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Hiring of Pak fighters for Bahrain angers Iran

In soviet iran........ police cuts ur hair..........LOL

uhhh, what are they doing to his hair? what are they doing at 0:55?
wouldnt scissors have saved them some time and a lot of hassle.......

well despite the issues we have in Pakistan, and despite having some people in the country who would favour such backwards system of moral police --- thank God we have a country where the way you dress, the way you don your hair, and the way you live your life wont get you arrested as long as you are within the laws of the land
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About 700,000 of the total 1,2 million population of Bahrain consists of foreigners that have been brought there by the despot regime to fight back the shi'a. Of these foreigners, 70,000 are Pakistanis and 400,000 are Indians.... the security apparatus (Police, intelligence and army) consists of 100% sunni, and 90% foreigners, what is happening now is genocide comparable to what the Zionist regime did... look all that I said up on google... now is the above bullshit all you can say to this?

since there is more indians than Pakistanis then kick the indians out!!
2) Are you worried about our people, or do you need an excuse to express your opinion? What exactly do you know about Iran and Iranians other than what you see on youtube videos?

With both of the above questions you are attempting to divert from the main subject of this topic. Bahrain has a vast majority of shi'a population who are being ruled over by a foreign despotic entity that was brought from abroad and put in power by the Britain. These people do not want this despotic entity to rule over them, full stop. Now what exactly what valuable information do you think you can add to the previous? Do you honestly believe that we (Iran) have been instigating and arming the people in Bahrain? By God, I wish we were.... but we haven't. There are however reasons for which we have not involved ourselves at all. The popularity Iran enjoys in Bahrain is because of three reasons:
1) We share the same religious doctrine
2) Iran religiously enjoys a special place among many Muslim due to its deviance, and especially among shi'a worldwide due its school of thought.
3) The indigenous people of Bahrain consist of 95% ethnic Iranians (obviously, this is excluding the mass import of foreigners that the despotic entity has been busy with).
4) We have a religious obligation to voice ourselves about this oppression, in the same way we have voiced ourselves about the situation in other countries. There is one thing you can not blame Iran for, and that is for standing up for the oppressed worldwide, especially the Palestinians, even though it has hurt us horribly for the past 30 years. All Iran needs to do today is declare and be with the US on everything, and you'd see all our sanctions disappear... you'd then find Iran on the side of the US and the Zionist regime... now is that what you want? Are you really that numb in your brain that you do not realize that you have foreign despots ruling in your lands and that these people are not the slightest bit worried about you...??

Iranians with that hegemonic mentality are no better than some Saudi wahhabis who think that Saudi Arabian people have a moral authority over all Muslims.

you should listen to yourself....

whether you like it or not, Bahrain is a sovereign country. Accept this reality

second of all, don't go on some tagent about ''religious doctrine''.........I wonder where Iran was during the Azerbaijan-Armenia war? Did you back Azeris or did you back Armenians?

something to ponder about.

by the way, what's an ''ethnic Iranian'' ??? No such thing exists. Like in our country, you have different ethnic groups united by one nationality (Iranian in your case).

Bahrainis are Arabs; they speak read and write in Arabic. Or do you think that all Shiias in the world are Iranian?

I think its a big problem how Sunni-Shiia thing exists simply because of the beliggerance of 2 countries and their bad history; Iran and Saudi Arabia....Beliggerance which of course is being fanned and promoted by outside interests.
You think aljazeera, HQ in Qatar, who doesn't report on Bahrain and if it does, it's driving with saudi soldiers, is a good source for information on Libiya and Syria? You really need to consider whether you want to know the truth or whether you like shitting yourself throughout your life. Also, assad is not a shia, get your facts straight.

