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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Mostly Jewish run media is trying to do psychological scare and terror campaign against pro-Palestinian activists. Do not fear them. Most of world is with Palestinians and most are good people. Jews don't actually control the whole world. They want to make it seem that way with pyschological propaganda campaign.
Where is the brave hindu to save her and marry her ?

Oday Baroch (soldier) daugher of the president of kryat netfayem area got killed today.

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Just came back from the gym, what's the latest from Gaza...
Start with the page with the dead or injured Palestinian kids, masturbate a bit then click the next page and you will know
It seems like, for Muslims, things are going to get even worse than after 9/11.

The Anglo-Zionists and their EU poodles are getting even more hysterical than after 9/11. Bans on supporting Palestine are going to morph into frenzied officially supported Islamophobia.

All Muslims should have some contingency plan to get out of the West before they start rounding up Muslims and putting them into concentration camps. This thread already has a UK policeman threatening arrest for anyone saying anything in favor of Hamas. There are probably all kinds of agencies reading everything here.

Islamic prophecies predict bad things for Muslims in Roman (Western) lands. We’re not there yet, but things seem to be going in that direction.
Israel has a long history of being surrounded by hostile neighbors, and it has learned that the best way to stay safe is to maintain a strong military and to be prepared to defend itself.

However, Israel also wants peace. It has signed peace treaties with Egypt and Jordan, and it has been involved in negotiations with the Palestinians for many years. However, these negotiations have been unsuccessful, and the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians remains unresolved.

As a result of the ongoing conflict with the Palestinians, Israel is often placed in a difficult position. It is constantly on guard against terrorist attacks, and it is often forced to take military action in response to these attacks. This can lead to a cycle of violence and retaliation that makes it difficult to achieve peace.

Despite the challenges it faces, Israel remains committed to peace. It knows that the only way to achieve a lasting peace is through negotiation and compromise. However, it is also determined to defend itself against those who seek to harm it.
Israel is not alone. It is a huge military outpost of the American empire. You are acting like its like some lone hero fending off hordes of hostile tribes. The reality is that it is an attack dog of a global superpower, that's why it has lasted. If it didn't have American support, it would be wiped out by now.
Anyone else shocked at how blatantly west supports Israel ?

France is planning on banning all pro Palestinian demonstrations

The irony when you look at democracy

And then they wonder why muslims support Russia
France is kicked out most of Africa and shit on by the Germans and USA, let them bark and bask in the manure.
It seems like, for Muslims, things are going to get even worse than after 9/11.

The Anglo-Zionists and their EU poodles are getting even more hysterical than after 9/11. Bans on supporting Palestine are going to morph into frenzied officially supported Islamophobia.

All Muslims should have some contingency plan to get out of the West before they start rounding up Muslims and putting them into concentration camps. This thread already has a UK policeman threatening arrest for anyone saying anything in favor of Hamas. There are probably all kinds of agencies reading everything here.

Islamic prophecies predict bad things for Muslims in Roman (Western) lands. We’re not there yet, but things seem to be going in that direction.
It is honestly insane going through reddit and so called "liberals" are openly calling for complete genocide. American politicians are throwing fits and tantrums like 5 year old children, calling for genocide. It is really shocking that the citizens and politicians of a global superpower have the emotional and intellectual maturity of a toddler. America really does not deserve all this power. Just like how the citizens of Nazi Germany did not have the wherewithal to understand that they were fueling an evil system, most Americans are clueless to the fact that they are literally living and breathing propaganda and are supporting an evil murderous system that is causing incredible harm to the entire world.
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