজি ওসমানী ছিলেন না, সে বিষয়ে বিস্তারিত তথ্য তুলে ধরা হয়েছে।

বইটির ২৪১ পৃষ্ঠায় নজরুল ইসলাম লিখেছেন, ‘পাকিস্তানি সেনাবাহিনীর আত্মসমর্পণ পর্ব শেষ হওয়ার দুদিন পর জেনারেল ওসমানী বিক্ষুব্ধ-উত্তপ্ত মুজিবনগর সরকারের সদর দফতরে ফিরে আসেন। ঢাকায় পাকিস্তানি সৈন্যদের আত্মসমর্পণ অনুষ্ঠানে তার অনুপস্থিতিকে কেন্দ্র করে এক অনাকাঙ্ক্ষিত ক্ষোভ ও বিভ্রান্তির সৃষ্টির হয়, যা মুজিবনগর সরকারের জন্য অস্বস্তির কারণ হয়ে উঠেছিল। পাকিস্তানি সেনাবাহিনীর আত্মসমর্পণের এই অতিগুরুত্বপূর্ণ সময়ে মুজিবনগরে জেনারেল ওসমানীর অনুপস্থিতিতে স্বাধীন বাংলা সরকারের নেতারাও তার ওপরে কিছুটা ক্ষুব্ধ হয়েছিলেন। স্বাধীন বাংলা সরকারের সদর দফতরে পা রেখে জেনারেল ওসমানী উত্তাপ কিছুটা টের পেয়েছিলেন।’

‘... জেনারেল ওসমানীর এডিসি সবিস্তারে জেনারেল সাহেবের অনুপস্থিতিতে তাকে ঘিরে কে কী মন্তব্য করেছেন, সব কথা তাকে রিপোর্ট করেন। পরিস্থিতি সম্পর্কে আরও অবহিত হওয়ার জন্য জেনারেল সাহেব আমাকে তার কক্ষে ডাকেন। খুব ধীরস্থির হয়ে বসে জেনারেল ওসমানীকে জানালাম, পাকিস্তান সেনাবাহিনীর আত্মসমর্পণ অনুষ্ঠানে আপনার অনুপস্থিতি নিয়ে এখানে রাজনৈতিক মহলে বিরূপ সমালোচনা হয়েছে।’

নজরুল ইসলাম আরও লিখেছেন, ‘জেনারেল ওসমানী কিছুটা কর্কশ কণ্ঠে বললেন, ‘দেখুন, আমরা স্বাধীনতা অর্জন করতে যাচ্ছি। কিন্তু দুঃখ হলো স্বাধীন জাতি হিসেবে আমাদের মধ্যে আত্মমর্যাদাবোধ সম্পর্কে কোনও চেতনা এখনও জন্ম হয়নি।আমাকে নিয়ে রিউমার ছড়ানোর সুযোগটা কোথায়? কোনও সুযোগ নেই। তার অনেক কারণ রয়েছে। নাম্বার ওয়ান- পাকিস্তানি সেনাবাহিনী কবে আত্মসমর্পণ করবে, আমি জানতাম না। আমি কলকাতা ছেড়ে চলে যাওয়ার পর তাদের আত্মসমর্পণের প্রস্তাব এসেছে।’

জেনারেল ওসমানী বলেন, ‘নাম্বার টু- ঢাকায় আত্মসমর্পণ অনুষ্ঠানে আমার যাওয়ার প্রশ্নই ওঠে না। কারণ, এই সশস্ত্র যুদ্ধ ভারত-বাংলাদেশের যৌথ কমান্ডের অধীনে হলেও যুদ্ধের অপারেটিং পার্টের পুরো কমান্ডে ছিলেন ভারতীয় সেনাপ্রধান লেফটেন্যান্ট জেনারেল শ্যাম মানেকশ। সত্যি কথা আমি আন্তর্জাতিকভাবে স্বীকৃত কোনও নিয়মিত সেনাবাহিনীর সেনাপ্রধানও নই। আন্তর্জাতিক রীতিনীতি অনুযায়ী পাকিস্তান সেনাবাহিনী আমার কাছে আত্মসমর্পণ করতে পারে না।

কারণ, বাংলাদেশ জেনেভা কনভেনশনে স্বাক্ষরকারী কোনও দেশ নয়। আত্মসমর্পণ অনুষ্ঠানে জেনারেল মানেকশকে রিপ্রেজেন্ট করেন লেফটেন্যান্ট জেনারেল অরোরা। জেনারেল মানেকশ গেলে তার সঙ্গে আমার যাওয়ার প্রশ্ন উঠতো। সার্বভৌম সমতার ভিত্তিতে আমার অবস্থান জেনারেল মানেকশের সমান। সেখানে জেনারেল মানেকশের অধীনস্থ আঞ্চলিক বাহিনীর প্রধান জেনারেল অরোরার সফরসঙ্গী আমি হতে পারি না। এটা দেমাগের কথা নয়, এটা প্রটোকলের ব্যাপার।

