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Erdoan: Turkey considers Shanghai organization an alternative to EU

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You and Persians learnt how to write from us.

I don't want to enter this discussion or derail thread.
But before claiming something, study about it my friend.
What you said is wrong, you can refer to some basic history books and even Wikipedia!
good luck.
Actually Turkey, Iraq, Jordan & Pakistan are all 'artificial countries' for they are Nation-States created in the 1900s ! :undecided:

If you mean artificial within the current borders then yes they are, but every group of people have their own history.

I don't want to enter this discussion or derail thread.
But before claiming something, study about it my friend.
What you said is wrong, you can refer to some basic history books and even Wikipedia!
good luck.
The earliest writing systems evolved independently and at roughly the same time in Egypt and Mesopotamia, but current scholarship suggests that Mesopotamia’s writing appeared first. That writing system, invented by the Sumerians, emerged in Mesopotamia around 3500 BCE. At first, this writing was representational: a bull might be represented by a picture of a bull, and a pictograph of barley signified the word barley. Though writing began as pictures, this system was inconvenient for conveying anything other than simple nouns, and it became increasingly abstract as it evolved to encompass more abstract concepts, eventually taking form in the world’s earliest writing: cuneiform. An increasingly complex civilization encouraged the development of an increasingly sophisticated form of writing. Cuneiform came to function both phonetically (representing a sound) and semantically (representing a meaning such as an object or concept) rather than only representing objects directly as a picture.

This lesson plan, intended for use in the teaching of world history in the middle grades, is designed to help students appreciate the parallel development and increasing complexity of writing and civilization in the Tigris and Euphrates valleys in ancient Mesopotamia. You may wish to use this lesson independently as an introduction to Mesopotamian civilization, or as an entry point into the study of Sumerian and Babylonian history and culture.

Actually Turkey, Iraq, Jordan & Pakistan are all 'artificial countries' for they are Nation-States created in the 1900s ! :undecided:

The concept of Nation-State is a few decades old phenomenon, which were encouraged on the pretext Nationalistic sentiments in late 19th and early twentieth century for the creation of the same entity. Modern day Sporting events play a major role in devising this concept.
Did anyone care about the nationality of Ruknidin Bibers, Alp Arsalan, Saldin Ayyubi or Mehmet Fatih Sultan?

Coming to the point of Nation-Estate in the context of Empires then we find that Iraq has never been a central power since centuries (after the fall of Abbasid caliphs) She has always been a vassal state of empires viz Samanid ,Ottoman, Safavid etc. Jordan is truly an artificial state created on Psykes-Picot. Pakistan was carved out for purely religious reasons for the South Asian ******* ( can't be called a an artificial state) It's viability or not is altogether a different subject; Turkey has always been the central power since 1071 with ups & downs.

Actually geography is man-made and it never remain intact with the identical map for so long. Now, it seems in the background of recent uphill in the MENA region; geography is again going to get altered.
Actually Turkey, Iraq, Jordan & Pakistan are all 'artificial countries' for they are Nation-States created in the 1900s ! :undecided:
I understand you my friend, nationality is almost an alien concept to your country because you identify yourselves solely by religion and language.

Nation state concept is much older and there's nothing artificial about it. There was a time when religion couldn't keep people together. Ottomans resisted it, they've paid the price. Turkey and Pakistan, we drew our own borders with our martyrs' blood. It doesn't get more natural than that.
The earliest writing systems evolved independently and at roughly the same time in Egypt and Mesopotamia, but current scholarship suggests that Mesopotamia’s writing appeared first. That writing system, invented by the Sumerians, emerged in Mesopotamia around 3500 BCE.
Look I really don't give a sh.t about this urine race. But my point was clear. Turks had their own alphabet centuries before they came into contact with Arabs. Therefore saying that "we've taught Turks and Persians how to read" just because we've used your alphabet for a certain time period is idiotic.
When Iraq and Egypt were the first world civilizations you were far away in Gobi desert.
Turkey is a real country but Iraq is not?
Look at the mirror. Do you look like your grandfathers?
Are you living on your grandfathers land?
We do.
You and Persians learnt how to write from us.
I see no reason to be joulous of turkey.
For textile industry? Honduras has a better one.
For tourism based on exposing women? Thailand is a better one.
I see no achievement in your military other than a made in Turkish flag on Israeli drones and European subs. Stupid people like mursi buy them to stay in power backed by sultan erdogan support.

If not being jealous, you should at least envy Turkey so that you can actually do something better than filling your lungs with sand, while driving cars on two tire in deserts.

But, i see that you have no idea about Turkey...

