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Energy Marriage - Saudi Arabia and India

Why the debate on secularism - Of course we can pull up things like how you have varying laws like Hindu Succession act, Parsi Succession act, Hindu Marriage act - there isn't really a secular outlook - moreover banning of Cow slaughter, jailing people for it, then there's discrimination that Muslims face - these are the things I would bring up in a secularism debate. But right now there's an issue of - whether or not despite whatever you claim your politico-religious leanings - you're an anti-Islam state.

You're forgetting that you're one of the best friends of Israel on the map, you've also become cozy with the US and we may see a shift from the Arab states under Abdullah in that regard. All in all, India, comes off as an enemy of the Muslims. Much of it is exhibited in your demeanor.

Arab states are looking for their own profit, India needs their oil they need to sell it.

arey admin baba..if you know indian politics you will not be saying those words....in india its the majority community that more often than not gets the short end of the stick with each party vying to appease the muslims for their votes.
Really? There is no dearth of human rights abuse among muslim countries. to name a few
Yeah but the issue here is not how bad your human rights record is - notice I didn't raise the issue of your Orissa Christians, Maoists, Sikh Genocide, so on.

I simply said your record against Muslims is bad. It's OIC it would care about Muslims first and foremost.

If there is an issue in Syria against human rights, thats an internal issue nothing to do with Syria's anti-Islamic stance - that would be absurd. But India's anti-Islamic stance is quite evident.

---------- Post added at 11:47 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:47 AM ----------

arey admin baba..if you know indian politics you will not be saying those words....in india its the majority community that more often than not gets the short end of the stick with each party vying to appease the muslims for their votes.

Pretty much thats a tell tale sign that the majority community has some resentment towards the minorities.
Why the debate on secularism - Of course we can pull up things like how you have varying laws like Hindu Succession act, Parsi Succession act, Hindu Marriage act - there isn't really a secular outlook - moreover banning of Cow slaughter, jailing people for it, then there's discrimination that Muslims face - these are the things I would bring up in a secularism debate. But right now there's an issue of - whether or not despite whatever you claim your politico-religious leanings - you're an anti-Islam state.

You're forgetting that you're one of the best friends of Israel on the map, you've also become cozy with the US and we may see a shift from the Arab states under Abdullah in that regard. All in all, India, comes off as an enemy of the Muslims. Much of it is exhibited in your demeanor.

Arab states are looking for their own profit, India needs their oil they need to sell it.

well we are friends with israel does not mean that we are enemies of palestine..we were one of the first countries to recognize palestine....

and please dont start rubbish like anti-islam state...i do not think muslims who kill each other should call anyone else as anti-islamic...muslmis are biggest anti-islamic people in the world if you ask me..you guys have killed more muslims than non-muslims ever will..

we have different laws for different religious communities because it was need of that community.secularism does not mean to ignore religious practices of different communities...respecting these practices is what makes us secular..
I simply said your record against Muslims is bad.

lol..no offence...but pakistanis say truckloads about indians...they are not necessarily true....and sometimes they are not worth rebutting...

Pretty much thats a tell tale sign that the majority community has some resentment towards the minorities.

how does saying most of the parties favour minorities for votes imply to you that majority has a resentment towards minorities..?
Yeah but the issue here is not how bad your human rights record is - notice I didn't raise the issue of your Orissa Christians, Maoists, Sikh Genocide, so on.

Lets count the number of dead in all of post Independence riots in India and compare it with Bengali genocide.

Another important point to note, Bengali genocide was Pakistani government approved and carried out by Pak army.
Yeah but the issue here is not how bad your human rights record is - notice I didn't raise the issue of your Orissa Christians, Maoists, Sikh Genocide, so on.

I simply said your record against Muslims is bad. It's OIC it would care about Muslims first and foremost.

If there is an issue in Syria against human rights, thats an internal issue nothing to do with Syria's anti-Islamic stance - that would be absurd. But India's anti-Islamic stance is quite evident.

