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HAL pegs price of Tejas fighter at Rs 162 crore

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If you work in the US aviation industry, you would know Obama is the one who tries to kill this once glorious industry. :bounce:

Senate rejects additional F-22 funding - CNN.com

Killing the defense industry here in the USA is never going to happen. Curbing useless spending on the other hand must happen. Hopefully you can realize the difference between the two (not holding my breath though).

Btw we have 180 5th generation jets... that's 180 more than any other nation will for the foreseeable future. And if we're not going to be exporting these (Congress will never let that happen and thank god it wont), what's the point in keeping the production lines open for the jet? Or even buying more jets? It's wasteful spending.

And I just won $99.50 bucks, thank you New England.

I just saw that they scored a TD. They are still down by 2 scores. We'll see if NE can start playing defense. To be honest with you, who ever wins here is not going to win the superbowl. Seahawks and 9ers are a league above these two.

Neither the Niners nor the Seahawks have the capability to keep up with the Broncos. If the superbowl were to happen in Seattle, then maybe, but since it's played on a neutral field, I'll give the Broncos the upper hand.
Btw we have 180 5th generation jets... that's 180 more than any other nation will for the foreseeable future. And if we're not going to be exporting these (Congress will never let that happen and thank god it wont), what's the point in keeping the production lines open for the jet? Or even buying more jets? It's wasteful spending.

The US used to operate thousands of F-4 in the 1970s, operates about 1,100 F-15, operates some 180 F-22. It seems to me every time the US operates fewer fighter jets. :bounce: F-22 was meant to replace the aging F-15, a mid 1970s plane. But that's not going to be possible. F-35 is a white elephant that's still many years from service.

180 F-22 is very little number for a country the size of America. Heck, even Pakistan is manufacturing 150 JF-17. China be manufacturing over 1,000 J-20, which is as advanced as F-35A. J-20 first squadron on schedule for 2017, which is right around the corner. :bounce: By 2017 when J-20 is battle ready, F-22A won't be a match for J-20.
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Killing the defense industry here in the USA is never going to happen. Curbing useless spending on the other hand must happen. Hopefully you can realize the difference between the two (not holding my breath though).

Btw we have 180 5th generation jets... that's 180 more than any other nation will for the foreseeable future. And if we're not going to be exporting these (Congress will never let that happen and thank god it wont), what's the point in keeping the production lines open for the jet? Or even buying more jets? It's wasteful spending.

And I just won $99.50 bucks, thank you New England.

Neither the Niners nor the Seahawks have the capability to keep up with the Broncos. If the superbowl were to happen in Seattle, then maybe, but since it's played on a neutral field, I'll give the Broncos the upper hand.

It will not be. But Denver had not encountered a defense like Seattles or even 49ers. Especially with the Seahawks, it has the DB to cover all of Peyton's weapons. And its front 7 is no slouch either. Denver defense is depleted. This game is a game among two depleted defense. Neither 9ers or Seahawks have depleted defense. lets hope for a good game after this one.


It is sad to see these kids hopelessly try. Their own project is a failure..its in garbage can...tejas aren't read even yet! while they just cling at straws when it comes JF-17 Thunder has now CLEARLY come out as a superior platform and even senior indian members have accepted this quite well and have told us to wait for Tejas mkII to see the 'real' comeptition..but these kids...

I feel pity on them.....
well currently both LCA and JF-17s are very much comparable regarding their 'current' specifications. Currently Both lack medium range BVR missiles.[/quote]


Currently JF-17 is clearly superior aircraft that is operational with PAF..while tejas is a failure. Complete failure. It does not good for iaf..it was supposed to be inducted wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy earlier but failed to deliver. As a "project", Tejas is a remarkable failure while JF-17 Thunder is a remarkable success.

Comparing air crafts on one to one basis is pretty futile.

Also, SD-10s are fully integrated on JF-17...right now, the "deployed" configuration of JF-17 is

2 BVRs (SD-10As)

2 WWRs

3 fuel tanks.

Right now, as we speak, JF-17 can go up and engage an air threat and fire at enemy....

The problem with indians is that they like to live in delusions to comfort their own failures infront of others' remarkable success...

(Btw, whatever I've written is from an Interview of deputy head of JF-17 Program...A commander of PAF..go to JF-17 Thunder thread and see the interview posted directly from the aviation magazine it was given to...)
well currently both LCA and JF-17s are very much comparable regarding their 'current' specifications. Currently Both lack medium range BVR missiles.


Currently JF-17 is clearly superior aircraft that is operational with PAF..while tejas is a failure. Complete failure. It does not good for iaf..it was supposed to be inducted wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy earlier but failed to deliver. As a "project", Tejas is a remarkable failure while JF-17 Thunder is a remarkable success.

Comparing air crafts on one to one basis is pretty futile.

Also, SD-10s are fully integrated on JF-17...right now, the "deployed" configuration of JF-17 is

2 BVRs (SD-10As)

2 WWRs

3 fuel tanks.

Right now, as we speak, JF-17 can go up and engage an air threat and fire at enemy....

The problem with indians is that they like to live in delusions to comfort their own failures infront of others' remarkable success...

