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Please read threads. Su 30 is for china as demonstrated by most members.:hitwall:

Mate, our aircraft don't have names of the enemies written on them. Whatever enemy is attacking us, Su-30MKI,
being the IAF's backbone, will automatically be deployed against that enemy.
Please read threads. Su 30 is for china as demonstrated by most members.:hitwall:
Well MKIs are stationed along both borders so who so ever is saying that is wrong. But yes AFAIK Rafales will be mainly deployed along chinese borders.
So back to the thread topic ... any new updates regarding Tejas Mk2 development?
Hi Guys...I have a question and it may sound stupid :undecided:...

If the air ducts of an aircraft are moved above the wings would that have any effect on the radar cross-section of the aircraft?

Note: I am an electronics engineer and have no experience on radars.
Sirji my point was that position of points 7 and L are wrong .

Also do you have any picture of Tejas flying with load on point 7 ??

The line for the point 7 is just moved a bit, but still indicates the centerline station and as said, the load examples (which is the important part) is the same as in your pic. :-)

No, there are only pics with a centerline fuel tank on the ground so far, which indicates that this station is not cleared yet.
The line for the point 7 is just moved a bit, but still indicates the centerline station and as said, the load examples (which is the important part) is the same as in your pic. :-)

No, there are only pics with a centerline fuel tank on the ground so far, which indicates that this station is not cleared yet.

Is that a serious matter that they have not cleared it yet ??

Any idea why it is not cleared ??
Is that a serious matter that they have not cleared it yet ??

Any idea why it is not cleared ??

I think payload limitations could be an issue, not to mention the drag problems LCA has, so adding another fuel tank at the moment might not be useful. Besides that there are not many weapons planned for that station so far, 1000 or 2000lb Sudarshan LGBs might be added in future, or anti ship weapons, but according to ADA officials we heared that only Derby will be added till FOC.
Buddy Arabs will support us if not openly then secretly, but China & Turkey will play major role and it will be *** hurting for India as both now have good defense industry to offer state of the art products.:-)

Pakistan have come ahead of that time long ago its 2014 not 2007. PAF have plenty of stuff available now even just from China to handle IAF. :-)

When LCA will be inducted in IAF??

Ok after that? Ha ....Ha china and it state of art products :rofl:.After all you must know one thing.We dont need a war with Pakistan.It is not because of your so called Pakistan mighty Army.Trade relation between India and China is 75billion$ and it is considerably favour to chinese with 31billion$.Do you know why GoI allow that?We know China will not opened their door for our IT and pharmacuetical
Our GoI allow that because we can use it in a scenario which you talked out.We can cut down the cheap consumer good from China.In future this 31 billion may become 40 or more.Now Chinese lost that decisive huge surplus and cost a lot of bleeding to Chinese economy.We know and the whole world know Pakistan cant offer china some thing like that.Turkey help is not a problem for us .Their help will not reverse the fate of Pakistan.
2007 to 2014:rofl: these simple years is some game changer for Pakistan.I dont think so.WoT and regular terror strike bleed your economy ,and regular bail out of IMF happen there.

LCA will be inducted between 2014 end and 2015 mid.You know LCA is our own designed fighter .That simple fighter gave us enough experience .we start aerospace industrial journey with LCA.Can handle enough challenges but we have SU-30MKI etc for external challenge.
Oh please. I would be inclined to support Pakistanis more if they weren't full of it like the Indians. The fact of the matter is, India and Pakistan still rank amongst African countries in terms of education, health etc.
You have to ask yourself, why is a country like Sri Lanka far ahead of India and Pakistan in every indicator except Military? I will tell you why. Because their society is more liberal than us. They appear to be more practical.
I would rather India have high social indicators rather than have shiny new toys like this.
@Basel I can understand why Pakistanis would feel patronised. The Indian posters here do give off that vibe.
That being said, the Pakistani posters have chipped away at my sense of sympathy for them for being so full of it.

Nice post thanks, PDF is a defense forum and if u go through all of my posts u will know that I have never posted hate and other stupid biased stuff, I have posted what I know and tried to be neutral and unbiased because one can only see clear and complete picture of any situation when he/she is unbiased. I have always praised what India have achieved and neutrally given my opinion what they can achieve although it is not in favor of Pakistan as per ground realities but if we start ignoring the facts then it will be us who will suffer.

Typical four-year old thinking. You seem to believe each radar & system has a code upon typing which on your
keyboard will render enemy's systems useless.
Keep dreaming.

Your post suggest you are the kid here, do u remember what happened in first gulf war? how and why Allied forces were able to overcome Iraqi air defense? go read about importance & role of SIGINT & ELINT.

Yes, I guess Arabs will support you because without their support you are a lost case scenario. Only China has a
true defence industry. Turkey's stuff is re-labelled European/US stuff that is still bound by many treaties
& clauses which will limit their uses. Look at how much trouble there is being faced in T-129 attack
helicopter supply to Pak because that chopper has US engine.

