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Escort services thrive on social media

So you think anyone who can do anything, but instead chose to restrain and constrain his desires are not as smart as you are.

What is the purpose of doing anything following your instinct? May be taking pleasure only in life that you call freedom. And no contribution to the society and mankind.
So you think anyone who can do anything, but instead chose to restrain and constrain his desires are not as smart as you are.

What is the purpose of doing anything following your instinct? May be taking pleasure only in life that you call freedom. And no contribution to the society and mankind.

This is why the atheist-materialist leftism is very destructive to society in a nutshell.

When it is believed this life is the only existence, the responsibility becomes to grow the ego and satiate only the self's immediate needs. It is very Nihilist + Fatalist (especially bad combo) in the essence, there is essentially no greater purpose at all. Such people left to their devices start to rip their own selves apart too (when they have finished doing such to all others around them), because they cannot understand what that is inside them that craves purpose and faith....like why do they love or even have emotions still, but why it can never be proven in absolute way.

The ability to take larger responsibilities (beyond just the self's desires), accept pain and strife of that, with much patience for reward (and ability to accept it can come often only beyond this life) naturally comes easier when the mind, heart and soul are oriented to similar larger timeframes and existence. This is the essence of all Faith (accepting much of the greatest forces are unseen/unproven, but cognisance of their existence...leading to ultimate purpose and responsibility of the free will itself).

This is why the greatest philosophers (past religion) were those like Plato, Aristotle and Kant....compared to those like Hegel and Nietzsche (though the latter is at least quite frank about the social utility of faith, and cliff precipice that is nihilism).
Where do you get that info prostitution is legal in Bangladesh ?Bd has one of the biggest brothel doesn't mean its legal .YABA is available too and other drugs doesn't mean they are legal.Only a very few western countries where prostitution is legal .Even a country like sweden where prostitution selling is legal but buying is illegal. A prostitute can stand on the street for customer and is legal but the police can arrest the customer while buying sex .Go checkout .The law enforcement agencies raid on the hotels on a regular basis not just for blackmailing or harassment .Don't be over confident or you will get caught in hand and your face will be broadcast in TV .

Why r u spreading lies here? U don't like the fact that prostitution is legal in Bangladesh,fine......there r many in Bangladesh who has issues with the legal status of Prostitution for various reasons. But don't spread false information. Secondly, u wont have to worry about me getting caught on camera. This is the problem with guys like u. When u run out of ideas, u start getting personal.

Prostitution has been legal in Bangladesh for quite sometime now. Yes, its discouraged as a profession but not illegal. Ur example of prostitutes getting caught in hotels to prove ur claim of prostitution being illegal in Bangladesh is as hilarious as it can get.

Go and try to sell alcohol in ur local restaurant. U will get caught and will be thrown behind the bars, but that does not necessarily mean selling alcohol is illegal in Bangladesh. U will have to have special permission to sell it. Same with prostitution. People cant take it as a profession before a certain age and will need special permit. Brothels will also need to have special license to carry out their business and the caretaker of the brothel cant keep possession of any woman through sell or rent or cant keep woman against her will. U don't know about these, fine. But don't spread false information.

An old news. But relevant
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রাজধানীতে মেইল এসকর্ট সার্ভিস; টাকার বিনিময়ে নারীদের সঙ্গী হন তারা!
প্রকাশঃ মে ২, ২০১৮


প্রতীকী ছবি
বিডিমর্নিং ডেস্ক-

সাধারণত যৌনকর্মী হিসেবে নারীদের কথা প্রায় সবার জানা থাকলেও পুরুষ এসকর্টদের সম্পর্কে পুরোপুরি ধারণা নেই অনেকের। তবে সম্প্রতি ঢাকায় পুরুষ যৌনকর্মীদের তথ্য পেয়েছেন সিটিটিসি’র সাইবার ক্রাইম ইউনিট। যারা মেইল এসকোর্ট নামে পরিচিত।

সিটিটিসি’ তথ্য মতে এসব মেইল এসকোর্টরা প্রত্যেকেই সুদর্শন। লম্বা, ফর্সা। ইংরেজিতে দক্ষ। বয়স ২৫ থেকে ৩৫ বছর। পেশাদার যৌনকর্মী। ভার্চুয়াল জগতে ছদ্মনামে পরিচিত তারা। ঢাকায় রয়েছে এরকম শতাধিক মেইল এসকর্ট। তাদের মধ্যে প্রায় অর্ধশত ছেলের তথ্য পেয়েছেন সিটিটিসি’র সাইবার ক্রাইম ইউনিট।

সম্প্রতি গ্রেফতার হয়েছেনে এসব মেইল এসকর্টের এক যুবককে।২৫ বছর বয়সী ওই যুবক সাব্বির আহমেদ নামে মেইল এসকর্ট হিসেবে পরিচিত। তার প্রকৃত নাম আবদুল হাকিম। উচ্চতা পাঁচ ফুট দশ ইঞ্চি।