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Secondly, you say we shouldn't join SCO because of China. Why not? China is not the only country in the organization, besides that we can kick out China and step out the organization any time we want....

no. try joining the EU and and then kick Germany out.

or even better, since you're already in the NATO, kindly let me know when you succeed kicking the US out. :lol:
I understand you my friend, nationality is almost an alien concept to your country because you identify yourselves solely by religion and language.

Nation state concept is much older and there's nothing artificial about it. There was a time when religion couldn't keep people together. Ottomans resisted it, they've paid the price. Turkey and Pakistan, we drew our own borders with our martyrs' blood. It doesn't get more natural than that.

Look I really don't give a sh.t about this urine race. But my point was clear. Turks had their own alphabet centuries before they came into contact with Arabs. Therefore saying that "we've taught Turks and Persians how to read" just because we've used your alphabet for a certain time period is idiotic.
We have been here for thousands of years, the remnant of thousands of years old ruins were built by our ancestors. You are migrants from central Asia. If I was a Turk I won't talk about history.
It's Just enough to look how your ancestors look like and how you look like nowadays, you are a mix of different ethnic groups, your culture, language, traditions were imported from regional ethnic groups, especially from Arabs.

And about the language:

"Until 1928, Turkish was written with a version of the Perso-Arabic script known as the Ottoman Turkish script. In 1928, as part of his efforts to modernise Turkey, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk issued a decree replacing the Arabic script with a version of the Latin alphabet, which has been used ever since. Nowadays, only scholars and those who learnt to read before 1928 can read Turkish written in the Arabic script."
The concept of Nation-State is a few decades old phenomenon, which were encouraged on the pretext Nationalistic sentiments in late 19th and early twentieth century for the creation of the same entity. Modern day Sporting events play a major role in devising this concept.
Did anyone care about the nationality of Ruknidin Bibers, Alp Arsalan, Saldin Ayyubi or Mehmet Fatih Sultan?

Coming to the point of Nation-Estate in the context of Empires then we find that Iraq has never been a central power since centuries (after the fall of Abbasid caliphs) She has always been a vassal state of empires viz Samanid ,Ottoman, Safavid etc. Jordan is truly an artificial state created on Psykes-Picot. Pakistan was carved out for purely religious reasons for the South Asian ******* ( can't be called a an artificial state) It's viability or not is altogether a different subject; Turkey has always been the central power since 1071 with ups & downs.

Actually geography is man-made and it never remain intact with the identical map for so long. Now, it seems in the background of recent uphill in the MENA region; geography is again going to get altered.

Define the artificial state first. I always say that Jordan is part and parcel of Arabs in Bilad Al Sham and Arab Peninsulah. We are the same ethnicity, have the same language, culture, history and almost everything, we share the very same history which puts you into shame. Yet, Jordan can't be seen alone when talking about history in the region.
sorry BLACKEAGLE dont get me wrong but do you even aware of the fact that your people are the laughing stock of the world... or the significance of a jordanian arap in the eyes of people...please try to overcoming this inferiority complex... trust me after a while it is getting boring...

no hard feelings dude
sorry BLACKEAGLE dont get me wrong but do you even aware of the fact that your people are the laughing stock of the world... or the significance of a jordanian arap in the eyes of people...please try to overcoming this inferiority complex... trust me after a while it is getting boring...

no hard feeling dude

I told you Arap nationalists are the best thing about Arabs. In my opinion, they are giving world a hope.

"If i was a Turk, i wouldn't talk about history" he says :lol:
sorry BLACKEAGLE dont get me wrong but do you even aware of the fact that your people are the laughing stock of the world... or the significance of a jordanian arap in the eyes of people...please try to overcoming this inferiority complex... trust me after a while it is getting boring...

no hard feelings dude
I understand that you are angry at me but all I was stating are facts.
I told you Arap nationalists are the best thing about Arabs. In my opinion, they are giving world a hope.
Plz spare me, I am not here for a mudslinging contest.
"If i was a Turk, i wouldn't talk about history" he says :lol:
Then plz, do enlighten me about the great Turkish history by showing one picture of a Turkish ancient civilization.:raise:
Erdogan will take you far. Universities already teaching creationism. Bye bye most advanced Muslim nation.
Whose civilization is older?And I'm still trying to find out what it has to do with joining SCO.
Is SCO enforcing a civilization years' limitation for countries trying to join?
Whose civilization is older?And I'm still trying to find out what it has to do with joining SCO.
Is SCO enforcing a civilization years' limitation for countries trying to join?

I know, it's silly, but believe me it's provoking when Turks whine over others history. If it was by a Chinise, Egyptian, or even Italian I would just ignore it, but by a Turk...no way, it can't be ignored.
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