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HAL pegs price of Tejas fighter at Rs 162 crore

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Yes with 45-50 km range..
EL/M-2032 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopaedia

it has 150 km, for 45-50 km is for very small Airplane area, possibly lca type plane type.

Lol.. and to be inducted by?
it production started , in next 2-3 yrs.

lol.. sure DSI is obsolete tech... stupid americans,Pak n China..
well DSI was tested on F-16 already and not found much diff , well it one of the type like different planes have diff wing style.

FYI F-22 beat F-35 and USAF find F-22 without DSI better then F-35. China is only know to copy irrespective to understand what it is etc. They copy Russians and stole from US and installed it.

if DSI so desirable and other why not in F-22 ( Front line plane) ??????

Lol... LCA "wins" ..

Nope.. but it has a KLJ7V2 while AESA is under preperations...

P.S: Specs of Block II are not known yet.
your JF-2 will have New avionics , BVR , fuel probe, Check you Block 2 specification.......

Even Block I has IRST but a poded one...

Show us with LCA "prototypes" with IRST.

Sorry , check your JF-2 , Block 2 will have IRST probe and not Block -1

J-7 / F-7 is MiG-21 from the USSR back in the 1950, at a time when China was dirt poor and underdeveloped. Now that China is a rich country having the world's most powerful industrial base, China operates heavy fighters and medium fighters, not light fighters. J-7 which is light weight like F-5 is replaced by J-10 which is medium weight like F-16.

china still produces MIG-21 and also use in large number in its AF then JF-17
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if DSI so desirable and other why not in F-22 ( Front line plane) ??????

F-22 first flew in 1997, a year after DSI was tested. At the time, it was not worth the money and time to redesign F-22 to incorporate DSI. Had Obama not killed F-22 in 2009, F-22B would have incorporated DSI which F-22A lacks. :bounce:

china still produces MIG-21

um nop China has fewer than 300 J-7 left. J-10B production is in full swing and replaces J-10A and J-7. :bounce:
No doubt a d&%khead always be a d&^khead.

You dnt have to explain yourself..

@Aeronaut ..

Well, here's the 15 month to-do list for HAL:
lol.. LCA the futuristic jet... which you claim is in production is inferior in all accounts right now!!

1. Expand flight envelope to -3.5 to 8G (Currently -2 to 6G).

JF-17 8.5 Gs... not limited to tht..

2. 24° angle of attack (Currently 22°).Though it already shown 24° still need to be tested again for certification. On the other hand ,JF 17 achieved 26° but total potential of LCA can be increased to 28°.

"Potential" .. lol even Gripen has 26 deg AOA..

But IAF is looking for a 24° angle of attack.. not 28 deg...
3. In-flight refueling capability (Integration of Cobham probe completed). So is Jf17

Hard facts..?sources.
4. Demonstration of Rafael ADS Derby BVR air-to-air missile.so is Jf 17
5. Demonstration of Rafael ADS Python-5 IIR close combat missile . Jf 17 still don't have CCM next gen missile as such

No BVR with LCA yet...

JF-17 MAR series,CM400AKG,C series anti ship,LS,Takbir,indigenous PGMs,SOMs like H-4,H-2,SD-10A,PL5 latest versions all completed...and in service.

Newer MAR B version,SD-10B,Darter series on order... Raad ALCM integration started on JF-17.. As per ACM...

6. Completion of integration & demonstration of KBP Gryazev-Shipunov GSh-23 23mm cannon.Jf 17, Yet to fire up its gun (Correct me)

LOL..yes it was integrated years ago.. :lol: You are corrected.

7. New design drop tanks for supersonic flight.
8. New radome to improve radar and electromagnetic performance.New radome already developed need integration.As of now 40-50 Km range for target 1 - 4 sq/m RCS

Source for 1-4sq/m RCS???
9. Validate more efficient cooling system for aircraft braking assembly.
10. Additional weapons testing, including PGMs. More likely Kh-59ME,Kh-59MK active radar homing anti-ship missile,Kh-35U,Kh-31P/A anti-radar missile and S 8 and S 11 rocket pods

Kewl story bruv.

so It'll takes 1-2 yr more to finally integrate BVR and IFR that mean Jf 17 yet to receive FOC. Happy trolling:enjoy:

Yup JF-17 yet to "receive FOC.. with JF-17 Block II production started quet a while ago.. :rofl:

P.S: You misquoted this "blog" :

Livefist: What It'll Take For India's Tejas To Be FULLY Ready
How is Tejas in serial production without an autocannon is beyond me. :crazy:

6. Completion of integration & demonstration of KBP Gryazev-Shipunov GSh-23 23mm cannon.Jf 17, Yet to fire up its gun (Correct me)

JF-17 has no autocannon? You are corrected. :D

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EL/M-2032 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopaedia

it has 150 km, for 45-50 km is for very small Airplane area, possibly lca type plane type.

MUHAHAHAHAHA.... its 45-50km... because of issues with LCA nose.. :lol:

HAL looking to improve it by 80km..

it production started , in next 2-3 yrs.

lol.. not asking about prototypes.. :lol:
well DSI was tested on F-16 already and not found much diff , well it one of the type like different planes have diff wing style.