There are many systems which are totally made by Turkey and you forgot one thing it was Turkey who in every Indo-Pak war have provided critical technical assistance, one example of that is our Cobra gunships which were air born due to parts provided by Turkey, and in any future war it will be Turkish UMTAS & Cirit systems which will hurt IA's butt most in any engagement with PA.
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LCA will be inducted between 2014 end and 2015 mid.You know LCA is our own designed fighter .That simple fighter gave us enough experience .we start aerospace industrial journey with LCA.Can handle enough challenges but we have SU-30MKI etc for external challenge.

When it comes to Pakistani stuff we have junk and no one will support us in our bad times as Indian are champions of Pakistani relations with other world and its military systems, but when it comes to Indian systems like LCA it become totally indigenous and designed by India which is crap, Dassault have assisted and provided full technical support in designing the LCA as it is based on most loved European fighter of IAF.

Ok after that? Ha ....Ha china and it state of art products :rofl:.After all you must know one thing.We dont need a war with Pakistan.It is not because of your so called Pakistan mighty Army.Trade relation between India and China is 75billion$ and it is considerably favour to chinese with 31billion$.Do you know why GoI allow that?We know China will not opened their door for our IT and pharmacuetical
Our GoI allow that because we can use it in a scenario which you talked out.We can cut down the cheap consumer good from China.In future this 31 billion may become 40 or more.Now Chinese lost that decisive huge surplus and cost a lot of bleeding to Chinese economy.We know and the whole world know Pakistan cant offer china some thing like that.Turkey help is not a problem for us .Their help will not reverse the fate of Pakistan.
2007 to 2014:rofl: these simple years is some game changer for Pakistan.I dont think so.WoT and regular terror strike bleed your economy ,and regular bail out of IMF happen there.

First of all keep living in dreams its not bad but day dreaming is not good habit, China is world's next upcoming superpower even US now acknowledge that and India is no way near it, this is something which hurts Indian ego, as for Turkey you just don't know their importance they are part of NATO and when Pakistan was under intensely sanctioned they came to help and due to them Pakistan was able to keep its armed forces as per western standards. Pakistan have plenty to offer to the world, but its our elites ruling class who are destroying this country.
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Your post suggest you are the kid here, do u remember what happened in first gulf war? how and why Allied forces were able to overcome Iraqi air defense? go read about importance & role of SIGINT & ELINT.

India can carry out better ELINT & SIGNIT than Pakistan, thank you.

There are many systems which are totally made by Turkey and you forgot one thing it was Turkey who in every Indo-Pak war have provided critical technical assistance, one example of that is our Cobra gunships which were air born due to parts provided by Turkey, and in any future war it will be Turkish UMTAS & Cirit systems which will hurt IA's butt most in any engagement with PA.

Hellfire ATGMs which were to be used by your AH-1s are now to be used by Indian AH-64 Apaches, killing
your tanks by the hundred. Even in other roles, our ATGMs are better than your's. Your old friend the
US is now selling us FGM-148 Javelin, the No.1 3rd-gen ATGM in the world.

Talk about allies and assistance...8-)
Hellfire ATGMs which were to be used by your AH-1s are now to be used by Indian AH-64 Apaches, killing
your tanks by the hundred. Even in other roles, our ATGMs are better than your's. Your old friend the
US is now selling us FGM-148 Javelin, the No.1 3rd-gen ATGM in the world.
Talk about allies and assistance...8-)

They will be potent weapons but IAs thrust will be punished with UMTAS which have similar range as Hellfire and Pakistan plans to produce it locally because it can be used from several platforms and Cirit is another deadly system to block any IA's armored units advancing towards Pakistan and this is not Iraq or Afghanistan and you are not US so forgot that your Apaches will get dominance on PA, in some areas may be but not on all places because PA gives air defense much importance now and Anza MK-III can hit targets upto 15kms so your hellfires will not be as useful as you think, and PA don't use Hellfire missiles. Other than Anza PA also have other systems to handle Apaches on battlefield, although it will be though adversary to fight.

PA's air defense official website:
Air Defence

link of UMTAS:
UMTAS | Long Range Anti Tank Missile « RoketsanUMTAS | Long Range Anti Tank Missile « Roketsan

link of Cirit:
CİRİT | 2.75” Laser Guided Missile « Roketsan

link on Anza missiles:
Anza-III missile to end Indian

link of Hellfire:
AGM-114 Hellfire - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

India can carry out better ELINT & SIGNIT than Pakistan, thank you.

You don't understand or you don't want to, if Israel cooperate with Pakistan and provide details of radar systems like green pine and other air defense stuff which Indian chest thump on, will be use less because previous wars have shown that if a air defense manufacturer shares data and provide technical assistance how to defeat their system then the country having those systems will be in big trouble. So Indian SIGINT & ELINT will not be that much important in that case. I think you may understand my point.

Sorry for being off topic.
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You don't understand or you don't want to, if Israel cooperate with Pakistan and provide details of radar systems like green pine and other air defense stuff which Indian chest thump on, will be use less because previous wars have shown that if a air defense manufacturer shares data and provide technical assistance how to defeat their system then the country having those systems will be in big trouble. So Indian SIGINT & ELINT will not be that much important in that case. I think you may understand my point.

Sorry for being off topic.
Radar are the most easy installation to be taken using SEAD... thats why we have many satellites now ... and when GLONASS and IRNSS(very soon) is operational.. we will crush your force who is trying to attack us
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