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General alert: Chinese troops on Indo-Pak LoC

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Most likely it will be a joint China-Pakistan venture on India.

The result will be that China will get Ladak and Pakistan will get Jammu and Kashmir.

:pakistan: :china:

Now Ummah is not working, so it is Pakistan+China??? Wet dream of attacking India never goes out. lol After some years it will be Pakistan+China+Ummah.... it will go on and on....

The Pakistan army and China army already are making plans thats why there are Chinese troops on our side of LoC.

What American and NATO troops are doing on your side?
You are forgetting what you indian media reported few months ago.

Chinese troops intrude into Ladakh, halt govt project - Times Of India

China is as much interested in Ladakh as we Pakistanis are interested in Jammu and Kashmir. It will be better for China to have extra help on the western side of India Occupied Jammu, Kashmir, and Ladakh from their Pakistani allies.

Sorry don't read TOIlet media. Still waiting for some Chinese guys to back you up, that they would attack India for Pakistan's sake. Back in the days Pakistanis would go on about America helping Pakistan to get Kashmir. Now its China. Unfortunately for people like you neither America nor China runs on emotions.

I have said it few times, India has passed that "threshold of deterrence" for either Pakistan or China to attack. Same for Pakistan, it has achieved that "threshold deterrence" for India to ever attack Pakistan. It will be a status quo in Kashmir or a Nuclear War.
and the west will sit quite looking at their billon dollar investments going down the drain. China will give away the trade which is much more then yours. If imaginations had wings i would be wonder women lol

China will never dare to attack. Chinese army is well aware of India’s reply if war broke out. It will not be only border conflict. Chinese cities will burn along with Indian and Pakistani cities.
This is just pressure game from China side and its good for us. We can bring best under pressure.
Now Ummah is not working, so it is Pakistan+China??? Wet dream of attacking India never goes out. lol After some years it will be Pakistan+China+Ummah.... it will go on and on....

What American and NATO troops are doing on your side?

Lol you silly fool don't worry about the Ummah, worry about Pakistan and China smashing your country's face.
Agreed. But look at the facts. CPC is not a democratically elected government. And people are kept subdued due to economic prosperity brought in due to CPC's policies. In other countries, people vote failed governments/parties out. What would Chinese do? Pent up frustrations always find a vent - in most cases/countries its through democracy by electing another party. China has only one party. Where would people vent their frustrations?

Again, I agree with your basic premise, however there are other factors to consider.

1) As Rafi mentioned, the CPC is the biggest political party in the world. And almost everyone in China, has at least one family member in the party, or knows someone in the party. Who wants to turn on their own family members, their friends and their co-workers?

2) The CPC has the highest approval rating of any government in the world, according to Pew Global research. Two factors: firstly the economic success, and secondly, the fact that the CPC very intimately understands the nature of a People's revolution, and thus have a good understanding of how to prevent one.

3) Historically, Chinese dynasties have lasted several hundred years. By this trend, the CPC still has a LOT of time left, they've only ruled for 50 years.

Maybe I am biased in favour of the CPC, being a patriotic Chinese person myself, but I still think that they are in a very strong position.
China will never dare to attack. Chinese army is well aware of India’s reply if war broke out. It will not be only border conflict. Chinese cities will burn along with Indian and Pakistani cities.
This is just pressure game from China side and its good for us. We can bring best under pressure.

Few years ago (2009) at the Sikkim border Chinese troops opened fire on Indian troops injuring several as reported by your media. No retaliation from the Indian side Gen Kapoor simply stated publicly it was a misunderstanding...

ITBP jawans injured in China border shootout - The Times of India

Injuries to Indian Soldiers by Chinese Troops on Sikkim Border Reported | Epoch Times Mobile
Now Ummah is not working, so it is Pakistan+China??? Wet dream of attacking India never goes out. lol After some years it will be Pakistan+China+Ummah.... it will go on and on....
Ummah is long gone... think of who is going to support Pakistan in today's times? Saudi :no: , Iran :no:, Turkey :no: , Afghanistan :no:, BD :no:
Strategically I don't think any one of Pakistan's ummah neighbors will support them in a war... moral support maybe.
Chinese frens just need to watch the aftermath of indo pak cricket match. They will realize what level of nationalism they are dealing with and that too of a billion. And it was just a cricket match forget war
Ummah is long gone... think of who is going to support Pakistan in today's times? Saudi :no: , Iran :no:, Turkey :no: , Afghanistan :no:, BD :no:
Strategically I don't think any one of Pakistan's ummah neighbors will support them in a war... moral support maybe.