ওসমানী বলেন, ‘আমি দুঃখিত, আমাকে অবমূল্যায়ন করা হয়েছে। আমাদের মধ্যে আত্মমর্যাদাবোধের বড় অভাব। ঢাকায় ভারতীয় বাহিনী আমার কমান্ডে নয়। জেনারেল মানেকশের পক্ষে জেনারেল অরোরার কমান্ডের অধীনে ঢাকায় ভারতীয় সেনাবাহিনী। পাকিস্তানি সেনাবাহিনী আত্মসমর্পণ করবে যৌথ কমান্ডের অধীনে ভারতীয় বাহিনীর কাছে। আমি সেখানে (ঢাকায়) যাবো কি জেনারেল অরোরার পাশে দাঁড়িয়ে তামাশা দেখার জন্য? হাও ক্যান আই?’

বইয়ের বর্ণনা অনুযায়ী ওসমানী তখন নজরুল ইসলামকে বলেন, ‘আত্মসমর্পণের দলিলে স্বাক্ষর করবেন জেনারেল মানেকশের পক্ষে জেনারেল জগজিৎ সিং অরোরা আর পাকিস্তানী বাহিনীর পক্ষে জেনারেল নিয়াজী। সেখানে আমার ভূমিকা কী? খামোখা আমাকে নিয়ে টানা-হ্যাঁচড়া করা হচ্ছে।’

জেনারেল ওসমানী বলেন, ‘প্রটোকল সম্পর্কে আমাদের লোকদের কোনও ধারণা নেই, তাই এত ভুল বোঝাবুঝি সৃষ্টি। লোকজনকে বুঝিয়ে বলুন।’

একইসঙ্গে মুক্তিবাহিনীর পরিবর্তে কেন পাকিস্তানি সেনাবাহিনী মিত্রবাহিনীর কাছে আত্মসমর্পণ করেছে, সে বিষয়টিও উঠে এসেছে এই বইটিতে। বইয়ের ২৪৪ পৃষ্ঠায় লেখক নজরুল ইসলাম জানান, ‘জেনারেল ওসমানীকে জানিয়েছিলাম যে, পাকিস্তানি বাহিনী মুক্তিবাহিনীর পরিবর্তে ভারতীয় সেনাবাহিনীর কাছে কেন আত্মসমর্পণ করেছে, তা নিয়েও প্রশ্ন ও বিতর্ক সৃষ্টি হয়েছে।

এ সময় সিলেটের আওয়ামী লীগ নেতা দেওয়ান ফরিদ গাজী জেনারেল সাহেবের ঘরে গিয়ে ঢুকলেন। দেওয়ান গাজী আমার (নজরুল ইসলাম) কথা শুনতে পেয়ে বললেন, পিআরও (নজরুল ইসলাম) সাহেব ঠিকই কইছুন। মানুষ চায় পাকিস্তানি সৈন্যরা মুক্তিবাহিনীর কাছে আত্মসমর্পণ করুক।’

জেনারেল ওসমানী দেওয়ান গাজীর ওপর তির্যক দৃষ্টি নিক্ষেপ করে বলেন, ‘তোমরা লোকজনকে অন্ধকারে রেখেছো। দুনিয়ার রীতিনীতি সম্পর্কে মানুষকে কিছু জানতে দাও।’ ওসমানী বলেন, ‘যুদ্ধ-বিগ্রহ, জয়-পরাজয়, আত্মসমর্পণ সম্পর্কে জেনেভা কনভেনশনের আন্তর্জাতিক নীতিমালা আছে। জেনেভা কনভেনশনে স্বাক্ষরকারী দেশগুলো যুদ্ধ-বিগ্রহ, জয়-পরাজয়, আত্মসমর্পণ ইত্যাদির ব্যাপারে এ নীতিমালা মানতে বাধ্য। আমরা মানে বাংলাদেশ জেনেভা কনভেনশনে স্বাক্ষরকারী দেশ নই। এই কনভেনশনের স্বাক্ষরকারী দেশ হিসেবে পাকিস্তানি সেনাবাহিনী আমাদের কাছে আত্মসমর্পণ করতে রাজি হবে না।

কারণ, তাদের (পাক বাহিনী) ধারণা, আমাদের কাছে আত্মসমর্পণ করলে আমরা তাদের সঙ্গে জেনেভা কনভেনশনে বর্নিত নীতিমালা অনুযায়ী আচরণ করবো না। যেহেতু আমরা জেনেভা কনভেনশনের আওতায় পড়ি না, তাই জেনেভা কনভেনশনের নীতিমালা মানতে আমরা বাধ্যও নই। আমাদের মুক্তিযোদ্ধারা তাদের হত্যা করে ফেলবে। কিন্তু জেনেভা কনভেশন অনুযায়ী পরাজিত আত্মসমর্পণকারী সৈন্যদের হত্যা করা বা কোনও রূপ নির্যাতন করা যায় না।

