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Headley, Rana accuse ISI and Pak Govt for Mumbai Attacks

indian hubris booka nanga Hindustan compares us to N/K....

sorry my friend but, pakistan is known as begger nation in the world so N/K Is much better than pakistan coz Pakistan is full of terrorist also it is in the list of top 10 failed nation with somali and afganistan so think before posting anything..
This guy's claiming that LeT WAS NOT INVOLVED AT ALL. Please try to read his claims before trying to sound witty like you have done many times before.

This is becoming repetitive. Anyway, Rana has been charged in 'three counts of a 12-count superseding indictment for providing material support to terrorists and foreign terrorist organizations....in connection with the November 2008 attacks in Mumbai, India by the Pakistan-based group Lashkar e Tayyiaba, and a plot to attack a newspaper building in Denmark.'

In this particular case, his proposed defense was that he had acted 'at the behest of the Pakistani government and ISI, not the Lashkar terrorist organisation', and therefore he shall be eligible for 'Public Authority Defense'. Additionally, according to his claim, since 'ISI has authority to act in India to protect Pakistan's national interests', therefore he had 'relied on a public authority', making him 'immune from criminal prosecution in US under FSIA'.

However, Public Authority Defense is available only if a defendant 'acts in reliance on public authority', and does so unknowingly. Further a defendant will be considered to have acted in reliance on public authority if:

'(1) that defendant is affirmatively told that his/her conduct would be lawful;
(2) the defendant is told this by an official of the [United States] government; [and]
(3) the defendant actually relies on what the official tells him/her in taking the action; [and,
(4) the defendant’s reliance on what he/she was told by the official is reasonable in light of the circumstances.]

The Court found that the 'proposed defense that Pakistani government and ISI officials sanctioned his violations of U.S. federal law, is objectively unreasonable. The parties agree that no evidence exists that Defendant relied on representations from a U.S. federal official — or a party with apparent authority as a federal official — to engage in his alleged illegal activities. Defendant acted not in Pakistan or India, but rather in the United States. He cites no authority holding that a foreign government official can sanction an individual living and acting in the United States to violate U.S. federal law. Regardless of whether Defendant believed Headley conducted surveillance on behalf of the ISI or Lashkar in Mumbai, his argument that a nonfederal official can have actual or apparent authority to exempt him from violating a federal law fails.'. He was accordingly denied 'Public Authority Defense' and the motion to serve subpoenas was also quashed.

That, in a nutshell, is the crux of the current case against Rana.

The Court, however, makes one interesting observation. Rana's claim that he had acted 'at the behest of the Pakistani government and ISI', found support 'from grand jury testimony of Co-Defendant David Headley, who has pled guilty to the counts against him in the superseding indictment'.

Source: Court order
Article from Times of India, ya that is used as toilet paper. Another bharti lie.
Article from Times of India, ya that is used as toilet paper. Another bharti lie.

Article from Times of India, ya that is used as toilet paper. Another bharti lie.

Today I come to know why despite of low level of education, english news papers are expensive in Pakistan,
I was anaware some of pakistani like u, use them in diffrent manner..
sorry my friend but, pakistan is known as begger nation in the world so N/K Is much better than pakistan coz Pakistan is full of terrorist also it is in the list of top 10 failed nation with somali and afganistan so think before posting anything..

LoL you receive a billion dollars in aid from the UK and have the nerve to call us beggar's - we are part of a war effort, that is vital to international security, and what about the Naxals controlling 1/3 of indian states. And booka nanga Hindustan should be the last one to call anybody else a failed nation. :)
LoL you receive a billion dollars in aid from the UK and have the nerve to call us beggar's - we are part of a war effort, that is vital to international security, and what about the Naxals controlling 1/3 of indian states. And booka nanga Hindustan should be the last one to call anybody else a failed nation. :)

whatever, atleast our country do not run on foregin aid & also our country don't have bad name in world.
LoL you receive a billion dollars in aid from the UK and have the nerve to call us beggar's - we are part of a war effort, that is vital to international security, and what about the Naxals controlling 1/3 of indian states. And booka nanga Hindustan should be the last one to call anybody else a failed nation. :)

They are giving what they stole from India for 200 years. Good thing is that we are not asking for interest. And it is not Indians who are calling Pakistan a failed state (Link and Link and Link).

