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f16 xl a more advanced wing design yet concieved with a higher payload, a cranked areo delta wing platform
f-22 conventional
f-35 conventional
t-50 conventional,
see the pattern.
your argument is mute
you have no scientific basis.

Can you tell how conventional was F-22? How do you define conventional? Any preceding plane that looks like F-22? What is conventional design? How does it look lie? Who can authoritatively claim a design is conventional ?

The lca projects consultant was dassualt, that time dassualt was working on the rafale and tampering with new delta designs. India concieved a cranked delta design, as seen in this thread, even did wind tunnel tests.
but the future for the lca tejas changed when in the early 90's the cranked delta design was tried on the f-16xl, one of the designers was indian.
the cranked delta was used in the US space shuttle as well.
it provided with key advantages,
lift greater than the conviental delta on mirage 2000 series.
unstable design, hence the tejas is "statically" unstable.
which means, even with out tails or canards, the lca is unstable and unable to fly with out fbw and computers. the entire wing design is creating drage upward.

Now India conceived the 'cranked' delta configuration? So if I cranked the F-22 wings a little, I get a 'cranked conventional' design? how much degree you need to crank to be called a cranked delta? How did India conceived this 'cranked' design? if India conceived it, what were the French doing there? Look at you conceive while getting paid millions? LOL.

Since India conceived the 'cranked' delta, you mean US copied it? Wow.
You still don't get it do you? It's a group of people working together that makes it happen.

This not a one man show.

There was a Chinese in the B2 program, he was super duper and made it all happen! This is the reason why India cannot achieve things. No cohesion and team work. All want to be the boss and talk alot while taking all credit.:D. Boasting conceals a deep inferiority complex.

as i have mentioned this is used in the space shuttle and f-16xl. this design allows for a delta design to achieve a higher aoa and greater lift as if it had a canards but still not the same because it will never and therefor it can not achieve the higher angle of attacks true canards provide but comes close with its own advantages in other areas.
this design allows for a greater wing area, thereby increasing lift and reducing wing loading. the lca is marketed as the lightest combat aircraft in the world.

I don't care how a delta wing compares to a 'cranked' delta. My question was why pure delta wings were replaced by delta canard configuration as seen in all major aircraft makers. Su-20MKI added a canard. And how do you define cranked? How cranky you need to get to be called cranked? The shuttle had crank in a different location with a different degree and so did the F-16XL.

Does being termed 'cranked' like the F-16XL make the LCA comparable in performance?

its about effiecency, in short summary if you understand all this.
j-10 wing loading 335 kg/m^2
mig -29 = 442
gripen 283
typhoon 312

Nobody knows the performance of the J-10, its state secret. It is either super or suck. LCA is not even operational.

now the tejas has the lowest wing loading because it is small and has very large wing area relative to its size which is a plus and helps with lift, payload and most importantly takeoff and landing fuel consumpation.
it does not mean the tejas is the most agile in the air, that was not the goal, the goal was to make the aircraft atleast close in agility.
when the project was initiated, india already had access to bvr capable mirages and falcrums.

In that case, we shall use the L-15 against LCA. :no: So you are trying to say Mig-29 has a high wing loading but then less wing loading does not mean LCA is more agile but because you are small hence you have less wing loading? Pretty obvious isn't it.

Close in agility to what? My toy plane? Want to try go against Mig-29 with your agile light plane?

was speculated that bvr would kill the dogfighter.
that to some extent is true.
but the real killer to high g turns was the arrival of helmet mounted sights with targeting. the tejas uses HMDS. its good enough.

Alot of plane uses HMDS. The point is do you MAKE THEM!!!

there is a mantiance advantage to avoiding the canard or extra control surfraces as well, there would be less stress on the air frame etc... and less moving parts.
the other advantage is the reduced weight.
you might want to know that despite the nearly same capability the gripen a provides, its empty wieght is greater. the gripen has yet to recieve an onboard oxygen generator. the tejas already has these small bells and whistles.
its not to say the tejas is manuavrable or the best dog fighter. it stands out in other areas as well.
RCS is reduced on the aircraft and one of the reasons being the lack of extra control surfaces.
If you want an arguement you may as well use the one i have enjoyed and is the least refutable.
because of the size of this aircraft, it has limited growth oppurtunities.
meaning, more will be added to the outside rather than in.
the gripen suffers from the same short fall.

