Sometimes a culture that lives in the forest in unity with nature can be more advanced than one that builds pyramides. In many ways the middle eastern cultures were more primitive that european bronze age cultures. The middle eastern cultures depended heavily on slavery and despotism. The individual had zero worth. They wasted gargantuan rescources in the construction of totally worthless buildings like the pyramides and only god knows how many people died. They killed their own land. The middle east was not always a desert. It was made one from their activity.
In europe we see nature as our mother. During those times we lived in complete harmony with her. As you can see in the paintings. Like this one, it is 13.000 years old and shows a lion pride hunting buffalos:
This stands for individualism. Something middle eastern cultures completly lack. What do you know about the normal egyptian back then? Nothing. They are an unidentifiable mass. Overshadowed by god kings. If you look at egyptian paitings (which are much younger) you see they are all geometrical and much more primitive. There are less details and evrything is forced into a specific pattern.
Our ancestors too did build giant monuments. But ours were calenders, so people could see what time and date it is and that helped the farmers.
In the end its up to you to decide who was more happy and advanced. Our ancestors who lived in unity with nature in small family groups. Or the people who lived as slaves and were forced to construct gigantic tombs...
Yes we learned from the middle east later on. But the concept of individuality and freedom was always a great part of european identity. And oriental despotism and decadence was always looked down here at. Democracy was invented in greece and impossible in persia, egypt or mesopotamia. People there were treated like cattle from their kings.
And for your 2nd point. Israel fully accepts christians. They are free to go wherever they want in Israel and this is a good thing. In egypt, syria and iraq christians are murdered and must escape their home. In lebanon christians make up almost 50% of population and fight back, which is a good thing.
If you believe that we would be accept this pathetic "dhimmi" status in one of our most holy cities then you are wrong. I see Israel as the best solution for this since it makes 2 of 3 parties happy.
We christians have free acess to our holy places without fear of terror. We need no big military presence there.
The jews have their holy land protect it and keep it clean. Its a win-win situation.