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Hamas now has 100km range rockets confirmed by IDF

Instead of showing these ineffective rockets, why not Hamas reconciles with Fatah and announces that if Israel agrees on the two-state solution based on 1967 borders, and an acceptable deal for the return of Palestinian refugees, Hamas will accept Israel and stop any confrontation etc.

Peace b/w Palestine and Israel is needed, not war or any more of that rocket bullsh!t.
Instead of showing these ineffective rockets, why not Hamas reconciles with Fatah and announces that if Israel agrees on the two-state solution based on 1967 borders, and an acceptable deal for the return of Palestinian refugees, Hamas will accept Israel and stop any confrontation etc.

Peace b/w Palestine and Israel is needed, not war or any more of that rocket bullsh!t.

Israel won't allow hamas representatives to be involved in negotiations and they warned Fatah against reconciliation.

Israel tries to punish Palestinian Authority by withholding tax revenues after reconciliation with Hamas | TIME.com

In this case, the government of prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu is holding back $89 million from the faction that runs the West Bank, Fatah, because it has agreed to reconcile with the faction that runs the Gaza Strip, Hamas.

They've already stood against a 1967 borders deal and claimed it's 'indefensible'. Even if international forces will enforce the border. Where have you been? On top of that even if a peace deal occurs they want a enormous military prescence in Palestinian land in the West Bank. Which means there is no sovereignty for the Palestinians.

Netanyahu's rejection of Obama's 1967 border deal leaves peace talks in tatters | World news | theguardian.com

Instead, Netanyahu has said that Israel views the US proposal as "unrealistic" and "indefensible". Underlining its rejection last week, on the eve of Netanyahu's visit to Washington, Israel announced it intends to build 1,500 new housing units in east Jerusalem.

'Israel wants to hold 40% of West Bank in peace deal' | The Times of Israel

“Israel is using the issue of security to take land,” he said. “From the general discussions we had in the last couple of weeks, the Israelis have shown no intention to dismantle any settlement.” He said the current proposals indicated that Israel would seek to retain control over about 40 percent of the West Bank.

“They said, ‘Let’s discuss a state with provisional borders.’ We said, ‘Let’s agree on a state based on the 1967 borders first, and then we can agree on having this state in phases.”

Please cut out the 'make peace with Israel' 'BS', Hamas has stated it would agree to a 1967 deal and all Palestinians are willing to do so.

As for Doritos, he's thanking your posts because I dared criticize Iran. As for Hezbollah and Iraqi Shia militias he cheers and cheers. Even though he knows the exact purpose of these weapons.

Quit confusing a right to security as an declaration of war. Palestinians have an right to sustain military capabilities for their national security. They however are not a nation, they are in a tiny strip of land and the military doctrine is very different from that of a nation and this is what needs to be done to build a deterrence. A strong Hamas means a quiet sovereign Gaza.

That's insane to deny a right, would you like to me to deny your country's right to security?
Israel won't allow hamas representatives to be involved in negotiations and they warned Fatah against reconciliation.

Israel tries to punish Palestinian Authority by withholding tax revenues after reconciliation with Hamas | TIME.com

They've already stood against a 1967 borders deal and claimed it's 'indefensible'. Even if international forces will enforce the border. Where have you been? On top of that even if a peace deal occurs they want a enormous military prescence in Palestinian land in the West Bank. Which means there is no sovereignty for the Palestinians.

Netanyahu's rejection of Obama's 1967 border deal leaves peace talks in tatters | World news | theguardian.com

'Israel wants to hold 40% of West Bank in peace deal' | The Times of Israel

Please cut out the 'make peace with Israel' 'BS', Hamas has stated it would agree to a 1967 deal and all Palestinians are willing to do so.

As for Doritos, he's thanking your posts because I dared criticize Iran. As for Hezbollah and Iraqi Shia militias he cheers and cheers. Even though he knows the exact purpose of these weapons.

Quit confusing a right to security as an declaration of war. Palestinians have an right to sustain military capabilities for their national security. They however are not a nation, they are in a tiny strip of land and the military doctrine is very different from that of a nation and this is what needs to be done to build a deterrence. A strong Hamas means a quiet sovereign Gaza.

That's insane to deny a right, would you like to me to deny your country's right to security?

Israel businesses profit from the conflict with Hamas , even if Hamas goes for peace Israel will never accept , only a fool would believe Israel would give anything in return.

Now Israel is run by far more conservative people who literally believe the whole of Jerusalem is Israel's capital , before Israel politicians would at-least act and say they would let eastern Jerusalem out but now they clearly state its the capital of their country.