For ease of maintenance, I suggest you use propeller planes. Don't use jet engines, less moving parts, less complexity. Jet planes moves faster, more stress my man. Propeller planes are slow and steady. Why not but a propeller plane light trainer, those Cessnas seems like a good idea man. Hook up some missiles with a wire, no complex FBW. Just release the wire to drop the missile.

Gripen no oxy gen? Then what is this?
200 Gripens were made, LCA? What are you guys smoking? Please don't live in Bollywood land. Don't be like the boy that says he is proud to be a slum dog. "I am starving so what....at least I am proud and happy". I am shitting in the streets, so what? I am proud of it. LCA sucks so what, I am proud of it.

Aww, now you compare to Gripen. How much is the RCS reduced? It's small so less RCS? You mean the radar can't see you with those 'cranked' delta wings?
My toy plane has low RCS too.

You avoid canards because you have no experience in it and is unable to create a stable control system. Why not put it in another way, cars are fast but it's less stable, so lets cycle.

Who told you LCA is as good as Gripen? My friend, you claim all these but then Gripen is operational and is not a rejected half baked foreign designed and made plane. Until now, nobody can give me a definitive answer whether this plane is indigenous. You tell tall tales, how LCA is supposedly lighter, agile, less weight, less RCS. If the solution was so simple, why not make a trainer the next fighter? L-15 is a good choice right?

My friend, one last crucial question. If the LCA is as super as you claim, how come your own air marshall is calling it a MiG-21+ plane?? Why is it always in testing mode??? Hell, it is comparable to Gripen as you said. You want to knw what I think happened.

India paid the french for a 'cranked' Mirage design, review it and stamped APPROVED. The design contribution is the super duper intense technical talent spent to look at the drawing.Hence, this plane is designed by India. Then they paid a host of other consultants to get the composites, control systems and avionics. Assemble it and called it system integration. Walla you have a plane. But due to crappy design, the air force will not accept it and hence in perpetual testing mode. LOL
India paid the french for a 'cranked' Mirage design, review it and stamped APPROVED.

The design contribution is the super duper intense technical talent spent to look at the drawing.

Hence, this plane is designed by India.

Then they paid a host of other consultants to get the composites, control systems and avionics.Assemble it and called it system integration.

Walla you have a plane. But due to crappy design, the air force will not accept it and hence in perpetual testing mode. LOL

Sources for the bolded parts and we will see!:wave:

Till then Mr. Han Warrior, you will remain the guy who rants!
@Han Warrior....
Agreed LCA is Mig 21 ++ as told by the ACM... but you forgot to add the rest of the sentence what he told.... please re read the whole article.....

Secondly we bow to your brain and we admit that our scientist are not even to your level of half brain..... your knowledge is so advanced that we can even dream how canard is left behind LCA... not even in NLCA where our stupid Scientist added LEVCONs....even after seeing the superior performance of J-10
Can you please come and Lecture DRDO how you managed to add Canards just like J-20....

Thirdly we as Indians believe super duper LCA aka Griphen is enough to contain PLAAF..... we do have concern of putting PLAAF assests in the hands of PAF... and we have no concerns with PLAAF with what ever you posses
Can you tell how conventional was F-22? How do you define conventional? Any preceding plane that looks like F-22? What is conventional design? How does it look lie? Who can authoritatively claim a design is conventional ?
in the same way you degined all delta, mirages 2000s to tejas.
a conventienal swept wing or cropped delta with a common tailplaines.

Now India conceived the 'cranked' delta configuration? So if I cranked the F-22 wings a little, I get a 'cranked conventional' design? how much degree you need to crank to be called a cranked delta? How did India conceived this 'cranked' design? if India conceived it, what were the French doing there? Look at you conceive while getting paid millions? LOL.
concieved it in the design of the tejas, they did not invent it nore do they posses a patent.
i don't know the degree you need to crank the wing, but its the leading edge. it was done to the f-16xl inorder to keep its agility.
the french or dassualt provided more consultation. i wasn't there. maybe you should ask them. but it can be assumed that they provided the bases for the development and insight into future bleeding edge technology that could be implemented. lets say for arguments sake, perhaps composites and cockpit ergonomics.
Since India conceived the 'cranked' delta, you mean US copied it? Wow.
You still don't get it do you? It's a group of people working together that makes it happen.

