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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

This is genocide in front of our eyes. This is horrifying mass murder and genocide. The world must create a no-fly zone over Gaza.

Seems like a fair request. Why should they send water or electricity when there are hostages? More interesting question is: Why was this not thought out before the mission? Even a child knows if you jaywalk on a busy road, you will get hit by trucks.

Hey JDL radical. We can perfectly provide our own electricity and water. The reason we can't is you your Jewish ISIS genocidal army bombs our power plants and refused to allow us to build the infrastructure to provide all this for ours. You purposefully control the supply of water and electricity in Gaza to turn on light switch of genocide at your desire. You are not doing anyone a favor like you're making it out to be.
Donald Trump:
Speaking at a campaign rally in West Palm Beach, the GOP presidential front-runner says, “Two nights ago, I read all of Biden’s security people [who] said, ‘Gee, I hope Hezbollah doesn’t attack [Israel] from the north because that’s the most vulnerable spot.”

“I said, ‘Wait a minute, Hezbollah is very smart. They’re all very smart. — The press doesn’t like it when I say that. I said that President Xi of China — 1.4 billion people. He controls it with an iron fist. — I said, ‘he’s a very smart man.’ They killed me the next day.”

Turning to Gallant in Israel, Trump says, “They have a national defense minister or somebody saying, ‘I hope Hezbollah doesn’t attack us from the north.’ So the following morning, they attacked… If you listen to this jerk, you would attack from the north because he said, ‘That’s our weak spot.'”

As much as it's neat that Trump is ragging on the defense minister and his newly found disdain for Netanyahu is remarkable, no one saw that coming for sure. But make no mistake, if this donkey somehow gets elected with all his serious criminal indictments looming large, he's still a bigtime supporting advocate for the apartheid state. And despite his surprising positive labeling of Hezbollah, he will drop every single available PGM or MOAB on them in a heartbeat if he thought he had a reason, legitimate or not. This is a dangerous lunatic who's a borderline psychotic and what's even more certain is what @Falcon29 said about this country and the lunatics who think he's the 2nd coming to general Patton and this country will instantly ignite with all its internal division and erupt in chaos as it's already borderline on the edge as it is.
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European Commission Vice President Margaritis Schinas:

"From the first moment, all 27 EU member states unanimously recognized Israel's right to defend itself, condemned the terrorist attack and said loudly that terrorism has no justification."

"Turkiye must choose which side of history it wants to be on. With us - the European Union, NATO, Western values - or with Moscow, Hamas and Hezbollah? The answer must be clear."

Imagine, these trolls are in critical positions that shape EU policy. Brain dead idiots. They make veiled threats, never once realizing what kind of lapdog they are in the lap of the US.
There is one fundamental difference everyone keeps forgetting about when drawing parallels with AQ, ISIS and Hamas.

AQ and ISIS are terrorist organization, this is universally accepted. Muslims have fought against them and Muslim scholars worldwide have denounced them. The reason being their agenda was to incite terror for a so called ideology for world domination that's not backed by Islam even though they claim to terrorize in the name of Islam.

Hamas on the other hand was elected by the people of Gaza. They are fighting for their independence from an oppressive regime. Their objective is not world domination based on corrupted ideology like the other two, but to simply gain independence from an oppressive and apartheid regime. Most importantly "wars of national liberation have been expressly embraced, through the adoption of Additional Protocol I to the Geneva Conventions of 1949 as a protected and essential right of occupied people everywhere."

If Hamas commits brutality against civilians in the heat of battle, it should be viewed in the same lens as we see the Israeli war crimes. As Muslims, we cannot support those acts either.

But it still does not make them a terrorist organization per internationally accepted conventions.

Couldn't have expressed it any better than that. Well said. :tup:
Biden is a war criminal. He needs to be impeached if this genocide is allowed to proceed. Israelis cannot do this on their own. Only with US backing and $50 billion in weapons supplies in one day.

