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General alert: Chinese troops on Indo-Pak LoC

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Again, I may be wrong, but majority of those members are members out of fear and not loyalty towards the party or its ideology. So if time comes, what makes you think people wont rebel?

Again true. But one also needs to realize that it is one party and its ideology that guides more than a billion people. Again many are members of this party, but mostly out of fear than outright loyalty.
Also, there is constant pressure on the party thinktanks to deliver. Any mistakes, and people might not be forgiving as one assumes. If the time is ripe then a small mistake, a tiny spark may start a revolution, just like the previous one.

Communist parties in Europe lasted for only a few decades. Starting with Romania's outing of Nicolae Ceaușescu and culminating with the collapse of the Soviet Union, that was one big movement against the Communist ideology.

Chinese leaders smarted from all that and adopted capitalism albeit in the communist mold. But then again, the party has to constantly deliver, under immense pressure. If and when it cracks, expect the worse.

For now, yes. But who knows what may happen in the future. People may get disgruntled looking at the Hong Kong model or the Shanghai model and would ask for such in mainland China. What then?

You make a lot of good points, and the top Chinese leaders themselves pay a lot of attention to the events that you have listed. The fall of Communism in Europe being a big one.

I must disagree with your idea though, that people are loyal to the CPC out of fear.

Look at me. I am born and bred in Hong Kong, I have complete freedom to say whatever I want. Mainlanders can say things like this without reprecussion:

I think that Wen Jiabao is the 2nd worst China premier, and Li Peng is the 1st worst China premier, and Hu Jintao is the worst China president!
Fu*k house prices, fu*k Wen Jiabao, fu*k Hu Jintao!

Here in Hong Kong, I could go MUCH further, and even set up political groups to directly attack everything the CPC stands for.

I don't do any of that though. Why? Because I think the CPC is doing a very good job, and I doubt that you will find many people here who disagree with me. Even Indians will grudgingly admit that the CPC has done well.
Sorry, I was caught up in a discussion with Gubbi.

I don't support the "invasion" of another country.

However if Pakistan was attacked by India, for example after a repeat of the Mumbai attacks (God forbid), then I think China should support Pakistan. Not only because they are our closest allies, but also because of the vital resource routes that India would be cutting off.

That is what the deal is, if war breaks out than China and other oil rich nations that have warm relations with Pakistan will be Pakistan's war reserves even though Pakistan maintains 45 days worth of war reserves. If you remember after the Mumbai attacks, China's ambassador to Pakistan asked all three heads of our Armed Forces to provide him with a list of weapons that Pakistan needs from China on emergency basis. Now i wont go in detail of all the weapons that were transferred to Pakistan on emergency basis, but its public info now that China transferred C602 and C803 missiles to Pakistan on emergency basis. Partnership with China has been absolutely essential for Pakistan to cancel out some of the key advantages that India enjoyed over our military. Pakistan and China have excellent military relations, many of our officers are stationed in China just like many of your officers are stationed in Pakistan.

It would be nice to have a barbecue in this beautiful place in Ladakh. What do you say Chinese friends :cheers:

:pakistan: :china:

I like barbecues. :P
That is what the deal is, if war breaks out than China and other oil rich nations that have warm relations with Pakistan will be Pakistan's war reserves even though Pakistan maintains 45 days worth of war reserves.

Are you guys that delusional ?

It would be nice to have a barbecue in this beautiful place in Ladakh. What do you say Chinese friends :cheers:

:pakistan: :china:

try your own kashmiri apple first.... Izzat lutayi aashiqi main ab kyun pareshan ho, fir bulaya hai...
Lol you silly fool don't worry about the Ummah, worry about Pakistan and China smashing your country's face.

Mr. A1kaid,

Chinese are not so stupid to take a war with India. China doesn’t want to destroy what they have created after so much hard work.
China already knows what Indian can do in reply if war broke out. China will burn and along with India.
By the way Pakistan don’t have anything to lose.
I have Muslim friends, and they have no problem with me eating pork. As long as I'm not asking them to eat it.

There are plenty of Muslims in China, they are very tolerant of our eating and our cuisine.

Ask Omar if he ll let you grill your pork ribs on the same barbeque:lol:
Are you guys that delusional ?

Not delusional, its actually factual. Its public info that Pakistan maintains 45 days worth of supplies for a conflict against India. You are the delusional one if you honestly think that Pakistan's allies will not come to its aid. After the Mumbai attacks, China's support is pretty well documented and whatever is documented that only reveals probably 20% of the help Pakistan received from China. Pakistan activated contacts with our friendly Arab Allies whom gave Pakistan hefty assurances in case a conflict broke out between Pakistan and India. All one needs to do is look at the facts instead of cooking up delusional stories like this thread is based on :)
Me too. Especially barbecue BEEF kebabs.

Dont forget to invite us Pakistanis after you capture Ladakh from the indians.

:pakistan: :china:

how would they. Pakistan would be wiped off by then..... And i am a vampire alive for past 5000years
You make a lot of good points
appreciate your acknowledgement.
I must disagree with your idea though, that people are loyal to the CPC out of fear.

Look at me. I am born and bred in Hong Kong, I have complete freedom to say whatever I want. Mainlanders can say things like this without reprecussion:
Here in Hong Kong, I could go MUCH further, and even set up political groups to directly attack everything the CPC stands for.
Being from Hong Kong might be the difference in your attitude. But then again, I am not an authority on this subject. I have my opinions derived from various editorials and opinions of various well respected journalists and thinkers.
CPC is very well vary of the whatever points I raised and then some more. Thats their job. But that also puts them under tremendous pressure to perform. If they fail, or circumstances around the world somehow create a situation where government control of the economy would no longer return dividends, then what? One cannot foresee what kind of situations might arise from a free market global economy or what conflicts would have what kind of effect on world markets.
As for CPC's membership, you may be right or I may be right. Fear is such a strong emotion, that it drives people to do insane things - like lie.
Even Indians will grudgingly admit that the CPC has done well.
Yes, CPC has indeed done well. And this is not grudgingly, but out of respect and awe.
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