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Hindu Ramayana and Islam (Allah) in a religious text!

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I have heard Dr naik many times i challenged his followers who once told me Lord kalki is the Prophet Mohamed I showed them the Bhavisaya purana which Dr naik quotes from but he leaves outs large junks of info and picks only the things he wants.

It's like arguing with a child when they are hell-bent on getting their desired thing.
What armies went to malaysia and indonesia? Just that example should be enough to tell you how Islam was spread.

Do you know how the Garuda Deva empire weakened? Heard about how the Majapahits of Indonesia faced the "armies" that you are talking about? Do you know how the Khmer empire (extended to Malaysia and Indonesia during the timeframe you are mentioning) met its downfall? This is where the versions that were told to you differ from the versions that actually happened.

The only voluntary conversions that happened were post the collapse of Majapahits of Indonesia when southern part of their country broke and was under a different king who converted and asked his people to do the same and also Brunei. Other than that all others were involuntary.

Perhaps you don't know all this. Don't believe in all they tell you on "mass converted". It is a lie to silence truly sincere Muslims like you who want genuine answers. You might be surprised how I know this stuff; it is common for Buddhist/Dharmic (yes, any of the 4 branches can worship at each others') pilgrims at Bodh Gaya, Tawang and Dharmasala from different parts of earth to come and share their knowledge.

As for examples, I would recommend you to ask Afghan Buddhists what happened to them. Many of them live now in Germany, Norway, Poland, Canada and here in India with us. This will tell you about how exactly these regions became Islamic.

Not what I have heard from Indian Muslims.

I never said that all Indian Muslims are aware of his true self. We have a huge population where some people admire him based on his face value and a lot of other people who have gone very deep on him to extract his real self out.

He argues. He always invites people to attack Islam if they want. I admit that sometimes he says stuff that might hurt people but the reason why he gets the most conversions is that he confronts.

Not really. His confrontation is based on attacking other faiths without complete knowledge; unfortunately many non-Muslims are not very aware of their own religion and hence find it "cool" to convert. I have seen his sessions; His only positive point is that he word-to-word memorized Quran, Bible and Gita. Other than that, his interpretations are many times very very wrong which he makes stories out of.

Lack of understanding? Perhaps threat . As far as I know, many people converted in his lectures.

Because they don't take the effort to know their own faiths completely. It is very easy to convert ignorant people but when confronted with knowledgeable people, he has little answers to spare other than his fake smile. I am saying this because I personally know someone who has confronted him in his sessions and left him speechless momentarily.

And I'll believe "this man's propaganda" because he gave me great explanations for Islamic laws.

Why do you need explanation from another man? You have a holy book, take your own effort to read and decipher it as it is every Muslim's duty. From what I heard from Muslims, your prophet clearly advised people to themselves read and believe and not believe because others are saying.
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It's like arguing with a child when they are hell-bent on getting their desired thing.

The thing was the first time I heard him say this comment I was intrigued because he said he used Bhavisaya Purana so I checked the purana and read the chapter he used and it is not at all what he claims it to be. On a side note I give him credit for trying to promote inter-faith dialogue I hope there is more but this time with Swaminaryan or ISKCON that would be intresting.
The thing was the first time I heard him say this comment I was intrigued because he said he used Bhavisaya Purana so I checked the purana and read the chapter he used and it is not at all what he claims it to be. On a side note I give him credit for trying to promote inter-faith dialogue I hope there is more but this time with Swaminaryan or ISKCON that would be intresting.
I have been a Sanskrit student (CBSE na ;) ) and know about this purana. It is totally opposite of what Naik tells his dear audiences. This amounts to only 2 things:

- Either he doesn't know Sanskrit at all;
- Or he is on a marketing campaign for conversion gains through lies.
I have been a Sanskrit student (CBSE na ;) ) and know about this purana. It is totally opposite of what Naik tells his dear audiences. This amounts to only 2 things:

- Either he doesn't know Sanskrit at all;
- Or he is on a marketing campaign for conversion gains through lies.

He has his own agenda with Peace TV me thinks. I would love to learn Sanskrit when I was in UK studying my university had Sanskrit course I wish i enrolled for it now :frown: I am trying to read the
Upanishads now online it is my first time I find it very intresting the concept of Brahman and atman.
He has his own agenda with Peace TV me thinks. I would love to learn Sanskrit when I was in UK studying my university had Sanskrit course I wish i enrolled for it now :frown: I am trying to read the
Upanishads now online it is my first time I find it very intresting the concept of Brahman and atman.
I would recommend you to learn the language and then go for the scriptures rather than read third party translations which might have some bias in either direction.

