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Energy Marriage - Saudi Arabia and India

Thank you. King Fahad got us into deep $hit we have a strong Pro-American lobby in our government that is decreasing in strength by the day as well. There are many things that people just don't bother to know about, all they do is bluagh blaugh blaugh out of their A$$.

The US Fifth Fleet is there for dual purpose. I am sure it has been made very clear to the Saudis that the American guns can point both ways. It's not going to be easy to free yourselves from America.
The domestic politics in your country will never let you do it and economically Pakistan is dependent of ME countries and you guys got lots of free oil from Saudi Arabia. So, it would be a suicide for you if you take such measures.

We suffer far more by making an enemy of Israel and Aipac which controls American govt

---------- Post added at 11:13 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:11 AM ----------

Quite a strange commentary. I suspect the credibility of the author, looks to me some Rupee news type.

Indian energy need are not hostage to Pakistani sensitivities of any kind.

Cant you read its author is white and English.
We suffer far more by making an enemy of Israel and Aipac which controls American govt

No Pakistani Govt ( civilian / military ) will work towards cooperation with Israel , and even if they do .. Israel would never share their technology know-how with Pakistan ... there's no strategic advantage / political compulsion for them do so ...
Just relax, some Pakistani brothers are shell shocked that even after their 60 year propaganda effort to demonize India as being the anti-Muslim and what not, Saudi's can see through it and based on their interests as well as interests of regional stability come forward and establish a strategic partnership.

Keeping that aside, India-West Asia energy corridor is a no brainer and will be one of THE most important energy relationships in the coming century. Both sides would do well to build up on it.

But I find the title very cheesy. What is Allah or religion got to do with a business transaction?

I want Pakistani members who come and argue and pm me to tell me how good Saudis are to see how Indians are treating these actions of Saudis.
Agreed. The main agenda for OIC year after year is bashing Israel....which we cannot afford to do so.

India a nation of 1.2 billion cant afford to antagonise Israel but we can???? Note to my Pakistani brothers next time we look at Saudis and their assistance. It gets an enemy for us that that even India cant afford.

---------- Post added at 11:22 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:19 AM ----------

The author named like a Christian pretending to be from some oil price website and trying to establish himself as an expert of oil economics. But the kind of language he has used is typical of some specific bigots. He is clearly unhappy with SA- India energy deals and trying to prompt SA not to deal with Hindus. He is speaking for Muslim Pakistan that she is not going to be happy about this deal.

Aww give me a break what evidence do you have to make this stupid assertion. that is a conspiracy theory if i ever herd one

---------- Post added at 11:24 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:22 AM ----------


American arm twisting is definetly there, They want India to dump Iran and may be thts why they want to rope in SA. But Pakistani, their kaypad warriors and their insecurity analyst(s), fail to see that.

For the sake of this forum, we should see how India will deal with Iran in coming days.

This whole Iran thing can be blessing in disguise if IPI pipeline didn't materialize and Pak. remain in dark

Even Indians accept Saudis are American lackeys:rofl:
I want Pakistani members who come and argue and pm me to tell me how good Saudis are to see how Indians are treating these actions of Saudis.

Well the Indians have never seen the Saudi Pak relationship in good light.
We are Hindu majority but not a Hindu country which you guys always want to project us. Commenting without reading for what I made that Comment. It was about OIC membership and every country even with 7-8% of Muslim population got the membership of the Organisation like Suriname, Mozambique, Guyana, Ivory Coast. But Pakistanis were paranoid about India.

If we are Hindu majority country,is that our fault but Hinduism is not our state religion. Even they are 13.5% in India, they are still 170 Million in India and 170 Millions Muslims can't be ignored for Paranoia of Pakistanis.

Go check out the Hindutva thread. BJP is the opposition party and has been in power. The philosophy has more in common with Zionists anyway we are going off thread. India is responsible for killing Muslims eg Gujrat and Kashmir. You are not a Muslim country. Just like your govt opposes us on lots of national forums cos you perceive us as enemies we will continue to oppose Indian membership of any organisation. For example UN security seat nothing to do with Islam we will continue opposing your aspirations
all examples given by you do not prove that india is not a secular country..it only proves that in india there are tensions between "some hindus and some muslims"..tensions like these will persist forever because it is human nature...do i need to mention how muslims kill muslims in islamic countries??

we are a secular country because our constitution gives equal rights to every Indian irrespective of religion....whether people use these rights or not is different issue.

