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Hiring of Pak fighters for Bahrain angers Iran

As a person who has actually lived in Pakistan, while many of you guys live in the west and were probably born there... I can tell you that the reason Pakistan is in such a huge mess and poverty... is because of above kinds of decisions... Decisions like... our people can eat grass so that the state can attain nuclear bombs, or to send soldiers abroad while people are being killed left and right on the streets... i mean some of our Pakistani friends were shot on the street a few months ago... and before that it also happened to some other friends... A report released yesterday by HRCP showed that in 2010 alone, 12,580 have been killed, 581 are kidnapped, and 16,977 were abducted, 957 people were killed by US drones, and 20 journalists were killed. Do you know how much that is? Pakistanis get killed at a faster rate than US soldiers in war zones... More Pakistanis die each year than the total deaths of US soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan. This is not a country...

Lol, Pakistan has become a terrifying place to live, people (esp women), don't dare leave their houses, pakistani expats don't want to return and when they go there... they try find the fastest plane out of there again... and yet... pakistanis think it's a good idea to send soldiers abroad, killing innocent civilians wanting a government representing them... for what? some oil... lol... listen... the electricity got knocked out daily for hours, nearly two decades ago when i lived there... and it has only become worse... that country, if you can call it that, will only become a worse dump by these decisions... Last week Iran started to build a fence at the pakistani border... and there already is a fence and a huge trench at the whole Afghan border with Iran... soon you'll find yourself fenced up, getting bombed daily by drones, and you can be happy with the oil you get for sending workings to do the slaving of arab dictators... lol

looks like you made too much sense. Nobody bothered to respond to you.
why were you living in Pakistan anyways?
As a person who has actually lived in Pakistan, while many of you guys live in the west and were probably born there... I can tell you that the reason Pakistan is in such a huge mess and poverty... is because of above kinds of decisions... Decisions like... our people can eat grass so that the state can attain nuclear bombs, or to send soldiers abroad while people are being killed left and right on the streets... i mean some of our Pakistani friends were shot on the street a few months ago... and before that it also happened to some other friends... A report released yesterday by HRCP showed that in 2010 alone, 12,580 have been killed, 581 are kidnapped, and 16,977 were abducted, 957 people were killed by US drones, and 20 journalists were killed. Do you know how much that is? Pakistanis get killed at a faster rate than US soldiers in war zones... More Pakistanis die each year than the total deaths of US soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan. This is not a country...

Lol, Pakistan has become a terrifying place to live, people (esp women), don't dare leave their houses, pakistani expats don't want to return and when they go there... they try find the fastest plane out of there again... and yet... pakistanis think it's a good idea to send soldiers abroad, killing innocent civilians wanting a government representing them... for what? some oil... lol... listen... the electricity got knocked out daily for hours, nearly two decades ago when i lived there... and it has only become worse... that country, if you can call it that, will only become a worse dump by these decisions... Last week Iran started to build a fence at the pakistani border... and there already is a fence and a huge trench at the whole Afghan border with Iran... soon you'll find yourself fenced up, getting bombed daily by drones, and you can be happy with the oil you get for sending workings to do the slaving of arab dictators... lol

Just tell me one thing, Why do you people help Hezbollah? when there is a proper Lebanese Army In Lebanon? I can show you the same stats how Iranian army Persecuting own people, just go couple of pages back, and you will find many you tube videos on it. Why dont you stop helping Hezbollah and put your own house in order First?
looks like you made too much sense. Nobody bothered to respond to you.
why were you living in Pakistan anyways?

My parents brought me there, for personal reasons. Lived there for several years. We had it financially really good, so nothing bothered us.. But there was poverty and sadness all around us. There is nothing to compare it to in Iran really, you have to live there to understand it. It's sad really, but I believe the people are getting that which they worked for.
My parents brought me there, for personal reasons. Lived there for several years. We had it financially really good, so nothing bothered us.. But there was poverty and sadness all around us. There is nothing to compare it to in Iran really, you have to live there to understand it. It's sad really, but I believe the people are getting that which they worked for.

Sorry that you had to leave a perfect heaven called Iran and had to come to the bottom of the hell called Pakistan. I wish I could tell u in better words how pathetic you are. Really, I am happy that a trash like you is not in my country any more.
My parents brought me there, for personal reasons. Lived there for several years. We had it financially really good, so nothing bothered us.. But there was poverty and sadness all around us. There is nothing to compare it to in Iran really, you have to live there to understand it. It's sad really, but I believe the people are getting that which they worked for.

It is not as sad as ur trying to make it..........17% poverty doesnt make the whole country poor...............And women??? u guys r the last guys to talk abt women rights.........we have female generals,fighter pilots,police commandos,prime ministers,ministers n wat not.............. Now compare tht to iran....................You guys cant even practise ur basic human rights.......like choosing a hairstyle.... no concerts.... religious police...... lashings in public and all tht wierd crap.:tdown:

The only things u guys can enjoy r the afghan drugs...... lol ironically even those r illegal... but hey u guys r pretty good at using them anyways.

