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General alert: Chinese troops on Indo-Pak LoC

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Exactly right. :tup:

Pakistan has the final say, regarding what they do with Pakistani land.

Indian concerns are not relevant.
Except that P0K isn't really 'Pakistani land'. Isn't it funny how Kashmir becomes 'disputed' at one time and absolutely a 'Pakistani land' the very next moment.

Anyway, don't let facts spoil your party.
One of the senior-most army commanders in the country has dropped a bombshell by declaring that Chinese troops are stationed on the line of control (LoC) between India and Pakistan. Lt Gen KT Parnaik, who heads the operationally critical Northern Command, warned that China's military presence in Kashmir was too close for India's comfort.
Parnaik said, "We hear many people today who are concerned about the fact that if there were to be hostilities between us and Pakistan what would be the complicity of the Chinese. Not only because they are in the neighbourhood but the fact that they are actually stationed and present on the LoC."

Parnaik was speaking at a seminar in Jammu last week. Top military commanders are usually tight-lipped when it comes to China matters.

Gen Parnaik said China’s links with Pakistan through facilitated quicker deployment of Pakistani forces to complement its communist neighbour’s military operations, outflanking India and jeopardising its security. "It poses military challenges to India and not only along the Sino-Indian border but also along the LoC," Parnaik said.

The possibility of China and Pakistan joining forces in India's farthest frontiers, illegally occupied by the two neighbours, would have “direct military implications” for New Delhi, a defence ministry report had warned two years back. The ministry’s annual report for 2008-09 had alerted against the possibility of China “enhancing connectivity” with Pakistan through disputed territories in J&K, including .

Parnaik said, "The Chinese links with Pakistan through lend strength to the China-Pakistan nexus that has been of great security concern for us. It jeopardises our regional and strategic interest in the long run, the Chinese footprints are too close for comfort."

The 1962 India-China war ended with China seizing some 38,000 sq km of Indian territory in Aksai Chin in the eastern-most fringes of J&K. Pakistan went on to unilaterally and illegally cede another 5,120 km of territory in northern Kashmir to China under a 1963 pact.

General alert: Chinese troops on Indo-Pak LoC - Hindustan Times

bla bla bla yada yada yada
Most likely it will be a joint China-Pakistan venture on India.

The result will be that China will get Ladak and Pakistan will get Jammu and Kashmir.

The Pakistan army and China army already are making plans thats why there are Chinese troops on our side of LoC.

:pakistan: :china:

seems falling short of shoulders,anyway call the turkey,afghanistan,saudia arab etc..
but we will be enough to hold every body:lol:
Except that P0K isn't really 'Pakistani land'. Isn't it funny how Kashmir becomes 'disputed' at one time and absolutely 'Pakistani land' the very next moment.

Anyway, don't let facts spoil your party.
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Ya thats true my bro. I say bring it on.
Most likely it will be a joint China-Pakistan venture on India.

The result will be that China will get Ladak and Pakistan will get Jammu and Kashmir.

The Pakistan army and China army already are making plans thats why there are Chinese troops on our side of LoC.

:pakistan: :china:

Damn! Now we are doomed:lol: Lets see how many Chinese here back you up on this.
If the government fails to deliver, the population is going to get restive and will rebel. That is one, among many such, fear of the CPC. The party will have to deliver - always. They do not have the luxury of failure accorded in a democracy. What if tomorrow the party fails to deliver? I may be wrong, but your fears of political unrest is quite true and its not a question of if, but when.

I agree with your basic premise, but I am perhaps a little more optimistic than you regarding current political stability.

Chinese people love revolutions, just look at even our recent History. The CPC knows this more than anyone else, how do you think they came to power in the first place?

The CPC came to power through a People's revolution. The KMT overthrew the Qing government in 1911, and the CPC overthrew the KMT government in 1949. The CPC is ACUTELY aware of the power of a people's revolution, they would be the very the last ones to underestimate its power.