We dont need help from any of these countries. Pakistan has a larger and more powerful army than all these countries. And Pakistan is a nuclear power, that none of these countries are, with more advanced nuclear missiles than India, admitted by your own indian media:

India lags behind Pakistan in missiles - Times Of India

Still waiting for some Chinese guys to back you up, that they would attack India for Pakistan's sake.

Sorry, I was caught up in a discussion with Gubbi.

I don't support the "invasion" of another country.

However if Pakistan was attacked by India, for example after a repeat of the Mumbai attacks (God forbid), then I think China should support Pakistan. Not only because they are our closest allies, but also because of the vital resource routes that India would be cutting off.
We dont need help from any of these countries. Pakistan has a larger and more powerful army than all these countries. And Pakistan is a nuclear power with more advanced nuclear missiles than India, admitted by your own indian media:
Oh I am scared now.... you will be the 4th largest nuclear state in the whole wide world. (If you got time read through the discussions in this thread)
Sorry, I was caught up in a discussion with Gubbi.

I don't support the "invasion" of another country.

However if Pakistan was attacked by India, for example after a repeat of the Mumbai attacks (God forbid), then I think China should support Pakistan. Not only because they are our closest allies, but also because of the vital resource routes that India would be cutting off.

its pakistan who always attacks sometimes by using terrorist or by coming directly.
india dont need to attack pakistan,we r comfortable even in solving issues(look in other thread where gen kayani was help responsible for not solving issues).
yes if u want to drag urself,u can do this.'but we dont need to drag others as we r enough for both of u
But their leadership does change, every decade or so, and the CPC is also the largest political party in the world, with many million's of member's.

Again, I agree with your basic premise, however there are other factors to consider.

1) As Rafi mentioned, the CPC is the biggest political party in the world. And almost everyone in China, has at least one family member in the party, or knows someone in the party. Who wants to turn on their own family members, their friends and their co-workers?
True that. But remember how East Germans used to spy on their own family members? What makes you think that Chinese are any different? Human nature doesnt change, even if the race is different.
Again, I may be wrong, but majority of those members are members out of fear and not loyalty towards the party or its ideology. So if time comes, what makes you think people wont rebel?
2) The CPC has the highest approval rating of any government in the world, according to Pew Global research. Two factors: firstly the economic success, and secondly, the fact that the CPC very intimately understands the nature of a People's revolution, and thus have a good understanding of how to prevent one.
Again true. But one also needs to realize that it is one party and its ideology that guides more than a billion people. Again many are members of this party, but mostly out of fear than outright loyalty.
Also, there is constant pressure on the party thinktanks to deliver. Any mistakes, and people might not be forgiving as one assumes. If the time is ripe then a small mistake, a tiny spark may start a revolution, just like the previous one.
3) Historically, Chinese dynasties have lasted several hundred years. By this trend, the CPC still has a LOT of time left, they've only ruled for 50 years.
Communist parties in Europe lasted for only a few decades. Starting with Romania's outing of Nicolae Ceaușescu and culminating with the collapse of the Soviet Union, that was one big movement against the Communist ideology.

Chinese leaders smarted from all that and adopted capitalism albeit in the communist mold. But then again, the party has to constantly deliver, under immense pressure. If and when it cracks, expect the worse.
Maybe I am biased in favour of the CPC, being a patriotic Chinese person myself, but I still think that they are in a very strong position.
For now, yes. But who knows what may happen in the future. People may get disgruntled looking at the Hong Kong model or the Shanghai model and would ask for such in mainland China. What then?
Sorry, I was caught up in a discussion with Gubbi.

I don't support the "invasion" of another country.

However if Pakistan was attacked by India, for example after a repeat of the Mumbai attacks (God forbid), then I think China should support Pakistan. Not only because they are our closest allies, but also because of the vital resource routes that India would be cutting off.

There we go, thats exactly what I meant, China is not going to invade India just cause Mr Omar fancies it. Pakistan is smart enough to make sure another Mumbai attack doesn't happen. Just like USA never attacked USSR, China will never attack India and India will never attack Pakistan in a full fledged war. Till then these proxy wars will continue, untill either Pakistan or India exhausts economically.

It would be nice to have a barbecue in this beautiful place in Ladakh. What do you say Chinese friends :cheers:

:pakistan: :china:
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