The only true fact is that your ancestors gased majority of jooooz, then gather the remnants and made them settle on stolen lands in middle east.
Now those jooooz have turned into Zios and taking revenge from Palestinians which have nothing to do with it.
Palestinians are till date paying for the atrocities of West and their daddy USA.
History, with in mind of Israeli crimes, is a bit different my friend.
Jews BOUGHT land from Ottoman Empire, they cultivated these areas.
More and more Jews came there.
After WW1 the Balfour-Declaration wasn't in full swing.
Meantime - many bloody massacres ...
Israelis/Jews weren't really supported (except buying everywhere they could, mostly WW2 remisnance and the "20 French-Israeli years" until the 1967 time, when Germany a little bit (undercover, wanted to store 150-250 older M48, but Americans said give them to Israel) and US support.
But even then it became a clear USA/West vs USSR situation.
Arabs INITIATED the wars and LOST - should have won, from numbers and even the equipment, they had more money and better basic models in AFV, Israelis made older models more capable by upgrading them with every possibility, Israeli command structure was better, they had higher motivation (only lose once and there is no Israel more) and Jews weren't the Libturds they are today.
Arab command chain were sh*t, culturally problem with them. Distrust between important people, Arab states too.
Brave ordinary soldiers and NCOs but political useless Generals often which were in position because they licked balls.
Americans are getting more money/money-savings in case of technology development and NOT stationary 150k army in this region, cause of Israels existence than with any other country in the world.
Israeli buys 3/4 from American money US made products, subvention US companies and the last 1/4 the Americans will have always a word in technology exchange when Israeli wanna sell something.
Israel is a little b*tch when it comes to selling weapons/equipment to countries the US can't directly.