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Florida Pulse gay club attacked in Orlando - 50 dead and 53 injured

Provide enough proof about Indian Government link to his father and then talk about the syndrome Indians have

Leaving aside the argument about invalid proof, But you posting ridiculing comment about people with downs syndrome makes you out to be even a bigger moron and highly uncalled for

There are better more sensible ways of making your point
This is true. For example, the Paris attack mastermind (Abdeslam) was in fact very well known in Belgium. People know, they just don't want to say anything.

Society-at-large knows that certain people know beforehand and choose not to do anything. The key is to encourage such people to come forward and do their civic duty to protect others. This change in attitude will take some time to accomplish, but it will happen, of that I am sure.

How do you differentiate between a hater and a potential killer?

The profiles are quite distinguishable. However, this is still a learning process before predictive algorithms will be refined to increase their effectiveness. This is a work-in-progress for now.
I hear you (and agree mostly and thank you for your time) but I don't see it as a religious problem but a human behavioural problem

something else will replace this genocidal and violent tendency.. ultra nationalism, racism or anti-theism Gangez Khan or Nazis, Stalin didn't burden themselves from having to justify their genocides .. they termed it as a logical thing to do. its a human nature to become genocidal towards lesser races. A sense of superiority

when he is confident of being superior in every aspect then he must eliminate all lesser selves of his kind to purify the gene pool & so seeking absolution and perfection he seeks out to eliminate all lesser beings

oh by the way, this death cult is an experiment of our Western governments and their Arab Allies.. the top tier of Daesh consists of atheist members of Sadam's military. Islam is just a convenient mascot for them. its a happy coincidence for them that they find response and support among the Muslim extremists.

I will try to explain how Islam is different from other faiths in its dealing with extremists & literals.
let me end my argument with a short mention of a fight between Ali (3rd Islamic caliph) and Kharjites.. who were absolute in their literal interpretation and saw no room for moderation and declared war on entire Islam (to them everyone else was a kafir who didn't accept their interpretation) they were defeated repeatedly over the course of history but resurfaced again and again and were predicted to resurface with black flags again to spill the blood like water.

religion is a tool of convenience. it was used successfully in Afghanistan against the soviets. and yet again it is being used perfectly against the last remaining pro Russian regimes (i.e Syria & Iran). I am sorry but I cant dispel my doubts about the authenticity of Daesh.. its a lab creature of world powers who are redrawing the middle eastern map. these scumbags wont stand a chance if the world power are sincere in taking them out.
Hey man hazrat Ali (r.a) was the fourth caliph of islam
What the f**k was the purpose of killing so many innocents who had nothing to do with anything else and who were just enjoying their weekend? Effing ISIS needs to be carpet bombed and their internet and everything else they use to brainwash people in the West should be blocked permanently. We can't afford Americans getting attacked every few months.

I don't think this incident is related with ISIS....once in a while in US, some crazy mofo sprays his machine gun over innocent souls...

As i see, this is the price you have to pay, for giving any kinds of weapons to US citizens without any constraint. Out of millions of people there will be some mofos like this and the previous ones.

This is not the first and will be the last incident with the gun laws you have.
All Abrahamic faith are clear on position regarding homosexuality, it has no relation to Middle East oil or Saudi Arabia or anything mate. I'm not anti-Islam, I equally criticize all these religions. I just believe humans no longer need these religions. And we can't claim everything is just 'extremist' interpretation, as if the God who made revealed this books made so many mistakes and wasn't sure what he is presenting.

Exactly. As per the Quran, homosexuality is a sin and is condemned - but there is no punishment to be dealt out to them - certainly not death.

They have legitimized forbidden things in their religion and gave religion entire new meaning. If they truly believed in their God, they would not absolutely disregard him in that way, and put words in his mouth. They do so, because they don't actually believe such a God is real, nor do they believe in hell or heaven, let alone an afterlife. Which means they believe religion is man made, and are at least agnostic if not atheist. So if everyone is agnostic, why not identify as such? Because religion still gives them material benefit, power and influence. They took what they need from it, and dumped the core of it.

And the Muslims created the hadith and sunnah, soon after the prophet's death. Contrary to what you've claimed, Hadith and sunnah are not essential to Islam, nor do they form 50% of Islam - but you're right if you're talking about the version of "Islam" a majority of the Muslim world follows.

