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Ex CIA officer on IAF strike on NLI's Munto Dhalo Depot.

Afghans- Pakistan fired 400 missiles on Kunar
Indians- We killed 300 Pakistani soldiers by dropping one bomb

Afghan Indian brotherhood Zindabad along with Charas, Marijuana and Opium Zindabad.
Yeah highly unlikely, besides that fact Mujahideen never even concentrated in one spot with such numbers in the hundreds. I mean I understand Indians want to believe this but surely some of the critical thinking Indians have to be skeptical about this highly implausible claim.
Don't talk frikkin nonsense when you know squat about what actually happened. There were NO 'Mujahideen' (Terrorists). These were troops of the Northern Light Infantry, though some terrorists were being used as porters. Troops from the Special Services Group as well as seven battalions of the Northern Light Infantry and supporting services for logistics etc took part in the operations.

You still don't wanna believe it? Then how the dickens were two Pak soldiers awarded the Nishan-E-Haider (Pakistan's highest military honour) and another 90 soldiers given gallantry awards, most of them posthumously? :P

Do some research before blabbering. But then, old habits die hard! Your twaddle therefore would most likely continue unabated.
Indian have been spinning stories about kargil since the real truth is that indians were caught with their pants down

The heights were taken by Pakistani allied forces and for the first few rounds in the fight indians didnt know what was hitting them , the lost patrols , they lost helis they basically lost a lot of face since they were caught sleeping on the front.

India took disproportionately large casualties in this conflict since they were caught unprepared and when they realised what had happened their first response was to rush in more troops to the area but they just got chopped up on the mountain slopes.

Even conservative estimates would put the Indian death toll in excess of 1000 ... the Israelis rushed to save the Indians as they chould see that this will lead to india’s capitulation and Pakistan being the decisive victor in the Kashmir conflict , the Israeli goal is to keep conflicts alive in the Muslim lands hence they got the indian jets ready.

By then due to Internal and external politics the orders to pull back was already in place and Pakistan took losses in the withdrawal phase.

Since then Indian Army has had to spin a lot of stories to cover up their incompetence in kargil , this is the latest in that series to **** and bull stories.

You are part right India indeed was caught sleeping.

u r also part wrong, if you read the first post , its a carnegie endowment report based on CIA spy sat imagery and an ex CIA expose. So its not from Indian sources, as for the fake victories declared.....that was in the case of the PA generals narratives similar to what they did through out the 71 war.

Indian media was quite hawkish during Kargil and all reports were genuine and based on live feeds captured during the course of the on camera war.
Great work done by IAF.

Imagine destruction created by CBU-105 senosr-fused weapon when dropped from Jaguar:azn:
..if LGBs bombs dropped by Mirage-2000s can kill 300 PA troops with 1 blast.

CBU-105 from Jaguar would kill over 30 PA tanks, 60 APCs or 3,000 PA troops in a single blast. IAF
orders 512 such bombs.
WOW .. good Job by IAF. 300 dead terrorists in one shot ... :WOOT:

They weren't terrorists. They were soldiers following orders of their superiors. You can call those guys terrorists, but unless these grunt start messing with civilians, i dont think they warrant that term

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Seriously if there was a 300 in one strike, which I thought was the stuff of Bollywood, if this were true PAF would have been dispatched immediately and this war would have gone to the next level with bombing raids on Indian positions in Kashmir. This information is just an exaggeration. Fudged up numbers to make it look more impressive.

If this author wrote 3,000 in one strike Indians would believe that too, irrespective of the fact of there probably weren't that many militants involved and besides they wouldn't concentrate that many in numbers in one spot.

If you had the patience to read anything more than headlines, which you evidently don't, from the depth of your comments, you might have read Kaiser Tufail's account of why the PAF did not intervene. You might have known about the crippling shortages of spares which kept your planes from flying into combat.

But then you don't have the patience.
Seriously if there was a 300 in one strike, which I thought was the stuff of Bollywood, if this were true PAF would have been dispatched immediately and this war would have gone to the next level with bombing raids on Indian positions in Kashmir. This information is just an exaggeration. Fudged up numbers to make it look more impressive.

If this author wrote 3,000 in one strike Indians would believe that too, irrespective of the fact of there probably weren't that many militants involved and besides they wouldn't concentrate that many in numbers in one spot.

Secondly, these were not militants but NLI soldiers; it is a long time ago that Pakistan grudgingly accepted that it was lying in its teeth calling these soldiers militants.

Third, this was a supply depot, not a bunker. The people concentrated were responsible for supplying forward positions.
300 dead are huge dead by just dropping two LGB's- wonder they carry such fire power-
A total of 9 fire fired during Kargil-

The point being? That this sounds like the tailor who killed seven at one blow? Very incisive, and totally effective.

After you have got your shoulder blade back in position, think of one of the two hitting a munition dump. Which is what happened, from the sound and light effects.
Yeah highly unlikely, besides that fact Mujahideen never even concentrated in one spot with such numbers in the hundreds. I mean I understand Indians want to believe this but surely some of the critical thinking Indians have to be skeptical about this highly implausible claim.

Mujahideen? Don't they tell you what the official line is, from time to time? And never concentrated at supply depots? Are there any critical thinking Pakistanis reading the account? If not, any thinking Pakistanis at least?
300 is the rough strength of a single unit ... the deploymet is usually in the from of unit hq , company hq , platoon hq .. all sliding backwards from the front line , with the platoons right at the front.

Its total bakwas that 300 troops would all be packed in one place , in the open in in an active war ... indian cow cola must induce some very strong halucinations.

You must be a senior member of the strategic planning elements in the military. Or you went and kissed the blarney stone, you naughty boy. Or you didn't notice that an ammunition dump was involved. Or that at a supply depot, troops carrying supplies to the front lines have to gather in one spot to collect the supplies.
Indian have been spinning stories about kargil since the real truth is that indians were caught with their pants down

The heights were taken by Pakistani allied forces and for the first few rounds in the fight indians didnt know what was hitting them , the lost patrols , they lost helis they basically lost a lot of face since they were caught sleeping on the front.

India took disproportionately large casualties in this conflict since they were caught unprepared and when they realised what had happened their first response was to rush in more troops to the area but they just got chopped up on the mountain slopes.

Even conservative estimates would put the Indian death toll in excess of 1000 ... the Israelis rushed to save the Indians as they chould see that this will lead to india’s capitulation and Pakistan being the decisive victor in the Kashmir conflict , the Israeli goal is to keep conflicts alive in the Muslim lands hence they got the indian jets ready.

By then due to Internal and external politics the orders to pull back was already in place and Pakistan took losses in the withdrawal phase.

Since then Indian Army has had to spin a lot of stories to cover up their incompetence in kargil , this is the latest in that series to **** and bull stories.

As I keep reading your posts, my vote is for the blarney stone.
Afghans- Pakistan fired 400 missiles on Kunar
Indians- We killed 300 Pakistani soldiers by dropping one bomb

Afghan Indian brotherhood Zindabad along with Charas, Marijuana and Opium Zindabad.

Ummm - didn't happen to read the OP or the author's identity, did you? Perhaps that might help you. Rather than telling us what opiates' names you might know.

Any non indian source?-

Didn't read who wrote the original?
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