জিজ্ঞাসাবাদে এসকর্ট জীবনের শুরু থেকে বর্তমান সময়ের নানা তথ্য দিয়েছে হাকিম। এসকর্ট ব্যবসার জন্য ছদ্মনামে ফেসবুকে এডমিন হিসেবে পাঁচটি পেইজ পরিচালনা করতো। নারী ক্লায়েন্টদের আকৃষ্ট করতে এ সংক্রান্ত বিজ্ঞাপন প্রমোট করতো।

‘ডিয়ার লেডিস, আর ইউ লোনলি হাউজওয়াইফ, ডিভোর্সেড লেডি, সিঙ্গেল গার্ল, ফরেনার লেডি? লুকিং ফর ফুল বডি ম্যাসেজ, ট্রাভেল, ফান সার্ভিস, পাসটাইম? উইথ ফুললি প্রাইভেসি অ্যান্ড সিক্রেসি। প্লিজ কন্টাক্ট মি। হোপ ইউ উইল গেট হাই সেটিসফেকশন উইথ মি। ফিল ফ্রি টু ইনবক্স মি। সো লেডিস…। অনলি ফর লেডিস।’ এভাবেই সামাজিক যোগাযোগ মাধ্যমের বিভিন্ন পেইজে বিজ্ঞাপন দিয়ে নারীদের আকৃষ্ট করে তারা। এর বাইরে নারীদের ফেসবুকের ইনবক্সেও পাঠানো হতো এ সংক্রান্ত ক্ষুদেবার্তা। ক্ষুদেবার্তা-বিজ্ঞাপনের সূত্রধরেই হাকিমের ডাক পড়তো অভিজাত এলাকার নারীদের বাসায়।

পরবর্তী যোগাযোগ হতো হোয়াটসঅ্যাপে। নির্দিষ্ট সময়ে, নির্দিষ্ট স্থানে সুন্দর পোশাকে সেজেগুজে অপেক্ষা করতো হাকিম। অতঃপর দেখা হয় নির্দিষ্ট নারীর সঙ্গে। তাদের সঙ্গে রাতযাপন করে ফিরতেন আট থেকে ১০ হাজার টাকা নিয়ে। এসব নারীরা মূলত উচ্চবিত্তশালী। কেউ কেউ ভিনদেশি। সামাজিক যোগাযোগ মাধ্যমে এডমিন হিসেবে অন্তত পাঁচটি এডাল্ট পেইজ পরিচালনা করতো আবদুল হাকিম। এসব পেইজে জাহিদ হাসান, সায়মা হক ও তানভীর আহমেদ নামেও এডমিন রয়েছে।

জিজ্ঞাসাবাদে হাকিম জানিয়েছে, অর্থের নেশাই তাকে বিপথগামী করেছে। এইচএসসি পাস যুবক আবদুল হাকিম অল্পতেই বিপুল অর্থের মালিক হতে হাঁটতে থাকে ভিন্নপথে। ইংরেজি লেখায়-বলায় ও কম্পিউটারে পারদর্শী হাকিম কয়েক বছর আগে কাজ নেয় রাজধানীর পল্টনের একটি দোকানে। কম্পিউটারের ওই দোকানে মূলত অনুবাদের কাজ করতো হাকিম। বেশিরভাগ সময় কাটাতো কম্পিউটারে-ইন্টারনেটে। সামাজিক যোগাযোগ মাধ্যমে পরিচয় হয় চট্টগ্রামের ব্যবসায়ী, চট্টগ্রাম চেম্বার অব কমার্সের সদস্য মাহতাব রফিকের সঙ্গে। ব্যবসায়ী রফিকের কাছে কাজ খুঁজছিলো হাকিম।

মাহতাব রফিক তাকে ফিমেইল এসকর্ট প্রোভাইডার হিসেবে কাজ করতে পরামর্শ দেয়। এতে বসে বসেই প্রতিদিন হাজার হাজার টাকা আয় করা সম্ভব বলে জানায় মাহতাব রফিক। ব্যস, সেই অন্ধকার পথেই হাঁটতে থাকে হাকিম। বিভিন্ন মাধ্যমে ফিমেইল এসকর্টদের সঙ্গে যোগাযোগ করে। ফিমেইল এসকর্টদের মুখঢাকা ছবি-বিজ্ঞাপন প্রচার করে মাহতাব রফিকের এসকর্ট সংক্রান্ত ওয়েবসাইট। ক্লায়েন্ট যোগাযোগ করে। এভাবেই জড়িয়ে যায় অনৈতিক বাণিজ্যে।