This peace process has died long time ago and regardless of what hamas does but we all know they will never accept the terms the cronies in west bank might submit to under Israel demand .
Israel businesses profit from the conflict with Hamas , even if Hamas goes for peace Israel will never accept , only a fool would believe Israel would give anything in return.

Now Israel is run by far more conservative people who literally believe the whole of Jerusalem is Israel's capital , before Israel politicians would at-least act and say they would let eastern Jerusalem out but now they clearly state its the capital of their country.

This peace process has died long time ago and regardless of what hamas does but we all know they will never accept the terms the cronies in west bank might submit to under Israel demand .

That's true, I gave him sources so I'm waiting what he has to say next.

Btw, how do you speak Arabic if you're Malaysian?
That's true, I gave him sources so I'm waiting what he has to say next.

Btw, how do you speak Arabic if you're Malaysian?

my grandmother from Malaysia but I am Arab , I only lived 3 years in Malaysia but most of my life lived in UAE which is my country .
Please cut out the 'make peace with Israel' 'BS', Hamas has stated it would agree to a 1967 deal and all Palestinians are willing to do so.

If this was possible than, there is no reason not to push for it so I thanked it.

why not Hamas reconciles with Fatah and announces that if Israel agrees on the two-state solution based on 1967 borders, and an acceptable deal for the return of Palestinian refugees, Hamas will accept Israel and stop any confrontation etc.

As for Doritos, he's thanking your posts because I dared criticize Iran.

You PDF people only know extreme sides, theres no middle or other side, if you ask the Iranian members than none of them will think i’m shia or with the Iranian govs ideology, if you ask the Arab members I will be called majoosi.
So the 2 sides opinion contradict each other, actually I haven't been sucking up to any of them or any side neither.

As for Hezbollah and Iraqi Shia militias he cheers and cheers. Even though he knows the exact purpose of these weapons.

I think you’ve been cheering for Hezbollah more often then I have included ISIS/Nusra ( Al Qaeda ) so before you accuse me look at yourself, anyway play anti Iran if you want, you change opinion often, not my business.
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If this was possible than, there is no reason not to push for it so I thanked it.

You PDF people only know extreme sides, theres no middle or other side, if you ask the Iranian members than none of them will think i’m shia or with the Iranian govs ideology, if you ask the Arab members I will be called majoosi.
So the 2 sides opinion contradict each other, actually I haven't been sucking up to any of them or any side neither.

I think you’ve been cheering for Hezbollah more often then I have included ISIS/Nusra ( Al Qaeda ) so before you accuse me look at yourself, anyway play anti Iran if you want, you change opinion often, not my business.

Don't suck up to either I don't care. And I follow current events which is why I'm disappointed at Iran.

I never cheered for Hezbollah if that's what you mean I acknowledge their responsibility and roles in Gaza and against Israel. At the same time I don't think their role in Syria is correct. I've stated this numerous times. There's nothing wrong with that.
Don't suck up to either I don't care. And I follow current events which is why I'm disappointed at Iran.
Don’t accuse others without proper information, looks like i’m not Iranian, in fact your more pro Iran than I can be.

I never cheered for Hezbollah if that's what you mean I acknowledge their responsibility and roles in Gaza and against Israel. At the same time I don't think their role in Syria is correct. I've stated this numerous times. There's nothing wrong with that.
You said I cheer for Hezbollah, what is cheering in your definition ?
Then I can quote posts of you to show Hazzy cheering for them.
Don’t accuse others without proper information, looks like i’m not Iranian, in fact your more pro Iran than I can be.

You said I cheer for Hezbollah, what is cheering in your definition ?
Then I can quote posts of you to show Hazzy cheering for them.

You have a huge disregard for one side regardless if the side you praise directly is making matters worse in Syria. You justify it more than often.

Iran Increases Aid to PFLP Thanks to Syria Stance - Al-Monitor: the Pulse of the Middle East

i though it must be important for palestinians that iran never drops its support for palestine no matter what ...

so what that iran had switched its support to PFLP ? u dont consider them as palestinian ?

i though what matters for u is our support , not to whom we give it .

anyhow iran has NOT cut off the support for neither hamas nor islamic jihad !! the support for hamas had been lessened but quite the contrary islamic jihad had enjoyed more iranian aid .

to shorten it , why iranian help to PFLP disappoints u ? :undecided:
You have a huge disregard for one side regardless if the side you praise directly is making matters worse in Syria. You justify it more than often.