This not a one man show.

There was a Chinese in the B2 program, he was super duper and made it all happen! This is the reason why India cannot achieve things. No cohesion and team work. All want to be the boss and talk alot while taking all credit.. Boasting conceals a deep inferiority complex.
you don't understand the point.
the indian which is somehow related to the f-16xl program, may have perhaps when having a dinner discussion brought up the idea of a cranked delta wing aircraft to some of his friends in india. or perhaps some one in ADA at the time dicided to consult him. now he didn't give away the design. but he did share a concept..
that is what my post is about. sharing an idea, not the plans to build on. thats treason.
the cranked delta wing, actually is not that complicated. its relativily simple and effective. and would have made sense to the ada lca project team when they where handed the QSR
im not boasting, i have nothing to gain or loose. you may have something to loose.
I don't care how a delta wing compares to a 'cranked' delta. My question was why pure delta wings were replaced by delta canard configuration as seen in all major aircraft makers. Su-20MKI added a canard. And how do you define cranked? How cranky you need to get to be called cranked? The shuttle had crank in a different location with a different degree and so did the F-16XL.

Does being termed 'cranked' like the F-16XL make the LCA comparable in performance?
why canards are needed? extra control surface, greater lift
what is cranked? a variety of configurations. but very similar to the compound delta. the cranked part, actually came right out of the mouth of a team member of the lca project. back in the early areo india shows. between the two, its difficult to know the difference expecially on t he tejas. the f-16xl is an extreme example a cranked wing.,
having the same wing doesn't make the aircraft have the same performance. rather similiar in aerodynamics and effecenency of the airframe.
engines, extra control surfaces etc, will make the other major differences as well as the weight of the aircraft
Nobody knows the performance of the J-10, its state secret. It is either super or suck. LCA is not even operational.
enough to now know the wing area and the empty weight of the aircraft, and the result is the sing loading.
5 years ago, i remember tphuang speculating that the j-10 had a weapons payload of 6 tons, i guess that smashed his observation abilities. but thats a story for another time.
Alot of plane uses HMDS. The point is do you MAKE THEM!!!
helmet mounted display sights?
i can only think of one manufacture.
the other planes you speak of use helmet mounted targetting.
and no i don't make them.
neither does india, but they have bought them from elbiet to put on their tejas as requested by the buyer.
For ease of maintenance, I suggest you use propeller planes. Don't use jet engines, less moving parts, less complexity. Jet planes moves faster, more stress my man. Propeller planes are slow and steady. Why not but a propeller plane light trainer, those Cessnas seems like a good idea man. Hook up some missiles with a wire, no complex FBW. Just release the wire to drop the missile.
okay. i stated an example, you roll it into a shite fest.
Gripen no oxy gen? Then what is this?
Gripen Multirole Fighter Aircraft - Air Force Technology
200 Gripens were made, LCA? What are you guys smoking? Please don't live in Bollywood land. Don't be like the boy that says he is proud to be a slum dog. "I am starving so what....at least I am proud and happy". I am shitting in the streets, so what? I am proud of it. LCA sucks so what, I am proud of it.
the gripen c has obogs (i finally remembered the abbreviation) not the gripen a. thats what i stated. the tejas has obogs.
lol, i think your living in bollywood land. don't worry about me.
this was just explain to you the extra wieght attributed to the canards.

