This is the initial reading, by few retired generals here. One of them appears on few Vlog discussions regularly, and gave his assessment and its the same.
I will go a step further and say, perhaps Iran has their hand in this pie. Not sure why, but I feel they have played a part. Its understandable, given what their Nuclear program has suffered.
Problem is that, most of the settled Arab countries today don't want anymore bloodshed. Many posters rejoicing here, are only pointing to one part of human psyche that is retribution. The other side is self preservation, and it gets activated more in those who are in a more comfortable situation such as the Saudis etc.
There are deeper factors here, where today most of the Arab nations want to have a better cover for themselves from USA. Those who went for it openly, have it and others who felt backstabbed played a bit of game and then went for it.
All this talk of USA a receding power is hogwash, being pandered to for propaganda purposes to fetch what they actually want. Like any other country USA has issues, but is going no where for another decade in the least if one wants to be brutally unbiased. Even if one wants to say that their economic power might reduce, due to debt issues or whatever no other country can challenge their hard power for next decade again if we go for least time.
If we keep aside the factors like:
Has Israel allowed this happen or were they inefficient on practical level
Has Israel got what is deserved on emotional level
What are we left with? A country bloodied, with innocent civilians massacred brutally and inhumanely who were not combatants (irrespective of their conscription service). Already support is flowing in from those who matter, and USA of all has promised all that Israel needs.
This is exactly the mix, where countries can do what they want irrespective of morality and legality
Hamas just shot the Palestinians in their head, by doing what they did here. The Arab world will vocally loud, but will do jackshit when they know what's at stake. I am more than sure, they are no more interested in new Arab springs.