Yes, those that call themselves Mujahideen,Islamic jihadist, suicide bombers & beheaders are terrorists for me, for you as well once you experience a bomb in the subway of the US.
i though it must be important for palestinians that iran never drops its support for palestine no matter what ...

so what that iran had switched its support to PFLP ? u dont consider them as palestinian ?

i though what matters for u is our support , not to whom we give it .

anyhow iran has NOT cut off the support for neither hamas nor islamic jihad !! the support for hamas had been lessened but quite the contrary islamic jihad had enjoyed more iranian aid .

to shorten it , why iranian help to PFLP disappoints u ? :undecided:

I'm sure Iran cut aid to the main player Hamas, that's military aid. The PFLP in Gaza keep in mind is small, this is a way to punish Hamas basically by Iran.

As I've said, i know Iran values it's interest but if it's going that far because of Syria Hamas will prevent every single weapon coming to the PFLP.

Whether Iran thinks supporting Islamic Jihad more will make them more powerful as a way to get at Hamas is not true either. Islamic Jihad still gets many weapons from Hamas.

I don't know how you guys view your future, but, it's up to Iran to end all this aid if they want.

Yes, those that call themselves Mujahideen,Islamic jihadist, suicide bombers & beheaders are terrorists for me, for you as well once you experience a bomb in the subway of the US.

What's wrong with suicide bombing if it's targeting military outposts like most of the time in Syria? And so what if they call them jihadists?

Let me you see go sell your life to come in a huge struggle.

Beheading is done to scare Iraqi militants from coming into Syria and it's not common, few people in the ISIS do that. Other groups don't have a reason to do that and most videos you see their dead opponents with bullet wounds and nothing else happens. And the captured ones are used to bargain for female prisoners.

You make it sound as if they're blowing random civilian places up left and right, they aren't quit lying about things.

Meanwhile the Syrian government and militias and military have literally carpet bombed neighborhoods with scuds because they know it's too costly to try and look for a few dozen rebels they just kill all hundred or two hundred people. They've killed whole families with their children for speaking out against Assad. They've raped tens of thousands of women and killed them and tortured them. Are you gonna deny this happened? Why don't you speak out a single world against these crimes?
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What's wrong with suicide bombing if it's targeting military outposts like most of the time in Syria? And so what if they call them jihadists?

Military outposts & checkpoints, civilians have to go through these outposts, targeting an outpost will kill 3-5 soldiers & 30 civillians, so does that make it right ?

Let me you see go sell your life to come in a huge struggle.
Confusing sentence that is, it is true the people with a troubled background join ISIS and other "jihadists" groups, Zarqawi an example. Does that mean I should feel sorry for them ? so they can now kill everyone because they were abused..

Beheading is done to scare Iraqi militants from coming into Syria and it's not common, few people in the ISIS do that.
Beheading in a way that is classified as torture was done before the Syrian war by ISI, very common actually, it is the trademark of ISIS, if you want evidence you can google it but it isn’t that pleasant to watch.

Other groups don't have a reason to do that and most videos you see their dead opponents with bullet wounds and nothing else happens.
FSA and other moderates ? not speaking about them, I’m speaking about the extremists.

And the captured ones are used to bargain for female prisoners.
In Gaza you mean, that never works out in Syria or Iraq, no prison exchange has happened.

You make it sound as if they're blowing random civilian places up left and right, they aren't quit lying about things.
That is true, follow the news, open up youtube, they have been targeting civilians for 10 years now in Iraq, for longer in Pakistan and several other places on earth, civilian is their target more often then military.
This is ISIS work.

Meanwhile the Syrian government and militias and military have literally carpet bombed neighborhoods with scuds because they know it's too costly to try and look for a few dozen rebels they just kill all hundred or two hundred people.
SCUD missile blast is not even big enough to get rid of them in small cities, it can be used to distract forces or keep them busy at the place of attack while they attack from other sides, it kills civilians yes, no one said the SAA is innocent, Ba’ath regimes have always been extreme.

They've killed whole families with their children for speaking out against Assad.
So do the ones you seem to support, Sunnis not Shias.
Gunmen kill Sahwa fighters and family in Baghdad | Al Bawaba
Gunmen broke into the home of two Sahwa fighters in Baghdad. The men killed the two fighters and all of their family members. A total of seven people were killed.

They've raped tens of thousands of women and killed them and tortured them. Are you gonna deny this happened? Why don't you speak out a single world against these crimes?
Wheres that rape story from ?
So can I now use the sex jihad story.
Here we go again, as if ISIS is the only rebel group in Syria.

And no they don't kill 30 civilians, they often kill at least a dozen soldiers. So you said nothing about Syrian Air Force bombing that kills dozens of civilians if not hundreds in one day.

Nor anything about their war crimes. Shia know how the regime goes. You just don't want to admit it in front the international world.

I don't like people like that. And don't bring Iraq's problems into this because it was back and forth with Shia and Sunni.

Here is the link to prisoner release:

Syria releases 61 female detainees in three-way prisoner exchange | World news | theguardian.com
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