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Gazans say "Thank you Iran" after Israel conflagration


Mar 24, 2012
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GAZA (Reuters) - Gazans offered very public thanks to Iran on Tuesday for helping them in this month's fight against Israel, when Iranian-made missiles were fired out of the Palestinian enclave towards Jerusalem and Tel Aviv.

"Thank you Iran", said large billboards on three major road junctions in the Gaza Strip - the first time there has been such public acknowledgement of Iran's role in the arming of Islamic militants in the tiny territory.

The message was written in Arabic, English, Hebrew and Farsi. The posters also depicted the Iranian Fajr 5 rockets that were used for the first time to target Israel's two largest population centers. No one was injured in the attacks.

The billboards were not signed, but a senior official with the militant group Islamic Jihad, Khader Habib, said it was only natural to show gratitude for Iran's role in the conflict.

"Iranian rockets struck at Tel Aviv. They reached out to Jerusalem. Therefore it was our duty to thank those who helped our people," he told Reuters.

"We have distinctive, good relations with Iran and such a relationship will continue as long as Iran supports the Palestinian people and backs up the resistance," he added.

Israel launched an air offensive on November 14 with the stated aim of stopping Gaza militants from firing rockets at its southern towns and cities.

About 170 Palestinians, more than half of them civilians, died in the fighting that ended in a ceasefire last Wednesday. Six Israelis were also killed, four of them civilians.

Israel has always asserted that arch-foe Tehran supplied Gaza with weapons, but until the latest conflict both Iran and Gaza's dominant Islamist group Hamas had side-stepped the issue, acknowledging only financial backing and warm political ties.

During the eight-day conflagration, the Iranian speaker of parliament, Ali Larijani, said Iran was "honored" to have provided Gaza with military aid. Following the ceasefire, Hamas leader Khaled Meshaal thanked Iran for arms and funding.

The public statements appeared aimed at dispelling speculation that the mainly Sunni Muslim Gaza Strip was shutting the door on Shi'ite Iran and turning instead to neighboring Egypt for support and protection.

Israeli analyst Meir Javedanfar said he thought the Iranians would regret telling the world they supplied Hamas with arms.

"Now that such high-ranking officials openly admit to having supplied weapons to groups in Gaza, the job of isolating Iran will be even easier than before," said Javedanfar, an Iranian expert at the Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) in Herzliya.

Israel and many Western countries say Iran is developing nuclear weapons and have imposed increasingly stringent sanctions on the Islamic Republic to get it to halt its uranium enrichment drive. Tehran says its atomic program is peaceful.

Hamas, which has ruled Gaza since 2007, refuses to recognize Israel's right to exist and is shunned as a terrorist organization by the United States and the European Union.

Gazans say "Thank you Iran" after Israel conflagration - Yahoo! News

well.you are welcome
Who are the people who provided this poster and put it up?

Anonymous senior official allegedly said? Says who? Who said what?

Or is this just poisoned bread to point fingers at Iran?
Why does civilized nations like Iran,Turkey care about bedouine arabs ?

Let's look at the history of the region for the last 1000 year. Arab lands were ruled & protected from foreign invasion by Seljuks,Ayubids,Mamluks,Aq Qoyunlu,IL Khanate, Safavid, Ashrafids & other dynasties.All these empires were either Turkic,Kurdish,Circassian,Tatar or Iranian.They never even inter-married with arabs(was considered below their dignity to mingle blood with bedouines)!

Treachery by illiterate, ignorant bedouine arabs led to the demise of the Ottoman Empire who infact had protected them for over 500 years !Today they are doing the same,being brainwashed to believe their enemy is Iran,Kurds etc.T.E.Lawrence(hero of the arab liberation) wrote;They(bedouine arabs) are a wretched race who will do anything for booty,give them weapons & let them fight each other !"He also commented it was the English who liberated arabs from over a thousand year bondage under other races !

He wasn't entirely wrong. They are still doing the same(spending all their wealth & energy killing each other be it in Iraq,Syria,Yemen,Libya,Algeria or palestine!).Israel knows very well how to pitch one bedouine tribe (called states today) against the other.Same strategy that was followed by Turkic,Iranian, Tatar,Circassian & Byzentine states that had ruled the region in the past.

Civilized nations in the region like Iran,Turkey & others should develop strong ties with nations in Balkans,Central Asia & Caucasus all of which are home other civilized nations and not murdering bedouines.They could visit Arabia for pilgrimage but that should be it.Let Israel rule over the bedouines & civilized nations should stay away from them( I am not a zionist but a realist).
Funny that Hamas stucked knife in Syria's and Irans back when riots started. But Iran keeps supporting them. Iranian regime is not only terrorist and hypocrire, but also completely lacks of any self respect.

Iran has condemned Israel's offensive as "organised terrorism". But Alaeddin Boroujerdi, head of the national security and foreign policy committee in Tehran, said Israeli claims that Iran was supplying rockets were unfounded.
Iran denies supplying Hamas with missiles - Middle East - World - The Independent

Tehran - In a weekly press conference the Iranian Foreign Ministry denied supplying Hamas with Fajr-5 missiles, as an Iranian delegation prepares to go to the embattled Gaza Strip.

Read more: Iran denies supplying Fajr-5 missiles fired into Israel by Hamas
Why does civilized nations like Iran,Turkey care about bedouine arabs ?

Let's look at the history of the region for the last 1000 year. Arab lands were ruled & protected from foreign invasion by Seljuks,Ayubids,Mamluks,Aq Qoyunlu,IL Khanate, Safavid, Ashrafids & other dynasties.All these empires were either Turkic,Kurdish,Circassian,Tatar or Iranian.They never even inter-married with arabs(was considered below their dignity to mingle blood with bedouines)!

Treachery by illiterate, ignorant bedouine arabs led to the demise of the Ottoman Empire who infact had protected them for over 500 years !Today they are doing the same,being brainwashed to believe their enemy is Iran,Kurds etc.T.E.Lawrence(hero of the arab liberation) wrote;They(bedouine arabs) are a wretched race who will do anything for booty,give them weapons & let them fight each other !"He also commented it was the English who liberated arabs from over a thousand year bondage under other races !

He wasn't entirely wrong. They are still doing the same(spending all their wealth & energy killing each other be it in Iraq,Syria,Yemen,Libya,Algeria or palestine!).Israel knows very well how to pitch one bedouine tribe (called states today) against the other.Same strategy that was followed by Turkic,Iranian, Tatar,Circassian & Byzentine states that had ruled the region in the past.

Civilized nations in the region like Iran,Turkey & others should develop strong ties with nations in Balkans,Central Asia & Caucasus all of which are home other civilized nations and not murdering bedouines.They could visit Arabia for pilgrimage but that should be it.Let Israel rule over the bedouines & civilized nations should stay away from them( I am not a zionist but a realist).

The turks (of iran) call everyone from the south arab , they're equally as ignorant as the arabs
Funny that Hamas stucked knife in Syria's and Irans back when riots started. But Iran keeps supporting them. Iranian regime is not only terrorist and hypocrire, but also completely lacks of any self respect.

Yeah, we understand that it would have been really nice for the zionazis if Iran had acted according to the zionazi plans.
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