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Ethnic Cleansing of Muslims in Assam

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Mar 30, 2010
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Meanwhile in secular India. Just posting the link to the report, since it is a long report, so not posting the whole article. But it is a very good article and worthy to be read completely. Do read about this massacre guys.

In a decade when the Muslim population in Assam grew by 29.30 percent, in the erstwhile Sidli Revenue Circle of Kokrajhar district, and now a part of Chirang, Muslim population declined by an alarming -49.89 percent.

Ethnic Cleansing of Muslims in Assam | Bodo Ethnic Conflict
@cb4 @Leader @Azlan @Patriots @W.11 @Zarvan @Secur @RangerPK @alibaz @Bamxa @474474 @Pak123 @SUPARCO @farhan_9909 @TheOccupiedKashmir @faisal6309 @baqai @SHAMK9 @shan @WAQAS119 @Armstrong @RazPaK @Aeronaut @friendly_troll96 @JonAsad @LoveIcon
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Meanwhile in secular India. Just posting the link to the report, since it is a long report, so not posting the whole article. But it is a very good article and worthy to be read completely. Do read about this massacre guys.

What can you expect from these people? They look like walking dead bodies to me, and sometimes I wonder if these people have any soul?

From what I can learn from this is, that Muslims need to collect and keep fire arms in their houses, so they can become hard to rule and regulate. Sort of like the American constitution. Right to own fire arms. You can not rule Americans against their will because they have enough fire arms to protect their lives, family, property and dignity.
Stop spreading your B.S these guys have migrated to cities as they always do. These guys first cross the border illegal abtain the Indian identity, buy some house or make permanent base, then they migrate to cities for work.

Meanwhile in secular India. Just posting the link to the report, since it is a long report, so not posting the whole article. But it is a very good article and worthy to be read completely. Do read about this massacre guys.

Ethnic Cleansing of Muslims in Assam | Bodo Ethnic Conflict
@cb4 @Leader @Azlan @Patriots @W.11 @Zarvan @Secur @RangerPK @alibaz @Bamxa @474474 @Pak123 @SUPARCO @farhan_9909 @TheOccupiedKashmir @faisal6309 @baqai @SHAMK9 @shan @WAQAS119 @Armstrong @RazPaK @Aeronaut @friendly_troll96 @JonAsad @LoveIcon
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Stop spreading your B.S these guys have migrated to cities as they always do. These guys first cross the border illegal abtain the Indian identity, buy some house or make permanent base, then they migrate to cities for work.

Tell the author of the report about this. Not me. :)
I think Bodo majority districts of Assam should be made as a new state Bodoland separate from Assam that would help in solving majority of the regions problem :)
Tell the author of the report about this. Not me. :)

These people are delusional, retarded and schizophrenic as always. If you present them with the truth, they would go into their LaLa land where they would make up fake stories to protect their fragile retarded egos from reality.

But then again, it doesn't matter what they do, from what I understand, the only proper way to deal with these with people is with an upper hand, a gun pointing at their doted foreheads. Perhaps, one of the best ways to have peace with them.
Well we did have to call in the army at Nellie, the Assamese can get very volatile if they feel that they are being dicked with- specially those who hail from the Nagaon distrcit.
These people are delusional, retarded and schizophrenic as always. If you present them with the truth, they would go into their LaLa land where they would make up fake stories to protect their fragile retarded egos from reality.

But then again, it doesn't matter what they do, from what I understand, the only proper way to deal with these with people is with an upper hand, a gun pointing at their doted foreheads. Perhaps, one of the best ways to have peace with them.

Is what you people are trying to do all these years :), check the stats in the article they are pointing at 101% which is huge percentage of growth this is not birth rate but due to illegal migration, why would these guys stay there when they crossed illegally into India, they simply migrate for their needs and work to cities. B.S article.
What nonsense, anyone can make websites for a couple of bucks and start writing bullshit, doesn't make it credible.

This is the other website made by the commie clown.

Myths of Bangladeshi in Assam

He is treading on thin ice here, you don't spread anti BODO propoganda in BODO land. Commies trying to corner Muslim votes in Assam, not surprising at all.
I am still shocked to see hundreds of millions of Hindu Extremists all over India cheering for a facist Hindu Terrorist party, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). Yet, they come and preach us what good and bad Muslim is.

India is probably the most racist country in the world today, more racist than even Nazi Germany.

One simply cannot imagine the Hindu terror being inflicted on the millions of people belonging to minority groups in India, how they must be living in fear - wondering whether their children will survive the genocide they might face the next day or not.

Thoo - SUPARCO spits on India's flag.
Tell the author of the report about this. Not me. :)

since you are the one who posted the article on PDF and you think whatever author of this random unknown internet blog has claimed (without any evidence to back it up as usual) to be completely valid that the onus is on you to refute the point @Srinivas made and if you can't then next time please don't bother to open thread about issues you have idea about.
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since you are the one who posted the article on PDF and you think whatever author of this random unknown internet blog has claimed (without any evidence to back it up as usual) to be completely valid that the onus is on you to refute the point @Srinivas made and if you can't then next time please don't bother to open thread about issues you have idea about.

For me all this cheering on the internet for the r@scal in your avatar makes me believe that the report is true. The report has many credible proofs too. Otherwise @Srinivas should contact the author of the report and inform him about his "valuable" views. :)

About opening threads, I would open whatever I would like too. I don't need to ask you or require your permission to open threads on this forum. Thanks.
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