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Florida Pulse gay club attacked in Orlando - 50 dead and 53 injured

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Normal people die every day throughout the world, and nobody cares. But when someone killed a bunch of faggots, it becomes the number one news.
a jihadist killed a bunch of innocent Americans in America, that is the story here, keep your bigotry aside.
Some ideas are so absurd that they do not deserve even the benefit of being in the hypothetical.
Banning the guns is not an absurd idea...it's being practiced all over the world.
This is about perception, buddy. :enjoy:

If you Muslims have no problems perceiving yourselves as 'soldiers' for Allah, why is it absurd for us infidels to perceive you as guns ?
Go see doctor huh?
Banning the guns is not an absurd idea...it's being practiced all over the world.
It is to US. The right to weapons is in our Constitution. If it is not in yours, that your prerogative. But as long as the right to weapons is philosophically guaranteed to US citizens, then your idea is absurd.

Go see doctor huh?
I make doctors sick.
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Unfortunately, judging from past events, this trend is going to continue unless someone will take lead and stand up to the BS of Leftist imposed political correctness and Universal Egalitarianism. That someone might be Trump, though even if he gets elected i doubt four years of a Trump presidency would change 70 years of Leftist infiltration of American society. Maybe we're doomed. I hope not, but lets wait and see.

The wolf doesn't abstain from attacking a sheep because it's vulnerable. Only the sheepdog keeps the wolf at bay. And until that sheepdog is allowed to do its job, the sheep will remain vulnerable to the wolf's attacks.

Reminds me of this scene from American Sniper
(notice how his description of the sheep fits the modern day Leftists/Liberals of the West :lol:):

History is repeating itself. Those who refuse to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
The irony here is that the right wing that you represent and clamor for is just as hateful of the LGBT community as this individual was. The right wing is just as homophobes but are getting political mileage out of this incident now that the culprit turned out to be a muslim. Other wise this could have been as easily one of the right wing nut jobs.
It is to US. The right to weapons is in our Constitution. If it is not in yours, that your prerogative. But as long as the right to weapons is philosophically guaranteed to US citizens, then your idea is absurd.

Which brings us to what i said earlier.

- Either create a system where you can detect crazy mofos and not allow them to have weapons.
- If you can't create such a system, don't give guns to civilians.
- If you say, it's the right of every US citizen to have a gun....then these incidents will continue to happen.
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It may be a Trump setup.. Or by some guys who benefits from Trump's presidency. II am not a conspiracy guy but in the USA nothing seems as the way it's to me anymore.
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How do you know they are crazy ?
The guy was a known lunatic,wasnt he?
They reported that authorities knew that he was a mental case,so how can such a guy be allowed to buy guns?
We Turks should keep out of American politics. We may become their next target if they get too desperate for a new frontier. They will create millions of refugees with their adventures, this will help spread the extremist radical Wahhabi ideology after the vacuum craeted in these war torn countries. Some retards behind a screen with an iq below 70 in the West who can barely type words swallow the Wahhabi sh!t on the internet after witnessing America's unjust wars and spray his bullets at random targets.

Americans should be better at self-criticism. With this mentality you guys are going towards your own demise. Once you were the country of progress and scientific advancement. You are losing edge due to your adventures world wide orchestrated by retarded politicians bought by oligarchs- in fact America is an indirect oligrarchy today. The Bush administration demonstrated that
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