:lol: hahahha... it improves maneuverability,weight reduction,performance... and the F-16 was a test bed for F-35 .. :lol:

FYI F-22 beat F-35 and USAF find F-22 without DSI better then F-35. China is only know to copy irrespective to understand what it is etc. They copy Russians and stole from US and installed it.

if DSI so desirable and other why not in F-22 ( Front line plane) ??????

hahahah... :rofl:

your JF-2 will have New avionics , BVR , fuel probe, Check you Block 2 specification.......

Sure.. even Block Is upgrade to Blk II config.. :lol:

Sorry , check your JF-2 , Block 2 will have IRST probe and not Block -1



Block I prototype with Poded IRST.. :lol:

china still produces MIG-21 and also use in large number in its AF then JF-17

No more F-7s for PLAAF.. you are wrong.. :lol:
I wonder where you get this shit from?

JF-17 is as agile as an F-16 ... yes no "unstable" design limitation... and one of the best dog fighter ever,,,

Lmao...ever heard of stuff like quadruplex..................?

Lmao.. 3.5 th gen,obsolete ? another brain fart...

Composite?block I :

View attachment 13682

Ever heard of KG300G>?

KLJ7V2 (A Pak-China development) ... yes better than the old KLJ7 ...... AESA,WS-13,serious upgrades,blocks comin your way:

JF-17 Thunder Multirole Fighter [Thread 5] | Page 176


LCA is an awesome drawing board jet... with a radar range of 40-45 km among other awesome features.. :lol:

Tejas with low wing loading and unstable configuration more agile than high wingloaded stable airframe of Jft.. Intial batch of Jft didn't have a full FBW (only one axis).. What does that mean?? That means its aerodynamics is not advanced and can be easily controlled by a pilot without any flight control system.. While Lca's story is diff.. Full fbw digital flight control system is a must for lca's advanced aerodynamic controls.. I think you understand the difference between a requirement and just usage.. Fbw is a primary requirent for lca and took several years to develop state of art fbw.. Jft designed and developed its first proto in just 500-800 dayz itself showing no new techs.. So your boasting about fast development itself reveal the truth.. The term "quadraplus" only about an additional fbw safety feature.. Now about composites here also use of composites is a must requirement for Lca, rafale like delta wing aircrafts while its use is limited in low wing area Jft.. Now about Radar... Our lca's el-2032 hybrid radar is better than the same radar using by Israel air force f16.. They developed this to use instead of new apg68 radars in their f16s.. Do you realy think jft's chinese klj7 is better than your f16 blk 52 radar.. There is some modification (radom material to quartz) is required in lca before foc.. So the news about 45km range came.. We don't know more details about range (rcs).. But you are just emphasising that numbers only.. Then about upgrades.. Elsa, ws-13.. You are looking to China.. While our case is diff.. We ourselves developing and we have better optiöns(usa,france,israel,russia..etc..etc)..
Our lca's el-2032 hybrid radar is better than the same radar using by Israel air force f16.. They developed this to use instead of new apg68 radars in their f16s.. Do you realy think jft's chinese klj7 is better than your f16 blk 52 radar.. There is some modification (radom material to quartz) is required in lca before foc.. So the news about 45km range came..

The Israeli air force F-16I doesn't even use EL/M-2032. It uses APG-68(V)9. KLJ-7 is on par with RC-400, the latter being a smaller version of RDY radar.
Pakistanis need to understand that they have to go running to china to get their JF17 improved in china as they have no labs, wind tunnels or software faciities in pakistan.

The indians spent $500m on the infrastucture alone which means now the indians can develope a mk 2 or mk3 Tejas and even AMCA in the future and test this on their computer simulators wind tunnels without running to china france or russia etc.

The 2 programmes are completely different india is a indengious indian fighter

More importantl;y its a far more modern airframe flight control system and as israeli america hardware

Lca unstable full digital quaruplex FCS far superior to the stable designed FBW on Thunder

Lca composite airframe far superior to the metal alloy on the thunder

Lca usa supplied GE engine far more reliable than the Russian supplied RD engine in Thunder

Lca israeli radars and jammers superior to chinease radars

Lca uses russian israeli & indian weapons to date Thunder uses chinease wea;pns only

Indians have pointed this out to our pakistani posters but they keep going on about a inlet value called DSI .

Apparently this dsi is the most amazing thing ever
Pakistanis need to understand that they have to go running to china to get their JF17 improved in china as they have no labs, wind tunnels or software faciities in pakistan.

Pakistan is a small country. It will learn to develop fighter jets in due time.

Lca unstable full digital quaruplex FCS far superior to the stable designed FBW on Thunder

Lca composite airframe far superior to the metal alloy on the thunder

Lca usa supplied GE engine far more reliable than the Russian supplied RD engine in Thunder

Lca israeli radars and jammers superior to chinease radars

Lca uses russian israeli & indian weapons to date Thunder uses chinease wea;pns only

Name me 1 feature that LCA is the first to incorporate? JF-17 is the first in the world to incorporate DSI, both in the prototype stage and operationally.