তাদের নিরাপত্তায় আইনি প্রটেকশন দিতে হয়। সামরিক রীতিনীতি অনুযায়ী তাদের সঙ্গে আচরণ করতে হয়। উন্নত খাবার, নানান সুযোগ-সুবিধা দিতে হয়। বন্দিকালীন সময়ে নিরস্ত্র অবস্থায় এক্সারসাইজ, খেলাধুলা ইত্যাদির সুযোগ-সুবিধা দিতে হয়। কিন্তু আমরা তো এখনও ভারতের মাটিতেই রয়ে গেছি। বাংলাদেশই তো আমাদের নিয়ন্ত্রণে নেই। আমাদের সিভিল অ্যাডমিনিস্ট্রেশন প্রতিষ্ঠিত হয়নি। কোনও নিয়মিত সুশৃঙ্খল সেনাবাহিনী নেই। এমনকি পুলিশ বাহিনীও নেই। এ অবস্থায় ৯০ হাজার পাকিস্তানি সৈন্য আমাদের কাছে আত্মসমর্পণ করলে, আমরা তাদের রাখবো কোথায়? তাদের প্রটেকশন দেবো কিভাবে? ৯০ হাজার সৈন্যকে তিন বেলা উন্নত খাবার দেবো কোথা থেকে। দেশে গিয়ে তো আমরাই খাবার পাবো না।’

(Translation:- Nazrul Islam was the Public Relations Officer of the then Ministry of Defense at the headquarters of the Liberation Army under the Government of Bangladesh during the War of Liberation. He later wrote a book on the War of Liberation entitled 'The Battlefield of 1971'. The book, published by Anupam Prakashani, details why MAG Osmani was not present at the surrender ceremony of the Pakistani forces.

On page 241 of the book, Nazrul Islam writes, "Two days after the surrender of the Pakistani army, General Osmani returned to the headquarters of the agitated Mujibnagar government. His absence from the surrender ceremony of the Pakistani troops in Dhaka created an unexpected outrage and confusion, which caused uneasiness for the Mujibnagar government.

At this crucial time of the surrender of the Pakistani army, in the absence of General Osmani at Mujibnagar, the leaders of the independent Bengal government were also somewhat angry with him. General Osmani got a sense of warmth when he set foot in the headquarters of the independent Bengal government. '

‘... General Osmani’s ADC reported to him in detail who had commented on him in the absence of General Saheb. The General called me to his room to find out more about the situation. I sat down very quietly and informed General Osmani that your absence from the surrender ceremony of the Pakistan Army has been criticized in the political arena. '

Nazrul Islam further wrote, ‘General Osmani said in a somewhat hoarse voice,‘ Look, we are going to achieve independence. But sadly, as an independent nation, we have not yet developed a sense of self-worth. Where is the opportunity to spread rumors about me? There is no chance. There are many reasons for this. Number one - I did not know when the Pakistani army would surrender. After I left Kolkata, they offered to surrender. '

General Osmani said, "There is no question of me going to the surrender ceremony in Number Two Dhaka. Because, although this armed war was under the joint command of India and Bangladesh, the entire command of the operating part of the war was under the command of Indian Army Lieutenant General Shyam Manekshaw. Honestly, I am not the army chief of any internationally recognized regular army. According to international norms, the Pakistan army cannot surrender to me.

Because Bangladesh is not a signatory to the Geneva Conventions. Lieutenant General Aurora represented General Manekshaw at the surrender ceremony. When General Manekshaw went, the question of my going with him would arise. My position on the basis of sovereign equality is equal to that of General Manekshaw. I cannot accompany General Aurora, the head of the regional forces under General Manekshaw. It's not a matter of mind, it's a matter of protocol.

Osmani said, ‘I am sorry, I have been underestimated. We have a great lack of self-esteem. The Indian forces in Dhaka are not under my command. The Indian Army in Dhaka under the command of General Aurora on behalf of General Manekshaw. The Pakistani army will surrender to the Indian forces under the joint command. Will I go there (in Dhaka) to stand next to General Aurora and watch the joke? How can I? '

According to the book, Osmani then told Nazrul Islam, "General Jagjit Singh Aurora on behalf of General Manekshaw and General Niazi on behalf of the Pakistani forces will sign the surrender document." What is my role there? I am being dragged and dragged. '

General Osmani said, ‘Our people have no idea about the protocol, so there is so much misunderstanding. Explain to the people. '

At the same time, the book also explains why the Pakistani army surrendered to the Allies instead of the Liberation Army. On page 244 of the book, author Nazrul Islam said, "I told General Osmani that there was a question and debate as to why the Pakistani army had surrendered to the Indian army instead of the Mukti Bahini." At that time, Awami League leader of Sylhet Dewan Farid Gazi entered the house of General Saheb. Dewan Gazi heard me (Nazrul Islam) and said, Mr. PRO (Nazrul Islam) is right. People want Pakistani soldiers to surrender to the freedom fighters. '

General Osmani looked down on Dewan Ghazi and said, "You have kept the people in the dark. Let people know something about the customs of the world. 'Osmani said,' The Geneva Conventions have international principles on war, victory and defeat, surrender. The signatories to the Geneva Conventions are obliged to adhere to the principles of war, victory, defeat, surrender, and so on. We mean Bangladesh is not a signatory to the Geneva Conventions. The Pakistan Army will not agree to surrender to us as a signatory to this Convention.