Original Post By Aslan
Sorry that you had to leave a perfect heaven called Iran and had to come to the bottom of the hell called Pakistan. I wish I could tell u in better words how pathetic you are. Really, I am happy that a trash like you is not in my country any more.

Very well said.
In soviet iran........ police cuts ur hair..........LOL
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Just tell me one thing, Why do you people help Hezbollah? when there is a proper Lebanese Army In Lebanon? I can show you the same stats how Iranian army Persecuting own people, just go couple of pages back, and you will find many you tube videos on it. Why dont you stop helping Hezbollah and put your own house in order First?
1) Hezbollah was an Iranian group that was created by orders of Imam Khomeini (r), at the start of the revolution, to fight back the Zionist regime. It's members were exclusively Iranian sepah who were brought over from Iran to the south of Lebanon. The orders were two part, one to go there and fight, two to train the indigenous people to take over. Both succeeded. To stop helping Hezbollah, is equal to stop taking care of one of our organs, in this case. The group has surpassed its initial objective, and has become of great importance to Iran. We have become somewhat mutually dependent. Without Iran, Hezbollah will be no more, and without Hezbollah, Iran will be weaker. So we both need one another. In other words, it is mutually beneficial for us to continue this cooperation.

2) Are you worried about our people, or do you need an excuse to express your opinion? What exactly do you know about Iran and Iranians other than what you see on youtube videos?

With both of the above questions you are attempting to divert from the main subject of this topic. Bahrain has a vast majority of shi'a population who are being ruled over by a foreign despotic entity that was brought from abroad and put in power by the Britain. These people do not want this despotic entity to rule over them, full stop. Now what exactly what valuable information do you think you can add to the previous? Do you honestly believe that we (Iran) have been instigating and arming the people in Bahrain? By God, I wish we were.... but we haven't. There are however reasons for which we have not involved ourselves at all. The popularity Iran enjoys in Bahrain is because of three reasons:
1) We share the same religious doctrine
2) Iran religiously enjoys a special place among many Muslim due to its deviance, and especially among shi'a worldwide due its school of thought.
3) The indigenous people of Bahrain consist of 95% ethnic Iranians (obviously, this is excluding the mass import of foreigners that the despotic entity has been busy with).
4) We have a religious obligation to voice ourselves about this oppression, in the same way we have voiced ourselves about the situation in other countries. There is one thing you can not blame Iran for, and that is for standing up for the oppressed worldwide, especially the Palestinians, even though it has hurt us horribly for the past 30 years. All Iran needs to do today is declare and be with the US on everything, and you'd see all our sanctions disappear... you'd then find Iran on the side of the US and the Zionist regime... now is that what you want? Are you really that numb in your brain that you do not realize that you have foreign despots ruling in your lands and that these people are not the slightest bit worried about you...??
Sorry that you had to leave a perfect heaven called Iran and had to come to the bottom of the hell called Pakistan. I wish I could tell u in better words how pathetic you are. Really, I am happy that a trash like you is not in my country any more.

I bet we're both happy about that. You must enjoy your job as laborer in Kuwait a hundred fold more than the life you had in Pakistan.
@Iranians........ u love to brag abt this stuff........Yet u turn into hypocrites when it comes to syria.....where ur govt has sent active service troops to kill the anti govt protesters.
It is not as sad as ur trying to make it..........17% poverty doesnt make the whole country poor...............And women??? u guys r the last guys to talk abt women rights.........we have female generals,fighter pilots,police commandos,prime ministers,ministers n wat not.............. Now compare tht to iran....................You guys cant even practise ur basic human rights.......like choosing a hairstyle.... no concerts.... religious police...... lashings in public and all tht wierd crap.:tdown:
I guess you think Islam is a weird religion. There is a reason why Iran has one of the highest rates of medical tourism coming there. In arabic speaking middle-eastern countries, you'd have a hard time finding a female doctor. While in Iran the hospitals are filled with female doctors. 60% of Iran's students are female, I dare you to find Iran's equal on that. I dare you to do in Iran and come to the conclusion that Iran's women have it worse than ANY other women throughout the whole middle-east. If you think wearing a scarf is oppression, then you are no Muslim. At least publically declare that, so we know you're not a Muslim. As for your 17%, give me a break... I don't give a about statistics. Go and live there and then let's talk about your 17%. I can compare Karachi, Quetta and Lahore. Now come back when you grow up and actually start caring about your country...