And if i came with other websites like BBC or CNN you would say it is western propaganda, so i didn't even bother even though i knew that would be your response regarding Al Jazeera. Whether Assad is Shia or not, I do not want to go into that discussion, BUT the fact is that he belongs to a small minority ruling over a large sunni majority. However you forget all injustices then, you forget that the Sunni Syrians who make up more than 70% aren't able to choose their own leader. As others have pointed out you also forget all unjustices happening in Kashmir. I wouldnt have a problem with you if you stated that a shia government in Bahrain would be better for Irans interests in the region. After all thats what every country cares about, its own interests. However when you try acting like some moral police, and say Pakistanis are such bad people whilst Iranians are so noble for standing up for the bahraini people, thats where the problem lies.

Also once again as others have said, Pakistan is NOT supporting the Bahraini Sheikh, just because a few mercenaries decide to fight for the Sheikh doesnt mean that a whole country is supporting the Sheikh.
Its all wrong with us we come up with these friendship gestures, "Iran is a brotherly country" "Iran is a friend" :blah: :blah:


because we don't speak tough we get these stupid protests:crazy:


When Arabs get angry the Iranians come up with this "The Zionist regime and America are trying to undermine relations between Arabs and Iran":sick:

and on the other hand look at India who voted for sanctions against Iran and has oil payment problems with Iran,

we see that Hippocratic Iran gets apologetic.

IMO the GOP should rethink about this "Great Islamic republic of Iran".
They are "shi'a" in terms of accepting the leadership of Imam Ali (as) after the prophet (s), but that is where it ends with regards to comparing them. We also have great links with Oman (Ibadis) [Even defence contracts], Hamas (Ikhwanis), and Venezuela (Christians). What is your point?

My point was simply that to call Asad a Shia is not wrong, the argument can be made that, being an Alevi, he is a Shia.
Alevis in many ways practice some non-Muslim traditions...they pray in Jem Evis; men and women are not seperated; and I believe Alevis do not do Ramzan. A few other differences too; though they are known to view Imam Ali AS as the subsequent leader and they do observe with much fervour the Ashura/Moharram --though I think all Muslims do.

Shiias themselves are sub-grouped into 7ers/Ismaily and 12ers/Jaffary.

but then again, i personally dont believe in Islamic sects. I think the best thing to do is to just read the Quran and understand it.
Maybe Iran should look at its own people before trying to become the defender of freedom in Bahrain and the rest of the Gulf.
Call it dirty or not these men being hired are for the security of Bahrain stop looking at them as killers.
If they are being hired to control the law and order situation there should be no ill effects on iranian govt or for all those whining about Pakistani people being recruited.

Abu Zoldfiqar, The day "khutbat ul wida" took place and as Prophet told; translation "deen mukamal ho chuka", there is no plus and minus in Deen after that. instead of sunni and shia and what not everyone should stick to Quran and call oneself only Muslim.
Bahrain is a brotherly country and so is Iran. Helping Bahrain does not mean going against Iran. As long as Iran is not threatening Bahrain, Iran does not have to worry about anything.
Iranians with that hegemonic mentality are no better than some Saudi wahhabis who think that Saudi Arabian people have a moral authority over all Muslims.

you should listen to yourself....
Is that so, where have you distilled this "hegemonic mentality" from?

whether you like it or not, Bahrain is a sovereign country. Accept this reality
I don't accept the authority of the Shah to begin with. The fact that he signed a contract with Britain to give away Bahrain, has no value to me. However, you will find no official say we should claim Bahrain or anything similar. So you shouldn't make up nonsense based on God knows what. If there is any regional country where we have not bothered getting involved in at all, it is Bahrain. Had we armed them (I wish), you'd see some people shooting back at the Saudi soldiers in Bahrain, and not get shot in the face (according to medical reports, most deaths among protesters are close up frontal face shots). As for propaganda, there is no need for that either. The Bahraini people are our natural allies, without us needing to lift a finger.

second of all, don't go on some tagent about ''religious doctrine''.........I wonder where Iran was during the Azerbaijan-Armenia war? Did you back Azeris or did you back Armenians?

