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Haqqani network pushing TTP to make peace with Pakistan


Nov 10, 2010
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Haqqani network pushing TTP to make peace with Pakistan

Hamid Mir
Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Haqqani network pushing TTP to make peace with Pakistan

ISLAMABAD: The Haqqani network has started its efforts to push the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) to negotiate a peace deal with the Pakistan government.

A delegation of Pakistani tribal elders recently met Khalil Haqqani, brother of Sirajudin Haqqani, in Paktia province of eastern Afghanistan and requested him to use his influence to make peace between anti-Pakistan and pro-Pakistan militants in North Waziristan. These elders were worried about mounting pressure from the US on Pakistan to start another operation in North Waziristan. Khalil Haqqani first consulted Sirajudin Haqqani and then sent messages to some TTP leaders not to fight against Pakistani forces.

It is also learnt that the TTP leadership has yet not reached any decision. TTP head Hakimullah Mehsud is reportedly hiding somewhere in the Orakzai area. He is reluctant to trust the Pakistani security establishment but has recently sent a message to JUI leader Maulana Fazlur Rehman that “we can think of making peace with the Pakistan Army but without surrendering.”

Maulana Fazlur Rehman shared this offer with government officials but the government wanted some mandate from opposition parties to restart peace efforts with the TTP. Some elements in TTP do not trust Pakistani security establishment, especially ISI. These disgruntled commanders of TTP are hiding in Kunar province of Afghanistan.

According to some credible sources in the Afghan media these commanders have established contacts with Afghan Intelligence officials. Sources in Kabul have claimed that Maulvi Faqir Muhammad, Hakimullah Mehsud’s deputy, is living in an area close to Asadabad, the headquarters of Kunar province. He recently travelled from Kabul to Delhi.
Afghan intelligence arranged a meeting of some local journalists with Faqir Muhammad recently in Asadabad.

He had turned against the Pakistan Army after the drone strikes in Bajaur in 2006. He joined hands with Maulana Fazlullah of Swat and now they are fighting against Pakistan Army in Swat and Bajaur. His fighters recently abducted some children from Bajaur and imprisoned them in Kunar under the supervision of Afghan intelligence.

Maulvi Faqir was also involved in attacks on some Pakistani border posts in Dir. He conducted those attacks from Kunar province where US troops are present in heavy numbers. Maulvi Faqir is opposing a peace deal with Pakistani government while another important TTP commander from South Waziristan, Maulana Waliur Rehman Mehsud, is in favour of such a deal.

Waliur Rehman also supported a peace deal between Shias and Sunnis of Kurram in February 2011 which was brokered by Haqqani Network. Initially TTP opposed the efforts started by Khalil Haqqani because some local TTP commanders in Kurram were involved in crimes like kidnapping for ransom and they were not interested in any peace deal.

Khalil Haqqani used an old confidant from Kurram, Fazal Saeed Haqqani, as a bargaining chip and he parted ways with TTP. Fazal Saeed Haqqani established his own group and expelled all criminals from his area by force.

Pakistani security establishment also helped Fazal Saeed Haqqani and the local elders successfully bargained a peace deal after a decade long bloodshed. According to sources close to Sirajudin Haqqani, Afghan intelligence was interfering in Kurram and has provided arms to different tribes for fighting against each other. When Haqqanis brokered a deal between the local tribes the Afghan intelligence contacted Sirajudin Haqqani and offered him to become part of the peace process initiated by President Hamid Karzai.

This scribe reported in this newspaper on Sunday that Karzai recently approached Sirajudin and even offered him governorship of Paktia. Sirajudin confirmed this information to BBC on Monday evening and said that Afghan intelligence and Americans contacted him many times. His confirmation will strengthen the impression in Pakistan that the US started accusing Haqqani Network of attacking its Embassy in Kabul after Haqqani’s refusal to become part of the peace process initiated by Washington and Kabul.

President Hamid Karzai suspended his talks with Taliban on Saturday and landed in Delhi on Tuesday. His visit to India in the current tense situation will raise many questions in Islamabad where many people accuse India of using Afghan territory to destabilise Balochistan and FATA.