Aww, now you compare to Gripen. How much is the RCS reduced? It's small so less RCS? You mean the radar can't see you with those 'cranked' delta wings?
My toy plane has low RCS too.
are you a child.
a aircraft which is smaller, will most likily have a smaller rcs, except some radar phenomenas here and there which is out of reach of my knowledge.
You avoid canards because you have no experience in it and is unable to create a stable control system. Why not put it in another way, cars are fast but it's less stable, so lets cycle.
than ada should have avoided fbw, glass cockpits and compisotes.
if ada and hal dicided on a canard design, they could have consultated dessault. instead they avoided the canards most likily to meet the qsr.
Who told you LCA is as good as Gripen? My friend, you claim all these but then Gripen is operational and is not a rejected half baked foreign designed and made plane. Until now, nobody can give me a definitive answer whether this plane is indigenous. You tell tall tales, how LCA is supposedly lighter, agile, less weight, less RCS. If the solution was so simple, why not make a trainer the next fighter? L-15 is a good choice right?
gripen a and tejas have very similiar features and roles. nearly the same demenisions, i never said the tejas was as good. but pointed out the fact that both provide "nearly" the same features. but the tejas empty wieght is less.
you can make a l-15 a fighter all you want. but by the time your done strengthening the wings and adding thrust, its going to be heavy.
and i dont tell tales,
and im certianly not your friend
My friend, one last crucial question. If the LCA is as super as you claim, how come your own air marshall is calling it a MiG-21+ plane?? Why is it always in testing mode??? Hell, it is comparable to Gripen as you said. You want to knw what I think happened.
because it lacks critical components that would make it combat operational. although it can do tasks, its roles right now are limited.
missing factors may include
technology<--which would still be in development
training<--only 1 trainer
flight envolope<--no tejas has fired a bvr missile or taken part in air force exercises, so it is technically no in service.
the mig-21 bision on the other hand provides that.
you may bash tejas because you disdian indians.
but you have a very bad argument.
India paid the french for a 'cranked' Mirage design, review it and stamped APPROVED. The design contribution is the super duper intense technical talent spent to look at the drawing.Hence, this plane is designed by India. Then they paid a host of other consultants to get the composites, control systems and avionics. Assemble it and called it system integration. Walla you have a plane. But due to crappy design, the air force will not accept it and hence in perpetual testing mode. LOL
i was not arguing how indian the aircraft was.
modern warfare is short. there is a new doctrine since the end of the cold war. read up on it. unless of course you intend on a cold war with proxies.
but all this because i wanted to refute your point.
tejas, is not outdated by your standards. the airframe is releativily advanced, in the same sense the gripen a airframe is advanced.
tejas is a wonderfull achievement, no matter how much indian it is not.
because india, had the choice for collaboration and consultation is very important then beginning a new project. a network is very important to remian current in any field. allows one to bring together difference ways of doing things.
you can refute and repost.
but i've seen a lot of your kind.
no valid point.
just here to throw shite around.
Tarmak007 -- A bold blog on Indian defence: Breaking on Tarmak007: Tejas readies for more drop tank tests at ATR

India's light combat aircraft (LCA) Tejas is readying itself for advanced drop tank trials. Currently completing flight trials in the post-initial operational clearance (IOC) phase, military sources tell Tarmak007 that the Tejas had begun drop-tank tests at DRDO's new Aeronautical Test Range (ATR) at Challakere, in Chitradurga of Karnataka, 100 miles north-west of Bangalore.
"An LSP-3 jettisoned drop tank at 0.7 Mach speed last week and the separation was successful. LSP-5 monitored the release. We are scheduled for more trials," military sources confirm to Tarmak007.

The ATR became operational on December 15, 2011, when Tejas conducted air-to-ground-trials. Hectic activities were seen at HAL's military airport in the last few days confirming the preparations.
When asked whether the trials are high-speed in nature, the source said: "Need not be. The thrust is not on speed. It can be a combination of speed and the status of the tank. We are scheduled for another test at 0.7 Mach speed (third one) with different fuel state. The key is clearing the corner points, opening-up the envelope and achieving most critical test points towards full clearance."
I don't care how a delta wing compares to a 'cranked' delta. My question was why pure delta wings were replaced by delta canard configuration as seen in all major aircraft makers. Su-20MKI added a canard.

You first has to understand the aim behind it, before you can understand why LCA has no canards and therefor you have to listen what others say and not simply refuse it, just because it don't fit to your own opinion!

Canard design was developed to make the fighters more maneuverable than with conventional designs, but the downside is that it will increase the RCS to some extend. That's why the US tested canards for several of their fighters as well, but refuesed it in favour for better BVR combat capabilities.
Same was done by the Russians, that developed the Su 35 with with canards first, but deleted them later in the Su 35 BM version. The MKI is a derivate of the Su 30 MK twin seat fighter and was customised with canards and TVC to counter the high weight in the A2A role and make it more maneuverable for dogfights.