---------- Post added at 11:47 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:47 AM ----------

Pretty much thats a tell tale sign that the majority community has some resentment towards the minorities.

Only for Pakistanis . Pakistan has right since its birth tried to convince the the muslim world that India was anti-muslim to galvanise support against and gang up on India but has failed to do it for more than 64 years now .

A country with a history of muslim superstars, muslim sportsstars , muslim tycoons , muslim presidents , scientists and icons the world was never going to believe your version of India.

riots and injustice are a part of every poor country that too which is as diverse as india it was inevitable . every religious group has extremists and all have done a lot to harm each other .

Muslims with their regular bomb blasts here n there , hindus with their anti minority riots , sikhs with their regular anti hindu massacres in punjab throughout the 80s . people not blinded with hate for india could see that the indian civil society was never for any of this.

India deserves this seat at OIC and will get it one day inshallah .

P.S- What sikh genocide were you talking about ? most authentic/neutral sources put sikh deaths in 1984 riots at 2000-3000 . Genocide is what pakistan did in Bangladesh in 1971 .

The numbers vary from 100,000 killed to 3 million . Now That is a genocide.
If there is an issue in Syria against human rights, thats an internal issue nothing to do with Syria's anti-Islamic stance - that would be absurd. But India's anti-Islamic stance is quite evident.

---------- Post added at 11:47 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:47 AM ----------

India is anti-islamic because we have relationship with Israel? How about your country taking part in killing Palestenians during Black September or being the bed fellow of US for the past 60 years. Pakistan is also the only muslim country to be an ally in the American war in Afghanistan. This in spite of your people hating the US.
Notice how Chinese here talk about Indian 'revenge mentality' , 'inferiority complex', 'Chinese obsession', 'slave mentality' and so forth..

This is almost the story of every thread.

Let me try to explain the point to all Chinese and their fan boys

Revenge for 1962 - First of, we don't even consider it a full scale war., it's like a half-war (kargil) at best., even there, our Air Force was used. India tried it's best not to escalate the war. We aren't in the business of wars. Ours is a welfare state not a security state. It would be obvious from our Poverty figures which our beloved neighbors often bring up (and secretly take comfort in:agree: )
And the 'war' ended after Russia Vetoed it in the UN. For china fan boys, it's something to ponder.
The Point is: Your 'Teaching lessons' to India hasn't really worked considering the fact that India pursed a nuclear program immediately after that and disputes still remain disputes. And we still maintain a 'minimum credible deterrence' Policy for china contrary to what some others here might say., Military might is not our policy. we simply cannot afford it.

Now, if Chinese have an opinion that our Deterrence is nothing for Chinese military might and only out of their mercy for India they aren't attacking to show us our place(or waiting for the right time:sniper:),. It may be a valid opinion in China but not in the real world.

2. Chinese obsession : It's understandable. considering that up until 1990s both of our nations were almost in the same level on the economic chain. China fan boys might resort to 'numbers' to technically discredit my assertion but we all remember the states of our countries well unless of course you were born in the late 90s or after 2000.

3.'Slave mentality' It's laughable. We aren't engaged in this whole 'WEST VS REST' battle. we don't buy both communist party propaganda and west propaganda. For goodness' sake just because you have an 'inferiority complex/superiority of middle kingdom/Asia dominating agenda' and we don't share the same view, don't brand us slaves or US-client state.

And remember your Policy..PEACEFUL RISE ..

You say rise only when you are down. Don't pretend that china was doing better from eternity. It would be an insult to the Chinese people who sacrificed their lives during mindless communist party policies prior to economic growth.

For all Indians and beloved neighbors .. Pls don't compare India with China. It's an insult to say the least. Gandhi Vs Mao . stupid !
well we are friends with israel does not mean that we are enemies of palestine..we were one of the first countries to recognize palestine....
That's a distinction you can try, but c'mon, when was the last time you spoke against Israel? Thats what the OIC wants man, they can't win their fight against Israel by Pro-Israeli, happy go lucky, remembering Palestinians in their hearts, type states.