Because, their (Pak army) idea, if they surrender to us, we will not treat them according to the principles stated in the Geneva Convention. Since we are not covered by the Geneva Conventions, we are not bound by the principles of the Geneva Conventions. Our freedom fighters will kill them. But according to the Geneva Convention, defeated surrendered soldiers cannot be killed or tortured in any form. They have to give legal protection for their safety.

They have to be treated according to military custom. Improved food, various facilities have to be given. Exercise, sports, etc. have to be provided while unarmed while in captivity. But we are still on Indian soil. Bangladesh is not under our control. Our civil administration has not been established. There is no regular disciplined army. Not even the police force. If 90,000 Pakistani soldiers surrender to us in this situation, where will we keep them? How to protect them? Where will I give 90,000 soldiers better food in three days? We will not get food in the country. ')

Oh yes, no need to worry about 10 divisions of Bangladesh army. Genius!! :rofl:

Where did you get that idea? How large are you talking about? It may be true for today's heavy modern tank but not for light tank. But @Michael Corleone might even disagree with that. The PT-76, M24 Chaffee, T-55 and Sherman were lighter than 40 tons. Battle of Garibpur, Battle of Kushtia saw large scale tank battle. But the largest was in the Battle of Shiromoni which is taught in military defence colleges in 35 countries including the Deradun Army Academy of India and Britain’s Sandhurst Army Academy. Sorry couldn't find the PDF file on "Battle of Shiromoni" i actually wanted to share.

https://roar.media/bangla/main/history/tank-battle-shiromoni (Bengali Version)

From Pakistani perspective:-

View attachment 724611

So how do you plan to destroy Pakistani military establishments and ships near the coastal areas on both Pakistan and deter Pakistani supply line and USN, RN fleet and carry out amphibious landing without IN, Soviet navy's support?

Another BS!! So now we gotta take your words instead of the relatives of the deceased intellectuals who actually identified the peoples who took these intellectuals on 14 December? How many intellectuals did you identify as Indian stooge?

And that makes it believable? If being a freedom fighter makes people this much trust-worthy then i guess Zia, Mujib's murderers, Maya Chowdhury and other freedom fighters wouldn't have turned out to be bad. Should we take Sarmila Bose's book seriously then from now on if that's the case?

Why?! Why can't you answer/encounter his question? You are the one who opened this shitty thread!! Why didn't you research properly before making this allegation?! Why do you drag others in your own mess?! If they are more qualified than you then why did you keep talking and make more BS allegations?

Quite rich coming from the guy who wants to see the grave of democracy, military backed autocracy and shut people mouth brutally. The govt you want to be backed my military is also a Indian stooge so all of you anti-Indian statements are contradictory.

LOL!! How do you presume? What process has started? Momen kagu seems so happy about Modi's upcoming visit, didn't he say we have hubby-wife relation with India? Constant visit by Indian delegation, Sonadia deep-sea project, the recent vaccine diplomacy, transit do i need to go on? Keep dreaming about finishing Indian influence while me and you are ok with BAL ruling the country. 😂

Another propaganda!! They edited AP's clip and just added a caption. Fake and original, none of them shows anything about the looting. Even the fake one provides link to original clip/footage.

How do you know most women dress like that? Any evidence/stat to support your claim? Looks like you are judging people based on their appearance. Kinda racist it seems.

You should listen your own advice. Why do you get upset if people treat you the same way you treat them? This usual trick of your doesn't work everywhere and makes it annoying and ridiculous.

All of it?! :eek: And not a single evidence/witness/complaint? Don't know about Haque but how did Admajee start running so soon after the nationalization? Seems like a preposterous claim.

How are they BS govt? They were elected by the people back then. Mujib and BAL was the center for people's movement and fight back then.
Documentation is poor but could you blame the archivist? The Indians even lost track of general niazi’s Mercedes along with several other Jeep’s
As for govt quote, it’s about current govt I believe.
As for the tank quote replies to yourself from a member here.
I don’t understand through what logic they claim Bangladesh’s terrain is inhospitable for tank operations... Soviet Union geography was worse, yet both they and germans operated 60 tons tanks albeit with difficulty
Forget about Russia... japan’s geography is much worse than bd yet they operate 50 ton vehicles and type 10 which focused on speed rather than armor is going to get heavier after proposed upgrades
Weight is just one factor, exerted ground pressure by the tracks, hp/t are some of the factors that contribute to how well a tank moves.
Best example is panther tank and tiger 1... although panther is a medium tank it’s effective armor thickness is same as a tiger 1 and about the same weight yet it had superior handling characteristics.