LCA instead was developed with the aim of a very low RCS in mind, that's why it was purposly designed as a very small fighter, with high ammount of composite and RAM materials from the start (which btw is similar to all modern fighter designs like the Eurocanards, or latest 5th gen fighters), or ducted air intakes. Canards were considered and tested in windtunnel models (just search for the pics in this thread), but was rejected, in favour for a lower RCS and we even had the same design on offer like Saab for the Gripen (which basically is from BAE), but again. That's most like also the reason why N-LCA will get LEVCONS instead of rather normal and easier to develop canards, to have a better low speed handling during carrier operations.
Just another proof how modern the design of LCA is, which is hardly deniable when you take all the facts together and look at it open minded.

So you are trying to say Mig-29 has a high wing loading but then less wing loading does not mean LCA is more agile but because you are small hence you have less wing loading? Pretty obvious isn't it.

Again, don't refuese it only because it don't fit to your opionion and try to understand first what jatt told you:

tejas has the lowest wing loading because it is small and has very large wing area relative to its size

A Mig 29 is way bigger and heavier, compared to it's size the wing area is not very big and that translates into high wingloadings. A low wingloading and a high TWR translates into good maneuverability, that's why a rather big sized delta wing was chosen in the LCA design and why the aim was a TWR of 1, or better.
Once again you can see why the canards was rejected, because the overall design was aimed on good maneuverability anyway.

Also important is the big nose diameter of the LCA, which had obviously the aim of integrating a big radar, with long range. Combined with the low RCS and a capable radar + BVR missile combo, LCA will clearly have very good BVR capabilities!
For dogfights the above mentioned design features was the main point, but in addition to that, HMS was planed from the begining as well, which is proven by the integration of the Dash helmet, even in the prototypes and not only in later serial versions like it's normal (see Eurocanards)!

All these points are facts that shows how modern the LCA design is and what the aims were during the design and development stage. One can debate if all aimes were achieved, but you can hardly deny that the LCA is clearly a modern 4th gen fighter design!

If the LCA is as super as you claim, how come your own air marshall is calling it a MiG-21+ plane??

Because he compared it to those fighters it will replace and the that are the Mig 21, including the most capable version, the Bisions. These already have BVR and some multi role capabilities and technologicaly would fit to 3.5 gen fighters. The LCA prototypes that made IOC, are more advanced and capable, but still lacks at some fields that makes them a true 4th gen fighter, but as he also said, that will be fixed through the FOC!

Regarding Gripen:

When you compare the specs and capabilities of the LCA MK1 and Gripen C/D, there are only a few areas where the Gripen has advantages. Payload, which is restricted at MK1 because of the weight issues and some avionics, or weapons, because the Gripen is operational for decades and had more time to integrate them. But that's it, the basic specs of LCA are even better and the more mature the LCA will be, the more capable it gets. LCA MK2 will benefit a lot not only from the changes, but also from the MK1 that will test and integrate most of the weapons and capabilities.

You might want to ignore these points and simply go on with your blame game, like you did before with other posts. I don't bother about it too much, I just answered to you with the hope, that you stop this useless derailing of the thread, or at least start discussion about it with any real base behind it and not only on your believes.
Excellent discussion! Though it is pretty clear that this 'Han Warrior' who speaks Urdu is as Chinese as I am an Bulgarian:-)

Which brings me to: Why are some pakistanis ashamed of their country? Why pretend to be something else?

You call yourself John Doe and you say I am ashamed of my own country?:cheesy:

Don't read to much into the flags OK. I am Bhutanese of Chinese Origin. :china:
So 1 flight per day

LCA-Tejas has completed 1620 Test Flights successfully. (31-Mar-2011).

* (TD1-233,TD2-305,PV1-242,PV2-205,PV3-272,LSP1-65,LSP2-172,PV5-32,LSP3-38,LSP4-35,LSP5-21)

LCA-Tejas has completed 1613 Test Flights successfully. (24-Mar-2011).

in the same way you degined all delta, mirages 2000s to tejas.
a conventional swept wing or cropped delta with a common tailplaines.

I did not define all of the deltas to tejas. I showed a trend where all major manufacturers were using deltas in the earlier stage and then evolving the design towards canards. The same way I was trying to explain to you pure deltas or almost pure deltas but defined as &#8217;slightly cranked&#8217; is an obsolete design philosophy. My argument was mirage 2000 and tejas are almost completely identical and this was further reinforced by the fact that Dassault was the consultant. And you still haven&#8217;t answer me why there is the trend of not using delta or &#8216;almost pure slightly cranked delta&#8217; design?