Our holy scrolls for instance are written in Dzongkha (Sikkimese/Bhuatanese) language, but it shares its ancestry in Sanskrit like other state languages of India.
I have no intention of mischief and the matter ends there. I am going to talk at a catholic congregation as an atheist and as a supporter of harmonious living with other religions - am not even going to talk about athiesm better than theism (poly or mono , doesnt matter to me).

I was researching abt the Ramayana in Wiki and came across this and shared.

And btw, giving boons to Ravana, the villain and hence Allah is negated? dude.. u need to learn about Hindu mythology - Ravana is actually a disciple of Lord Shiva and he gets his boons from Him!

dont jump to conclusions with half knowledge - its dangerous for you and for all people who u will teach later on -(ur kids!) I saw ur other posts (through that - find all posts from user) and all of them are pretty sensible so am sure u can do much better than coming up with this statement.

You will have haters on both side trying to say thatwhat you are doing is impossible but you don't have to believe them.

As you may know there are Hindus who also don't believe in idol worship and believe in one God like Lingayats, Arya Samajis e.t.c
Brahma Vishnu Shiva are considered qualities of a single God. In Islam these same qualities which basically means Creator, Sustainer and Destroyer are considered qualities of God or Allah. They are refered to as Al-Khaliq, Ar-Razzaq and Al-Mumeet.

That is why you may have even muslims in Indonesia with names like VishnuBhagat which is basically a translation of AbdurRazzaq both meaning discipline or slave of the Sustainer.

However, you can find a lot of literature in India as well on this. While there is no doubt that invaders who happened to be muslims were part of history, they were not that interested in inviting people to Islam. This was mainly done by the Sufis like Khwaja Moinuddin Chisti (RAH) and Nizamuddin Auliya (RAH). Most of these people although did not pray to Hindu figures had respect for the Hindu faith as such and discussed about Ram and Krishna being prophets for example. Or that Manu may be the prophet Noah because of the similarties of their stories around the flood. A way of building commanalities which may or may not be true.

The legendary poet Allama Iqbal wrote a poem titled Ram which shows how he called Ram Imam-i-Hind or leader of Hind.

labrez hai sharab-e-hakikat say jamm-e-hind
Sab falsafi Hain Khitai Maghrib ke Raame Hind

yay hindiyon kay fikray-falak uska hai amar
rifat may aasman say bhi uncha hai bam-i-hind

is desh mein hue hain hazaaron malik sarisht
mashoor jis kay dam sey hai naam-i-hind

Hai Raam Ke wajood Pe Hindostaan ko Naaz,
Ahle Nazar Samjhatein hain Unko Imaame Hind.

ajaz is chiraghey hidayat ka hai yehi
roshan tar az sahar hai zamaane mein shaam-i-hind

talwar ka dhani tha shuja-at may fard tha
pakizgi may joshe-mohabbat may fard tha

For those who need the Hindi version with word meaning
लबरेज़ है शराबे-हक़ीक़त से जामे-हिन्द ।
सब फ़ल्सफ़ी हैं खित्ता-ए-मग़रिब के रामे हिन्द ।।
ये हिन्दियों के फिक्रे-फ़लक उसका है असर,
रिफ़अत में आस्माँ से भी ऊँचा है बामे-हिन्द ।
इस देश में हुए हैं हज़ारों मलक सरिश्त,
मशहूर जिसके दम से है दुनिया में नामे-हिन्द ।
है राम के वजूद पे हिन्दोस्ताँ को नाज़,
अहले-नज़र समझते हैं उसको इमामे-हिन्द ।
एजाज़ इस चिराग़े-हिदायत का है ,
यहीरोशन तिराज़ सहर ज़माने में शामे-हिन्द ।
तलवार का धनी था, शुजाअत में फ़र्द था,
पाकीज़गी में, जोशे-मुहब्बत में फ़र्द था ।
:- Sir Mohammed Iqbal

शब्दार्थ :लबरेज़ है शराबे-हक़ीक़त से जामे-हिन्द । सब फ़ल्सफ़ी हैं खित्ता-ए-मग़रिब के रामे हिन्द ।।= हिन्द का प्याला सत्य की मदिरा से छलक रहा है। पूरब के सभी महान चिंतक इहंद के राम हैं; फिक्रे-फ़लक=महान चिंतन; रिफ़अत=ऊँचाई; बामे-हिन्द=हिन्दी का गौरव या ज्ञान; मलक=देवता; सरिश्त=ऊँचे आसन पर; एजाज़=चमत्कार; चिराग़े-हिदायत=ज्ञान का दीपक; सहर=भरपूर रोशनी वाला सवेरा; शुजाअत=वीरता; फ़र्द=एकमात्र, अद्वितीय; पाकीज़गी= पवित्रता

Similarly in his Bang-i-Dara where he laments about India's ingratitude to revere the philosophy of its great men, he talks about the message of Gautama Buddha and Krishna.
As you may also know the foundation of the Golden Temple was laid by a muslim sufi and Guru Nanak had close links with Muslim sufis of his time as well. And in the Sikh holy book you will find similar themes about commonalities as well.
So you can find these type of writings by muslims in India itself as well.
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But there was no Quran then?
Did the word Islam exist before the Prophet's life?
Thank you for the link.