The only things u guys can enjoy r the afghan drugs...... lol ironically even those r illegal... but hey u guys r pretty good at using them anyways.
Iran's druggies have a better life than the average Pakistani citizen.
Iran Rapidly Building Fence Along Pakistan Border

15 Apr 2011

Iran's Defense Minister Brigadier General Ahmad Vahidi says the country is rapidly constructing a fence on its border with Pakistan.

"Barrier and road construction along the border [with Pakistan] is being carried out in the impenetrable mountainous terrain [in southeastern Iran] with precision and quality," Vahidi was quoted by IRNA as saying on Thursday.

Iran building anti-terror fence on Pakistan border


Dubai, Apr 15: Iran is rapidly building a concrete fence all along its 700-km long border with Pakistan to stop cross-border movements of terrorists, according to the country's defence minister.

The three feet thick and 10 feet high fence, built with concrete and fortified by steel rods, will span the impenetrable mountainous terrain in south eastern Iran, Brig Gen Ahmad Vahidi told IRNA news agency.

"The fence is to prevent villains from crossing into the Islamic republic," the General said.

The fence would start from Taftan area to Mand in the Baloch majority Sistan province, which borders Pakistan's Balochistan province, the report said.

Though the Iranian defence minister did not mention any Pakistani groups, the Pakistan-based Baloch group Jundullah has been known to operate on both sides of Baloch area.

The group in a major strike in Iranian border town of Zahedan killed 13 people, including nine prominent commanders of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard on Feb 17, 2007.

Another attack took place on Dec 15 recently when Jundullah militants struck a mosque in Chabhar city, where people were commemorating the martyrdom of third Shia apostle Imam Hussein.

Jundullah leader Abdolmalek Rigi was arrested by Iranian intelligence forces in February 2010 and subsequently hanged.
Iran is Pakistan's second neighbour after India to build a anti-terror fence on the border.

I bet we're both happy about that. You must enjoy your job as laborer in Kuwait a hundred fold more than the life you had in Pakistan.

U must really like to get get a haircut like this

......The side effects clearly show ur state of mind through ur posts.
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@Iranians........ u love to brag abt this stuff........Yet u turn into hypocrites when it comes to syria.....where ur govt has sent active service troops to kill the anti govt protesters.

Do you honestly believe that Syria requires Iran's aid in putting down a few thousand rioters? Do you realize that Syria has one of the most powerful Arabic militaries. I mean, how dumb can you be? This is a country that would squash all other arabic speaking countries, and here you are saying they need Iran's aid in stopping these rioters? Do you think they have riots going on, with armed men, equal to something in a weak country like Libia? Where with all these arms, and US, Zionist, Arab jets bombing them, still they're unable to take over this weak entity... and yet Syria needs Iran's aid... be reasonable... are you even an adult?
I guess you think Islam is a weird religion.
Iranian version......Yes.

There is a reason why Iran has one of the highest rates of medical tourism coming there.
Seriously? i mean i never heard of someone wanting to go to iran......Except for visiting sacred shrines.

In arabic speaking middle-eastern countries, you'd have a hard time finding a female doctor. While in Iran the hospitals are filled with female doctors. 60% of Iran's students are female, I dare you to find Iran's equal on that. I dare you to do in Iran and come to the conclusion that Iran's women have it worse than ANY other women throughout the whole middle-east.
Do u think number of female doctors represent anything?

If you think wearing a scarf is oppression, then you are no Muslim.
Seriusly... Its a good decision....but the iranian style of scarf is pretty unusual isnt it?

Also forcing such laws dnt help much???

Nor did i talk abt scarfs......Did i?
At least publically declare that, so we know you're not a Muslim
No thts ur friend abbi whose a non muslim..zoarstrian or bahai wannabe..

. As for your 17%, give me a break... I don't give a about statistics.
WB des....

Go and live there and then let's talk about your 17%. I can compare Karachi, Quetta and Lahore.
I live here.....Infact im frm quetta.....we have alot of iranians here aswell....selling carpet n stuff.

Now come back when you grow up and actually start caring about your country...

Uncle im already 20 n i care for my country...... I may not be the best citizen.....but i try my best.

Iran's druggies have a better life than the average Pakistani citizen.

Yes... it shows......coz all of them live in their own bubble..:lol:
Do you honestly believe that Syria requires Iran's aid in putting down a few thousand rioters? Do you realize that Syria has one of the most powerful Arabic militaries. I mean, how dumb can you be? This is a country that would squash all other arabic speaking countries, and here you are saying they need Iran's aid in stopping these rioters? Do you think they have riots going on, with armed men, equal to something in a weak country like Libia? Where with all these arms, and US, Zionist, Arab jets bombing them, still they're unable to take over this weak entity... and yet Syria needs Iran's aid... be reasonable... are you even an adult?

Nothing of such sort is going on in Bahrain either............

Iran aiding Syria crackdown: Report - Times LIVE

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