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Hiring of Pak fighters for Bahrain angers Iran

Pakistan policy is not against Iran, it is a move.
-to claim some free oils.
-interest free oil,
-to recaptures the attention of Arabs.
-move to increase the influence in the military.
it is a gr8 move since we really need their oil. the uprising in bahrain is set up by americans to spark new arab-iran conflict.
As a person who has actually lived in Pakistan, while many of you guys live in the west and were probably born there... I can tell you that the reason Pakistan is in such a huge mess and poverty... is because of above kinds of decisions... Decisions like... our people can eat grass so that the state can attain nuclear bombs, or to send soldiers abroad while people are being killed left and right on the streets... i mean some of our Pakistani friends were shot on the street a few months ago... and before that it also happened to some other friends... A report released yesterday by HRCP showed that in 2010 alone, 12,580 have been killed, 581 are kidnapped, and 16,977 were abducted, 957 people were killed by US drones, and 20 journalists were killed. Do you know how much that is? Pakistanis get killed at a faster rate than US soldiers in war zones... More Pakistanis die each year than the total deaths of US soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan. This is not a country...

Lol, Pakistan has become a terrifying place to live, people (esp women), don't dare leave their houses, pakistani expats don't want to return and when they go there... they try find the fastest plane out of there again... and yet... pakistanis think it's a good idea to send soldiers abroad, killing innocent civilians wanting a government representing them... for what? some oil... lol... listen... the electricity got knocked out daily for hours, nearly two decades ago when i lived there... and it has only become worse... that country, if you can call it that, will only become a worse dump by these decisions... Last week Iran started to build a fence at the pakistani border... and there already is a fence and a huge trench at the whole Afghan border with Iran... soon you'll find yourself fenced up, getting bombed daily by drones, and you can be happy with the oil you get for sending workings to do the slaving of arab dictators... lol
It's very sad to read that some Pakistanis behaving as if they have been bought by the Arbi and others behaving like Iran can do no wrong --- Nowhere in this are people (Pakistanis) talking about whats best for Pakistan ---- Pakistan is connected to all Muslims but it's historic cultural connection to Iran is unbreakable (urdu) and Pakistan is also the second largest Shi'ah nation in the world - These factors suggests that Pakistan's policy must move away from a mercenary policy to one that is formulated with the interests of the home population, Instead of pointing fingers at Iran or the Arbi vassals of the US, Pakistani policy might look at what is it that the people want -- DO people of Bahrain want freedoms the same as they are in Pakisttan? We all know the answer is yes, So how can we deny that?? Pakistan must not be on the wrong side of history, the wrong side of history.

The arbi princes and their US masters want to turn this into a Shi'ah Vs Sunni -- but it really about fundamental political freedoms - The same freedoms the people in Pakistan have struggled for -- The US knows that the day, the minute, the second, the peoples of Muslim majority states are genuinely free, the world will change, in an instant - The fat cat princes will be history, the financial support of Western armies will be history, the creation of hatred between Muslims will not go unchallenged or unpunished -- Pakistan cannot be on the wrong side, it must be on the side of freedom.
Iran is not the biggest Shia nation, by the grace of certified Mullas, it is Pakistan.
Iran has non believers, Zoroastrians, Christians and non Shia, this makes Shia population much lower than Pakistan.
Shia in Iran are different than Pakistan, they do not wear signs and majority do not observe self chaste in Muharram.

Iran has more connections with India than Pakistan, there are 31 weekly flights from India to Iran.
Pakistan do not have that many flights to any single Arab state.

India is not happy with Pakistan taking up jobs in middleast so they have charged up Pakistani Shias.
If Iran can offer more salary than we can go to Iran.

US is attacking only Arabic states one by one... and yet some people are disillusioned.

If some one is making arguments whose answers can be found in history of same thread, than there is no point in repeating arguments again and again.
Any new question, i'll be glad to answer.
The arbi princes and their US masters want to turn this into a Shi'ah Vs Sunni
So does the Iranian regime - they are not innocent in perpetuating sectarian strife, and they played a role in the sectarian violence in Pakistan and Afghanistan as well.
but it really about fundamental political freedoms - The same freedoms the people in Pakistan have struggled for -- The US knows that the day, the minute, the second, the peoples of Muslim majority states are genuinely free, the world will change, in an instant - The fat cat princes will be history, the financial support of Western armies will be history, the creation of hatred between Muslims will not go unchallenged or unpunished -- Pakistan cannot be on the wrong side, it must be on the side of freedom.
I may be reading the people of the wealthy gulf states wrong (outside of the Shia majority in Bahrain, or Shia populations elsewhere) but I simply do not see the 'people rising up against the fat cat Princes' so long as the oil wealth continues to allow the 'Fat cat Princes' to subsidize the lifestyle of their residents and run fabulous welfare programs.