btw, where did you get that map of tank operations from? What is it about? The shiromoni article reads like a manga. I read on Facebook about the battle as it progressed, but can’t find the post.
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If i have chance to regain the Seven Sisters and West Bengal or the Arakan to establish the Greater Bengal/Bangladesh i will do it. Missing that opportunity would be like USA not breaking Soviet Union when it had the chance.
Thank you for your detailed reposte to all the points. It takes special courage to go against false allegations made by your countrymen and criticize them. As long as people like you exist, I dont see why there should be enmity between India and BD.
I loved 99% of your post, but only have issue with the one quoted above.
Are you saying India and BD are in a cold war, that you would jump at an opportunity to annex our North East and WB? India used the 1971 opportunity to weaken an adversary. Do you consider India to be adversary?
Thank you for your detailed reposte to all the points. It takes special courage to go against false allegations made by your countrymen and criticize them. As long as people like you exist, I dont see why there should be enmity between India and BD.
I loved 99% of your post, but only have issue with the one quoted above.
Are you saying India and BD are in a cold war, that you would jump at an opportunity to annex our North East and WB? India used the 1971 opportunity to weaken an adversary. Do you consider India to be adversary?

This topic was discussed on a different thread which was still open. For the record I don't think that Bangladesh and India are adversaries but there are different opinions.
You might wish to check it out, I have nothing more to add either on this thread or the one referenced below,

India doesn't like a two front war with China and Pakistan in the North.
Bangladesh is not a factor for India. India will handle Bangladesh to it's own advantage in any such war situation. In a Sino Indian or Sino-Pakistan Indian war Bangladesh can only support India or at best desperately try to be seen as "neutral".
Offering, or even appearing to offer any kind of diplomatic support to either Pakistan or China, will result in a crushing military response from India . Even neutrality will not be taken kindly by India, and India will demand, or take by force full road, rail, air and waterway transit across Bangladesh territory to support operations in Arunachal Pradesh.
It is far more likely that Bangladesh will offer these facilities on its own rather than risk an Indian military takeover.
For India, Bangladesh poses no risk to the "chickens neck" ( Siliguri corridor ). In case of an unforeseen collapse of the Indian front to China in that sector, India will swiftly invade Bangladesh to take over it's transit routes and facilities to support its operations in the east. This is exactly like Belgium's case in World War 2 when it's neutrality was meaningless in the face of Germany's military objectives.

Bangladesh's strategic and tactical situation is precarious. Bangladesh has a non-professional army with insufficient and outdated hardware riddled with corruption ( read Gen Hasan Sarwardy interview ).
At this time Bangladesh's Armed Forces have no capabilities of even protecting its citizens from wanton sniper fire by India's border guards.

The Bangladesh Armed Forces have no capabilities of protecting its own territory. The comments by PDF members here of Bangladesh taking over 7 Indian states by cutting the "chickens neck" are not realistic. Any such attempt will result in Indian retaliation that will cause severe or total destruction of Bangladesh's infrastructure.
Due to geography and the fact that Bangladesh is an enclave India doesn't need to put any boots on the ground or even commit its air force. Every bit of Bangladeshi territory is within range of Indian MRLS and its coastal access and ports is completely vulnerable to a Brahmos missile attack. India has allies within Bangladesh such as the Chakma insurgents. As a final punishment to Bangladesh India might carve out a "Chakmastan" from the Chittagong Hill Tracts and hand it over to the Chakmas.

If India turns on Bangladesh (in the course of a war) there is very little any foreign nation could do to help even if it wanted to. Unlike interventions in Syria or Afghanistan there is no big power vested interests in Bangladesh. Even China would be more concerned with taking Arunachal and defending Ladakh then bothering about Chittagong.

Indian war game planners have accounted for the scenario that in case
Bangladesh is annexed or even temporarily occupied there would be a partisan or gurilla resistance from remnants of the Bangladesh Armed Forces. This however would be handled by India far more easily than the situation faced by Pakistan in 1971.

India would not have the logistical disadvantages faced by Pakistan. The Indian occupation backed by India's 1 million paramilitary and reserve forces will outmatch Bangladesh numerically.( Example: West Bengals Eastern Frontier Rifles ( Bengali Speaking), supporting 26 battalions of the Bihar Regiment ( with many Bengali speaking assets) as well as the Bihar Military Police would be enough to secure Dhaka. India has huge Bengali language resources for its intelligence and population control which was unavailable to Pakistan in 1971.
The Bangladeshi resistance without shelter, protection and resupply from a friendly foreign base ( as in 1971) will quickly run out of resources. Bangladesh has no indigenous arms industry of any significance to support a people's resistance.
It is very likely that Myanmar ( looking over the shoulder at China ) will attempt a deal with India to annex the CHT.

What options does Bangladesh have ?
Keep marching in India's Republic Day parades, and hope that the BSF shoots less of its civilians each year.
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Bilal9 said:
Here is a thread discussing the looting by Indian Army from commoners.