something to ponder about.
It's actually a good example of why, the previous thing you said is total nonsense. Namely that we're only voicing support for Bahrain because they're shi'a, Lol. Since you're unable to get that from our support for the people of Egypte, and our very good relations with Ikhwan-Al-Muslimeen. The Azarbajani republic has a dictator at its helm, one that is severely anti-islamic. Their anti-islamic mentality of the ruling elite in Azarbajan republic, is what they inherited from the Soviet communists. The north is very westernized, and non-Muslim, but the south is shi'a. The state has implemented anti-Islamic laws comparable to the nonsense from the Zionist agent Atta Turk.
About half a year ago when the state was about to destroy another mosque, an Iranian scholar warned that if they do, it'll be the drop that will tip the bucket, and he'll declare jihad against the state. So they didn't destroy it anymore.... so much for some background information. Now the war, the Azarbajani dictator has declared full support for the Zionist regime (look it up, also look up the relationship background between the Zionist regime and Azarbajan dictatorship and how far back it goes), he publicly on TV called upon the Azeris of Iran to rise up against Iran and form a unity with their part (look it up), and they were exterminating the Armenians. Had Iran not intervened, Armenia would not have been anymore. Something we can not let happen, as simple as that. It doesn't matter whether they're Christian or not. We true Muslims have a pillar called justice, something we will stand by until the end.

by the way, what's an ''ethnic Iranian'' ??? No such thing exists. Like in our country, you have different ethnic groups united by one nationality (Iranian in your case).
I avoid using the word Persian for several reasons, but go right ahead. They're Arabic speaking ethnic-Persians. Or as the Persian Gulf Semites call them, "ajam".

Bahrainis are Arabs; they speak read and write in Arabic.
There is no such thing as an "Arab". It is not an ethnicity. For example, the Saudi-Arabians are primarily Semites. The idea, in modern history of Arabic speaking countries, to identify oneself by "Arab" comes from Gamel Nasser and Saddam.

If speaking/reading/writing Arabic makes one an Arab, then Iran must be an Arab country. :what: Not to mention the 79 other languages spoken in Iran. Before making more ridicolous statements, look up the history of the Persian Gulf litorral states, what their ethnicities are (Note: not language), and what those places were before the Persian empire.

I think its a big problem how Sunni-Shiia thing exists simply because of the beliggerance of 2 countries and their bad history; Iran and Saudi Arabia....Beliggerance which of course is being fanned and promoted by outside interests.
You're not very smart are you? If the saudi entity is Muslim, then I must be Christian. When the Saudi monarch pores money into Afghanistan and Pakistan for building wahhabi schools, they're not doing that because they're worried about your state of faith, it is their way of expanding influence. The rate at which the shi'a are spreading in middle-eastern countries, threatens this influence. You can believe what you want, but faith does not expand through force. We don't spend time feeding poor Pakistanis and Afghanis, who don't know the first thing about Islam, in the hopes of fully brainwashing them to be wahhabi.

The saudi entity thinks we're directly involved in the resentment of their people for them (and not the fact that they have thousands of people in dungeons) and for the spread of the shi'a (and not word of mouth), and the west uses this stupidity to instigate them.
LAHORE: Tehran has conveyed its resentment to Islamabad over continuing recruitment of the retired Pakistani military officials to bolster the strength of the security forces of Bahrain,

They should read this.... Many retired soldiers in Pakistan joins private security companies in Pakistan and abroad. Because thats what they are good at, Made to achieve the objective. If bharain is hiring them there is nothing Pakistan military or Govt can do about it.
They should read this.... Many retired soldiers in Pakistan joins private security companies in Pakistan and abroad. Because thats what they are good at, Made to achieve the objective. If bharain is hiring them there is nothing Pakistan military or Govt can do about it.

In that case we Pakistani's should shut up about Muslim brotherhood permanently..
since it is.. has been.. and seems will be to us.. all about the money.

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