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Erdoan: Turkey considers Shanghai organization an alternative to EU

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Well, to be honest, it was Egypt (and Syria) that kept Turkey out of Middle East politics for half of the 20th century. Egypt was the key country of Middle East and it still is to some point as it has sentimental value for Arabs but it lost its power to GCC and mainly Saudi Arabia.

Money, money and money. :D

Turkey is only welcome when it acts as a friend, and not a country looking for an influence. Turkey is in a very vulnerable situation, enemies surrounding it from the north, east, and west. Egypt is busy with it's internal problems right now and this is normal and was expected after the change. GCC will not accept any Turkish rule on the expense of Egyptian or Arab interests. They only need Turkey to distance itself from Iran.
They teach you in school that Turkey is covered by water from three sides and by enemies from four sides. Don't add one more. A big one. Whatever happens Egypt will be strong. I know hyena has smelled blood and want to exploit. I already knew everything you are gonna comment about.

Don't get sentimental. Politics are politics, countries trying to exploit each others weaknesses is nothing new. :D Turkey is getting every liter of Northen Iraq's oil because Iraq's main goverment is weak and hostile to Turkey, Turkey tries to use civil unrest in Syria to get herself connected to GCC by land. These are all normal.

Do you think Egypt fought with KSA because they were idealistic nationalists? I hope your answer isn't ''yes''. :)
To be honest your country's fate looks dark to me. Either another revolution or theocracy (which means you will probably be isolated) not the best conditions for a comeback. And frankly what comeback? Do you mean the Nasser-period where you got kicked your as.s by the Israelis and lost Sinai?

ever remember Yom Kippur war? egypt got the senai back
Don't get sentimental. Politics are politics, countries trying to exploit each others weaknesses is nothing new. :D Turkey is getting every liter of Northen Iraq's oil because Iraq's main goverment is weak and hostile to Turkey, Turkey tries to use civil unrest in Syria to get herself connected to GCC by land. These are all normal.

Do you think Egypt fought with KSA because they were idealistic nationalists? I hope your answer isn't ''yes''. :)

Politics is politics, that's true, but it's with Turkey not Egypt. Egypt literally fought KSA in Yemen and was undermining Jordan in the 60s just before 67 war, but they fought together in 67 and 73 and Egyptian army was rebuilt by GCC money, not to mention 1973 cut off oil. Agian, Turkey is welcome as it's working for Arab interests, otherwise it will get isolated again if necessary.
Politics is politics, that's true, but it's with Turkey not Egypt. Egypt literally fought KSA in Yemen and was undermining Jordan in the 60s just before 67 war, but they fought together in 67 and 73 and Egyptian army was rebuilt by GCC money, not to mention 1973 cut off oil. Agian, Turkey is welcome as it's working for Arab interests, otherwise it will get isolated again if necessary.

To be honest, I don't think Arab states themselves believe in this ''Arab interests'' you are mentioning. Examples such as Egyptian-Israeli peace agreement, Egypt's invasion of Arabian peninsula, Iraq's invasion of K.S.A, hostile Iraqi goverment etc...

Turkey's relations with GCC cannot be broken as long as there is a country called Islamic Republic of Iran. :D And lets not forget that both of them already invested great amount of money and work in Egypt and Syria to let this go. :D
Don't get sentimental. Politics are politics, countries trying to exploit each others weaknesses is nothing new. :D Turkey is getting every liter of Northen Iraq's oil because Iraq's main goverment is weak and hostile to Turkey, Turkey tries to use civil unrest in Syria to get herself connected to GCC by land. These are all normal.

Do you think Egypt fought with KSA because they were idealistic nationalists? I hope your answer isn't ''yes''. :)

So Turkey is using Syrian lives just for its own sake... what a disgrace for humanity.... Turkey wants to destroy a nation for gcc puppets? what a shame...
You're jealous of turkey's position in the field. No need to keep this **** inside your ***

P.S it's turkey's choice but the line is diveded to two. NATO/EU or SCO?

Nah, it is propably Erdogan's attention seeking habits, I don't think there is any future for Turkey in Asia other than bussiness partners, although I don't think there is any future for Turkey in Europe too other than being bussiness partners. :D

So Turkey is using Syrian lives just for its own sake... what a disgrace for humanity.... Turkey wants to destroy a nation for gcc puppets? what a shame...