But Islam has been around since the first human, who was also the first Messenger AS of Allaah.

God didn't tell you how to please him. Humans told you how to please him.

Don't know what is wrong with you people.
as far as my understanding goes in hinduism almost every thing is god or cast of god or some thing like that.Apparently this is the reason you worship stones(carved in particular shape),animals(monkey,elephant,cow),reptiles(snake) and even human beings(ram,krishan).
just one question:How the creation of god becomes god himself?

Does god himself told you people i am also present in these things so you can please me through worshiping these things,or its just justification of your mind.you people want to please god in your way,but why not in a way that god told you?

Islam incorporated beliefs of other religions as well and gave honour to their prophets like Jesus etc.
May be Ram is a messenger of Allah.may be not.may be he is one of those 1 lakh plus prophets/messengers which Allah send for guidance of humanity.may be ram is appointed in this region for preaching message of Allah.
Why muslims can't tell decisively ram is prophet or not?
because we have only two sources which can confirm this or deny this.Quran and Hadith(Saying of Prophet Muhammad).in both of them there is no prophet with name is ram.but this does imply that he is not one of one lakh plus prophets.
in short we can't say he was prophet of Allah and neither we can deny.because we don't have enough knowledge/info.

And also for amalgamation you have to understand hindism and hindus.
As for as my understanding goes with hinduism,its very flexible religion,can modify itself with time,in corporate believes of other religions in itself(very proudly).and list goes on.
FOr those interested in Bhavisya Puran . Read this Bhavishya Purana . Almost everything said in it came true from jesus to timur lane , to Prophet Muhammad to Britishers . Now we wait for Kalki :)
Great to know that Islam and Muslims are also inspired by The Ramayana.
But there was no Quran then?
Did the word Islam exist before the Prophet's life?
Quran is the Last Holy Book of ALLAH (Swt) and Prophet Mohammad(P.B.U.H) is last Holy Prophet of ALLAH . means there was a first one, Islam is just a name chosen by ALLAH (Swt) in his last holy book , Wat matters is teaching, There were near to 124,000 Prophet sended by ALLAH (Swt). Including Mosa A.S (Moses), Ibrahim (A.S) (Abraham) , Esa A.S (jesus) , Yaqoob A.S (jacob) , Adam A.S (Adam) and the last Mohammad (P.b.u.h). estimates are mentioned in Quran but not the names of all Prophets are mentioned, Basically They all were sended by the same purpose to teach message of GOD to peoples, but most of time people had killed them or don't listen to them, peoples always prefers their greeds and had always applied their silly logics.
Quran is the Last Holy Book of ALLAH (Swt) and Prophet Mohammad(P.B.U.H) is last Holy Prophet of ALLAH . means there was a first one, Islam is just a name chosen by ALLAH (Swt) in his last holy book , Wat matters is teaching, There were near to 124,000 Prophet sended by ALLAH (Swt). Including Mosa A.S (Moses), Ibrahim (A.S) (Abraham) , Esa A.S (jesus) , Yaqoob A.S (jacob) , Adam A.S (Adam) and the last Mohammad (P.b.u.h). estimates are mentioned in Quran but not the names of all are mentioned, Basically They all were sended by the same purpose to teach message of GOD to peoples, but most of time people had killed them or don't listen to them, peoples always prefers their greeds and had always applied their silly logics.

Some corrections for you brother

There were near to 124,000 Prophet sended by ALLAH (Swt). Including Mosa A.S (Moses), Ibrahim (A.S) (Abraham) , Esa A.S (jesus) , Yaqoob A.S (jacob) , Adam A.S (Adam) and the last Mohammad (P.b.u.h). estimates are mentioned in Quran but not the names of all are mentioned,

The figure of 124,000 was not mentioned in the Holy Quran. The Holy Quran says there is no place on earth where we did not send the messengers. So may be there were messengers/Prophet of God in India, Africa or Europe. The figure of 124,000 was mentioned in the sayings of the Prophet (Hadeeth).

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