The Pro-Israeli stance is enough to sell India as an enemy of the OIC.

and please dont start rubbish like anti-islam state...i do not think muslims who kill each other should call anyone else as anti-islamic...muslmis are biggest anti-islamic people in the world if you ask me..you guys have killed more muslims than non-muslims ever will..
Again you are mixing internal issues with your anti-Islamism. You kill Muslims BECAUSE you're anti-Islamic. Muslims die in Islamic countries due to internal issues.

we have different laws for different religious communities because it was need of that community.secularism does not mean to ignore religious practices of different communities...respecting these practices is what makes us secular..
Again how secular or how unsecular you are isn't going to win you the hearts and minds here. Even the US White house throws an iftar party once every year... Anybody buys the US foreign policy is not anti-Islamic?
Only the title looks like sarcasm by author...the whole article is about investment & business in between two countries.

Now if we want to put religion in every thing thats another matter but why are all not debating on the real matter then title only?

Next thing will be "Jesus`s retail market marriage"-USA & India..????
Pakistan didn`t invent Islam so they are nowhere a flag barer of the great religion...they are simply obeying the rules of Islam as much as Indians are..
People make religion a business making shop:angry:

If India & Saudi Arabia`ll do business of any kind,how can Pakistan.China,USA or any one on the earth will force to stop that ...?
yes i know, you are every where and you have been colonised by the brits with only 20.000 troops, single indian city have more population than 20.000.......i'm not trying to offend you or any one, i'm just clearifying things as i see unjustified attack against saudi arabia, though we are a peaceful nation never attacked or harmed any one, we are helping every one even non-muslims, some british getting upset why saudi arabia is investing in india? really does nopt make sense at all, it is just pure jealousy and envy.

y we are offending to each other?
SA can invest in india how much they want cos SA-Indian relationships are not new, they have been taking place for thousand of years !!!
Its not a bad idea at all if it invests in a country so near n have had a historical relationship !!!
Its just the divide n rule policy of the british the hate is here otherwise we would have been friends !!!
We dont need advise from a 300 year old country to say what to do to countries which had friendship and trade for 1000s of years !!!
Tihamah brother please calm down. I know it is frustrating to see your country attacked with lies and BS in every turn by everyone in the world but do as I do I just cringe provide numbers and evidence and end the bashing for today and wait for tomorrow's bash and so on and so forth. You have to learn to keep your emotions at the door when you enter this forum because if you don't your hair will go grey and you will grow horns by the ignorance and outright stupidity of most people here who hate you simply because you are alive and there are many of this type here.

Tihamah brother what you do is provide the evidence you can and watch that person bash and attack again for a few posts and then he will get bored and leave because he realized he couldn't bury the naked truth in front of him.

And to people understand Tihamah's point of view here when he says "Jealousy" you see if one thing Saudis know is that they are hated in this entire world east, west, north, south we wouldn't be surprised if even Aliens would stereotype us and hate us and believe in all the lies said in a day to day bases in media and all the BS we go through. It is not easy being Saudi on this earth because not a single person on Earth likes you even, we are simply hated by everyone and as far as we as people know we have done nothing wrong and this translates automatically as "Jealousy". It is enough that each Saudis that goes to any other country tries his best to hide that fact that he is Saudi as to get some respect by people who once they find out what you are they are quickly to look at you as if you killed their entire family.
3- 20.000 is not a lie, even if i dublicate this number 100 times and say 2 millions brits colonised the whole indian subcontinet it is till one of the funniest jokes in history, for a huge number of people to by defeated by very very small number for 200 years or even more.

Not precisely.

one of the things i like about my people and country we have no weak points :)

Exaggeration. Every country has weak points one way or another.
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