So yes, Muslims have disregarded the word of God (Quran) and cling to man-made heresay (Hadith & Sunnah).
. .
I don't think this incident is related with ISIS....once in a while in US, some crazy mofo sprays his machine gun over innocent souls...

As i see, this is the price you have to pay, for giving any kinds of weapons to US citizens without any constraint. Out of millions of people there will be some mofos like this and the previous ones.

This is not the first and will be the last incident with the gun laws you have.
It's not the gun laws. Stop blaming the guns for once. Gun's don't get up and start shooting people. It's criminals who do that. This guy and his family had a history of sympathizing with militant extremist organizations but authorities failed to act because they didn't want to prosecute a Muslim who said a couple of homophobic hateful things. Look at France and Belgium, those countries have very tough gun laws yet terrorists managed to get their hands on full auto assault rifles and explosives.

If you think law abiding American citizens are going to surrender their Constitutional right to own firearms just because some Muslim from the Middle East couldn't control his urge to become a terrorist then you're in for a surprise. It's more likely that American Muslims will be viewed with even more suspicion now and slowly stripped of their certain constitutional rights. Don't expect rest of America to suffer just because Muslims can't get their act straight.
. .
Leaving aside the argument about invalid proof, But you posting ridiculing comment about people with downs syndrome makes you out to be even a bigger moron and highly uncalled for

There are better more sensible ways of making your point

Person A : Talked about some syndrome Indians Have
Person B (Me) : Asked him to provide enough proof about what he said instead of talking about syndrome
Person C (You) : Accuses me of ridiculing people with downs syndrome

I will leave it to the @mods to assume who is the biggest moron here
It's not the gun laws. Stop blaming the guns for once. Gun's don't get up and start shooting people. It's criminals who do that. This guy and his family had a history of sympathizing with militant extremist organizations but authorities failed to act because they didn't want to prosecute a Muslim who said a couple of homophobic hateful things. Look at France and Belgium, those countries have very tough gun laws yet terrorists managed to get their hands on full auto assault rifles and explosives.

If you think law abiding American citizens are going to surrender their Constitutional right to own firearms just because some Muslim from the Middle East couldn't control his urge to become a terrorist then you're in for a surprise. It's more likely that American Muslims will be viewed with even more suspicion now and slowly stripped of their certain constitutional rights. Don't expect rest of America to suffer just because Muslims can't get their act straight.
First of all, I'm not blaming the guns...what i'm saying is, if you allow maniac people to access such weaponry, there will be always incidents like this.

Be it a Muslim.

Or, some kid who got angry because he can't get laid.

Or by some people who doesn't have really a motive.

I'm saying as long as citizens of US have full access to fire arms, this incidents will continue to happen.

And i'm not suggesting anything...it's their country, their decision.
First of all, I'm not blaming the guns...what i'm saying is, if you allow maniac people to access such weaponry, there will be always incidents like this.
How would you know someone is a 'maniac' to start ? What do you want to do, perform psyche test on the entire population ? You call Mateen a 'maniac' after the fact. After he killed. If you want to be called a 'Dr', there are things you must prove to current Drs. that you have earned the privilege to be in their ranks. Same idea with being a soldier, an athlete, a plumber, or an actor. But how do you expect us to know if someone has within himself 'extremist' religious views with intent on committing violence against those who do not shares his beliefs ?
How would you know someone is a 'maniac' to start ? What do you want to do, perform psyche test on the entire population ? You call Mateen a 'maniac' after the fact. After he killed. If you want to be called a 'Dr', there are things you must prove to current Drs. that you have earned the privilege to be in their ranks. Same idea with being a soldier, an athlete, a plumber, or an actor. But how do you expect us to know if someone has within himself 'extremist' religious views with intent on committing violence against those who do not shares his beliefs ?
I don't know. :meeting: I'm not an expert on this issue, not a law-maker or a psychiatrist. I don't know the best solution for US.

I'm just sharing my opinion. But not every country in the world being haunted by mass killings done by it's citizens...
not every country in the world being haunted by mass killings done by it's citizens...
but many countries are being haunted by jihadist killings, yours and mine included.
. .

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