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Great Mom

Without a doubt he is right. They do soo much soo much that its unbelievable and sometimes i see soo many giving them slack. Giving them back talk without realizing that TBH we are nothing compared to them. After what she does for you in your entire life if you give up all the needs of the world and make your life's sole mission to serve her and take care of her, you still wont even come close to giving back the huge debt you owe them.

The debt that stands up and tells us again and again that you owe them soo much that your position in front of them is not even of a slave's.

Everyday for years to work and work and be there for you and care for you and love you and motivate you and give you the kind word that nobody and i mean nobody in the world can give you and she always pray's for your good health. Always pray's for your success and happiness even if it is at her expense. I cant even imagine what its like to do this for another person for the rest of your life and then i see soo many of them in old homes living in conditions that are barely humane. Dieing alone and i wonder this is not paying back the debt. This is arrogant defiance. Its something you do to your enemy you have bested not to someone who has given you their life.

In our religion you can help save thousands of lives but if you are bad to your mother then you cant enter that place. Atleast that's what i think/. Her level is above all apart from the prophet ( S.A.A.W) and ALLAH (who is above all).

In the end all we can do is take care of them, listen to them and just be there in their hour of need to comfort them, to fight for them and to give them the peace of mind that was given to us countless times.

Personal experience the security and the peace of mind you receive when you are in her arms cant be replaced with anything even if a thousand men guarding you or the wealth of the world is brought to you, its still cannot substitute that feeling. Its indescribable. Its something we have all felt but it cant be put to words.

If there was ever a creature or a being that was under-rated in the history of the universe then its the " mother:"
Subhao mein nadarta?
Udarta? Kissi ko udhar dein na hai?
Sahano godhi?! :what:

@Jazzbot Very nice video
May ALLAH give all of our moms a long life !
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Pretty much sums up majority of our relations with our mom. :P :P :P
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