ভিনদেশি নারী ও দেশের মধ্যে ওয়েস্টার্ন কালচারে বেড়ে ওঠা নারীদের কথা চিন্তা করেই ফিমেইল এসকর্টের পাশাপাশি শুরু করে মেইল এসকর্টের কাজ। নিজের যৌবন ও শরীরকে কাজে লাগিয়ে রাতারাতি এক শ্রেণির নারীদের কাছেও প্রিয় হয়ে উঠে হাকিম।

গত ২২শে এপ্রিল আদালতে হাজির করা হয় হাকিমকে। আদালত তাকে জেল হাজতে পাঠিয়েছেন। হাকিমের বাসা গোড়ানে। স্ত্রী ও এক সন্তান নিয়ে তার পরিবার। সিরাজগঞ্জের এক কৃষক পরিবারের সন্তান হাকিম। তিন ভাইয়ের মধ্যে ছোট। এক ভাই চাকরি করেন বিশেষ একটি বাহিনীতে, আরেক ভাই পুলিশে এএসআই পদে কর্মরত।

সিটিটিসি’র সাইবার ক্রাইম ইউনিটের সহকারী পুলিশ কমিশনার ইশতিয়াক আহমেদ বলেন, অনলাইনে বিজ্ঞাপন দিয়ে, পেইজ, আইডিসহ নানাভাবে অনৈতিক কার্যকলাপে জড়িতদের বিষয়ে আমরা তদন্ত করছি। ইতিমধ্যে মেইল এসকর্ট হাকিমসহ ১২ জনকে গ্রেপ্তার করেছি। তাদের দেয়া তথ্য যাচাই-বাছাই করে জড়িত অন্যদের বিরুদ্ধেও ব্যবস্থা গ্রহণ করা হবে বলে জানান তিনি।
Why r u spreading lies here? U don't like the fact that prostitution is legal in Bangladesh,fine......there r many in Bangladesh who has issues with the legal status of Prostitution for various reasons. But don't spread false information. Secondly, u wont have to worry about me getting caught on camera. This is the problem with guys like u. When u run out of ideas, u start getting personal.

Prostitution has been legal in Bangladesh for quite sometime now. Yes, its discouraged as a profession but not illegal. Ur example of prostitutes getting caught in hotels to prove ur claim of prostitution being illegal in Bangladesh is as hilarious as it can get.

Go and try to sell alcohol in ur local restaurant. U will get caught and will be thrown behind the bars, but that does not necessarily mean selling alcohol is illegal in Bangladesh. U will have to have special permission to sell it. Same with prostitution. People cant take it as a profession before a certain age and will need special permit. Brothels will also need to have special license to carry out their business and the caretaker of the brothel cant keep possession of any woman through sell or rent or cant keep woman against her will. U don't know about these, fine. But don't spread false information.

An old news. But relevant
Why r u spreading lies here? U don't like the fact that prostitution is legal in Bangladesh,fine......there r many in Bangladesh who has issues with the legal status of Prostitution for various reasons. But don't spread false information. Secondly, u wont have to worry about me getting caught on camera. This is the problem with guys like u. When u run out of ideas, u start getting personal.

Prostitution has been legal in Bangladesh for quite sometime now. Yes, its discouraged as a profession but not illegal. Ur example of prostitutes getting caught in hotels to prove ur claim of prostitution being illegal in Bangladesh is as hilarious as it can get.

Go and try to sell alcohol in ur local restaurant. U will get caught and will be thrown behind the bars, but that does not necessarily mean selling alcohol is illegal in Bangladesh. U will have to have special permission to sell it. Same with prostitution. People cant take it as a profession before a certain age and will need special permit. Brothels will also need to have special license to carry out their business and the caretaker of the brothel cant keep possession of any woman through sell or rent or cant keep woman against her will. U don't know about these, fine. But don't spread false information.

An old news. But relevant
You are one stupid guy who support and take prostitute service . This thread cleared one thing that many characterless with us just hiding themselves under mask. Its you who attacking personally .No , and i don't smoke or drink and neither any interest selling alcohol or take escort service .I'm a god fearing person and i don't search any clue to support prostitution or drugs for selfdefence . You should provide court order and prove your claim or just shut up.
You are one stupid guy who support and take prostitute service . This thread cleared one thing that many characterless with us just hiding themselves under mask. Its you who attacking personally .No , and i don't smoke or drink and neither any interest selling alcohol or take escort service .I'm a god fearing person and i don't search any clue to support prostitution or drugs for selfdefence . You should provide court order and prove your claim or just shut up.

U r an insignificant individual. What u like or do not like has little to no value. U were just making false claims and spreading lies without knowing anything. I just felt the necessity to make u correct. Nothing else.