The fact is no other preceding plane look like the F-22. I challenge you to produce an example. But, I can show you one preceding plane that looks like the Teja, MIRAGE 2000. I am asking the same question again, who can authoritatively claim what is conventional. You? An airbus is defined as swept wing with tail plane too. LOL. Does the Airbus look like the F-22? All these definition is ambiguous because almost all aircraft design is unique. However, one cannot deny the fact that Tejas looks almost exactly like the Mirage and hell until today you cannot prove to me it was &#8216;conceived&#8217; indigenously. If there were no Dassault consultant, maybe yes, you can say that. This is what we call circumstantial evidence.

This is what you said:

India concieved a cranked delta design, as seen in this thread, even did wind tunnel tests.
For you to conceive something, you need to be the originator of an idea. The better word for it should be India copied the &#8216;delta&#8217; design and added a notch. Famous Indian forked tongue again, playing with semantics.

concieved it in the design of the tejas, they did not invent it nore do they posses a patent.
i don't know the degree you need to crank the wing, but its the leading edge. it was done to the f-16xl inorder to keep its agility.
the french or dassualt provided more consultation. i wasn't there. maybe you should ask them. but it can be assumed that they provided the bases for the development and insight into future bleeding edge technology that could be implemented. lets say for arguments sake, perhaps composites and cockpit ergonomics.
You don&#8217;t know the degree you need to crank it to call it a cranked delta and yet you think it is leading edge? I can understand it for the case of F-16XL, but TEJAS? The point here is TEJAS and F-16XL are two different design. You cannot equate their performance because you cannot define a &#8216;CRANKED DELTA&#8217; design.

You are not there and yet you know what they provided? Perhaps? Maybe? Could? Should? Assume? These are again as famous as the Indian words of Can, Will & Probably. Bleeding edge? You think your design is equivalent to F-16XL ? Wake up! You cannot define cranked delta and yet you think both design are equivalent in performance while claiming TEJAS to be an indigenous design. Can you see the contradictions in your argument?

Bleeding edge my foot.
you don't understand the point.
the indian which is somehow related to the f-16xl program, may have perhaps when having a dinner discussion brought up the idea of a cranked delta wing aircraft to some of his friends in india. or perhaps some one in ADA at the time dicided to consult him. now he didn't give away the design. but he did share a concept..
that is what my post is about. sharing an idea, not the plans to build on. thats treason.
the cranked delta wing, actually is not that complicated. its relativily simple and effective. and would have made sense to the ada lca project team when they where handed the QSR
im not boasting, i have nothing to gain or loose. you may have something to loose.

I think I understand the point but you are confused with your own points. At first you said the Indian was a designer, now you said he is &#8216;somehow&#8217; involved. Then now you give me a situation where he &#8216;perhaps&#8217; was having dinner and brought up the idea to his friends in India.

Friend, you can know all this while not being present at all. Very vivid imagination I should say. Too much Bollywood or Kollywood is a bad thing.

Heck, you can even imagine a second hypothetical situation where his friends went to consult him. And you can read his mind that he did not want to share the concept. Really creative mind!! This is the same way many Indians imagined India is already the emerging SUPPAHPOWWAH with 30% starving people. LOL.

You are boasting when :

1) Claiming it as indigenous.
2) Claiming it as bleeding edge.
3) Claiming it as being comparable to Gripen and F-16XL. See quote below of you claiming it with same performance as Gripen.
4) Claiming that an Indian was the 'DESIGNER' of F-16XL.

I have something to gain when I dissect your argument and find the flaws, but you did not gain anything if you had not seen the reality of the LCA. If all Indians think like you, the trend will continue where more and more things are imported and no indigenous capabilities are developed. Indians will forever be oblivious to the fact that they actually do not possess any real indigenous capability and keep on living in denial. If your own ACM can call it Mig-21+ and yet you keep on trumpeting it as 4.5 gen. I have nothing to say but to congratulate Indians.
Delta-Canards is a technology conceived in the 80s so it is outdated. It has more moving parts and is maintainance intensive because of that. It also has a problem of going into auto-rotation when a 360 degree barrel roll is performed under 1 second.
enough to now know the wing area and the empty weight of the aircraft, and the result is the sing loading.
5 years ago, i remember tphuang speculating that the j-10 had a weapons payload of 6 tons, i guess that smashed his observation abilities. but thats a story for another time.

