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Hamas now has 100km range rockets confirmed by IDF

Israel grow stronger leaps and bounds.
The delusion is depressing with you guys.

you sound like some one cut off from world in the past 40 yrs and has just managed to access internet !!

zionist regime is declining and dwindling in leaps and bonds !! not the other way around
these will hardly be any threat for IDF, hamas can only threat random infrastructure with these
at least they are doing something despite the fact our impotent leaders are doing nothing to help them
Whenever there is terrorism there is Iran, these two are linked together.

burn !! :D not happy recently ?

so funny that an arab from sa says that !! everyone remembers 9/11 a-rab !!

you are the source of all terrorism and extremism in the region , and yet you dont even have the balls to confirm .

9/11 . 9/11 . 9/11

Does Iran have any role in this?

People suspect it of giving technology used to help produce these, I don't think they came up with rocket. I may be wrong though.

Some say it's a modified 122mm rocket and some say its 200mm diameter rocket. They have ranges from 80-100 kilometers.

I don't think they produce Fajr-5 rockets in Gaza though.
Take a look yourself tell me if it looks familiar to you:



.... @Serpentine
Hamas: Our Rockets Will Reach North of Tel Aviv - Defense/Security - News - Israel National News

Mushir al-Masri, a Hamas member of parliament and senior figure in the organization, threatened increased Hamas missile range in the next confrontation, saying that if Israel struck Gaza, Hamas would fire missiles at "targets north of Tel Aviv."

Al-Masri, who spoke at an event organized by Hamas students to commemorate a year since the IDF's Operation Pillar of Cloud, claimed that Israel "will be surprised by the abilities of the Al-Qassam Brigades."

On Monday al-Masri similarly claimed that Hamas now has missiles with 100 kilometer (62 mile) range, putting Jerusalem and Tel Aviv in their sights.

The threats were confirmed last Friday when Colonel Amos Hacohen, head of the IDF's Southern Gaza Brigade, assessed that Hamas continues to greatly expand and improve its missile arsenal. The missiles are largely produced in Gaza following Egypt's crackdown on Sinai smuggling.

Al-Masri extolled the young generation of Hamas, saying "these youths present at the event...are a generation educated in the mosques that learned the Koran by heart."

The senior Hamas figure then threatened Israeli leaders, and particularly Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, telling them "to run away before the new generation of Al-Qassam Brigades reaches you."


It's true, when I was in Gaza over the past summer I heard explosions several times where both Hamas and PIJ were testing rockets. PIJ was testing 30km rockets I believe and Hamas was testing these rockets they produce in Gaza. I'm not sure if they are yet very accurate though. Also unsure of the damage.

@al-Hasani , @ResurgentIran , @haman10
Is it conformed by Hamas themselves??

Israeli Conformation doesnt prove anything as they r known to instigate unnecessary propaganda.
I swear, it's bizarre, they still use strategies which is to devastate civilian cities and towns in order to achieve maximum damage against any military targets. The US used napalm on civilians and many massacres were committed by western forces all around the world.

This guy is close minded, there's no room for education, he should take a history course or something.

Israel also used to strike targets with full knowledge of civilians being around. They did this with Ahmed Yassin, fired a missile while he and other civilians were walking out of a mosque.

That's such a terrible argument.

Hamas can go ahead use such rockets.More likely that israel will become very genocidal with palestinians and hesitate flattening gaza in carpet bombing.

@dude ur in US ........ be careful ...... we have CENTCOM in here :lol:

Well they have NDAA there in usa which enables execution,detention or torture of US and foreign citizens without warrant.
9/11, Syria, Iraq, Bahrain, Lebanon.

They should be enough for you to stay quiet.

@Hazzy997 : I see your Arab 'brothers' are so supportive on Palestinian's struggle against Israel, calling them terrorists.

So? Iranians do so too. It depends on the person and their agenda. We all know the Muslim world is in hell today. That's not gonna change for awhile now.

@dude ur in US ........ be careful ...... we have CENTCOM in here :lol:

Nothing should repress anyone from expressing their views and this includes my views on my people. The authorities look for other people who wish to do harm or provide material support. Either way adult muslim males are generally on the list. I've been stopped at airports and on my way back it's happened to me and the FBI visited my home. They don't have problems with seeking knowledge or discussion. They don't have issues with me.

This is just made to make educated Muslims here fear expressing their opinion. And I'm enthusiastically against such silence. If you're gonna live that way for your whole life we will get nothing out of this world.
Hamas can go ahead use such rockets.More likely that israel will become very genocidal with palestinians and hesitate flattening gaza in carpet bombing.

Well they have NDAA there in usa which enables execution,detention or torture of US and foreign citizens without warrant.
Israel will never carpet bomb Gaza. But thousands of Hamas terrorists will go to hell for sure.
Israel will never carpet bomb Gaza. But thousands of Hamas terrorists will go to hell for sure.

What a oxymoron post..

Sure,your post sounds like orthodox jews claiming to love jesus as messiah.....

Absolutely Hilarious...
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