Indian Army looting money from Bangladeshis in 1971 war (video)
Another propaganda!! They edited AP's clip and just added a caption. Fake and original, none of them shows anything about the looting. Even the fake one provides link to original clip/footage.

The video is only one of many, many corroborated accounts from many, many sources in Bangladesh. This is well established as fact (that Indian army looted anything military or industrial found during the war).

Whatever wasn't bolted down (even some that were) they took - it was a perfect time because of the chaos and lack of oversight. Some Indians have defended such a thing in the very answers given during this PDF discussion (that taking war booty is allowed by UN convention etc. - these were not war booty however).

Entire Adamjee jute mill machinery worth hundreds of millions and machinery from every other jute and sugar mill were all taken away. Adamjee was the world's largest jute mill at the time and no Indian mill could hold a candle to it. The compound itself was at least five miles square, probably larger. The compound was so big, that single mill area has now been turned into an entire large SEZ (Export Processing Zone with hundreds of factories). The whole mill machinery was lifted to India. And this was just one mill. There were hundreds of instances like this.

Indian govt. were thieves and looters who took every opportunity to loot from Bangladesh, that is the sole reason, they came in. They still are - if you look at how they are preventing our exports to India, withholding our water and manipulating Hasina. They don't have any special love for us - just look at all the names PDF Hindutvas call us here (Lungi terrorist etc.). Have a back bone and some self-respect.

It is ironic and sad, as a Bangladeshi, you are defending Indian Govt. looting (who not only looted us during 1971, but have been looting us since for fifty years). How much more looting is required??

Just because Hasina's chamchas are getting richer, you think we should let this looting by India continue? Will Hasina be able to go ahead and shut everyone's mouth? She's stolen a lot on India's behalf, but I don't think she's that powerful. There are powers much higher in this world than both India and Hasina - and powers even higher than those.

There is a saying, don't exceed limits. Allah does not like transgressors. Everyone gets their come-uppance. Hasina will as well. When her time comes, no one can save her.

After seeing what happened to people openly expressing these opinions in Bangladesh (they either go missing or end up found dead by the side of the road by Hasina's killers), very few will express them openly.

But people will not be silenced just because of Digital Act or whatever draconian law she comes up with. I personally have been hearing these accounts since I was a kid, so I am personally convinced. Your mileage may vary.

Bilal9 said:
To demonstrate this in an overt way, here is how most millennial Bangladeshi women dress nowadays - practicing modest Islamic fashion trends.
Bilal9 said:
Of course there are non-Hijabi Bangladeshi Muslim women, but nowadays, one can easily tell among Bangladeshi women who is Hindu and who is Muslim. Twenty years ago, aping Hindu traditions were more prevalent and you could not tell women apart like this.
How do you know most women dress like that? Any evidence/stat to support your claim? Looks like you are judging people based on their appearance. Kinda racist it seems.

This is my personal experience and is well known as fact in today's Bangladesh. It is even more prevalent for new moneyed class who were previously lower middle class. Unless one is some chetonabadi and blatant Muslim-hater, one should know this. Being a chetonabadi, does not mean one cannot respect fellow Bangladeshi women who are Hijabis. We don't have to toe Indian culture all the damn time just because we love 1971 chetona.

I suggest you desist from judging anyone as a racist or non-racist in a flippant manner. Accusing someone of being racist is a serious matter. This blatant statement alone will get you ignored by other folks here - but I am willing to be forgiving.

First study what racism is and how you judge racist actions. I never judged Indians (other than a few jokes), my beef was always with Indian Govt. So I am a racist just because I said that most women in Bangladesh practice Hijab?

@waz bhai what do we do about this accusation?

Bangladesh is a tolerant country where all religions have equal rights, but I will personally resist all attempts of turning Bangladesh and the Muslims in it, into India-culture loving sycophants just so Indian Banyas and their local proxy-dalals in Bangladesh can have an easier market for Indian goods. I am sure most Bangladeshi patriots (even here on PDF) who are not India-sycophants - feel the same. Absolutely nothing wrong in following our own culture and traditions.

India sycophants in Bangladesh are minuscule in number (and currently in power), but they should not take it for granted. Their day of reckoning will arrive soon.

Lastly - love your own country. Educate yourself, and think of helping your country achieve a better standing on the world stage, standing on its own independent feet.

Having Bangladesh' foreign, trade and military policies being decided by India is not a matter of honor for me personally. I will always have an opinion for that topic.

Hasina-stoogery and autocracy is a viral disease, and it has been imbibed unfortunately into too many people in Bangladesh. I hope we can get better soon. Accepting dissent is the first stage in doing that.
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I had been avoiding engaging with you, but since you are peddling your "expert" analysis on Bangladesh on every other thread, perhaps it is time someone responded to you.