As for Naxals controlling 1/3...wakey wakey....The sun is really shining.
LoL you receive a billion dollars in aid from the UK and have the nerve to call us beggar's - we are part of a war effort, that is vital to international security, and what about the Naxals controlling 1/3 of indian states. And booka nanga Hindustan should be the last one to call anybody else a failed nation. :)

Indian is not dependant on UK as Pak is dependant on USA that is why even after death of hundreds civilians in drone attack pakistan kept mum, and ur claim abt naxal is not 100% true. even if it would, naxals are better than terrorist who are controlling 100% pak, so dnt ask me for figures and check how begger pakistan is on google..
I truly have NO idea why Pakistanis continue to stick their heads in the sand and deny any reports that even remotely make Pakistan look bad. Surely in the face of such mountains of irrefutable proof you cannot accept that even a SMALL proportion of the ISI has rogue and dangerous elements inside it doing such things. And I'm not just talking about 26/11 but EVERYTHING that is going on. I mean the WORLD knows about some elements of the ISI it is FACT for everyone except you. Why? Pride? I mean some members on hear seem very well informed and educated but when the slightest mention of Pakistan/Pakistanis doing wrong is suggested the frankly RIDICULOUS conspiracies theories involving CIA, RAW, MOSSAD,IB, MI5,MI6 (infact the whole alphabet). Is it really easier to believe the ENTIRE WORLD has some sort of anti-Pakistan agenda and are working together in private to damage her for no apparent reason and no FACTS or that Pakistan actually is involved in at least some unscrupulous activities?

Is the entire population of Pakistan clinically paranoid, extremely ignorant/ arrogant or just completely brainwashed? Or all of the above?

It is YOU who has his head stuck in the head little kid. Right now ISI involvement theory IS A CONSPIRACY THEORY, not the other way around. Bharatis turn anyone not believing in their story into a conspiracy theorist. Perhaps you and others need to go learn what a conspiracy theory is. Here's the thing with bharatis - don't believe what the bharatis believe, you're a conspiracy theory and your head is stuck in the sand. Even if their claim is not proven and effectively is a conspiracy theory.

Btw, so here we have another deluded bharati for whome bharat + parts of the west = THE WHOLE WORLD. Yet another one. Go get some math and geographical lessons.
Even if indra gets a flu... u guys blame ISI.......Get a hold of urselves..... ISI is not tht great as u guys think.
Even if indra gets a flu... u guys blame ISI.......Get a hold of urselves..... ISI is not tht great as u guys think.

Dear ISI means Pakistani govt it means Pakistani govt isnt it??? so the question of not being great does not arise ... do u as a pakistani national know, who controls ISI ? ur civillian govt or the army??
The key question is Why - i mean why do they think the world is anti-Pakistan?

To answer your question - yet again it's not the whole world but bharat and parts of the west. Are you another one for whole bharat + parts of the west = the whole world? Bharat, well one doesn't need to say anything about bharat being anti-Pakistan. As far as the west is concerned, Pakistanis view the suspiciously because the west has constantly attacked Muslim countries one after the other, meddle in the affairs of muslim countries across the globe and in the past have put sanctions on Pakistan.
LoL you receive a billion dollars in aid from the UK and have the nerve to call us beggar's - we are part of a war effort, that is vital to international security, and what about the Naxals controlling 1/3 of indian states. And booka nanga Hindustan should be the last one to call anybody else a failed nation. :)

You are a part of war effort which was started and messed up by you ... so now the time has come to clean ur own mess... this is in no means any service to the world its just self service....

about Naxals its our internal matter and its more of a political matter ... if Indian govt wants it can wipe out naxalism with force but right now they are not using all out force....... Naxalism will end as did LTTE in Srilanka

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