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Hiring of Pak fighters for Bahrain angers Iran

If Pakistanis do eventually land here @ Saudi.
The government of Pakistan should set condition that Saudi will reduce as much as possible import of Indian work force.
and compensate the same to Pakistan.
AND get promises from shaiks that they will minimize indians out of the Gulf.

Pagans should only live back in Pagan land.

salman sahib, you are living in KSA, you should know that KSA, among major Arab countries, is the most favourable to Pakistanis and to Muslims in general. You find 1.6 million Indians and 1 million Pakistanis working in KSA, but in most Arab countries outside of KSA and Yemen, you will find only Indians favoured by the Arabs. So you should be happy with the support KSA gives to Pakistanis as compared to the behaviour of other Arab countries.
salman sahib, you are living in KSA, you should know that KSA, among major Arab countries, is the most favourable to Pakistanis and to Muslims in general. You find 1.6 million Indians and 1 million Pakistanis working in KSA, but in most Arab countries outside of KSA and Yemen, you will find only Indians favoured by the Arabs. So you should be happy with the support KSA gives to Pakistanis as compared to the behaviour of other Arab countries.

Why do you think arabs support India over Pakistan? Is it because India people and Arab people are friends?
clmeta is right in one point. Trade relations count a lot in the modern world.
We, however, have maintained strong ties with the leadership in the Gulf and all signs indicate that it will stay that way.

Another possible reason for the change in people to people relations is education. Many Arab nationals are now pursuing higher education in the West, which is why they are neither pro-Pakistan nor pro-India, but rather pro-West.
Why do you think arabs support India over Pakistan? Is it because India people and Arab people are friends?

well, back in the USA i knew many Yemeni Arabs, Palestinians, Egyptians, and Lebanese and all of them had one thing they loved about india and that was how indian women danced half nude in tight skimpy clothes in bollywood films!

Arabs watch a lot of indian films (even though they don't understand hindi) and their favorite parts are the songs where women dance.
Why do you think arabs support India over Pakistan? Is it because India people and Arab people are friends?

I was not expressing any opinion on why Arabs support Indians over Pakistanis, I was just explaining to salman that he should be happy with the situation in KSA compared to most other Arab countries.
well, back in the USA i knew many Yemeni Arabs, Palestinians, Egyptians, and Lebanese and all of them had one thing they loved about india and that was how indian women danced half nude in tight skimpy clothes in bollywood films!

Arabs watch a lot of indian films (even though they don't understand hindi) and their favorite parts are the songs where women dance.

You belong to the 18th century.
Well its a private sector affairs where the khalifas of Bahrain are hiring man power for security. No different than hiring man power for construction, industry etc etc..

Iran on other hand has one again proved its interference into sovergien countries and his ambitions to establish heretic Fatmid / Safvid empire.!

The arabs have every right to defend themselves. Iran sponsered mahdi army brutally cleansed muslims from neighbourhoods in iraq taking advantage of war chaos. And iran backed northern alliance in afghanistan influenced by US-Iran undercover diplomacy greatly paved the way for India and USA to invade and conduct their regional great games.

Iran through out the history has been a rebel country stuck in anti-everything mode. That is how they dealt the greeks, the byzanites, roman, etc etc!
So much for a Islamic republic...where are the islamic rules of marriage on this?? Tradionally Persia has been a hypocrite atheist land.

Report: Iranian Militias Marry, Rape Virgin Prisoners Before Executions - Iran | Map | News - FOXNews.com

Members of Iran's feared Basij militia forcibly marry female virgin prisoners the night before scheduled executions, raping their new "wives" and making it religiously acceptable to execute them, a self-professed member of the paramilitary group said.

The anonymous militiaman told the Jerusalem Post that at age 18 he was "given the 'honor' to temporarily marry young girls before they were sentenced to death."