(Btw, whatever I've written is from an Interview of deputy head of JF-17 Program...A commander of PAF..go to JF-17 Thunder thread and see the interview posted directly from the aviation magazine it was given to...)[/quote]
what? A deployed aircraft which can't even fire BVR and have no IFR. May be block2 will be able to fire but not current JF-17s. There is no video, and absolutely nothing on BVRs so I won't believe it till then. All countries provide official video of such tests.
@kaykay said

what? A deployed aircraft which can't even fire BVR and have no IFR. May be block2 will be able to fire but not current JF-17s.

Dude, are you mentally challenged or just pretending to be?

Who told you that JF-17 can't fire BVR? I have myself seen testing videos of JF-17 firing BVR missile, IR missile, and dropping LS-6 bombs...and that was way back in 2011....

JF-17 CAN fire BVRs...again, don't delude yourself because of your garbage tejas failure. Just b/c tejas can't do shit, it doesn't mean that other, superior, aircrafts won't do it too..

And what does IFR has to do here? :lol: In flight refueling is not necessary for an aircraft's deployment..

JF-17's combat range, without IFR, is 1352 km!!! That covers entire indian front and indian capital Delhi, too..

meanwhile, tejas combat range is only 300km :lol:
what? A deployed aircraft which can't even fire BVR and have no IFR. May be block2 will be able to fire but not current JF-17s. There is no video, and absolutely nothing on BVRs so I won't believe it till then. All countries provide official video of such tests.

JF-17's KLJ-7 radar is integrated with SD-10. What radar does Tejas have? And is it integrated with R-77 or Derby?

I've never seen F-16 fire an AMRAAM. Doesn't mean it can't do so. :p:

JF-17's combat range, without IFR, is 1352 km!!!

When armed with air launched cruise missiles, JF-17's strike range is about 1,800 km.
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@kaykay said

Dude, are you mentally challenged or just pretending to be?

Who told you that JF-17 can't fire BVR? I have myself seen testing videos of JF-17 firing BVR missile, IR missile, and dropping LS-6 bombs...and that was way back in 2011....

JF-17 CAN fire BVRs...again, don't delude yourself because of your garbage tejas failure. Just b/c tejas can't do shit, it doesn't mean that other, superior, aircrafts won't do it too..

And what does IFR has to do here? :lol: In flight refueling is not necessary for an aircraft's deployment..

JF-17's combat range, without IFR, is 1352 km!!! That covers entire indian front and indian capital Delhi, too..

meanwhile, tejas combat range is only 300km :lol:
hahaha well what you have seen is a wvr missile test not BVR. even senior members like Oscar and others have confirmed that. There is no BVR missile test video yet.

JF-17's KLJ-7 radar is integrated with SD-10. What radar does Tejas have? And is it integrated with R-77 or Derby?

I've never seen F-16 fire an AMRAAM. Doesn't mean it can't do so. :p:
well you have not seen F-16 firing Amraam doesn't mean that video doesn't exist but here there are no videos at all.
hahaha well what you have seen is a wvr missile test not BVR. even senior members like Oscar and others have confirmed that. There is no BVR missile test video yet.

Can you show me Oscar's post?

Secondly, again, I don't know what video you are talking about? It is possible that we are talking about different videos?

Thirdly, PAF itself has confirmed the BVR on JF-17s..so again, I don't know what are you talking about...

There was no BVR earlier..I know..but later BVR was integrated, tested, and deployed on JF-17...

Right now, it can fire SD-10s...again, confirmed by deputy director of project itself...So why are you refusing to accept a simple point?
First they ignore you.... then en they redicule you....then they fight you....then you win.

This thread is turning ito an ego pumping MMB for pakistanis..
Doesn't matter if there is or isn't a video of JF-17 firing SD-10. We know JF-17 can do that. What more is there to say about it? :p:
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Can you show me Oscar's post?

Secondly, again, I don't know what video you are talking about? It is possible that we are talking about different videos?

Thirdly, PAF itself has confirmed the BVR on JF-17s..so again, I don't know what are you talking about...

There was no BVR earlier..I know..but later BVR was integrated, tested, and deployed on JF-17...

Right now, it can fire SD-10s...again, confirmed by deputy director of project itself...So why are you refusing to accept a simple point?
see mafiya's post here in reply to Dontello. I will find Oscar's post too but I dont remember where he posted. Its been many days or even months.(well everyone knows that they(first block) would fire BVRs one day but not now).
JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 5] | Page 123
Can you show me Oscar's post?

Secondly, again, I don't know what video you are talking about? It is possible that we are talking about different videos?

Thirdly, PAF itself has confirmed the BVR on JF-17s..so again, I don't know what are you talking about...

There was no BVR earlier..I know..but later BVR was integrated, tested, and deployed on JF-17...

Right now, it can fire SD-10s...again, confirmed by deputy director of project itself...So why are you refusing to accept a simple point?
Can you post the video of JF-17 firing SD-10??
It's not only wether a fighter can fire a missile, it's also about wether a missile can hit a target. And you can bet SD-10 can hit a target with deadly precision. :p:
Guys we get the message about jf17 thanks.

The thread is about tejas and its price of 26 million dollar.

When we consider each su30mki costs $50m plus and rafale wil cost 100m dollars plus its obvious we can't induct 39 sqs of these.

I see 280 mki and 126 rafale around 22 sqds. The remaining 200 fighters have to forfilled by tejas at 26 million each. Cheap by rafale/su30mki standard's
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