China has a rover on the Moon. Israel does not. I wouldn't be so confident as to say EL/M-2032 is superior to KLJ-7, the latter having been chosen over RC-400.
Why is this thread 31 pages long? India need to forget exporting LCA as India would not even purchase its only Jet fighter that it had created in decades in large quantity. The main Indian jet fighter are imported such as Mig 21, MKI, Mirage 2000 and now Rafale(it any deal is signed). Don't be fool by all the talks about LCA MKII because once this plane is available, PAKFA would be around the corner. Now, would you spend the limited Indian resources on LCA MKII ort PAKFA? the answer is obvious so India is not going to induct anything significant build in India in the near future.
This Thread is about THE DSI on the thunder its not about LCA anymore
26 million is pretty expensive considering Indian labor costs. Then again, Israeli radar and American engine play a part. :taz:
India need to forget exporting LCA as India would not even purchase its only Jet fighter that it had created in decades in large quantity.

I think you're confused, JF-17 is the only fighter jet that it's host country won't even induct.

The main Indian jet fighter are imported such as Mig 21, MKI, Mirage 2000 and now Rafale(it any deal is signed). Don't be fool by all the talks about LCA MKII because once this plane is available, PAKFA would be around the corner. Now, would you spend the limited Indian resources on LCA MKII ort PAKFA? the answer is obvious so India is not going to induct anything significant build in India in the near future.

This coming from a Taiwanese poster? Build your own fighter jet (without our assistance) and then maybe you can sit at the big boys table.

26 million is pretty expensive considering Indian labor costs. Then again, Israeli radar and American engine play a part. :taz:

a fighter jet with quality parts for 26 million or a fighter jet with second-rate Russian copied Chinese parts for $20 million?

I think I'll splurge and pay the extra $6 million.
Tejas with low wing loading and unstable configuration more agile than high wingloaded stable airframe of Jft..

And the proof is? LERX,DSI(also reducing the RCS) etc make JF-17 as agile as the F-16 .. As per PAF.. yours in not even operational and as per stats of your prototype its inferior in every aspect.

Intial batch of Jft didn't have a full FBW (only one axis).. What does that mean??That means its aerodynamics is not advanced and can be easily controlled by a pilot without any flight control system..

Not it has/had a quadruplex, digital, fly-by-wire flight control system and two hydraulic systems for backup...:lol:

While Lca's story is diff.. Full fbw digital flight control system is a must for lca's advanced aerodynamic controls.. I think you understand the difference between a requirement and just usage.. Fbw is a primary requirent for lca and took several years to develop state of art fbw

Yes we can see that... its so advanced tht it has taken decades,costs getting doubled and still not in service... its indeed very sophisticated...

Jft designed and developed its first proto in just 500-800 dayz itself showing no new techs.. So your boasting about fast development itself reveal the truth.. The term "quadraplus" only about an additional fbw safety feature..


Now about composites here also use of composites is a must requirement for Lca, rafale like delta wing aircrafts while its use is limited in low wing area Jft..

Yes its so obsolete.. 2.5 gen fighter.. a modified mig-21.. no.. no hell no..no.. its a mig-33..no.. nopes.. no..hell no... its a F-16 copy... :rofl: :lol:

Now about Radar... Our lca's el-2032 hybrid radar is better than the same radar using by Israel air force f16.. They developed this to use instead of new apg68 radars in their f16s..Do you realy think jft's chinese klj7 is better than your f16 blk 52 radar....

:rofl: ... nope.. Israeli F-16s are using APG-68V9 same as PAFs Block 52+s.. :lol:

Also JF-17 is using a new Sino-Pak development of KLJ7(125-130km detection rage)... The new KLJ(V)2 Radar.. :rofl:

There is some modification (radom material to quartz) is required in lca before foc.. So the news about 45km range came..

Yes problem with the cone/nose design and looking forward to a range of 80km... :wave:

We don't know more details about range (rcs)..

But your pals seem so shore.. one even quoted the RCS of 0.1 for LCA...

But you are just emphasising that numbers only..

Haaan? what and you know that how?
Then about upgrades.. Elsa, ws-13.. You are looking to China..

Nope lil boy.. we are jointly developing it.. but yes WS-13 is a Chinese engine.. but who knows.. PAF also tweaked the RD-93 themselves.. Several avionics,design developments are completely indigenous.. others jointly developed... and yes no doubt our Chinese friends have more experience than us.. But we also gained a lot of experience with SM,K-8 series etc..

That's why there are two variant FC-1 and JF-17.. :lol:

While our case is diff.. We ourselves developing and we have better optiöns(usa,france,israel,russia..etc..etc)..

Dude I dnt even want to get in tht debate.. :D


I think you're confused, JF-17 is the only fighter jet that it's host country won't even induct.

This coming from a Taiwanese poster? Build your own fighter jet (without our assistance) and then maybe you can sit at the big boys table.

a fighter jet with quality parts for 26 million or a fighter jet with second-rate Russian copied Chinese parts for $20 million?

I think I'll splurge and pay the extra $6 million.

Dude you are a troll of indian origin.. no shame in admitting that.. :lol:
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