In the Islamic Republic of Iran it is illegal to execute a woman if she is a virgin, the former guard told the newspaper. So the government arranges "wedding" ceremonies to be conducted the night before executions, and prisoners are forced to have sexual intercourse with a guard.
Why is Iran so concerned? It clearly shows that Iran has some sort of game plan that it wants to use in Bahrain. This is probably why they are so frustrated.

Iran has randomly declared bahrain its 14th provience and with large persion origin majority it was obvious that some game plan is on the way. The persian majority has from time to time repeated its pledge of alliegance to Iran.

If Pakistanis do eventually land here @ Saudi.
The government of Pakistan should set condition that Saudi will reduce as much as possible import of Indian work force.
and compensate the same to Pakistan.
AND get promises from shaiks that they will minimize indians out of the Gulf.

Pagans should only live back in Pagan land.

Miost of the Indians coming to Gulf are muslims..secondly if Arabis open their employment flood gates to pakistan, we being a small nation would be literally brain drained and go back to stone age..thirdly pakistani professional take wages on par with local standards..Indian MBBS can be had for 3000-4000. We cannot beat the cost competitiveness factor here..save the quality and credential argument for another day.

salman sahib, you are living in KSA, you should know that KSA, among major Arab countries, is the most favourable to Pakistanis and to Muslims in general. You find 1.6 million Indians and 1 million Pakistanis working in KSA, but in most Arab countries outside of KSA and Yemen, you will find only Indians favoured by the Arabs. So you should be happy with the support KSA gives to Pakistanis as compared to the behaviour of other Arab countries.
Indian = 2 mil
Pakistanis = 1.625 Mil

Pakistan simply cannot provide enough brain for consumption of Saudis..thats why other than Pakistanis, they have got the syrians, egyptians, lebanese, indians, etc etc

Iranians are big hypocrites!!!! They say that Pakistan shouldn't poke its nose in Bahrain and that Pakistani soldiers should not be sent to Saudi Arabia or Bahrain but these same hypocrites are sending their IRGC's to kill Syrians and to protect the regime in Syria:

Iran's IRGC attacks anti-Assad protesters in Syria

Iran's IRGC 'now occupies Syria'; Civilians killed in protests

Intel: Iran's IRGC in Syria since 2008; Opposition claims nation occupied

That is how the persia has been traditionally..its famous label in the middle ages was land of hypocrisy..google "persian hypocrisy" for some intresting reads.

well, back in the USA i knew many Yemeni Arabs, Palestinians, Egyptians, and Lebanese and all of them had one thing they loved about india and that was how indian women danced half nude in tight skimpy clothes in bollywood films!

Arabs watch a lot of indian films (even though they don't understand hindi) and their favorite parts are the songs where women dance.

And as if Arab women dance with abayas on..In every arab resturant in beirut or damascus or dubai they have bikini clad arab dancers..those few women of "industry" do not represent whole nation.

With such tall buildings to make- Saudis prefer cheap labor- thats where Indians come in-

Most labour comes from Bangladesh and Nepal. Pakistani labour is too expensive compared to those two.

For comparision:
Bangladesi and India construction labour can be had between 800-1500
Pakistani labour starting wage is 1500.

On the flip side, in heavy construction and industry you will find exclusive dominance of massive Pashtun Pakistani men from KP and FATA.

We need to limit the entry of idol worshipers on the holy land of Arabia.

Curbs already enforced and matter taken care by Saudi Gov. Non-Muslims cannot enter Haramin.
Not whole of Arabia is holy land.
Not whole of Arabia is holy land.

Correct. It is the region called Hijaz which today comprises of Makkah al-Mukarramah, Madinat al-Munawwara and the surrounding mountains which is Holy, not all of KSA. Non-Muslim entry into Sacred areas is restricted.

There is another good point you made; Pakistanis usually ask for work with higher wages while people from India demand significantly less. And truth be told we are not made of gold or anything, this is why many employers prefer people from India in many areas.
Its prove Iranian involvement in Arab countries. Well some members will say that it was Persian land taken by Arabs and its pay back time.

Both Shia and Sunni have oil money and they can buy help from money disparate Pakistan.

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