And may I ask how did you know all these? OO, tphuang told you that and he &#8216;speculated&#8217; it? So this is your source, an online dude with a nickname called tphuang. Hey, my real name is Vivek and I have a relative&#8217;s relative who works in DRDO and he told me LCA is bleeding edge.

helmet mounted display sights?
i can only think of one manufacture.
the other planes you speak of use helmet mounted targetting.
and no i don't make them.
neither does india, but they have bought them from elbiet to put on their tejas as requested by the buyer.

I know what is HMDS. You were the one thinking LCA was cool with it, but I was telling you the point is you have to make them. And J-10 has got HMDS too. WE MAKE THEM!!!! Only ELBIT makes them? You need to learn more and know more. No point having it on LCA and not making them&#8230;comprehendo?

the gripen c has obogs (i finally remembered the abbreviation) not the gripen a. thats what i stated. the tejas has obogs.
lol, i think your living in bollywood land. don't worry about me.
this was just explain to you the extra wieght attributed to the canards
This is what you said.

you might want to know that despite the nearly same capability the gripen a provides, its empty wieght is greater. the gripen has yet to recieve an onboard oxygen generator. the tejas already has these small bells and whistles.

You claim LCA had nearly the same capability as Gripen and then you claim LCA has got oxy gen but not Gripen. If this is not boasting, what else can I say. And then I prove to you Gripen has got oxy gen and then you come back to me and tell me about OBOGS and GRIPEN A.

First, you type Gripen followed by a small &#8216;a&#8217;. Then you said Gripen has yet to receive an onboard OBOGS. So what can you understand from this.

1) Gripen A has yet to receive OBOGS?
2) Gripen has yet to receive OBOGS.

Either way, Gripen A was upgraded to to C/D standards, so all Gripens now have OBOGS. How can you say Gripen has &#8216;YET&#8217; to receive OBOGS. And at which phase did LCA get OBOGS? I could say the initial test LCA had no radars and has yet to receive radars in the same manner. The point is you are comparing an aircraft in production blocks to an aircraft which has not even been inducted. If this is not living in Bollywood land. Who else is?
why canards are needed? extra control surface, greater lift
what is cranked? a variety of configurations. but very similar to the compound delta. the cranked part, actually came right out of the mouth of a team member of the lca project. back in the early areo india shows. between the two, its difficult to know the difference expecially on t he tejas. the f-16xl is an extreme example a cranked wing.,
having the same wing doesn't make the aircraft have the same performance. rather similiar in aerodynamics and effecenency of the airframe.
engines, extra control surfaces etc, will make the other major differences as well as the weight of the aircraft
Why canards are needed is not for me to explain. Ask those major aircraft manufacturers and also SU-30MKI. LOL

What is this variety of configuration that was ‘cranked’. From what I can see, it was only the wings. Now, you term it as same as compound delta? So what is the difference between a compound delta and a ‘cranked delta’? Where does the distinction end and begin? AGAIN, you have not answer my question on how much ‘crank’ you need to qualify as cranked delta. How much crank to qualify as EXTREME crank delta. That was the point I was making, having the same wing does not mean same performance. So what is the point you keep on comparing apples to oranges by giving me cranked configuration for shuttle and F-16XL? What do you mean similar aerodynamics? It is different. The size of the wings, the engine inlets all influence aerodynamics, how can you say it has the same efficiency and aerodynamics? Even the finishing of the surface, paint influence aerodynamics.

Okay no point blurting. The original point I was making is

1) LCA was based on Mirage 2000 design with Dassault involvement.
2) LCA performance does not equate Mirage 2000. Could be worse?
3) Why was there an evolution away from delta? Any other new modern Gen 4 or 5 planes with delta?
4) There is no clear definition that qualifies LCA as a ‘cranked delta’.

Designers insist Tejas will belie all sceptical questioning

With the Tejas Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) entering service with Indian Air Force squadrons, the designers of this indigenous fighter have explained why they believe this will be the world&#8217;s premier light fighter.