Well, interests are interests, they can't be denied. You should be familiar with this methods as you are a Syrian. Your dictators supported PKK for their own interests, remember?
Well, interests are interests, they can't be denied. You should be familiar with this methods as you are a Syrian. Your dictators supported PKK for their own interests, remember?

At least Syria realized its "mistake" and stopped supporting PKK... PKK relations with Syria ended in the 90's....

can you tell me how does Turkey differ from Israel terrorism? what nation on earth support chaos next to its borders? chaos is contagious...
At least Syria realized its "mistake" and stopped supporting PKK... PKK relations with Syria ended in the 90's....

can you tell me how does Turkey differ from Israel terrorism? what nation on earth support chaos next to its borders? chaos is contagious...

Syria realized its mistakes after Turkey gave ultimatum to Syria and threaten Syria with war... Syria didn't stop its support for PKK because of its dictators good heart...

Yes, chaos is contagious but every state will act according to their interests. If you think that I support this civil war you are wrong. I would rather Turkey stayed natural but overthrowing the current Syrian dictator is in Turkey's interests so as long as my country doesn't support the dictator or opens war I am ok with what they are doing in regards of Syria.
To be honest, I don't think Arab states themselves believe in this ''Arab interests'' you are mentioning. Examples such as Egyptian-Israeli peace agreement, Egypt's invasion of Arabian peninsula, Iraq's invasion of K.S.A, hostile Iraqi goverment etc...
Yes, Arabs have allot of issues among eachothers and that's why I talked about KSA-Egypt war in Yemen and how they helped eachothers in few months after then in 1967 until now, yet they would never work against eachothers interests for Turkey. KSA helped Egypt with $5 bn, Qatar with $20 bn, Algeria provided Egypt with gas at reduced prices, UAE and kuwait aided Egypt with $2 bn each, Jordan agreed to host 1 million Egyptian workers although 600 thousand have no legal wok permit, Where would you find this other than Arab world?. And what is the "Egypt's invasion of Arabian peninsula"?
Turkey's relations with GCC cannot be broken as long as there is a country called Islamic Republic of Iran. :D And lets not forget that both of them already invested great amount of money and work in Egypt and Syria to let this go. :D
Turkey needs them and not vise versa. Egypt and GCC are in much stronger relations than Turkish-GCC relation that is based on pure interests. As I said, Turkey importance for GCC is just to isolate Iran and completes it's job in Syria.
They teach you in school that Turkey is covered by water from three sides and by enemies from four sides. Don't add one more. A big one. Whatever happens Egypt will be strong. I know hyena has smelled blood and wants to exploit. I knew everything you are gonna comment about.

First of all I speak an behalf of me, not for turkey. I doubt that my comments will make Egypt an enemy's of Turkey or that you're in a position to decide that. Oh and shove the hyena up your ***, I didn't call you names.
Right now I doubt that Egypt will be anything but a failed state in the next decade, prove me wrong. You said that your coming back. How?
Politics is politics, that's true, but it's with Turkey not Egypt. Egypt literally fought KSA in Yemen and was
undermining Jordan in the 60s just before 67 war, but they fought together in 67 and 73 and Egyptian army was rebuilt by GCC money, not to mention 1973 cut off oil. Agian, Turkey is welcome as it's working for Arab interests, otherwise it will get isolated again if necessary.
Turkey is not working for Arab interests and as long as there are sane people in this country we never will.

Where do you take your arrogance from? Your country is the Arab country that is cooperating the most with th Israelis and yet you imply that there is such a thing as Arab brotherhood.

It's really interesting what kind of people certain topics attract.
Agreed. Turkey won't be part of any of those union things. Of course turkey progressed a lot on that way. But I think I know the Turkish culture enough to make this. Even if the gov'ts accept turkey, i don't think that the Turks would get used to it or they get to turkey. It's for both EU and SCO. In fact SCO would be useless for turkey and I don't think that NATO would allow it. About EU. They couldn't save Greece,Portugal,Italy and Spain. And UK has plans to leave. Turkey seems like an okay country just in a shitty situation :)
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