India doesn't like a two front war with China and Pakistan in the North.
Bangladesh is not a factor for India. India will handle Bangladesh to it's own advantage in any such war situation. In a Sino Indian or Sino-Pakistan Indian war Bangladesh can only support India or at best desperately try to be seen as "neutral".
Offering, or even appearing to offer any kind of diplomatic support to either Pakistan or China, will result in a crushing military response from India . Even neutrality will not be taken kindly by India, and India will demand, or take by force full road, rail, air and waterway transit across Bangladesh territory to support operations in Arunachal Pradesh.
It is far more likely that Bangladesh will offer these facilities on its own rather than risk an Indian military takeover.
For India, Bangladesh poses no risk to the "chickens neck" ( Siliguri corridor ). In case of an unforeseen collapse of the Indian front to China in that sector, India will swiftly invade Bangladesh to take over it's transit routes and facilities to support its operations in the east. This is exactly like Belgium's case in World War 2 when it's neutrality was meaningless in the face of Germany's military objectives.

Referring to the bold section- are you saying in the event of a conflict between Pakistan-China and India, India has the capability to open a third wing and invade a country with a population of 165+ million? And they can do so with impunity? Without any backlash from any international actors? That is an oversimplification to say put it nicely. Although I am very much willing to call it excrement.

The analogy with Nazi Germany at its peak and Belgium in the 1939s is absolutely not applicable in this particular case. For the sake of argument, let us just assume that the Bangladesh military is utterly useless as you are repeatedly claiming everywhere. You are clearly overestimating Indian Military prowess, completely disregarding the factors involved in modern-day warfare, the geography and completely disregarding the international players involved in the region.

For one- India does not have the military resource to wage war on three fronts simultaneously. No matter how much you want to convey to the world otherwise. India is not a super power like Germany was in 1939.

For India to effectively neutralize Bangladesh, they will not only have to invade Bangladesh, but also hold onto the territory from falling into the hands of the Chinese. When the US was not able to succeed with all it's might in any of its anti-insurgency wars- what makes you think that Indian forces can subdue 165 million+ hostile population, while simultaneously waging war against Pakistan and China?

I am really interested to hear the details of your "Crushing Indian Military response" that you have been propagating non-stop.

Bangladesh's strategic and tactical situation is precarious. Bangladesh has a non-professional army with insufficient and outdated hardware riddled with corruption ( read Gen Hasan Sarwardy interview ).
At this time Bangladesh's Armed Forces have no capabilities of even protecting its citizens from wanton sniper fire by India's border guards.

The first bold part- I would like to understand how do you define a "non-professional" army? And where is the source of your such claim? Refrain from giving reference to dubious sources with a political motive. The above piece from Netra News is exactly that. Netra News is well known to be an anti-BAL mouthpiece.

The second bold part- clearly exposes your lack of understanding of Bangladesh's strategic affairs and the capability of the Bangladeshi military forces. The reason BGB does not shoot back at BSF in the border is a change in direction from the top to adopt a meek foreign policy by the current BAL government. Especially after the staged BDR Mutiny. It has absolutely no relation with whether Bangladesh's military has the capability to defend against Indian misadventure or not. But I guess you couldn't resist the opportunity to undermine the Bangladesh military and glorify Indian Might, as you frequently have been doing so since joining this forum.

And I am not claiming Bangladeshi forces capability out of thin air, rather backed through historical evidence. Read the following to improve your knowledge on the matter:

2001 Conflict- 16 BSF killed- https://www.indiatoday.in/magazine/...lations-under-severe-strain-776193-2001-05-07

BSF Jawan killed in 2019 - https://www.thehindu.com/news/natio...the-border-in-west-bengal/article29725698.ece

For your convenience- I put reference from your favorite country's news sites.

The Bangladesh Armed Forces have no capabilities of protecting its own territory. The comments by PDF members here of Bangladesh taking over 7 Indian states by cutting the "chickens neck" are not realistic. Any such attempt will result in Indian retaliation that will cause severe or total destruction of Bangladesh's infrastructure.
Due to geography and the fact that Bangladesh is an enclave India doesn't need to put any boots on the ground or even commit its air force. Every bit of Bangladeshi territory is within range of Indian MRLS and its coastal access and ports is completely vulnerable to a Brahmos missile attack. India has allies within Bangladesh such as the Chakma insurgents. As a final punishment to Bangladesh India might carve out a "Chakmastan" from the Chittagong Hill Tracts and hand it over to the Chakmas.

First bold part- I completely agree with you. Bangladesh cannot effectively invade and hold on to chicken's neck. So any such claim is indeed unrealistic.

So you think India is just going to bombard Bangladesh with MLRS and Bangladesh just surrender? I wonder why didn't Israel think of that against Gaza or Lebanon.

Such tactical genius...much wow!

Regarding the second bold part- India tried and failed. They armed shanti bahini insurgents for years and failed. And now the normal Chakmas have to suffer to date because they are under constant military and police oversight in a heavily militarized CHT.