Indians are not secular. look at Hindutv thread. They say you can call a flower by whatever name it smells just as sweet. In India's case you can call it secular, you can call it an orange, an apple doesn't change what it actually is. India is not secular at all. Even if we were to accept your assertion that it was why would a secular country want to or be allowed to join a non secular organisation :rofl:

---------- Post added at 11:37 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:34 AM ----------

That's the different case how we treated them. There is lot more examples of Brutal Muslims regimes from Morocco to Pakistan. People always blame others, Darfur genocide in Sudan, Shia massacre in Iraq , 1971 Bengali genocide and list goes on.

And also stop talking about Muslims of India, your relation is over with soon you chose for Pakistan and they stayed in India and other thing please don't care about them care about Biharis who's whole generation grown in cleaning gutters in Bangladesh and your minister Naseerullah Babur used to spread open hatred against them.

Also the number of people who died of communal riots in India in last 15 years, more people had died of target killing in Karachi in last two years.

Oh the old mitigation nut we are not as bad as so and so. Give me a break others wrongdoing is no mitigation for what you country does or has done
Really? There is no dearth of human rights abuse among muslim countries. to name a few

Pakistani genocide in Bangladesh. Even by the lowest count, that would probably be the largest killing of muslims. Pakistan's treatment of Shia Hazaras and bombing of shrines. Attack on Balochis.

Saddam Hussein's genocide of Kurds.

Turkey's treatment of Kurds

And I have not even started on the muslim dictatorships that abuse its citizens .

So stop giving lame reasons .

What is it with you Indians don't you understand your crimes are not washed away because Saddam or others were worse
you are correct, it is just a business deal thats not harming any one.

Your intellectual prowess or lack of it knows no bounds. Earlier on this thread you were telling others that if they dealt with Israel that hey would have to answer to God and now business is business.

I leave readers to see through your incredulous hypocrisy. Remember Pakistani members this is Arabs views next time you jump to their defense
Hey PS, India has nothing to do with Pakistan's friendship with SA. If you ask me, I would say that as both are Islamic countries/Sunni majority countries, such friendship is natural.
The problem is that some (not all) Pakistanis have this notion that since India is an enemy therefore any friend of India is automatically an enemy of Pakistan. Pakistan therefore has opposed India's friendship with every Islamic country, and we do have many friends there. India and SA have been friends for a long time, you will recall that SA supported our OIC membership for long while you opposed it. SA has been friendly to us despite our good relations with Iran and Israel. But you have a problem with that. Pakistan even has a problem with growing closer relations between India and Turkey. This is an attitude you have to shed some day. It is based on pure emotions and does not work in modern day international relations. `
I don't want to drag Israel into this discussion. Suffice it to say that the Palestinians are not some football we can toss around to score points. Our support for the Palestinian cause stands on its own merit as a humanitarian cause. It has nothing to do with pleasing or displeasing anyone else.

As for the Saudi-American relationship, I feel for the new Saudis. KSA is in the same situation as Pakistan where previous rulers have dug such a deep grave and forged such strong dependence on the Americans that it is hard for the new generation to extricate themselves. Modern Saudis know that Zionists hold America by the b*lls and that the Zionist media has created such a negative image of Arabs around the world. However, because of the idiocy of past kings, they are stuck in this marriage with America.

We don't have to be support Palestinian cause to our detriment. Indians here claim to support Palestinian cause but are friends with Israel we should do the same. Yes we support Palestinian cause just like Turks or even the Indians. Recognition of Israel is a must if we are to look after our country first like others do.
Hey PS, India has nothing to do with Pakistan's friendship with SA. If you ask me, I would say that as both are Islamic countries/Sunni majority countries, such friendship is natural.
The problem is that some (not all) Pakistanis have this notion that since India is an enemy therefore any friend of India is automatically an enemy of Pakistan. Pakistan therefore has opposed India's friendship with every Islamic country, and we do have many friends there. India and SA have been friends for a long time, you will recall that SA supported our OIC membership for long while you opposed it. SA has been friendly to us despite our good relations with Iran and Israel. But you have a problem with that. Pakistan even has a problem with growing closer relations between India and Turkey. This is an attitude you have to shed some day. It is based on pure emotions and does not work in modern day international relations. `

True.... the thing is we believe just because we watch out for their benefits they have to do it aswell.... i personally dnt care unless they form a defence pact of some sort with india.... tht im worried about.
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