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Gaza-Israel Conflict | October 2023

Indeed. US has found a way to damage Russians without firing a shot. This is a strategical masterstroke of Biden administration.

When you suffered a disastrous defeat against single country having an alliance of 54 countries and 1,5 mil of free cannon fodder, when you ran out of ammo, when you cannt produce more than 10 new tanks per year while Russia is producing 2000, when the whole world is laughing about US military paper tiger, comical sanctions that no one fears anymore, its incompetent generals and senile leaders that bark in impotent rage at Russia that adds swathes of new land to its territory and you cannt do anything about it, when you ran your economy to the brink of bakruptcy with $2 trln budget deficit and having to spend 30% of all government income just to finance interest payments of old debt alone you definately need such LOSERS like you that will COPE HARD about their fantasy reality. 3 days to Azov sea! LOL :lol:
They have these casualties anyway

The reason why Hindus had a thousand years of being conquered was because you are such natural simpering cowards

The Palestinians are under attack anyway z they have their people killed and oppressed and harmed on a daily basis

What can you do them, except murder them at a faster pace then normal

And the same way, muslims countries are behind because they believe on bs logic... Kafir, mujahidin etc...

Practically, such logic only caused more terrorism in their countries and caused more problems around

Most muslim countries are very well educated, referring to only a few.

These graphics are very embarrassing for the occupation regime, but in reality they are nonsense. A small presence of a few dozen Palestinian fighters in certain Israeli towns is impressive enough (especially after 48 hours), but it is very misleading to suggest they control that territory and can press forward.
That much we understand as well anyway its still a great progress for palestinians.
Each Palestinian that dies..their family members want revenge and join the fight. Killing Palestinian citizens will not make Israel safer.
Killing Israeli citizens is also not going to make Gaza safer for Palestinians.
And the same thing was also said when the wall was being built against the suicide bombings of Hamas, but then the world saw that Hamas could not do any more suicide bombings from Gaza or the West Bank.
And now Gaza Strip will be bulldozed and Hamas will not be able to do any rocket launching again.
Crazy that Palestinian fighters are still present inside Israel and battling with IDF forces. Very impressive. Hats off to the Palestinians.

Hamas claims that Ukraine sold them the weapons they used in the attack against Israel.
(The Ukrainian president was the first head of state to declare unconditional support for Israel. )
Puhahaha, the corruption in Ukraine is mind-boggling. They have become a US proxy that has lost its statehood, but they still have a weakness for money, you can buy a brigade of soldiers for a fair price.
Killing Israeli citizens is also not going to make Gaza safer for Palestinians.
And the same thing was also said when the wall was being built against the suicide bombings of Hamas, but then the world saw that Hamas could not do any more suicide bombings from Gaza or the West Bank.
And now Gaza Strip will be bulldozed and Hamas will not be able to do any rocket launching again.
West could sanction israel and saudi .. to prevent massacres
Iran is selling large amounts of Shahed-136 UAVs to Russia, it is not financing anything. In fact, Iran is making money from the export of these drones to Russia. There is no 'strain' on Iran's military by the export of these drones to Russia; quite the opposite.

And I don't think Iranians have forgotten or going to forgive Israel/American killing of Iranian scientists and officials inside Iran and Syria.
Israel has met its equal in Iran: Both ideological entities but only one has the capacity to take large casualties. You remove America (and I don't use the term 'West' because Europe is nothing without America) then Iran will be the eventual victor.
I have no sympathy for savage terrorists and their supporters.
Neither do we for the terrorist state of Israel and its supporter the US of A.
Talk about Pakistan first, about the same issur. sir..

You can and pakistani government only talk and can talk... They don't have ball to physically support Palestinian..

If they will be killed, still be watching from ac rooms in Pakistan

you mad Indian wild dog go bark up some other tree

Hindu terrorists are only good at raping their women and taking a sh$t out in the open

Hindu dog only good for barking

when they see Israel wining they jump on the band wagon

Hindu mad dog

@waz @The Eagle @LeGenD

please ban this Indiana dog who has been celebrating the death of Palestinians

these dogs wont waste one opportunity to celebrate death of Muslims ANYWHERE even if it doesn't concern them they do it just out of hate for Muslims
Crazy that Palestinian fighters are still present inside Israel and battling with IDF forces. Very impressive. Hats off to the Palestinians.

My knowledge is limited on this conflict but I feel Israeli soldiers are probably very low morale and can't withstand intense clashes.

They rely on superior technology and the air force.
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