That could take a long time to happen, unless external intervention is used to upset the socio-economic balance (propped up by petro-dollars) in those States.

Egypt, Libya and Tunisia happened because the 'socio-economic balance' was not propped up artificially to the extent that it is in the oil rich Gulf States. Bahrain is, IMO, far too small to be uncontrollable.
Pakistan policy is not against Iran, it is a move.
-to claim some free oils.
-interest free oil,
-to recaptures the attention of Arabs.
-move to increase the influence in the military.
it is a gr8 move since we really need their oil. the uprising in bahrain is set up by americans to spark new arab-iran conflict.

Move is not from Pakistan, it is a usual advertisement from Bahrain in Pakistani news paper and as a consequence Pakistan's P.M. and President have banned same group from their cable service.
Iran is not the biggest Shia nation, by the grace of certified Mullas, it is Pakistan.
per wikipedia:

Iran total population: 77.8 million
98% Muslim = 76.2 million
90% Shia = 68.6 million Shia

Pakistan total population:170 million
97% Muslim = 164.9 million
20% Shia = 32.98 million

Done in haste so feel free to offer corrections, anyone.
In Iran the regime is enemy of its own people.
There are engineers and doctors working as cleaners simply because there are no jobs.
All works are carried out in shape of contracts and to do business one need permission paper from Basijis.
Where as the Basijis make joint ventures with Indian companies and hand out jobs and contracts to Indian companies.
Every major industry is owned by Basijis and jobs are only for the relatives of Basijis.
per wikipedia:

Iran total population: 77.8 million
98% Muslim = 76.2 million
90% Shia = 68.6 million Shia

Pakistan total population:170 million
97% Muslim = 164.9 million
20% Shia = 32.98 million

Done in haste so feel free to offer corrections, anyone.

There are no 90% Shia in Iran.
You must go and live with them.. 90% do not observe Muharram and only Basijis attend the 'Tazia' and some of them also unwilling.
Iran shouldn't be worried about what Pakistan does in Bahrain. Pakistan has its own commitments and I guess they have a pretty close relationship with Bahrain.

Our commitments needs to be with the people of any country . Pakistan needs to stop being a policeman protecting Yankee interest and the the interest of its yes man . We have had plenty of Yankee lovers saying Labaak to their commands in Pakistan . If Bahrain was under attack by outsiders I can understand and would gladly support their struggle for national survival . Suppressing and subjugating 70% of the local population does not deserve support from Pakistan .
^^ In Pakistan, it is only President and P.M. and Ambassador (Hussain Haqqani) are protecting Yankee interest.
In Iraq it was Basijis of Iran who were protecting Yankee interest.
So is every where in the world.

Iran is sending weapons in Arab states and it is allowed by US.. and UN! does it suggest any thing to you?
Suppressing and subjugating 70% of the local population does not deserve support from Pakistan .
The entire world deals with all sorts of autocratic and oppressive regimes when it suits their national interests. Almost every country in the world has extensive relations with China (autocratic and oppressive some would argue), India (oppressing and occupying J&K) and Israel (occupation and oppression of Palestine), and with the oil rich Arab and African States.

Nations sell huge amounts of weapons to them and trade with such states. The only thing Pakistan is doing is continuing with a business arrangement to export labor to these states that it has had in place for decades. Pakistan is not sending in its own troops to suppress the protests, nor is it funding or equipping the security forces of these nations so that they may suppress their populations.
it suggest any thing to you?
There have also been serious allegations of Iran supporting terrorists in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan with weapons and more dangerous IED and landmines. Some of that has also made its way into the hands of the TTP and associated groups in Pakistan.

There are no innocent parties here - its every nation for itself, and that is how Pakistan should deal with the situation as well.

Pakistan goes where our national interests and security are best served.
Can someone remind me of the last time Iranians were sensitive of Pakistani concerns, you Iranians have got to be kidding, how can you even complain with a straight face.

If the Iranians ruthlessly pursue their own interest, then why the hell to Pakistan not do the same, it's incredible the logic that these Iranians are using.
In Iran the regime is enemy of its own people.
There are engineers and doctors working as cleaners simply because there are no jobs.
All works are carried out in shape of contracts and to do business one need permission paper from Basijis.
Where as the Basijis make joint ventures with Indian companies and hand out jobs and contracts to Indian companies.
Every major industry is owned by Basijis and jobs are only for the relatives of Basijis.

There are no 90% Shia in Iran.
You must go and live with them.. 90% do not observe Muharram and only Basijis attend the 'Tazia' and some of them also unwilling.

ladies and gentlemen, I give you Batman
this guy is permanently on crack

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