Whether prostitution or alcohol should be legal or illegal is a different debate. But here my point was about the fact its legal in Bangladesh and u were just spreading false information.
You are one stupid guy who support and take prostitute service . This thread cleared one thing that many characterless with us just hiding themselves under mask. Its you who attacking personally .No , and i don't smoke or drink and neither any interest selling alcohol or take escort service .I'm a god fearing person and i don't search any clue to support prostitution or drugs for selfdefence . You should provide court order and prove your claim or just shut up.
Why are you keep bringing you and everyone else's personal life here? You fear god? Well good for you. I for one do not care about any deity. But your and mine personal taste is irrelevant. You accused me of lying that in BD prostitution is legal while it is you who is lying throughout this thread. Facts have been laid out multiple times that prostitution is legal in Bangladesh. Your feelings doesn't matter on what is the reality. Stop lying, prick.

So you think anyone who can do anything, but instead chose to restrain and constrain his desires are not as smart as you are.

What is the purpose of doing anything following your instinct? May be taking pleasure only in life that you call freedom. And no contribution to the society and mankind.
If I choose my life to be worthless, what's it to you? If I desire my life to be in a way where it has no contribution to mankind, what's it to you? Who are you to dictate how I choose my life to be or what meaning I give it?

As if I'll take your advice on how my life should be. How about you care about yours and I care about my life.
Why are you keep bringing you and everyone else's personal life here? You fear god? Well good for you. I for one do not care about any deity. But your and mine personal taste is irrelevant. You accused me of lying that in BD prostitution is legal while it is you who is lying throughout this thread. Facts have been laid out multiple times that prostitution is legal in Bangladesh. Your feelings doesn't matter on what is the reality. Stop lying, prick.

If I choose my life to be worthless, what's it to you? If I desire my life to be in a way where it has no contribution to mankind, what's it to you? Who are you to dictate how I choose my life to be or what meaning I give it?

As if I'll take your advice on how my life should be. How about you care about yours and I care about my life.
If you choose to go the rail line prostitute and go to hell doesn't matter but you will spread diseases to the society is a matter .
If I choose my life to be worthless, what's it to you? If I desire my life to be in a way where it has no contribution to mankind, what's it to you? Who are you to dictate how I choose my life to be or what meaning I give it?

As if I'll take your advice on how my life should be. How about you care about yours and I care about my life.

You can also put on a t-shirt with a slogan: MY dick, My discretion!
I wonder why the moralist people overlook what goes behind their nose. Around Kamplapur rail station there are many khaja baba, tall mosques madrassas and half the population passes through there but no one goes to implement their moral duty on these destitute people. And the people encourage prostitution why dont they take their illegitimate child but keep on increasing country's population and responsibility of these people's misery. I think whatever people we are exposed to day to day life are good cultured people but limited with good intentions. We keep on criticizing each other but there are deep holes in the society and nobody really knows how deep it goes and it remains untouched.

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I barely remember what the discussion was about.....I was writing the last reply and then stopped midway and had to rush to somewhere.
There is some balance to be had...shift towards one of the extremes must be discussed and analysed rather than just declared null and void as a topic by lefties....who thrive in an environment of cultural ignorance and dissonance.
The balance should be more like.....for murder....capital punishment. For Prostitution(as long as it is not underaged prostitution and no one is forced)....not your business. Thailand or maybe it was Philippines(not sure I forgot), well prostitution is illegal by law....but in reality it is even regulated in places. Why? Because they know it gonna be there regardless of law....Prostitution is present in every society. At the end of the day I see it as a service...that's all. Maybe blow op dolls will evolve to the next stage, someday and decrease the demand of hoes...but I doubt you consider blow up dolls as good for society either...lol
Absolute equality can only be accomplished by massive amounts of (ultimately unsustainable) force, it would have taken more energy than this universe possesses to stop star formation (merit driven society) and keep matter ionized proton soup (complete individual). Like the gravity that exists in this universe, so does the desire to coalesce to form a grander purpose in life among the individual souls. Lefties (in the current parlance, they have existed since dawn of humanity) would do well to remember that....because they certainly need this lesson taught the hard way again and again to their own detriment (but I guess they don't really care, its all just A to B and nothing before A or after B to them).....they seem to represent the worst of what humanity is always....because at their very core is a seed of complete dissonance to the very way the universe has expressed itself. But what would existence be without this I suppose...the only thing I welcome about evil is that without it there is no good.
I have said it before...I am not a leftist.....better word for me would be nihilist or maybe bit of a solipsist as well.
Wrong. The entropy perversions and reforms (be they defacto or dejure) within Hinduism in the Kaliyug predate all the british raj impostors. You know zilch on the subject I am afraid. Hinduism had a head start on its "organised religion" phase over most if not all others....it is only natural more entropy and largely feelz based counter-entropy has seeped in. The vast body of even the so called elite/priests in Hinduism even a millenia ago (forget about now) have not read much of the Upanishads...and when they have for optics, they do not understand.

