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Hamas now has 100km range rockets confirmed by IDF

Take a look yourself tell me if it looks familiar to you:



.... @Serpentine

An artillery rocket with a range of 100km is more or less similar to Turkey's Kasirga rockets which has a warhead of 150kg, dead radius of 70m. Using such a rocket over civilian campuses without aiming any specific military assets will causes a big tragedy which will be called as a crime against humanity. (I remembered When Israel claimed to "aim just military assets" While bombing Gazza during day and night but How many civilins they have killed) but This time I hope Rockets in the hands of Palestinians will just provide deterrance enough not to attack eachothers...
What a oxymoron post..

Sure,your post sounds like orthodox jews claiming to love jesus as messiah.....

Absolutely Hilarious...
In 2009 we killed about 1000 Hamas terrorists without any carpet bombings.

Overall during second intifada we killed about 5000 terrorists and imprisoned some 10,000 without any carpet bombings at all. Never in history we did carped bombings. Stop using cheesy journalist cliches.
In 2009 we killed about 1000 Hamas terrorists without any carpet bombings.

Overall during second intifada we killed about 5000 terrorists and imprisoned some 10,000 without any carpet bombings at all. Never in history we did carped bombings. Stop using cheesy journalist cliches.

Yeah right. How many of them were really hamas fighters? Probably most were civillians.
An artillery rocket with a range of 100km is more or less similar to Turkey's Kasirga rockets which has a warhead of 150kg, dead radius of 70m. Using such a rocket over civilian campuses without aiming any specific military assets will causes a big tragedy which will be called as a crime against humanity. (I remembered When Israel claimed to "aim just military assets" While bombing Gazza during day and night but How many civilins they have killed) but This time I hope Rockets in the hands of Palestinians will just provide deterrance enough not to attack eachothers...

That's the point of these weapons, to provide as a deterrence. A war of attrition that with high intensity is how Israel comes to the ceasefire table, eventually their citizens get tired of war. At first they were happy with Netanyahu's decision to cause a major conflict, then they realized the response was intense and literally not being able to sleep good at night is what brought it to an end.

In 2009 we killed about 1000 Hamas terrorists without any carpet bombings.

Overall during second intifada we killed about 5000 terrorists and imprisoned some 10,000 without any carpet bombings at all. Never in history we did carped bombings. Stop using cheesy journalist cliches.

Even your IDF numbers say otherwise, that's exactly why the IDF was pushing vigorously a propaganda campaign to accuse Hamas of responsibility for high civilian casualties and their campaign failed.

You're a slaphappy liar. And ridiculously inhumane person. It's like killing is a hobby for you.
Israel needs to have more and more pressure heaped upon it from all sides..

Muslims in the west need to do their utmost to boycot them, force companies to boycott them their are 1.7 billion muslims a massive market with hugh potential

Israel has no reason not to hurt the Palestinians

Palestine and Gaza need an effective deterrance something to hit the heart of israel with and in good numbers, it must be accurate and be used for a prolonged conflict of at least 60 days

The technology is now available, but the scummy Sisi & Egypt will try their utmost to support israel
Israel needs to have more and more pressure heaped upon it from all sides..

Muslims in the west need to do their utmost to boycot them, force companies to boycott them their are 1.7 billion muslims a massive market with hugh potential

Israel has no reason not to hurt the Palestinians

Palestine and Gaza need an effective deterrance something to hit the heart of israel with and in good numbers, it must be accurate and be used for a prolonged conflict of at least 60 days

The technology is now available, but the scummy Sisi & Egypt will try their utmost to support israel

What are you speaking of? What technology?
Even your IDF numbers say otherwise, that's exactly why the IDF was pushing vigorously a propaganda campaign to accuse Hamas of responsibility for high civilian casualties and their campaign failed.

You're a slaphappy liar. And ridiculously inhumane person. It's like killing is a hobby for you.
No they say the same. Check Chechnya, Syria and Gaza and u will see the difference.
In 2009 we killed about 1000 Hamas terrorists without any carpet bombings.

Overall during second intifada we killed about 5000 terrorists and imprisoned some 10,000 without any carpet bombings at all. Never in history we did carped bombings. Stop using cheesy journalist cliches.

Killing innocents everywhere is not the solution .................. Shame on Isra-hell.
An artillery rocket with a range of 100km is more or less similar to Turkey's Kasirga rockets which has a warhead of 150kg, dead radius of 70m. Using such a rocket over civilian campuses without aiming any specific military assets will causes a big tragedy which will be called as a crime against humanity. (I remembered When Israel claimed to "aim just military assets" While bombing Gazza during day and night but How many civilins they have killed) but This time I hope Rockets in the hands of Palestinians will just provide deterrance enough not to attack eachothers...

They look pretty similiar actually.
Why Hezbollah isn't helping Hamas now?

They aren't in a position to help right now, they're too busy with internal conflicts and Syrian conflict. Although seperate people are on the job. They disagree on Syria but I'm sure they still are finding ways to arm Gaza military organizations. Lately Egypt has affected that but it will get better and is already. Although Hamas is mostly relying on itself and producing it's own rockets such as this 100km one and other mortars, grenades, IED's, rpg warheads and other artillery. Some drones and monitoring balloons.
They aren't in a position to help right now, they're too busy with internal conflicts and Syrian conflict. Although seperate people are on the job. They disagree on Syria but I'm sure they still are finding ways to arm Gaza military organizations. Lately Egypt has affected that but it will get better and is already. Although Hamas is mostly relying on itself and producing it's own rockets such as this 100km one and other mortars, grenades, IED's, rpg warheads and other artillery. Some drones and monitoring balloons.

Well I hope you strike Israel as soon as possible but Hamas will make sure no one will ever do that .
In 2009 we killed about 1000 Hamas terrorists without any carpet bombings.

Overall during second intifada we killed about 5000 terrorists and imprisoned some 10,000 without any carpet bombings at all. Never in history we did carped bombings. Stop using cheesy journalist cliches.

Israel did not carpet bomb because of American pressure but with less American interference in the region and Netenyahu in power I am sure in Future wars Israel will be less restrain . After all thanks to Assad there is free licence for anyone to kill above 50 thousand in one war.
Well I hope you strike Israel as soon as possible but Hamas will make sure no one will ever do that .

Hamas won't strike unless it's necessary to defend Palestinian people from any aggressive Israeli actions.

And yes, they will and will continue to prevent people who put all Palestinians at danger. These are little groups with small arsenals, most of the time they publicly state doing so to complicate things for Hamas. Such people shouldn't be tolerated. There's a national position on the resistance and a coalition of leaders who discuss military positions and make these decisions.

In September, they stopped the PFLP from firing a rocket. You know, Iran is supporting the PFLP with money now and they plan to give them significant military support in the future because they side with the Syrian regime.

You if this the thing Iran is about, the hell with them. Hamas will always put God before politics and they don't side with secular murderers who's destroying his country at the expense of what....these stupid atheist brigades claimed they will attack Israel if the US attacked Syria. What a joke, their whole group will end up in prison in one night and any weapons coming their way will not end in their hands.
Israel will never carpet bomb Gaza. But thousands of Hamas terrorists will go to hell for sure.

I just hope no one dies on either side. Although that is wishful thinking. Seems a lot of discussions end with nothing more than chest beating.

Why Hezbollah isn't helping Hamas now?

They are engaged in Syria and fighting sectarian war in Lebanon
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