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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

War in Afghanistan was fought to dismantle Al-Qaeda Network and punish Taliban for supporting it. Job well done in this case because Al-Qaeda Network is virtually wiped out from the region and the war was settled in Doha Accords in Qatar with Pakistani mediation where Afghan Taliban agreed to not support Al-Qaeda Network like in the past and US agreed to withdraw its forces in exchange. This was the bone of contention from the start. Afghan Taliban and Al-Qaeda Network had brotherly relations but Afghan Taliban had to come to terms with the fact that Al-Qaeda Network cannot be saved.

Biden administration botched the withdrawal process and created bad optics on the other hand. Biden administration chose to respect Doha Accords and didn't want to explain this matter to his Afghan allies. US-backed Afghan setup melted as soon as US pulled its troops from the country. Critics of Joe Biden heavily bashed him for botching the withdrawal process, his approval rating declined.

You cannot occupy a country for 20 years if you are not dominant or capable in military terms. Afghan Taliban could attack military positions but had to retreat from many of these battles due to heavy losses.

No tech failure at all - a large number of terrorists were eliminated with precision strikes in Afghanistan and Pakistan. US had ample opportunity to test its drones in this environment and learn from experience.

US-led forces defeated the much bigger and stronger ISIL movement in the Middle East in a COIN masterstroke (Operation Inherent Resolved). This while US was pounding terrorists in Afghanistan as well but this war was affecting Pakistan as well. Pakistan had provided access to Pakistan and PTI-led government did its best to convince Trump administration to settle the war in Afghanistan.

You might want to watch what Donald Trump said to Imran Khan when the latter was in White House.

Come on, bro. Muslims in modern times are doing so bad in conflicts because they do not seem to understand strengths of their adversaries. You (figuratively speaking) can claim victory when you can stop the invading source at your borders. Having your country occupied for many years with the invading forces using it for experiments and forcing you to give up on your brothers for peace and claim victory on this count is a face saving tall claim. This is what I see in Afghanistan.
Do you think they went for Al qaeda. You are so naive... they were there to control Chinese and Central Asia and they wanted Circle Iran and Chinese and they wanted to control Afghanistan mineral as well and drug export to west to run their miltry complex
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By conducting this genocide and murdering to somehow "destroy Hamas" and not even consider the most certain result in the aftermath is staggering to me. If they think that even if they actually succeed in eliminating Hamas (which won't happen anyway, but let's say it does) do they actually think that will solve the core problem? Do they really think that another group won't rise from the ashes?

Let's consider a scenario Hamas is beaten and all Gazans expelled to some 'tent city' in the nearby Sinai. Then what's going to happen? The Gazans would have moved a few miles farther from the Israeli border but next time will be in Egypt where they will have much greater access to resources than in Gaza, and with enough public support to make even more powerful and longer range rockets and they would use those rockets to not only target any Israeli presence in Gaza but also deeper into Israel. And why wouldn't they? They will have become refugees again as I think the current population of Gaza is about 70% made of refugees. They will, after losing so many loved ones, would fight with greater vengeance!
Israelis' attempt to duplicate the European annihilation of the so-called 'Red Indians' in the Americas will fail due to geography and demographic compulsions!!
Channel 13: more hizbullah squad were eradicated (the numbers almost reached 100). I remember once nassrla said that for every killing of hizbullah terrorist one Israel will be die. Right now only 4 soldiers and almost 100 hizbullah have been redirected 🤣
Taliban had the same ratios but still gave ISAF a bloody nose and still in power. Your time comes. Out of fear, keep coming to this forum and talking about how good things on a channel thats an Israeli mouthpiece.

Rockets still falling on you guys . Even though I am sure you are dodging. Your military service and hiding somewhere as a coward in the west
Yep, that's exactly right. What amazes me is the lack of any consequential thinking from anyone, really. By conducting this genocide and murdering to somehow "destroy Hamas" and not even consider the most certain result in the aftermath is staggering to me. If they think that even if they actually succeed in eliminating Hamas (which won't happen anyway, but let's say it does) do they actually think that will solve the core problem? Do they really think that another group won't rise from the ashes?

The other extreme & disturbing reality is that this murderous rampage by these particular criminals and its supporters will undoubtedly ignite a new and much more lethal rebirthing of terrorism all over the world. I can't imagine them not being aware of that reality -- not possibility, but reality. They know it's coming they can't be blind to it. Are they ignoring it?

Witnessing the backlash all around the world and how it has grown with regular folk protesting and finally waking up to this reality, then think what it's breeding in the "irregular" folk! I can't begin to think of how it's only going to inspire & trigger more violence and terrorism to a level we haven't even begun to see. There might never be another 9/11, but there will unfortunately be other horrible events, most likely on an unprecedented scale as a result of this genocide being perpetrated on innocent people. Add all the other side effects (bigotry, racism, counter-violence etc.) of that terrorism and It's scary.
It depends on what Israel wants to do. If Israel annex Gaza than Palestinian cause will take a significant hit.

Hamas emerged and became strong in Gaza because it is under Palestinian control and Egypt and Iran can support Hamas. This is not surprising.
A claim by an Iranian is good enough for me.
that's news
provide your evidence
Do you think they went for Al qaeda. You are so naive... they were there to control Chinese and Central Asia and they wanted Circle Iran and Chinese and they wanted to control Afghanistan mineral as well and drug export to west to run there miltry complex
This wasn’t the goal of the military but was the goal for the neo-cons to redraw the map and orientation in AFghanistan and Iraq. That didn’t go according to plan but Iraq was partially neutered and not a threat to anybody any more. Heck theg Iraqis couldn’t even stand up to ISIS, let alone be a threat to Israel Once Saddam was gone
They're dropping flyers telling people to go to Egypt:

i don't claim I'm native Arabic speaker but to me it seems they say that people move to south of Gaza strip and there is nothing about Egypt in it

i don't claim I'm native Arabic speaker but to me it seems they say that people move to south of Gaza strip and there is nothing about Egypt in it
Yes I know but it says the whole region of Gaza is a warzone and to go to the south and what they call 'Waadi' Gaza. They want people to cross into Egypt ultimately in a later stage of this genocide campaign.
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