Hey I would love to compare to say Zoroastrianism or Greek/Roman paganism today if they survived as mass population societies....but they don't...it is what it is.
Why was 'sati' legal? Why was widow marriage illegal? Has it nothing to do with general public feelz? Now if I say I support widow marriage then probably @Centaur is going to tell me to marry a widow.
Both but especially the latter being hugely injurious to society. Single parenthood in the black community is the largest reason for their socio-economic stasis....they were going places up to the time of MLK and MX, back when their families were stoic and strong...but as soon as the new plantation of big govt (ironically offered/imposed to them by the Klansman party) came which needed a reset of new gods, new cultural norms but above all victimhood complex - big govt collaboration.....the result on the ground has been devastating.

Other groups in US are reflections of this phenomenon, just differing levels of internal resistance trend to it, largely from 5HT and inherited IQ etc.
So, what kind pf law do you propose to sop single parenthood? Do you stop people from their right to get divorced? Just let it be....you made a wrong choice choosing a bad life partner so you are stuck in this loop till you or your partner die? You say it is harmful to society...but in the end it is harmful to those individuals who give birth without marrying or divorce after giving birth, isn't it? Leave them be. Because among them you will find some who probably did better by separating like left an abusive partner then raised a child well. So, some(in the minority) does well by separating...do you have the right of seperation take away from them? And you don't know who will do better after separating and who won't. So, you have to give this right to everyone....and have them accountable to their choices. Tell me, do you insist that people stay together even if they are unhappy? Even though they might not find happiness otherwise.
Nope you harm far more than that. Depends on the circumstance (since you are talking in some absolute here). I dont think the children of the whores running around in brothels are learning great life lessons and are going to become upstanding moral citizens, non-dependent on further whoring and other vice themselves and/or big govt.
Again.....how do you know whoich children is learning great life lessons? This is like a lottery......do you think the children of sweepers, housemaid are learning great life lessons running around slums? Can you be sure that children of successful people are learning great life lessons? Is the child of a alcoholic abusive a$$hole learning great life lessons even though the kid could be living in a mansion? Children can't chose their parents..they have to live with it.
Again, please tell that to all the innocent people that were murdered by druggies and junkies while on them...and all those operating and profiting in the vice trade. Oh wait you cant....life ends and thats it....gee that sucks.
Same thing here.....more people are murdered by non druggies......ban vehicles? It kills more people than drugs(probably)..There should be punishment(I'd say capital punishment) for murderers...but vanning vehicles, banning drugs isn't the way to go.
Your argument was there should be complete freedom for each individual (i.e society has no role)....so why add a cutoff when it comes to physical direct harm etc? Where did that notion come from? You didn't get it from society after all right? Definitely not some intuition you have within you correct? Fundamentally who are you to impose/judge on a murderer's right to kill...or the victim's right to life?
Complete freedom as long as you are not harming others...
Kill yourself...fine.
Kill someone else......not.
Like I said this is all stuff you should figure out in an anarchy when you go ahead and create one somewhere.....the whole concept of society/intuition imposing whats good and evil (when it comes to something as basic as life and death itself by even external imposed force)
Good and Evil also changes....It was good to sacrifice humans to ancient gods.....why move away from it? Do it today?
should have an absolute consistent position from you right? When you draw a line somewhere and say "nope thats too far"....you have drawn a line period....your argument then sinks for saying a line at any other spot is inherently wrong.

Refer again to your own quote that sparked reply from me in first place:
No...my point is society should be as less intervening as possible. If I remember correctly, I was arguing for people right to choose for themselves as long as doesn't harm others. People should be responsible for their choices. You whore yourself out...fine but probably your family is not happy about it...and probably you are not happy to hurt them emotionally either....so this is the price you have to pay...You choose to murder someone? Well, I guess the price should be a rope around your neck. No matter what you do, you have to pay a price. The point is to decide when should society intervene and make you pay the price....ah..well my personal position is when someone is undeserving getting hurt. Oh...and the family of a whore isn't being hurt undeservedly...because if they could create a nice situation for her/him...maybe she/he wouldn't become a whore.
Again this is probably my last reply on this topic.
Should've been that way....I don't feel like continuing either.....not to mention hectic schedule at work doesn't help either...
My argument is about if prostitution is a moral and equal job with your job or not.
Prostitution is as good as any other service.
Firstly my point was very correct . Just ask your BAL where make it legal outside restricted areas, then see the results.
If it's in the restricted area then I have no problem although I don't support it (any types of prostitution, and I want them having a good job if govt and society can provide).

That legalization was about those prostitution that they took because they were compelled to take not willing.
I already answered it to @Ashik Mahmud .
But you quoted it again because you have no other way to push your garbage "their choice of whoring". If you really wanted to say somethung fruitful, then effectively answer the posts of @Nilgiri, as has posted some excellent point.
You ignored my real question and pushing something else, but I am not surprised, it's the pseudo seculars standard.