Pakistani establishment is already disturbed over India’s growing influence in Afghanistan and now the reported contacts of Maulvi Faqir Muhammad with India and Karzai’s visit of India will create more misunderstandings between Kabul and Islamabad.

Top government sources in Islamabad have clearly said that Pakistan Army will not conduct any operation in North Waziristan under any foreign pressure because it will create more enemies for Pakistani state in FATA and Afghan intelligence will adopt these enemies of Pakistan as their new sons like they adopted Maulvi Faqir Muhammad.

Many analysts think that Pakistani establishment signed peace deals with Taliban between 2004 and 2009 but there was no positive result and any new peace deal will also fail but many people think otherwise.

They think that most of the peace deals in the past were sabotaged by US drone attacks. These deals were masterminded by security establishment but this time political forces must take the lead.

Any future peace deal between TTP and the Pakistani government could bring dividends only if it is approved by Parliament. Prime Minister Gilani has openly said that he was prepared to talk with Taliban and Haqqani Network but all those who gave him support on September 29 in APC for talking to people in FATA have parted ways within one week.
Nothing surprising since haqqani network is pro-pakistan(or pakistani or mask of ISI and pakistan) and anti-afghanistan.they will say anything for pakistan's benefit.so close the thread.
Nothing surprising since haqqani network is pro-pakistan(or pakistani or mask of ISI and pakistan) and anti-afghanistan.they will say anything for pakistan's benefit.so close the thread.

Guess what, USA is very keen to bring this pro-Pakistani network on the negotiation table. BTW, a pro-Indian TTP, rather mask of RAW will never come to make a peace deal with Pakistan.. Thread is very much open, dear Indian.
Nothing surprising since haqqani network is pro-pakistan(or pakistani or mask of ISI and pakistan) and anti-afghanistan.they will say anything for pakistan's benefit.so close the thread.

So, the US and other people are anti-pakistani, but you still believe them and forgo the possibility of bias in their accusations?
Interesting to read this development if true. I hope that the peace deal will not be a short term so to allow the enemy to regroup and re-arm. Although at this moment I am not expecting much, but still if a commander or a few do favor peace and can come to an understanding with the govt., then why not. Of course there will always be anti-state elements against such progress, and definitely will try to sabotage it, so expect more assassinations/bomb blasts than usual. May peace prevail across the region!
The TTP has killed thousands of innocent Pakistani men, women and children.....
We should not talk to them about peace under any condition....
We will only encourage further attacks as these bastards will use the 'peace deal' to regroup and reorganize their ranks...
Peace shouldnt be made unless these mothertuckers surrender.... without it... its useless...Lannat on afghan govt n other anti Pak elements.
So, the US and other people are anti-pakistani, but you still believe them and forgo the possibility of bias in their accusations?

stop accusting USA and nato just declear on them i am sure taliban and TTP will support you and there will no drone attack or sucide bombing and all pakistani will live happy after(if survive from USA attack)
If such a thing is accepted from the Pakistani side, I would say it brings far more danger to Pakistan than it is now. The Pakistani Governemt should root out weapons from non state actors and TTP and Haqqani Network are all non state actors, they might turn any time hostile to the Pakistani Government and its people.
I wish that the people realize the apocalipse that is about be fall on them if the Pakistani Government goes in to a peace accord with the TTP.
I really wonder if Haqqani can be given noble peace prize for such a peaceful move for mediating between two warring parties.If Obama can be given peace prize for war in afghanistan than Haqqani is more deserving candidate for peaceful gesture than obama
Nothing surprising since haqqani network is pro-pakistan(or pakistani or mask of ISI and pakistan) and anti-afghanistan.they will say anything for pakistan's benefit.so close the thread.

yesterday i posted a thread, where usa asked haqqani group to join afghan government. so youre wrong.
The very fact that Haqqani group is talking peace when pakistan wants it to talk peace shows that amount of control pakistan has over Haqqani group... there is no denying the fact that both Pakistan and USA have used Haqqanis to do the dirty work .... Lets put is this way .... America used Pakistan to achieve its goal in Afghan and Pakistan inturn used Haqqanis and others to get the work done.... now both America and Pakistan wants to tell the world they did not and dont have anything to do with Haqqanis .... all open lies and deceit !!!
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