Both India and China are hogging energy resources, not to mention creating zones of influence in Asia and Africa. Creating a safe transit route for energy supplies is one way of outsmarting competition. China knows Malacca straits are a security risk and China cannot, atm, secure that route. Hence you have Gwadar investments. China in its right mind thought of using Pakistan as a counterweight against India and keeping India bogged down with trivial affairs. Most of India's reactions to Chinese 'initiatives' or moves have been kneejerk. Thats brilliant, I must say.

America controls the seas. That won't change for a long time, so until then, we need to ensure that we are self-sufficient and have many available resource routes. The current strategy seems to be an "Economic" one, i.e. to create a strong bilateral economic relationship between USA-PRC, and it seems to be working.
That's being a bit harsh on the CPC. Any government anywhere in the world would have the same problem IMHO.

Agreed. But look at the facts. CPC is not a democratically elected government. And people are kept subdued due to economic prosperity brought in due to CPC's policies. In other countries, people vote failed governments/parties out. What would Chinese do? Pent up frustrations always find a vent - in most cases/countries its through democracy by electing another party. China has only one party. Where would people vent their frustrations?
Agreed. But look at the facts. CPC is not a democratically elected government. And people are kept subdued due to economic prosperity brought in due to CPC's policies. In other countries, people vote failed governments/parties out. What would Chinese do? Pent up frustrations always find a vent - in most cases/countries its through democracy by electing another party. China has only one party. Where would people vent their frustrations?

But their leadership does change, every decade or so, and the CPC is also the largest political party in the world, with many million's of member's.
Most likely it will be a joint China-Pakistan venture on India.

The result will be that China will get Ladak and Pakistan will get Jammu and Kashmir.

The Pakistan army and China army already are making plans thats why there are Chinese troops on our side of LoC.

:pakistan: :china:

and the west will sit quite looking at their billon dollar investments going down the drain. China will give away the trade which is much more then yours. If imaginations had wings i would be wonder women lol
Of course. But when one "outsources" a highly sensitive issue such as defense of one's own country to a foreign country, one loses sovereignty. Why do you need an army then, if you cannot on your own provide for your own defense?

Oh, btw Israel doesnt protect our borders.

Where is the proof that PLA units are stationed in Pakistan, this is just a Lt Gen of the Indian Army making a claim which is quite dubious at best. There is presence of PLA engineers in Azad Kashmir, but its for the massive infrastructure China is building on our side of Kashmir to improve road-rail network between the two countries. PLA Engineering Core has extensive experience in building excellent road and rail infrastructure in mountainous areas as we can witness in Tibet, this is why they are involved in the project.

I have said it before and i will say it again, Pakistan does not need China's military assistance to fight off India. It is quite clear to the Pakistani Army that they will be expected to fight off India on their own, the Chinese have made it quite clear to our strategic planners that they will provide us with whatever supplies we need but will not provide any military assistance. One only needs to look at how Pakistan Army is positioned and trained, its trained to fight on India alone without external assistance. So its about time that the Indian media and senior members like you show maturity and stop believing in something that does not exist.
and the west will sit quite looking at their billon dollar investments going down the drain. China will give away the trade which is much more then yours. If imaginations had wings i would be wonder women lol

O'kuriya sada sar na ka.
Wow the Hindustani reaction is laughable. They hate that Pakistan and China are military allies and are collaborating in border security. Pakistan gains from this of course PA can guard the border hell they've been doing it for 60+ years. The objective is to put pressure and contain and surround Hind at a trilateral point and in a military conflict choke India into submission by applying superior armed force at pressure points by systematically destroying Hindustani occupation force.
seems falling short of shoulders,anyway call the turkey,afghanistan,saudia arab etc..
but we will be enough to hold every body:lol:

o infidel fear zaid hamid and gazwa e
hind... You will be dragged in chains and i will be the war booty... :P
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