In Bangladesh smoking has never been banned, still we don't smoke it infront our elders. It's not our choice but manner that peoples like you don't have and don't value too.
In BD wine is also not prohibited but not allowed in everywhere that you guys want.
So of I say that " if BD govt make it legal", does that mean that I am asking for prostitution ban from restricted areas?
That was made legal because of the prostitutes who were compelled to do this and now if they will quite the will not accepted by society easily and also they have no other way.
But the legalisation in 2000 was not to encourage to whoring women from good families to entertain you .

Just listen, if your bastard BAL already didn't change the country to Chhatra League chetona thug minded ( that's impossible, let it be written) , then wine selling everywhere won't be allowed, so forget about your BS of willing prostitution in everywhere as a holy fuc.king moral job .
So before pushing words, consider the heck situation.
And also your Awami bastard League always tortured BD folks whenever they needed in order to shut their mouth and they paid price at past.
So if they strongly oppress peoples, that doesn't mean that peoples are dancing with chetona bastards. Let military withdraw their support , BAL won't survive a single night .
BAL isn't in power because of public, the reason is different.
So, if a lady is taking a men at her place and have sex with him for money, it is illegal in BD or anywhere? How do you even make a law for this?
Bengali never elect a team but always elect leaders.
Hasina is not Mujib...they are miles apart. And I'd say Hasina is a much better administrator.
Again you are making the assumption that every prostitute was in a position of "final, only choice"...when really only very few were. In between should be all the requisite interventions that an ideal society offers...when you bypass this with an easy highway of full on individualist choice triumphs all, you simply erode and undermine social fabric.
No, I don't mean only choice....you know how much a high level escort can earn in an evening? Probably more than my monthly wage.
Take a look at this...
If the average escort selling sex in the US worked 2,000 hours a year, her income would place her in the top 0.5% of the earnings distribution.

It continues to be a mystery as to why women are earning an average of $280 per hour to do, essentially, what the rest of us do for free. You may want to argue that their jobs are risky in terms of violence, disease and arrest, but if risk explained the high earnings then the women doing the riskiest sex work, those walking the streets, would earn more. Of course, they earn much less, only about $27 per hour.

No wonder some would chose to be an escort rather than doing a menial job. And I am trying to say that I respect their choice and it doesn't bother me....and I don't see why should it bother someone else....I have already voiced my opinion against forced and underage prostitution.

The point is informing people of those risks....bypassing this and saying its absolute free choice, do as you will with no adequate mitigation from the society/law/morals/family...is precisely why its a wretched situation regarding prostitutes in the developing world (they are captured and forced to varying degrees @Zibago points out) and not much better in developed world either (as @Desert Fox pointed out is often the cause to add to my own story of talking with one). Tell me have you actually every talked to any sex workers yourself in both Europe and Bangladesh? Or everything is spoonfed to you on the issue in some way?
Yep...people should be informed with the risks that comes with prostitution....although I feel people generally knows this. That's why I say make it legal...so it is easy to find and inspect...stop forced prostitution...and make prostitutes go through medical checkups frequently....or make it a law that a brothels must ensure that its workers do medical check up in every three or six months.

I have interacted with a few sex workers...but I'm not gonna go deep into it....I have talked with students who do it for money.
Most contraception is fine. Killing a baby (pre or post birth) isn't.
Is it a baby, before birth?
As long as they are not "well informed" (and very few in the developed world are either), what do you propose? Just say ok let them be uninformed and let consequences happen to the vast majority of them.

I'd like to see you try apply that with driving. Its fine if you are "uninformed", just go out and drive the car...learn that way! Or is it better to ban driving for those that are "uninformed" about it?
So, are you willing to allow prostitution to those who are informed? Logic should apply both way, shouldn't it? And yes people should be informed about the risks....maybe include them in school text books....I mean sex education is already there in some places...I'm not sure what and how much is covered there....but if it isn't there...maybe then include it...a chapter on risks of prostitution.
According to who? This is an unfounded argument made by Atheists themselves (our "rise" = natural = new = correct = moral) . There has always been a prevalence in humankind for Atheism and its larger world of A - B materialism, whether they were nominally part of a larger socio-religious body or not....who exactly was surveying this in any accuracy over time (since you Atheists esp do not believe in any power that can do just that to the detail/resolution needed governing peoples minds and hearts)? Saying people are increasingly "leaving" "pushed" out because of religion or perceived inadequate moral standards is quite ludicrous when you have zero data to base it upon.

The deterioration of society over time is largely due to the human ego thinking truth lies within the fickle individual self (esp emotion)...and deluded itself to the level saying imperfection is actually perfection. This process has existed since time immemorial.

