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Ex CIA officer on IAF strike on NLI's Munto Dhalo Depot.

lol @ 300 dead in one strike .. mere tall tales that indians like pulling out of their own tails :lol:

rember this guy who got shot down


he looks very incompotent and these are the people that fly IAF plane

300 in one strike ? not a chance in hell
lol @ 300 dead in one strike .. mere tall tales that indians like pulling out of their own tails :lol:

rember this guy who got shot down


he looks very incompotent and these are the people that fly IAF plane

300 in one strike ? not a chance in hell
Tell that to the dead NLI men
fake made up claim of the indian wind force :lol:

troll as much you can.. we are not here to convince you.. For us the reality is crystal clear !! more than 300 odd officers were left to fend for themselves coz their superior lacked the balls to send reinforcements for them.. What a pity !!!

The gullible pakistanis think that their shupar dupah Army backed down due to US pressure ? That complete line of explaination is utter BS !! Don't tell that the PA never thought of a possible US pressure on them when they were planning the misadventure.. ???
LoL - I recall the poor indian soldiers whimpering like little girls - crying out for their mothers - when we opened fire on their poorly planned frontal assaults. Some of our boys attempted to give them water, risking their own lives, the smell of a thousand latrines as the poor indians were systematically - eaten by dogs, and consumed by maggots.

The smell will never be forgotten, as the vast swarms of beetles and fly's that made it look like some sort of moving carpet, the indian officers - who's name tags could be clearly seen through the scope, who's brains were distributed over the mountain with a head shot.

We still control peaks that can shut down vital enemy highway's and we killed hundreds of soldiers.

One can imagine being a loser sucks. But then, one will get used to it since they are always a loser.

Post reported btw !!
fake made up claim of the indian wind force :lol:

Well,what ever helps you to sleep at night with your wet dreams.But this kind of incident is in no way impossible-massive concentration of ammunitions and explosives in small place.A single accurately placed bomb can be devastating in that situation.Same thing happened to those ill fated NLI troopers at that fatefull day.
Nice operation by the IAF, is it appopriate to thank Israel as well for promptly fitting out Indian jets with equipment for high altitude mountain warfare?
Why exactly is this "fake" because it is a little inconvenient? Because it is a little shameful?

the statement that in a single encounter there were 300 casulties on Pakistan's side due to 'carefull placed' 1000 pound bombs is ABSLOUTE rubbsih

A 1,000 lb bomb has :

Lethal blast range - 28 meters
Blast shrapnel range - 600 feet
Fragmentation range - 3,000 feet
Effective casualty radius - 200 meters ( wounded )

The story is just hog wash that a few of these can cause 300 casulties in a camp , that from the aerial photo looks to be spread out well over a mile ( the pictures look fake to strat with though )
What evidence is there for this? We do know Indian army falsified battle records and encounters such as this exaggerating figures etc. Besides, how would an Ex-CIA officer know the details of this war, he wouldn't have such detailed information.
Well,what ever helps you to sleep at night with your wet dreams.But this kind of incident is in no way impossible-massive concentration of ammunitions and explosives in small place.A single accurately placed bomb can be devastating in that situation.Same thing happened to those ill fated NLI troopers at that fatefull day.

if this was a war zone , you can bet your bottom that 300 troops would be concentrated in one location
the statement that in a single encounter there were 300 casulties on Pakistan's side due to a 1000 pound bomnd is ABSLOUTE rubbsih

A 1,000 lb bomb has :

Lethal blast range - 28 meters
Blast shrapnel range - 600 feet
Fragmentation range - 3,000 feet
Effective casualty radius - 200 meters ( wounded )

The story is just hog wash that a few of these can cause 300 casulties in a camp , that from the aerial photo looks to be spread out well over a mile ( the pictures look fake to strat with though )

Exactly, besides mountains can disperse bomb shock better than flat ground as well. I think the figures here are highly exaggerated. At no time in Kargil did the Kashmiri Mujahideen ever concentrated hundreds of fighters in one location that's how they successfully penetrated into Kashmir.
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