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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Israel's main edge is it's air force. Air power especially with poor air defences can wreck havoc. We need to focus on tackling the air threat. Ground threat more or less is gonna be dealt.

I said that over 2 years ago.

Sentimental statements do not change facts and figures - US is superpower with global reach and footprint.

Step out from that hut of yours and see the world, if you can.

The world doesn't revolve around usa. Sometimes it's difficult to accept reality.
And the same way, muslims countries are behind because they believe on bs logic... Kafir, mujahidin etc...

Practically, such logic only caused more terrorism in their countries and caused more problems around

Most muslim countries are very well educated, referring to only a few.
Don't worry about Muslims countries and what muslim believe. First look in your own house.
Low caste Hindus are not safe even, let alone Muslims, Sikhs, Christians and other minorities. Rss ideology is far worse than any other ideology.
Well it is a lot easier to murder unarmed women attending a music festival for peace
, then taking on the military head on ofcourse….

Gunning down the elderly waiting for the bus. or families driving their car to get groceries. Or children hiding in their Kibbuts house.

Lets see how casualty figures are with the upcoming military response from Israel…
Ironic considering in usual Zionist operations against Palestinians stuck in open air prison of Gaza over 70% of the casualties are usually civilians. Wonder if we ever saw you condemning that

By the way Hamas fighters neutralised dozens of IDF soldiers, police officers and intelligence agents in direct combat, including multiple commanders and colonels, all inside Israel. Unlike Israel which prefers to massacre children by dropping 1000lb bombs from F-15 fighter jets in the sky
you mad Indian wild dog go bark up some other tree

Hindu terrorists are only good at raping their women and taking a sh$t out in the open

Hindu dog only good for barking

when they see Israel wining they jump on the band wagon

Hindu mad dog

@waz @The Eagle @LeGenD

please ban this Indiana dog who has been celebrating the death of Palestinians

these dogs wont waste one opportunity to celebrate death of Muslims ANYWHERE even if it doesn't concern them they do it just out of hate for Muslims

Am I am celebrating?

I am more worrying than you for Palestinian.

You are just jumping for short and small battle victories..

but you not mature enough to understand that what is coming in next few days..

Max 1000 - 2000 israel will be killed, but i am more worry, how many countless Palestinian will be killed.
For the Jordan Peterson supporters (hopefully his Muslim subscribers can unsubscribe to show how they feel)

Jordan Peterson sold his *** to the Jews a while ago. I unsubscribed a long time ago.

Jordan Peterson, ‘lightning rod’ of US culture wars, receives warm embrace in Israel

I wonder whether Indians and Turks will condemn these terrorist acts of Israel or if they are only brave enough to condemn the oppressed

The world doesn't revolve around usa. Sometimes it's difficult to accept reality.
The world is definitely bigger than the US but US is the largest economy in the world and a significant contributor to global economic activity. US is also the most powerful country in the world in military terms.

Take your own advice, bro. You have sentimental points - not facts.

US can crush regional countries like bugs, if it wants to. Stop deluding yourself.
Well it is a lot easier to murder unarmed women attending a music festival for peace
, then taking on the military head on ofcourse….

Gunning down the elderly waiting for the bus. or families driving their car to get groceries. Or children hiding in their Kibbuts house.

Lets see how casualty figures are with the upcoming military response from Israel…

dont show biased response, palestianians are killed the same way.. see stats of 2023 Palestinians civilians killed


shame on you for ignoring the other half of brutality
Its a bit strange that they are allowed to keep their phones with them despite being in captivity.
Not really, their livestream create fear and insecurity among public.
Actually it is pretty smart move
, then taking on the military head on ofcourse….
DOn't worry, killed and kidnapped plenty of Israeli machos, including invading military bases and police stations which have all kinds of equipment including APCs, Tanks, and so on. All this by not a professional established military unlike the so call excellent battle hardened IDF.
So you’re proud of another Islamic terror attack against the world? Hamas will get steamrolled just like Al Qaeda and ISIS.
The false jihadi syndromes wont understand it.either way,,

Hamas chief ks living in UAE, 2 million villa,while he got a swimming pool for his childrens,,🤣🤣👍👍,,,

And the idiots cheering hamas thugs. Back by iran...

Like iran will liberate palestine..🤣🤣

Its just tit for tat,,
Saudia vs iran..
But morons wont admit it..,
They r all happy to see innocent blood spill in streets..
The United States and Britain could carry out carpet bombing campaigns that reduced German and Japanese cities to ash half a century ago.

Why can't Israel do the same and better with modern technology in the Gaza Strip?

The answer here is political will. Israeli leaders do not have the courage to do that, they are afraid of international condemnation
I wonder whether Indians and Turks will condemn these terrorist acts of Israel or if they are only brave enough to condemn the oppressed

Real Turks always stand with the Palestinians dont bother the kemalist scums they dont represent us.
Indeed. US has found a way to damage Russians without firing a shot. This is a strategical masterstroke of Biden administration.
And Russia can do the same 'without firing a shot' by significant support to Palestinians: UNSC Vetos, intelligence sharing, helping via Iran.
NOTHING in America is as sensitive when it comes to foreign policy (with the exception of the Anglosphere) then harm done to Israel. Americans would 'adjust' with Russia here and there.
Mr. Putin: You are cornered. Why not play some cards while you have them??!!!
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