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Self-distrust is the cause of failures of LCA.
If india had more self confident, they should mass product LCA first , and upgrade them later.

Actually Indians are and will be their greatest enemies. So much negativity when it comes to anything Indian.
Blame it on the bloody bucking system.

How many of the brighter IIT'ians or people with good caliber or interest in the field reach these organisations? - nil.

These governmental organisations are just like any other central government institutions , operating like it and can give result based on the capability they have.

Dont compare them to the professional people in organisations like Boeing , Lockheed or Cassadian where they get the brightest of people to work in the best of conditions with the huge paycheck and unimaginable benefits.

Our scientists with the limited budget, limited facilities, limited benefits are trying their best to do what they can.

Each one of us want results like they get in west , but we ourselves have to look into the mirror and cross check whether our words are put into action in our own life before blaming it on these poor guys whom i think have done more than they can handle over a period of time facing all the hardships which are a bane for almost all government sectors.

Tum chalo to Hindustan chale !!

Giving autonomy & appointing specialist people at top positions can be one of the solutions, ISRO & Naval Shipyards are the classic case as both are run by specialist (scientists for ISRO & naval personnel for Shipyards) & are given an autonomy, both have proved there worth which no one can deny, same should go for other organisations.

+ Also bring private players to the picture, giving them more responsibility in national security, they have the money while PSU's have the experience, this along with some foreign countries help can really change the complete scenario of indigenous weapon systems.
What is the role of the Tejas? Point defence. Fire its A2A missiles and get back to base. The main job should be this is the least expensive to operate and maintain aircraft of the IAF. Coupled with a AWACS...form the bulk of an agressor force if required. Simply put, in an attrition scenario the aircraft of choice. We should not expect it to be anything more than this. If the above is achieved, wrap the program up. The biggest mistake we did was to belive the idiots at DRDO that they can get an engine as part of this program. We need to stop bitching about how the engine and radar is not Indian. Get the damn thing into service first. Then work on the engine and the radar. If takes 10 years, carry out the MLU with the new stuff.

Hopefully we have learnt from the mistakes of the LcA and dont go and make the same with the AMCA. Btw, I don't expect the AMCA to be very different from the PAK-FA. The collaboration with the Russians seems to be made with the intent of getting the AMCA up faster.
As a project Tejas could be a failure due its delay all thanks too Late lateefe of Babu's sitting in south Block...BUT all of us will remember Tejas Project as the base of our Defence Aviation industry....
The problem has always been the bureaucracy and not the scientists or engineers in any of the sectors. In fact, the technical side is far more advanced and much more organized than the management. The project has been simply mishandled.

If ADA and HAL are headed by strategists rather than bureaucrats (an IAS or similar qualification doesn't always mean that he or she is the best, popular to the misconception we Indians have), with enough power to take decisions, then I don't see any problem with our defense sector.

It is just that the government focuses too much on meddling and less on governing.

But we can proudly say inspite of being a new nation full of miseries and is still a third world country with domestic issues and worse political and bureaucratic groups messing all through its history on length and breadth of everything the population aspires, your nation still attempted to make a fighter jet which only a few developed technologically advanced nations tried and was successful.

Roger that, technical expertise derived from aviation programs has its own value.
As a project Tejas could be a failure due its delay all thanks too Late lateefe of Babu's sitting in south Block...BUT all of us will remember Tejas Project as the base of our Defence Aviation industry....

No brother,
In no way Tejas is going to be a failure due to its delays.
Take ALH Dhruv for example,Dhruv is something which we are very proud of, the project started in 1989,first flight in 1992 and faced a no. of delays. May be the defence freaks of the time would have discussed about it,some may have felt angered about it,some may have felt its a failure etc. Now the Dhruv proudly serves countries around the globe.
My point is that,definitly tejas will be a success and will serve IAF for a long time to come
Roger that, technical expertise derived from aviation programs has its own value.

Thats the only hope which can save future Indian projects. Actually we can already see the impacts of Technical knowledge India gained in last decades. Hal lch took only 2 yrs in prototype building and flight after full designing and it was good enough that forces ordered 170 just after seeing it fly once. My main concern is not the design or technical knowledge, its manufacturing. I am lamenting because we can't mass produce jack SH1t. Even after 30 yrs of development only 100 dhruvs have been built. Govt involvement need to be removed from defence and manufacturing sector for its development.
As a project Tejas could be a failure due its delay all thanks too Late lateefe of Babu's sitting in south Block...BUT all of us will remember Tejas Project as the base of our Defence Aviation industry....

When LCA will be ready...that time it may not be required any more....

Am i dreaming or u people are ruling out a descent (if not best) 4+ gen, low cost, lightest multirole fighter even before it is formally inducted to the IAF?? You can call me over optimistic, too patriotic or whatever u want, but the fact is that LCA will be relevant atleast till 2035 if not more, b'coz the possibility of IAF facing an all 5th gen AF is only by than, cmon guys, if 3rd gen mig-21s (which were first flown in 50s & 60s) can still be relevant (after more than 50 years) than why are u ruling out a 4th gen a/c even when there is only one AF in the world with 5th gen fighter capability presently (that too in limited nos.) besides we can always upgrade the a/c to make them relevant with times.

Just an opinion, i may be wrong.
No brother,
In no way Tejas is going to be a failure due to its delays.
Take ALH Dhruv for example,Dhruv is something which we are very proud of, the project started in 1989,first flight in 1992 and faced a no. of delays. May be the defence freaks of the time would have discussed about it,some may have felt angered about it,some may have felt its a failure etc. Now the Dhruv proudly serves countries around the globe.
My point is that,definitly tejas will be a success and will serve IAF for a long time to come

Dont talk about that helicopter dude. It is 90% foreign made. Only thing Indian made is outer body. India only integerated foreign stuff and called it indegeneous dhruv. The only helicopter that can be called Indian is Lch or now LUh in which the rotors blades, gearbox, landing structure, and many avionics are Indian designed but they are not operational yet.
only use of LCA i can see is to put it beside Marut in airforce museum.it will remind future generations what to do right .
Tejas is a technology demonstrator and will remain as one. A limited number may be produced just like Arjuns and probably that may be all.
Dont talk about that helicopter dude. It is 90% foreign made. Only thing Indian made is outer body. India only integerated foreign stuff and called it indegeneous dhruv. The only helicopter that can be called Indian is Lch or now LUh in which the rotors blades, gearbox, landing structure, and many avionics are Indian designed but they are not operational yet.

What the hell are you talk'n bro?
we have a vast sea shores in south, which was greatly neglected. We should have these at south mainly.
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