More history for you:

If India turns on Bangladesh (in the course of a war) there is very little any foreign nation could do to help even if it wanted to. Unlike interventions in Syria or Afghanistan there is no big power vested interests in Bangladesh. Even China would be more concerned with taking Arunachal and defending Ladakh then bothering about Chittagong.

Indian war game planners have accounted for the scenario that in case
Bangladesh is annexed or even temporarily occupied there would be a partisan or gurilla resistance from remnants of the Bangladesh Armed Forces. This however would be handled by India far more easily than the situation faced by Pakistan in 1971.

India would not have the logistical disadvantages faced by Pakistan. The Indian occupation backed by India's 1 million paramilitary and reserve forces will outmatch Bangladesh numerically.( Example: West Bengals Eastern Frontier Rifles ( Bengali Speaking), supporting 26 battalions of the Bihar Regiment ( with many Bengali speaking assets) as well as the Bihar Military Police would be enough to secure Dhaka. India has huge Bengali language resources for its intelligence and population control which was unavailable to Pakistan in 1971.
The Bangladeshi resistance without shelter, protection and resupply from a friendly foreign base ( as in 1971) will quickly run out of resources. Bangladesh has no indigenous arms industry of any significance to support a people's resistance.
It is very likely that Myanmar ( looking over the shoulder at China ) will attempt a deal with India to annex the CHT.

What options does Bangladesh have ?
Keep marching in India's Republic Day parades, and hope that the BSF shoots less of its civilians each year.

This is now going beyond hilarious to utterly ridiculous.

India is simply going to invade a 3rd country without any International pressure? Must make you happy dreaming up these stuff.

I wonder why China is investing billions in Bangladesh then? Just so that India can take over and they can suck on their thumbs.

Make up your mind. India going to use MLRS to bomb the crap out of BD or just send in the horde of their legendary paramilitary and reserve forces? Because Last I remember their paramilitary tried that, went in body bags with villagers carrying their corpses in bamboos.

To sum it up- I wasted enough of my Sunday responding to the ridiculous and unrealistic claims in your "analysis".

If you are for real- you will retract and acknowledge the oversimplification and juvenile assessment of the strategic factors. If you are not- then you will continue to peddle your dubious agenda. I won't be surprised at all if you continue to do the latter.
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This topic was discussed on a different thread which was still open. For the record I don't think that Bangladesh and India are adversaries but there are different options.,
You might whisg to check it out, I have nothing more to add either on this thread or the one referenced below,

I am 99% certain Mr. Baibars that you are Indian going by your posts, so I will treat you as one. @leonblack08 bhai already refuted some of your posts, so I will just mention a few things.

1. Indian trade overtures have repeatedly been spurned in Bangladesh. India is currently on their last legs on any chance of any further business.
2. Indian visas are currently as easy to obtain in Dhaka as to go to a kiosk in a mall. Your country is begging for our tourism and medical stay business as it is worth $20 to $30 Billion every year. Your city of Kolkata will collapse if Bangladeshi stop patronizing its businesses. Look at current COVID situation on how most businesses in Kolkata are already shut down.
3. India is begging us to accept low interest loans for Indian-led projects/goods. No Cigar.
4. India is begging us to give them military armament business (OPVs, Tejas etc.). No Cigar.
5. India is begging us to give India connectivity to NE through Bangladesh. Ain't happening.

When a nation begs for business like this, they cannot be in a position of any power. And your nation is not. Threatening to "invade us" is pretty much a joke.
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I m on Pakistani forum and have right to discuss topics here, also live close to huge bangali population who came to Pakistan after 1974, if BD was that great then why 1 million bangalis came to Pakistan after 1974 and still they dont want to go back.

Thik hai Bhai Bangladesh is $hit.

Bangladeshis living in Pakistan are mostly underclass folks and rough around the edges, don't judge all of Bangladesh through their behavior.

I'm puzzled by Indian flag on your handle though. And your other flags are Pakistani. :what:
I am 99% certain Mr. Baibars that you are Indian going by your posts, so I will treat you as one. @leonblack08 bhai already refuted some of your posts, so I will just mention a few things.

1. Indian trade overtures have repeatedly been spurned in Bangladesh. India is currently on their last legs on any chance of any further business.
2. Indian visas are currently as easy to obtain in Dhaka as to go to a kiosk in a mall. Your country is begging for our tourism and medical stay business as it is worth $20 to $30 Billion every year. Your city of Kolkata will collapse if Bangladeshi stop patronizing its businesses. Look at current COVID situation on how most businesses in Kolkata are already shut down.
3. India is begging us to accept low interest loans for Indian-led projects/goods. No Cigar.
4. India is begging us to give them military armament business (OPVs, Tejas etc.). No Cigar.
5. India is begging us to give you connectivity to NE through Bangladesh. Ain't happening.

When a nation begs for business like this, they cannot be in a position of any power. And your nation is not. Threatening to "invade us" is pretty much a joke.

well well medical visa to bangladesh . :D
did you get your quota of covid vaxine given by india ?

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