The Tejas Mark-II, to be developed by 2014 and roll off production lines by 2018, will perform 40 per cent better than the current fighter. After which would come the Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft, the AMCA, which the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) says will be a &#8220;fifth-generation plus&#8221; fighter, more formidable than anything flying today.

In an exclusive interview with Business Standard, P Subramanyam, director of the Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA), which is developing the LCA and the AMCA, responded to IAF criticism that the Tejas was not yet a world-class fighter. He said the Tejas Mark-I, still being flight-tested, had been flown to just 85 per cent of its full capability. The Tejas Mark-II -- in which a more powerful GE-414 engine will replace the current GE-404 engine -- would perform another 15 per cent better.

&#8220;The Tejas Mark-I will expand its performance envelope to its full capability by end-2012. And, a major performance boost will come from the Tejas Mark-II&#8217;s new GE-414 engine, for which we have signed a $700-million (Rs 3,135 crore) contract to build here in India. The Mark-II will outperform the Mark-I by about 15 per cent in the key aspects of take-off run, rate of climb, acceleration, and turn rate. Most of this would come from the higher thrust of the GE-414 engine. Another two-three per cent benefit would come from better aerodynamics&#8230; since we will re-engineer the fighter to accommodate the new engine. That overall 35-40 per cent improvement would make the LCA the world&#8217;s premier light fighter,&#8221; says Subramanyam.

The Tejas Mark-I is scheduled to obtain Final Operational Clearance by end-2012. A fighter is granted FOC when ready for combat missions, with all its weapons and sensors fitted, integrated and tested. The IAF worries that the Tejas, already long delayed, might not obtain its FOC on schedule.

Meanwhile, ADA designers are working on the Tejas Mark-II, which Subramanyam says will fly by 2014, enter production by 2016, and obtain FOC by 2018. &#8220;Besides re-designing the airframe to accommodate the GE-414 engine, ADA will also grab the opportunity to upgrade key electronics, especially the flight control computer and some avionics, so that the Mark-II is a cutting-edge fighter when it enters service,&#8221; says the ADA chief.

&#8216;No fancy plan&#8217;
Brushing aside apprehension of further delay of the kind that has dogged the Tejas programme, Subramanyam insists, &#8220;Our design timeline is realistic. The main sub-systems of the Tejas Mark-II will remain unchanged, except for electronics components. So, the Mark-II will not need extensive flight-testing, as most of its sub-systems will have already been test-flown on the Mark-I.&#8221;

ADA designers also say &#8220;maintainability&#8221; of the Tejas has already been established. This key attribute relates to how quickly and easily technicians can service and repair the fighter and, therefore, how quickly it can get out of a hangar and into combat. Of 200 &#8220;requests for action&#8221; &#8212; suggestions from IAF pilots and technicians for design changes that would ease maintenance &#8212; most have already been implemented. Just 12-15 remain for implementing in the Mark-II.

The Tejas programme will provide the springboard for the ADA&#8217;s next project, a more heavily armed and capable fighter. Even as Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd and Sukhoi, the Russian aerospace giant, jointly develop the Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft (FGFA), ADA will go it alone in developing an Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft. The DRDO&#8217;s R&D chief, Prahlada, has told Business Standard the AMCA will have features more advanced than current fifth-generation fighters. That means AMCA will be technologically ahead of the FGFA when it enters service at the end of this decade.

Asked whether that might be over-ambitious, Prahlada retorts, &#8220;When we had begun the LCA programme, people asked the same question. They thought we would not be able to build a fighter with composite materials, and with an unstable aerodynamic configuration. The Tejas has proved them wrong. Today, we say we will build a fighter that is better than Gen-5. And, the sceptics will be proven wrong again.&#8221;

As Business Standard reported earlier, Rs 10,397 crore have been sanctioned for developing the Tejas Mark-II for the IAF; and another Rs 3,650 crore for the naval Tejas, which would operate off aircraft carriers. Subramanyam says this total expenditure of Rs 14,047 crore would be amortised over 200 Tejas fighters, at about Rs 70 crore per aircraft. This projected order includes two squadrons (40 fighters) of LCA Mark-I that the IAF has already ordered; an expected five squadrons (100 fighters) of LCA Mark-II and another two-three squadrons (40-60 fighters) for the Navy. In addition, the manufacturing cost of the IAF Tejas is projected at Rs 180-200 crore and of the naval version at Rs 190-210 crore.
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