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Headley, Rana accuse ISI and Pak Govt for Mumbai Attacks

LoL you receive a billion dollars in aid from the UK and have the nerve to call us beggar's - we are part of a war effort, that is vital to international security, and what about the Naxals controlling 1/3 of indian states. And booka nanga Hindustan should be the last one to call anybody else a failed nation. :)

Dude, the war is against the enemy which is considered an illegitimate child of Pakistan's foreign policies.. Puts a whole new spin on your so called war effort .. Innit?
^ So you mean Pakistan created the TTP? Do you know the history of TTP at all?

In fact if anything, the US which is the country bharatis look up to and pretty much think of as their idol country is the one fighting the group they created (and yes I know the history of Mujhaideen and Taliban).
Article from Times of India, ya that is used as toilet paper. Another bharti lie.

How about a "taller than mountains" source

Tahawwur Hussain Rana, who allegedly planned and conducted the Mumbai recce before the deadly terror attacks in November 2008, and currently in U.S. custody, reportedly said that his acts of providing material support to terrorists in the Mumbai attacks " were done at the behest of the Pakistani government and the ISI, not the Lashkar (e-Toiba) terrorist organization."

India reiterates Pakistan should punish perpetrators for Mumbai terror attacks - People's Daily Online
Ur govt will never agree that organisations such as LET etc are or were part of your foreign policy towards India... and they are being fuelled by your army and the ISI......
It seems a hidden truth is finally out in the open!!
I suppose now the pakistanis will say RAW uses the name of ISI to carry out attacks in India or even better RAW's nick name is ISI!!!:woot:
It seems a hidden truth is finally out in the open!!
I suppose now the pakistanis will say RAW uses the name of ISI to carry out attacks in India or even better RAW's nick name is ISI!!!:woot:

bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha why dont you read Indian statement today ;) the bharatis also know that you are never going to lay hands on CIA operative so oh well "India will continue headway despite CIA operative aka headely drama"
bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha why dont you read Indian statement today ;) the bharatis also know that you are never going to lay hands on CIA operative so oh well "India will continue headway despite CIA operative aka headely drama"

did CIA inform you about this drama in advance ......... what proofs u have that this is a drama........
JUD even today is openly advertising in mainstream newspapers for raising funds and the Pakistan government, true to its complete commitment to terrorism, is taking no action aginast the terrorist organisation or the newspapers.


This government is no ''rogue ISI elements'', this IS Pakistan establishment, pakistani media, pakistani common masses and the armed forces. Of course a boat full of terrorists did not sail from Karachi without the blessings of ISI. The ONLY thing that was not planned for was the capture of Ajmal Kasab, or as Zaid Hamid groupies call him - Amar Singh. That was invaluable. If Pakistanis think they have not paid for these murders, and will not in future, then they have taken cockiness to a new belief system level.

These revelations are just one more step.
I think there is some kind of agreement between ISI and Pak govt.
like :ISI supports the current govt. and carries out political assassination and in return pak govt. gives ISI the money to run anti-india activities!!
^ So you mean Pakistan created the TTP? Do you know the history of TTP at all?

In fact if anything, the US which is the country bharatis look up to and pretty much think of as their idol country is the one fighting the group they created (and yes I know the history of Mujhaideen and Taliban).

And I was so mislead by loud proclamations by so many Pakistani members about how they kicked the Soviets out of Afghanistan via strategic use of Mujahids aka Talibans of later..

Or are you gonna hide behind the Freudian denial of TTP not being true Taliban?? ;)
One observation though.. Most Indian members use the term terrorists or talibans.. Where as rarely i would find Jana not prefixing the word terrorist with the word Hindu..

Wonder how long an Indian member would survive if he prefixed the word Muslim before the word terrorist with the same tenacity...

and mind you I am not talking about quoting news articles..
Internationally Pakistan carry Image of Nation with terrorism and this are the things, which support this fact..
Aah.. torture..
Can make you say true lies and false truths.

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