US foreign policy in the Middle East has always been determined by ultra rich Jewish interests in America. Every US (SOB) Presidential candidate must swear to represent Israeli interests if they want to receive multi-million campaign contributions.
This is a fact of life in the State Department and one which virtually guarantees
Hey JDL radical. We can perfectly provide our own electricity and water. The reason we can't is you your Jewish ISIS genocidal army bombs our power plants and refused to allow us to build the infrastructure to provide all this for ours. You purposefully control the supply of water and electricity in Gaza to turn on light switch of genocide at your desire. You are not doing anyone a favor like you're making it out to be.
Since this was all known before taking hostages, why was it done? Why not return the hostages now and get back water and electricity? Why keep crying genocide when all you need to do is send them back?

Since this was all known before taking hostages, why was it done? Why not return the hostages now and get back water and electricity? Why keep crying genocide when all you need to do is send them back?
They are not hostages. They are 97 Israeli soldiers POWs. Hamas will return them to you if you release all our prisoners. Make a prisoner exchange and this will be over. They can go to Gaza they don't have to all go to the West Bank.
Yeah, I'm seriously considering reporting @Falcon29 to the FBI.

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This is literally insane and extremely disturbing.

Lol... sucker. That doesn't matters. Ban this mofo..I love Hamas... 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤

The people of Paris are out on the streets despite macron’s ban on demonstrations.

Love it. Hamas are heroes of over 1.6 Billion Muslims...

Love it 💕💕

Hamas = Freedom Fighters

IsraHell = Terrorist
This holocaust survivor is a Hamas terrorist according to these three Jewish radicalized JDL members on the forum:

How is he a holocaust survivor? how old is he?
If he was an infant how come he survived? I thought they killed infants but somehow they missed him? There are like 30 million holocaust survivors today. This is just crazy.
US foreign policy in the Middle East has always been determined by ultra rich Jewish interests in America. Every US (SOB) Presidential candidate must swear to represent Israeli interests if they want to receive multi-million campaign contributions.
This is a fact of life in the State Department and one which virtually guarantees
The evangelical elite is the most important Jewish conspiracy in modern history. More than Judaism, they are deeply committed to Sionism. Since the Bush era, the establishment has visibly become the plaything of this apocalyptic, religious sect. Almost all important politicians from this elites are either related to Jews or have developed deep-rooted business/interest relations with them. In the army, generals are changing churches to get promoted***. It is this perverted Judaeo-Christian order that directs the defense policies, the foreign policy of the United States. They are a state within the state. They used to be powerful, but now they have literally taken over all the institutions of the country. (And one of the goals of this clique is to destroy the United States when the time comes.)
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Imagine, these trolls are in critical positions that shape EU policy. Brain dead idiots. They make veiled threats, never once realizing what kind of lapdog they are in the lap of the US.

You know how I used to be very critical of Turkey and specifically Erdogan, right? Especially when it came to his outlook of Sisi and the whole MB situation etc. But I do admit now that I was probably a bit too unfair and I am actually slowly but surely turning in the opposite direction. :D

US foreign policy in the Middle East has always been determined by ultra rich Jewish interests in America. Every US (SOB) Presidential candidate must swear to represent Israeli interests if they want to receive multi-million campaign contributions.
This is a fact of life in the State Department and one which virtually guarantees

The power of lobbying in the United States. When you have friends in high places, it works to your advantage, and they hold all the power because they have a lot of $$$ which can buy you a lot of influence. Legalized bribery.

Since this was all known before taking hostages, why was it done? Why not return the hostages now and get back water and electricity? Why keep crying genocide when all you need to do is send them back?

Because they can't be trusted. Ask them to turn on the electricity & water and allow food & aid and medics & medicine to enter Gaza first and see what they say. They'd never agree to it.
European Commission Vice President Margaritis Schinas:

"From the first moment, all 27 EU member states unanimously recognized Israel's right to defend itself, condemned the terrorist attack and said loudly that terrorism has no justification."

"Turkiye must choose which side of history it wants to be on. With us - the European Union, NATO, Western values - or with Moscow, Hamas and Hezbollah? The answer must be clear."

Imagine, these trolls are in critical positions that shape EU policy. Brain dead idiots. They make veiled threats, never once realizing what kind of lapdog they are in the lap of the US.

Why do they constantly tell us "Israel has a right to Defend itself" is it because they
Really Don't!

Spinelessness is unbearable. Too scared to call out Israel on the Palestinian human rights abuses that span decades.
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