Religion itself has been perverted away from its essence (when our conscious was still new, our spirits bold, our egos still weak) in pretty much every case by this....yet you hold it up as some monolithic edifice that is being righteously rebelled against. Yes you, a person that has clearly not read one word of say even Plato and Aristotle yet trying to give me your copy-paste modernist take on a millenia old phenomenon long discussed by some of the greatest humans that walked the earth. Sorry I'll take a pass.
There is no point arguing on this....I could give you hundreds of examples how a lot of things which was considered morally bad....later got accepted by people. Or vice versa. But you'll still believe what you want to believe. Plato, Aristotle were for that time...many of their concepts won't work today.
Nice far-leftie strawman. Precisely why Trump won may I add (and hillariously exposed the hypocritical non-follow through of self-strawmen arguments the lefties made about leaving the US if Trump won) ...and also precisely why many more of him around the world coming up (given this predilection for strawman hypocrisy by the left, stupidly adding much transient counterforce against them, alienating and polarising even neutrals.... when natural decline will give them everything they want long term anyway). I will enjoy this all very immensely.....this is the catch 22 for the leftie, they want everything at every level (that their feelz dictate) within their lifetime (because nothing after)....but the desperation of bringing that about leads to the reverse force happening because way more people still have a basic essence left on what makes us human. @Desert Fox @Psychic
Don't evade it....According to you Prostitution is illegal...and if this point is very important to you, then I guess you would prefer Afghanistan over Canada? Homosexuality and maybe being topless is also legal in Canada...but illegal in Afghanistan..
OK so what level? Should she be allowed to kill the fetus/baby a day or two before its born? Lets find where your line is first....before I sewer your "argument" even more.
No....I'd say around 5-6 months of pregnancy....when the fetus is capable of living outside womb....it is dangerous to perform abortion too at that stage......going back to abortion...it is legal at all stages in Canada(just checked wiki). Dude you need to leave that vile immoral country fast.
Yes coming from the Trotskyist (living in his comfort but hypocritically labels others by assuming the same for them) who I doubt had any serious conversation with a prostitute in the first place (yet loudly triumphs complete "free choice" as panacea or even solution for the issue)....it says so much when you assume I haven't talked to women who have went through the "choice" of having an abortion, when you assume I have not read the studies of psychology of the women that allow a "doctor" to kill their unborn baby (spinal nervous system be damned even)...increasingly for convenience (rather than rape etc that form less than 1% of abortions which at least we can have a serious argument about)....and assume that I have not studied where the arguments for mass-scale abortion first came from (heres a hint: eugenics, black people, KKK party + parallels worldwide).....among the myriad other assumptions YOU make in YOUR comfort. Such a person so brazenly attempting to apply what he clearly is to others in such negative fashion is hypocritical, ironic and delusional....hard to strike all those 3 at once...good job leftie.

You see lefties assume so much and then use those assumptions as their logic....and build a flimsy pyramid on it all the time....and then get super triggered when it collapses (because it always does in their timeframe given their worship of the lifetime only +materialism only). It comes right out of the same thing Karl Marx had when he raped and impregnated his servant girl and kicked her out right after....and then preached that he cares about the same oppressed people. Normal folk inherently can grasp these double standards.....too bad they decline over time and the leftie-zombies multiply....but thats fine too in the end you see, leftie-zombies suck at fighting when it comes to that....cycles are never kind to them at any timeframe....and they take it way more badly because this life is all they believe in.
Educate me. Why people(a few of them) want abortion? What do you suggest them to do if they are pregnant but don't want the child? Ban prostitution? Hoes gotta eat too. And some sexually frustrated people needs to find a release too. What do you propose? What should those who want sex but don't want kids and marriage do? Should they go hang themselves?
"Give their child up for adoption or worse neglect the child"......so do you also propose we murder all poor people
Prevent neglect...I am not sure how you do it...but it is harmful and somehow needs to be done. Childhood neglect can cause serious damage to a child.....by neglect I don't necessarily mean abuse...but rather considering them as burden....Other than that I am fine with their decision to give up their child for adoption or have an early abortion.
"you in your room" seem to have no idea about or have completely deluded yourself about....I don't care which.
I have done weed myself.
I am asking you is public indecency standards ok to have or not?
Depends on the standards....If you force burqa on everyone its bad......clothing should be about choice...legalize nudity...I don't think you'll see many roaming around naked though.
But you said that this imposition by society should never happen anywhere, anytime for anyone (and then you still draw lines and say "DONT" and "DO" when it suits you anyway, doing the exact same thing you criticize others for doing...and that is frankly laughable).
Double standards is the last thing I want to have....I have been pretty consistent with my views, I think....
But these are defined areas. I'm talking about in general, what right does general society to impose in the general areas the norms and customs? Its imposing on your right to be nude, fornicate etc in public as much as the individual may want to.
Fornicating in public areas...like streets makes it dirty...so keep it in specific areas...but no need to ban those places...like you'd advocate.....Society should intervene in places where it can make it better...I don't think I said society can't interfere at all. I just say that the interference should be kept as minimal as possible. I don't want orgy in streets.....but I don't want sex parks gone either. Because it seems best....who want to do it in nature can go there.
I am not completely mindful of the things I wrote before.....if I stated that society can't interfere anywhere, no matter what or something that sort....that probably came out in a moment of heat or something.
That is more interplay. Is the friend paying his own way or his parents paying for it? If the parents are providing the funding, they ought to have a strong say in it. If not (and friend is an adult etc), the friend should have a full say on it (i.e he takes a loan or whatever and pays that back himself). If he feels so strongly on it, the latter option was always there right? If there's parent easy street (funding, room, board etc), they get to set what the field of study is, its their money they are investing after all. Thus there is only so much coercion envelope a parent can have to begin with (depending on the individuals personality and character etc) when you finish mandatory schooling stage....its not really pure force vs pure choice ever.
Obviously it's the parents paying...but still...its going to have an impact on him till he die.....considering the fact that if he studies medicine he'll end up a doc and if he studies engineering he'll end up as an engineer.....and earn his livelihood accordingly.

