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General Kayani in Kabul, Afghan govt unaware

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Spring Onion

Feb 1, 2006
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Pakistan army head in Kabul after Musharraf goes

By KATHY GANNON, Associated Press Writer

37 minutes ago

KABUL, Afghanistan - Pakistani army chief Gen. Ashfaq Parvez Kayani rushed to Kabul on Tuesday for meetings, Afghan officials said, the day after Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf announced his resignation.

Kayani was to meet with Afghan Defense Minister Gen. Rahim Wardak, and he spoke with President Hamid Karzai over the phone in Kabul on Tuesday, three officials told The Associated Press.

Kayani's visit was striking in that even Afghanistan's top leadership did not know he planned to visit, officials said. Top aides inside the presidential palace and Defense Ministry said that they were unaware Kayani was in Kabul even after he arrived.
Kayani was also likely to meet with the commander of NATO forces in Afghanistan, Gen. David McKiernan, though NATO officials would not immediately confirm that.

The Afghan officials spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitive nature of the visit.

The visit comes only 24 hours after Musharraf — who once held Kayani's position as army chief before resigning last fall — announced his resignation.
Musharraf was Washington's key ally in the fight against insurgents on the Afghan-Pakistan border. His resignation pressures Pakistan's newly elected government to provide new leadership in the country's fight against militants.

NATO officials say militants seek safe haven in Pakistan's tribal areas where they train and rearm.


Associated Press writers Jason Straziuso and Amir Shah contributed to this report from Kabul

I dont know much about Kayani, but i like the man already. Seems more action less words. Mainly i think cuz he's not dabbling in politics and issuing statements. Even if he is the one to start a war with India, i'd still like him if he does it under civilian orders.
What is he doing in Kabul that is the question to ponder

- To make Kabul shut up.
- Make them aware of the next strategy.
- Calling for better communication between the Army and the Afghan intelligence.
- Telling them to be prepared to guard their borders.

I would agree with the first and the last one.
KABUL, Aug 19 (AP): Army chief Gen. Ashfaq Parvez Kayani rushed to Kabul Tuesday for meetings, Afghan officials said. Kayani was to meet with Afghan Defence Minister Gen. Rahim Wardak, and he spoke with President Hamid Karzai over the phone in Kabul Tuesday, three officials told The Associated Press. Even Afghanistan's top leadership did not know that Kayani planned to visit, officials said. Top aides inside the presidential palace and the Defence Ministry said they were unaware Kayani was in Kabul even after he arrived. Kayani was also likely to meet with the commander of NATO forces in Afghanistan, Gen. David McKiernan, though NATO officials would not immediately confirm that. The visit comes only 24 hours after former president Musharraf announced his resignation. (Posted @ 14:10 PST)
- DAWN - Latest Stories; August 19, 2008
Hes made quite an entrance and impression it seems.

Good to see he maintains military relationships as opposed to political ones.
This is also very intresting development as soon after Musharraf's resignation the visit of Kiyani visited Kabul.
Well! Afghan authorities are only aware of the fact i.e. to blame pakistani for
any terrorist activity that happen in Afghan.

Actualy Pupits can't be aware. Shameful act on the part of Afghanis......

Were the civilian leaders in Pakistan aware that he had planned to visit?
Were the civilian leaders in Pakistan aware that he had planned to visit?

Iam sure they are. He, according to ISPR is on a regional meeting of the allies in WOT in Afghanistan. Apparently the last one was attended by the vice chief of Army staff, who was effectively running the Army at the time.
A pre-planned visit, though it would have been nice if he had met Karzai face to face and shoved a Multani mango in his loud trap.

Mango's out of season?

Combat boots would work even better I suppose.

Of course, realizing that of late he has advocated at least twice that NATO invade Pakistan and stop bombing Afghanistan, he was careful to only speak with Kiyani over the telephone.:D
^^^i think we should not read too much into this visit. pre-scheduled visit. its just a co-incidence that it happened a day after the presidents resignation. if he hadnt then i doubt he would have gone!
To add to the above post by Sir Fat, its nothing unusual for Kiyani to go to Afghanistan for the Tri-Partite discussions. Usually the senior most officers of the three forces (Afghanistan, ISAF and Pakistan) participate in these. Prior to Kiyani, Gen Ahsan Saleem Hayat had been representing Pakistan at these meetings regularly. This is the first that was scheduled after Kiyani took over. Has absolutely nothing to do with Musharraf's departure. Musharraf's outlook on the issues in Afghanistan was not a personal one, it was an institutional one..same as that shared by Kiyani and other armed forces officers.

The visit by Kiyani is a continuation of this:
ISAF News Release #2007-036
and this:
ISAF News Release #2007-400
and this:
ISPR Press Release - 1 August

Hopefully people get the drift ;)
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