Why did I fukin enter this debate.....everything makes so little sense...
When it is believed this life is the only existence, the responsibility becomes to grow the ego and satiate only the self's immediate needs. It is very Nihilist + Fatalist (especially bad combo) in the essence, there is essentially no greater purpose at all. Such people left to their devices start to rip their own selves apart too (when they have finished doing such to all others around them), because they cannot understand what that is inside them that craves purpose and faith....like why do they love or even have emotions still, but why it can never be proven in absolute way.

The ability to take larger responsibilities (beyond just the self's desires), accept pain and strife of that, with much patience for reward (and ability to accept it can come often only beyond this life) naturally comes easier when the mind, heart and soul are oriented to similar larger timeframes and existence. This is the essence of all Faith (accepting much of the greatest forces are unseen/unproven, but cognisance of their existence...leading to ultimate purpose and responsibility of the free will itself).

This is why the greatest philosophers (past religion) were those like Plato, Aristotle and Kant....compared to those like Hegel and Nietzsche (though the latter is at least quite frank about the social utility of faith, and cliff precipice that is nihilism).
Oh....you touched nihilism too....Nihilism makes sense when you think clearly...and not in the conventional way you have been taught to think...
What is the purpose of doing anything following your instinct? May be taking pleasure only in life that you call freedom. And no contribution to the society and mankind.
What if I want to be totally useless? I didn't came here because of my will.....I am here because my parents fu*cked...and no they didn't take permission from me before doing it.
Prostitution is as good as any other service.
Then take my previous advice ( of marrying a whore), otherwise a sane person( who is not another hypocrite like you) will keep calling you a hypocrite.
Why was 'sati' legal? Why was widow marriage illegal? Has it nothing to do with general public feelz? Now if I say I support widow marriage then probably @Centaur is going to tell me to marry a widow.
It shows how hypocrite you are. Why spared @Nilgiri this time?
You wanted both of us to go to Afghanistan right ?
However it's not an argument,so beating around the Bush will not help you.

And also you should know that widow marriage is not prohibited, but encouraged in Islam in some specific cases.
However it looks that you are comparing widows with prostitutes and peoples like you were responsible for "sati practice". Because peoples like you ( surely talking about pseudo-seculars like you ) believed that if husband will die then there widows will be touched by others so marriage of 7 janam will be impure, so in order to save 7 janam bond, your types started "sati" system. Btw Islam is the only religion that support divorce and also re marriage, so no reason for us to disgrace widows ,so stop making such bullsh!t comparison.

Hasina is not Mujib...they are miles apart. And I'd say Hasina is a much better administrator.
So? I admit that hasina is a better administrator .
Do you think that still BD folks will elect her consecutive 3 times because of her good deed ?
No never, because Bengalis are not so civilized yet,who will elect someone because of his/her good works , but will keep swaping teams.
1991 BNP regime was not so bad, yet they elected BAL.
And 1996 BAL regime was better than 1991 BNP regime and BAL was not chetona whore from 1996-2001. However still Bengali elected BNP despite good works of BAL.

And because of this immature nature of Bengalis, I am a supporter of BAL autocracy atleast for another term because they ( our folks) are not too civilized to led by mind, they will be controlled by passion always, and that is harmful for Bangladesh.
But take my word, if BAL will keep its chetona whoring, and try to establish proposed chetona law ,then disaster is waiting for them, and that disaster will be much worse than they ever faced at past .
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Live and let live. I support the legal status of Prostitution. But what I want form the government is proper regulation of the whole business like any other business.

The main problem in prostitution business in Bangladesh is that it's poorly regulated and sometimes underaged girls r blackmailed or forced to take it up as a profession against their wish. That's where government should focus on and try to bring it under a proper legal structure.

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